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Metabasites from the northern Adula Nappe Complex (ANC) display a complex microstructural evolution recording episodes of deformation and metamorphic re‐equilibration that were obliterated in the surrounding phengite‐bearing schists. Pre‐D1 and D1 deformation episodes are preserved as mineral inclusions within garnet cores of some amphibole‐bearing eclogites and record high‐temperature greenschist‐/amphibolite‐facies conditions. D2 produced an eclogite‐facies foliation which developed at 580 ± 70°C and 19 ± 3 kbar. D3 was a composite deformation episode which can be divided into three sub‐episodes D3m, D3a and D3b which occurred as the metamorphism evolved from post‐eclogitic high‐pressure and low‐temperature conditions through to amphibolite‐facies conditions at 590 ± 30°C and 11.7 ± 1.3 kbar. The D3 deformation episode was responsible for the development of the S3 regional‐scale foliation in the surrounding schists, whilst D4 caused the development of an S4 greenschist foliation. The composite nature of the D3 episode indicates that rocks of the northern ANC experienced a protracted post‐eclogitic structural reworking and that the current structure of this part of the Alps is a late‐Alpine feature. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract The 6-km-thick Karmutsen metabasites, exposed over much of Vancouver Island, were thermally metamorphosed by intrusions of Jurassic granodiorite and granite. Observations of about 800 thin sections from the Campbell River and Buttle Lake area show that the metabasites provide a complete succession of mineral assemblages ranging from the zeolite to pyroxene hornfels facies around the intrusion. The most important observations are as follows. (1) The compositional change of Ca-amphiboles with increasing metamorphic grade is not straightforward. The tremolite component decreases from the prehnite–actinolite facies to the greenschist facies with a compensating tschermak component increase, but the tendency is not clear thereafter. Instead, the edenite component increases from the amphibolite facies to the pyroxene hornfels facies. (2) The most pargasitic Ca-amphibole occurs in high-Fe2+/Mg metabasite from the greenschist/amphibolite transition zone. (3) The reasons for such irregular compositional trends, even in the rather uniform MORB-like composition of the Karmutsen metabasites, are non-ideal solid solutions of Ca-amphibole at low temperature and the effective control by bulk rock composition in the amphibolite facies. (4) The data from this study support, but do not prove, a transition loop for the actinolite–hornblende compositional gap rather than a solvus. If the gap is a solvus, its shape is asymmetric, and is highly dependent on the other compositional parameters such as Fe3+/Al and Fe2+/Mg. (5) The XNaA/XA±XAb) ratios between Ca-amphibole and plagioclase are most useful as an indicator of metamorphic grade even within the amphibolite facies, and these change systematically from 0.2 to 0.5 from the greenschist to pyroxene hornfels facies. (6) The compositional trend of Ca-amphibole from the Karmutsen metabasites indicates a typical low-P/T metamorphic facies series on a Rbk–Gln–Tr–Ts diagram.  相似文献   

Metamorphism in the late Permian to early Cretaceous North Island basement greywackes has been investigated using petrography and clay mineral crystallinity. Several terranes are represented in the North Island greywackes and the study area includes Murihiku, Manaia Hill, Bay of Islands and Omahuta terranes and the Mélange Zone. Very low-grade metamorphic events in the greywackes have produced mineral assemblages of zeolite to pumpellyite-actinolite greywacke facies. Zeolite facies greywackes are characterized by the assemblage Zeo (Lmt, Anl, Hul)+Qtz±Ab±Cal± Chl±I±I/S* observed in the entire Murihiku terrane and in the eastern part of the Bay of Islands terrane and the Mélange Zone. The entire Manaia Hill, most of the Bay of Islands, the eastern area of the Omahuta terranes and the central part of the Mélange Zone are at prehnite-pumpellyite facies with mineral assemblages of Prh+Qtz+Chl+Pmp+Ab+± Ill±Cal±Lmt. Pumpellyite-actinolite facies with the mineral assemblage of Pmp±Act+Qtz+Ab+Chl±Ep±Ill±Cal±Chl occurs in the western part of the Mélange Zone and the Omahuta terrane.

