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炼油是连续性自动化生产,其操作人员的正常工作主要是在值班室通过监视仪表来控制装置。为了防止设备噪声对人体的危害,应修建隔音值班室。经过对本厂30个隔音值班室实际运行的调查、分析,认为隔音值班室是减少噪声危害的有效途径。  相似文献   

交通运输行业是二氧化碳和空气污染物排放的主要贡献者之一,开展交通领域的减污降碳协同控制政策是实现“双碳”目标和空气污染防治的迫切需要。本研究追溯了交通领域减污降碳协同控制的起源及发展,回顾了交通领域协同减污降碳的主要路径,具体包括交通基础信息协同、交通排放清单编制协同、交通减排目标设定与减排情景分析协同、交通减排技术及措施工具箱协同,以及交通减排保障措施协同。然后,从研究范围、研究方法、协同度评价体系构建、污染相关健康协同效应、研究区域等方面对交通领域减污降碳协同控制的研究实践及特点进行了分析,并相应提出了对未来研究的展望。  相似文献   

实施可持续发展战略,就是要实现经济建设与环境保护协调发展。本文从佳木斯市实际出发,提出了环境保护职能部门如何参与经济结构调整以实现经济与环境协调发展的意见和建议。  相似文献   

高级氧化法去除水中药物和个人护理用品的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
药品和个人护理用品(PPCPs)由于其对环境及人体具有潜在影响,受到国内外越来越多的关注。高级氧化技术(AOPs)对于处理PPCPs极具发展前景。本文概括了药品和个人护理用品(PPCPs)的概念和种类,并对几种高级氧化技术处理PPCPs的基本原理和处理效果做了较为详细的阐述并提出进一步可能的研究方向。  相似文献   

小铝厂受经济、技术条件的限制,采用湿法、干法净化技术不合算。针对小铝厂生产排污的特点,以新疆兵团农五师艾比湖电解铝厂环境影响的评价为例,探讨采用自动打壳加料,密闭排烟,高空稀释排放的可行性。  相似文献   

区域开发环境影响因素分析初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着经济的不断发展,我国的环境影响评价制度从建设项目环境影响评价正在向区域环境影响评价方向发展。国家环保总局已颂布了工程项目环境影响评价的技术导则,关于区域环境影响评价的技术导则正在制定之中。而当前区域环境影响评价在我国很多地方都已开展,并取得一定的成果。本文根据区域环境影响评价工作中的体会就区域环境影响因素分析提出了一些具体的方法。  相似文献   

季浩宇 《四川环境》2015,(1):155-157
本文对环境统计工作中工业源污染物排放量的各种核算方法的特点及使用局限进行了分析,从控制统计调查误差的角度出发,提出环境统计数据应反映企业污染物排放"能力"的观点,并就核算方法的选用原则作了建议。  相似文献   

资源环境与经济发展的矛盾日益突出,严格控制碳排放是增强可持续性发展的根本途径.研究参考已有文献,将碳平衡引入土地适宜性评价研究,分别从经济、生态、社会角度建立了基于碳平衡的城市圈土地适宜性评价指标体系,具体包括碳源适宜性评价和碳汇适宜性评价.运用基于蚁群算法的投影寻踪模型得到两类适宜性综合评价值.碳平衡适宜性评价结果显示,各城市适宜性差异显著,存在较大的区域内协调潜力.运用多目标规划模型在适宜性评价的基础上对城市圈的碳排放权进行优化配置.碳排放权配置研究可促进低碳经济发展,是生态文明建设的目标之一,对城市圈可持续发展具有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

城市既是受到气候变化和空气污染影响的重点区域,又是落实应对气候变化和大气污染防控政策的关键主体。在城市尺度上研究减污降碳政策的协同效应及其时空异质化的影响规律,将为因地制宜地制定减污降碳政策提供依据。本研究分析了2012—2019年我国284个地级市减污降碳协同效应指数的动态时空变化特征和规律;而后通过构建STIRPAT模型和地理时空加权回归(GTWR)模型,探讨了低碳政策、大气污染物防控政策、产业结构等驱动因素对减污降碳协同效应的时空异质化影响机制。结果表明:全国主要地级市耦合协调度指数平均值由2012年的0.79增加至2019年的0.85,环京津冀区域、汾渭平原等京津冀大气污染传输通道城市区域耦合协调度指数显著提高。以低碳试点城市为代表的区域,其降碳政策、减污政策、产业结构、人口规模、城镇化水平以及技术投入对减污降碳协同效应的影响存在显著的空间异质性。华北平原城市群作为大气污染防治的重点区域,主要通过减污政策提高协同效益;低碳政策主要在京津冀城市群、长江中游以及东南沿海地区城市发挥作用;中西部城市则主要通过产业结构调整、加大技术投入实现协同效益。最后,基于此提出促进城市减污降碳协同效益的对策建议。  相似文献   