Illite (IC) and chlorite (ChC) crystallinity values of greywackes are very similar and range from diagenetic zone to anchizone. Metamorphic conditions indicated by the IC and ChC and mineral facies are in excellent agreement and correlate as follows: crystallinity diagenetic-zone with the zeolite mineral facies, crystallinity lower anchizone with prehnite-pumpellyite mineral facies and crystallinity upper anchizone with pumpellyite-actinolite mineral facies. The general increase in the metamorphic grade from east to west, except in Murihiku terrane, is compatible with the sequence of accretion expected in a subduction environment.  相似文献   

The wedge‐shaped Moornambool Metamorphic Complex is bounded by the Coongee Fault to the east and the Moyston Fault to the west. This complex was juxtaposed between stable Delamerian crust to the west and the eastward migrating deformation that occurred in the western Lachlan Fold Belt during the Ordovician and Silurian. The complex comprises Cambrian turbidites and mafic volcanics and is subdivided into a lower greenschist eastern zone and a higher grade amphibolite facies western zone, with sub‐greenschist rocks occurring on either side of the complex. The boundary between the two zones is defined by steeply dipping L‐S tectonites of the Mt Ararat ductile high‐strain zone. Deformation reflects marked structural thickening that produced garnet‐bearing amphibolites followed by exhumation via ductile shearing and brittle faulting. Pressure‐temperature estimates on garnet‐bearing amphibolites in the western zone suggest metamorphic pressures of ~0.7–0.8 GPa and temperatures of ~540–590°C. Metamorphic grade variations suggest that between 15 and 20 km of vertical offset occurs across the east‐dipping Moyston Fault. Bounding fault structures show evidence for early ductile deformation followed by later brittle deformation/reactivation. Ductile deformation within the complex is initially marked by early bedding‐parallel cleavages. Later deformation produced tight to isoclinal D2 folds and steeply dipping ductile high‐strain zones. The S2 foliation is the dominant fabric in the complex and is shallowly west‐dipping to flat‐lying in the western zone and steeply west‐dipping in the eastern zone. Peak metamorphism is pre‐ to syn‐D2. Later ductile deformation reoriented the S2 foliation, produced S3 crenulation cleavages across both zones and localised S4 fabrics. The transition to brittle deformation is defined by the development of east‐ and west‐dipping reverse faults that produce a neutral vergence and not the predominant east‐vergent transport observed throughout the rest of the western Lachlan Fold Belt. Later north‐dipping thrusts overprint these fault structures. The majority of fault transport along ductile and brittle structures occurred prior to the intrusion of the Early Devonian Ararat Granodiorite. Late west‐ and east‐dipping faults represent the final stages of major brittle deformation: these are post plutonism.  相似文献   

Abstract The Mesozoic Murihiku and Waipapa terranes are two accretionary wedges of linked forearc and trench sediments, respectively, that were juxtaposed in the early Cretaceous.
Late Triassic to late Jurassic Murihiku terrane volcaniclastic sediments are folded into a regional syncline and have been diagenetically altered. There is a general relationship between zeolite occurrence, clay mineralogy, vitrinite reflectance and stratigraphic position. Youngest Jurassic sediments contain heulandite, analcime and stilbite, whereas late Triassic to mid-Jurassic sediments have laumontite and heulandite (in detail the zeolite distribution is complicated). Tuffaceous horizons on the eastern limb of the syncline are calcitized rather than zeolitized. Post-diagenetic fractures associated with uplift are laumontite-filled. The inferred geothermal gradient is c. 15° C km−1.
The Waipapa terrane is an accretionary complex dominated by imbricated terrigenous sediments of Triassic and Jurassic age with enclosed Permian to Jurassic pelagic sediments and basalts. Late Jurassic sediments are massive volaniclastic sandstones. The sediments are non-foliated, and metamorphic minerals in the massive sandstones have crystallized in specific domains. The observed metamorphic succession of prehnite-pumpellyite and pumpellyite-actinolite facies assemblages was overprinted in the imbricated rocks during a thermal event that was late in the deformation sequence and broadly coincident with hydraulic fracturing and veining.
The metamorphic successions in the two terranes and their relationships to structural features are in excellent accord with accretionary complex models.  相似文献   

Abstract The Hidaka metamorphic terrane in the Meguro-Shoya area, Hokkaido, Japan is divided into four progressive metamorphic zones: A—biotite zone; B—cordierite zone; C—cordierite–K-feldspar zone; and, D—sillimanite–K-feldspar zone of the andalusite–sillimanite facies series type of metamorphism. The metamorphic grade ranges from the higher temperature part of the greenschist facies (zone A) through the amphibolite facies (zones B and C) to the lower temperature part of the granulite facies (zone D). The zone boundaries intersect the bedding planes at high angles. P–T conditions estimated are 450–550°C and 2 kbar for zone A, 550–600°C and 2–2.5 kbar for zone B, 600–650°C and 2.5–3 kbar for zone C and 650–750°C and 3–4 kbar for zone D. The metapelites of zone D were partially melted.
At the later stage of the regional metamorphism which is early Oligocene to early Miocene in age, cordierite tonalite and biotite tonalite intrusives associated with segments of the highest grade rocks (zone D) were emplaced into the lower temperature part of the regional metamorphic rocks, giving rise to a contact metamorphic aureole. The thermally metamorphosed terrain (zone C') belongs to the amphibolite facies and its P–T conditions are estimated to have been 550–700°C and 2 kbar.
The P–T–t paths of the Hidaka metamorphism show a thickening–heating–uplifting process. The metamorphism is inferred to have taken place beneath an active island arc accompanied by partial melting of the crust.  相似文献   

Abstract The metamorphic history of the Middle to Upper Jurassic volcanic and hypabyssal rocks exposed in the Klamath Mountains and Sierra Nevada of California is related, in part, to the rifting of a volcano-plutonic arc. The Callovian to Kimmeridgian rocks exposed in the region consist of, from north-west to south-east, a back-arc ophiolite, a rifted volcanic arc and a volcanic arc complex. All of these units have been metamorphosed and contain various combinations of the phases chlorite, amphibole, epidote, prehnite and pumpellyite. Projection of coexisting phases onto the composition plane MgO/(MgO + FeO) and Al2O3+ Fe2O3 - 0.75 CaO - Na2O through quartz, water, albite and epidote results in consistent mineralogical compatibilities within each region, but crossing tie-lines between regions. This suggests that the volcanic and hypabyssal rocks from each region have equilibrated under different intensive conditions. The back-arc ophiolite in the north has suffered subseafloor high-T/P hydrothermal metamorphism with geothermal gradients on the order of 100° C km?1. The rifted volcanic arc has undergone synchronous burial, hydrothermal and contact metamorphism. Metamorphic field gradients in the region pass through the prehnite-pumpellyite and greenschist facies suggesting geothermal gradients on the order of 30° C km?1. The southernmost volcanic arc complexes contain metavolcanics of the pumpellyiteactinolite and greenschist facies suggesting moderate- to high-P/T metamorphism and geothermal gradients on the order of 20° C km?1. The apparent increase in rifting and calculated geothermal gradients from south-east to north-west suggest that the observed very low- and low-grade metamorphism may be a response to enhanced thermal gradients during extension of the volcanic arc. This correlation between the extent of rifting and metamorphism is consistent with a model of diastathermal metamorphism of a propagating rift along the western margin of North America during the Late Jurassic. The plate tectonic setting may be analogous to the present-day Andaman Sea region.  相似文献   

王舫  刘福来  刘平华 《岩石学报》2011,27(11):3280-3294
片麻岩是点苍山-哀牢山变质杂岩带最常见的岩石类型,主要由夕线石榴黑云二长片麻岩、石榴黑云斜长片麻岩以及含十字石蓝晶夕线石榴片麻岩所组成,其原岩的化学成分与华北克拉通典型孔兹岩系十分相似.岩相学、成因矿物学和变质反应性质研究以及温压条件估算结果表明,研究区片麻岩类岩石变质峰期的温压条件为T=700~770℃,P=0.5~0.8GPa,已达到或接近麻粒岩相变质,晚期退变质阶段的温压条件为T=600~650℃,P=0.35~0.45GPa.片麻岩变质演化的P-T轨迹具有顺时针型式.在麻粒岩相变质阶段,片麻岩类岩石普遍发生深熔作用,主要表现为含水矿物黑云母的脱水熔融和长英质矿物的部分熔融.该项研究对于进一步揭示青藏高原东南缘点苍山-哀牢山造山带的变质演化深熔作用机理及动力学过程具有重要的科学意义.  相似文献   