北京作为我国的首都、环境保护的首善之区,在环境问题上应该,也必须是安全的。但实际上,北京大气污染、水体污染日益加剧,水资源紧张,环境安全形势严峻。本文根据2005—2014年十年环境污染统计数据,运用层次分析法、灰色聚类分析法对北京市城市环境安全进行了评价分析,结果表明,北京市城市环境安全度为6.3~6.89,属于较安全级别。十年来北京市环境安全状况呈好转趋势,环境安全度最低值出现在2006年,最高值出现在2011年,增幅9%。地表水的氨氮、BOD、高锰酸盐指数及大气污染中的PM10污染相对严重。PM10安全度指数2005—2007年偏低,由于奥运减排措施的持续作用及沙尘影响减弱,2006—2013年安全度逐年增高,2014年安全度略有下降,但整体呈好转趋势。北京市地表水污染仍为有机污染型,2005—2014年的十年间,通过结构减排、工程减排、监管减排等措施,地表水有机污染得到很大改善,各项污染物浓度总体呈下降趋势。总体而言,环境空气质量仍未达标,水环境污染仍较突出,应针对评价结果加大相应的环境治理措施,确保首都环境安全。  相似文献   

大气环境质量评价的加权灰色关联分析法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
灰色关联分析法是近年来环境质量评价中应用较多的一种方法,可较真实地反映环境质量评价中污染程度的灰色性。在传统灰色关联分析法的基础之上,从关联系数计算、权重确定等方面对其进行了改进,提出了加权灰色关联分析法,并用于大气环境质量评价中。  相似文献   

Emissions trading will not be able to become the single instrument of a national climate policy because of costs for monitoring of greenhouse gases and transfers of allowances. Thus, it is important to assess optimal ways of integrating emissions trading into national climate policy mixes, thus leading to a more efficient policy, especially by allowing the use of transboundary transactions. The implemented trading systems of the UK and Denmark, the agreed EU one, and the planned ones of Norway are used as case studies. In the UK, the introduction of an energy tax on industry was the catalyst that led to the development of emissions trading, voluntary agreements, and two subsidy programs. However, in Denmark trading was limited in scope and not integrated with the successful emission tax. The EU and Norwegian trading schemes both have a large scope and integrate international transfers; the former is integrated with other instruments to avoid free riding. Policy integration will thus enhance the efficiency improvements that emissions trading can introduce.  相似文献   

Worldwide energy demand has been growing steadily during the past five decades and most experts believe that this trend will continue to rise. The amount of emitted harmful emission gases increases in parallel with increasing energy consumption. This increase has forced many countries to take various precautions, and various restrictions on emitted emissions have been carried. In this study, effects of addition of oxygen containing nanoparticle additives to biodiesel on fuel properties and effects on diesel engine performance and exhaust emissions were investigated. Two different nanoparticle additives, namely MgO and SiO2, were added to biodiesel at the addition dosage of 25 and 50 ppm. Fuel properties, engine performance, and exhaust emission characteristics of obtained modified fuels were examined. As a result of this study, engine emission values NOx and CO were decreased and engine performance values slightly increased with the addition of nanoparticle additives.  相似文献   