桐柏杂岩中印支期变质岩包体的变质作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
桐柏杂岩位于桐柏地区两条印支期高压变质带之间,长期以来被认为是一个前寒武纪变质杂岩体。由于岩石学和年代学研究资料的缺乏,对其构造属性和变质演化过程一直存在着模糊的认识。通过详细的野外地质调查,在桐柏杂岩中发现了含有石榴石的斜长角闪岩和片麻岩包体。对这些包体的变质作用研究发现,其主要矿物虽然受到晚期低温扩散的影响,但变质反应结构并不发育。变质作用温压估算结果显示,这些包体的峰期变质条件达到了高角闪岩相,其T=560~670℃,p=0.57~0.90 GPa。年代学资料表明,桐柏杂岩的主体为强烈变形的燕山期花岗岩体,其中变质岩包体的变质时代为印支期。然而,由于在这些变质岩包体中尚未找到高压或超高压变质的证据,它们是印支期高压/超高压岩石的退变产物,还是只经历了中下地壳变质作用影响的中压岩石,尚需今后进一步的探索。  相似文献   

A sequence of regional metamorphic isograds indicating a range from prehnite-pumpellyite to lower amphibolite facies was mapped in metabasites near Flin Flon, Manitoba. The lowest grade rocks contain prehnite + pumpellyite and are cut by younger brittle faults containing epidote + chlorite + calcite. Isobaric temperature- X CO2 and pressure-temperature (constant X CO2) diagrams were calculated to quantify the effects of CO2 in the metamorphic fluid on the stability of prehnite-pumpellyite facies minerals in metabasites containing excess quartz and chlorite. Prehnite and, to a lesser extent, pumpellyite are stable only in fluids with X co2 <0.002. For X co2>0.002, epidote + chlorite + calcite assemblages are stable. Our calculated phase relations are consistent with regional metamorphism in the Flin Flon area in the presence of an H2O-rich fluid and a more CO2-rich fluid in the later fault zones. We believe that the potential effects of small amounts of CO2 in the metamorphic fluid should be assessed when considering the pressure-temperature implications of mineral assemblages in low-grade metabasites.  相似文献   

吉林桦甸地区太古宙麻粒岩变质作用的PTt轨迹   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本区太古代的表壳岩系(基性麻粒岩及富铝片麻岩等)经历了麻粒岩相变质作用,根据矿物共生组合及其转化关系可将形成麻粒岩的变质作用划分为早期角闪岩相阶段(T=575-600℃,P=0.59GPa)、峰期麻粒岩相阶段(T=835℃,P=0.85GPa)和晚期角闪岩相阶段(T=620℃,P=0.70GPa),其PT_t轨迹为逆时针方向。峰期升温升压过程及晚期近等压冷却过程与IBC型PT_t轨迹相似,反映其形成于岛弧或大陆边缘构造环境。  相似文献   

The Waterman Metamorphic Complex of the central Mojave Desert was exposed as a consequence of early Miocene detachment-dominated extension. However, it has evidence consistent with a more extensive geological history that involves collision of a crustal fragment(s), tectonic thickening by overthrusting and two periods of extension. The metamorphic complex contains granitoid intrusives and felsic mylonitic gneisses as well as polymetamorphic rocks that include marble, calc-silicate, quartzite. mafic granulite, pyribolite, amphibolite, migmatite and biotite schist. The latter group of rocks was affected by an initial series of high-grade metamorphic events (M1 and M2) and a localized lower grade overprint (M3). The initial metamorphism (M1) can be separated into two stages along its high-grade P–T path: M1a, a granulite facies metamorphism at 800–850° C and 7.5–9 kbar and Mlb, an upper amphibolite facies overprint at 750–800° C and 10–12 kbar. M1a developed mineral assemblages and textures consistent with granulite facies conditions at a reduced activity of H2O and is associated with intense ductile deformation (D1) and minor local partial melting. M1b overprinted the granulite assemblages with a series of hydrous phases under conditions of increasing pressure and H2O activity and is accompanied by little or no deformation. M2 developed at lower pressures and temperatures (650–750° C, 4.5–5.5 kbar) and is distinguished by a second local overprint of hydrous phases that reflects an input of aqueous fluids probably associated with the intrusion of a series of granitic dykes and veins. Effects of M3 are confined to the Mitchel detachment zone, an anastomosing early Miocene detachment fault, and are characterized by local ductile/brittle deformation (D2) of the pre-existing high-grade rocks and granitoid intrusives and by the production of mylonites and mylonitic gneisses under greenschist facies conditions (300–350° C, 3–5 kbar). The initial overprint (M1a) represents metamorphism, devolatilization and minor partial melting of supracrustal rocks under granulite facies conditions as a consequence of tectonic and, possibly, magmatic thickening. The increasing pressure transition of M1a to M1b reflects a period of continued compressional tectonism, thrusting and influx of H2O, in part, locally related to crystallization of partial melts. The near isothermal decompression between M1b and M2 probably represents a pre-112-Ma extensional episode that may have been the result of a decompressional readjustment of a thickened crust. Following the initial extensional event, the metamorphic complex remained at depths of 10–17 km for at least 90 Ma until it was uplifted following Miocene extension. M3 develops locally in response to this second extensional period resulting from the early Miocene detachment faulting.  相似文献   