田泽  顾莹 《中国环境管理》2016,8(3):73-76,105
国际贸易中碳排放转移关系到贸易双方的碳权分配与碳排放责任,处理好贸易出口和碳排放关系非常重要。本研究应用投入产出法及模型,对我国2002—2011年出口贸易的碳排放进行测算。结果显示,出口贸易与出口贸易隐含碳排放呈现出同比增长关系,从出口规模和结构看,电气、机械及器材制造业,基本金属及金属制品业,通用、专用设备制造业,化学原料和化学制品制造业等行业的碳排放位居前列,行业高碳结构性特征明显;短期内出口贸易与出口隐含碳的正相关关系不会有明显变化,但从长期来看二者的正相关关系将会趋于减弱。本研究提出以碳减排为约束,转变出口贸易结构,促进传统制造业优化升级,发展低碳贸易产品和绿色产业等建议。  相似文献   

在家用空调系统的有源功率因数校正中,需要在输入电压的过零时刻开启功率因数校正功能,以避免非零相位时刻开启功率因数校正功能造成的输入电流超调冲击。提出一种频率自适应的过零检测方法,根据输入电流开环检测电网电压频率,在已知频率的基础上采用输入电流峰值闭环跟踪的方法进行过零检测。该方法不需要检测输入电压,能够自动适应50 Hz与60 Hz应用,同时该方法能够实时侦测电网电压短时中断。  相似文献   

Improved techniques for measuring and monitoring the state of biodiversity are required for reporting on national obligations to international and regional conservation institutions. Measuring the extent of grazing-related degradation in semi-arid ecosystems has proved difficult. Here we present an accurate and cost-effective method for doing this, and apply it in a South African semi-arid region that forms part of a globally significant biodiversity hotspot. We grouped structurally and functionally similar vegetation units, which were expert-mapped at the 1:50,000 scale, into four habitat types, and developed habitat-specific degradation models. We quantified degradation into three categories, using differences between dry and wet season values of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) for the three succulent karoo habitats, and the difference between maximum and mean NDVI values for the subtropical thicket habitat. Field evaluation revealed an accuracy of 86%. Overall, degradation was high: 24% of the study area was modeled as severely degraded, and only 9% as intact. Levels of degradation were highest for bottomland habitats that were most exposed to grazing impacts. In sharp contrast to our methods, a widely used, broad-scale and snapshot assessment of land cover in South Africa was only 33% accurate, and it considerably underestimated the extent of severely degraded habitat in the study area. While our approach requires a multidisciplinary team, and in particular expert knowledge on the characteristics and spatial delimitation of vegetation types, it is repeatable, rapid, and relatively inexpensive. Consequently, it holds great promise for monitoring and evaluation programs in semi-arid ecosystems, in Africa, and beyond.  相似文献   

Appropriate land management decisions are important for current and future use of the land to ensure its sustainability. This requires that land management units (LMUs) be specified to enable the identification of specific parameters employed in decision making processes. This paper presents the development of a conceptual model, within geographic information systems (GIS), for defining and assessing LMUs from available biophysical information. The model consists of two main components (sub-models): land quality-based suitability analysis and soil erosion estimation. Using a fuzzy set methodology, the first sub-model was constructed to derive a land suitability index (LSI) for a cropping land utilization type. The LSI thus highlights the suitability grades of every pixel in the study area on a continuous basis. A sub-model of soil erosion was established based on the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) utilising the same spatial data bases employed for structuring the LSI. Using a soil loss tolerance principle, a fuzzy membership function of average annual soil loss (called soil loss index, SLI) was established, leading to compatibility between LSI and SLI for data integration. LMUs were then derived from various combinations of LSI and SLI. The methodology developed shows the significance of the model for refining available land suitability evaluation systems, which take no account of expected land degradation (from erosion) due to a nominated land use. It also provides a valuable guideline for cost-effective GIS applications in the identification and assessment of homogeneous land units, using available spatial information sets, at a finer scale.  相似文献   

干旱区绿洲生态环境建设之途径--以新疆阿克苏绿洲为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以干旱区绿洲的特定地域条件和干旱区绿洲的表现特征为对象,介绍了处于塔克拉玛干沙漠北缘的阿克苏绿洲的状况,对干旱区绿洲的共性及存在的主要环境问题做了分析阐述。认为在实施西部大开发战略中,扩大绿洲面积、加快生态环境建设力度;建立生态环境补偿机制,动用政策、经济、技术的手段;合理调配绿洲种植结构,全面推广节水农业;提高水土资源合理开发利用与有效保护。这些途径将有助于绿洲生态环境的改善。  相似文献   

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