在北秦岭商南松树沟出露的高压变质基性岩石,包括高压基性麻粒岩和石榴单斜辉石岩,遭受了从中压麻粒岩相、高角闪岩相到绿帘角闪岩相的连续的退变质作用的改造。这些岩石形成的温度为826℃~887℃,压力约为1.40~1.58GPa,其不同退变质阶段的温压条件依次分别是765℃~825℃和约1.03~1.14GPa、650℃~750℃和约0.9GPa以及400℃~500℃和约0.5~0.6GPa。它们共同构成一个早期近等温降压(ITD)和晚期降温降压的顺时针PTt演化轨迹。结合高压岩石983±140Ma的退变质年龄和松树沟残存的蛇绿岩片考虑,这些高压岩石的形成和抬升与秦岭造山带中、晚元古宙时期洋壳的俯冲、消减和陆块碰撞伴随的快速构造上升作用有关。  相似文献   

The Vincent thrust of the San Gabriel Mountains, southern California, separates eugeoclinal Pelona Schist from overlying Precambrian to Mesozoic igneous and metamorphic rocks of North American continental affinity. The thrust is generally considered to be synmetamorphic because of similarity in structural orientations and mineral assemblages between the Pelona Schist and mylonites at the base of the upper plate. In this study, compositions of calcic amphibole and plagioclase in the upper plate and structurally high Pelona Schist were compared to further test this interpretation. Amphibole in the schist is mostly actinolite to actinolitic hornblende with high Na/Al ratio, indicating relatively high-P/low-T metamorphism. Individual grains are zoned, with concentrations of both Na and Al decreasing from cores to rims. Premylonitic amphibole in the upper plate is hornblende, tschermakite and pargasite with compositions indicative of low- or medium-P metamorphism. During mylonitization, this amphibole was replaced by actinolite to actinolitic hornblende with a similar range of Na and Al as amphibole rims in the Pelona Schist, but with slightly lower Na/Al ratio. This is consistent with the decrease of Na/Al up-section previously noted within the Pelona Schist of this area, and is considered to be the result of an inverted thermal gradient during thrusting. Convergence of composition between schist and upper plate also occurs for K and Ti contents of amphibole and An content of plagioclase. These features provide strong evidence that mylonitization of the upper plate is closely related in space and time to metamorphism of the Pelona Schist and therefore that the Vincent thrust is a remnant of the primary fault along which the Pelona Schist and correlative units were subducted beneath North America. Nonetheless, very fine-scale differences in amphibole composition between the schist and upper plate may indicate that metamorphic re-equilibration could not quite keep pace with movement on the fault.  相似文献   

A subduction complex composed of ocean floor material mixed with arc-derived metasediments crops out in the Elephant Island group and at Smith Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, with metamorphic ages of 120–80 Ma and 58–47 Ma, respectively. Seven metamorphic zones (I–VII) mapped on Elephant Island delineate a gradual increase in metamorphic grade from the pumpellyite–actinolite facies, through the crossite–epidote blueschist facies, to the lower amphibolite facies. Geothermometry in garnet–amphibole and garnet–biotite pairs yields temperatures of about 350 °C in zone III to about 525 °C in zone VII. Pressures were estimated on the basis of Si content in white mica, Al2O3 content in alkali amphibole, NaM4/AlIV in sodic-calcic and calcic amphibole, AlVI/Si in calcic amphibole, and jadeite content in clinopyroxene. Mean values vary from about 6–7.5 kbar in zone II to about 5 kbar in zone VII. Results from the other islands of the Elephant Island group are comparable to those from the main island; Smith Island yielded slightly higher pressures, up to 8 kbar, with temperatures estimated between 300 and 350 °C. Zoned minerals and other textural indications locally enable inference of P–T t trajectories, all with a clockwise evolution. A reconstruction in space and time of these PT t paths allows an estimate of the thermal structure in the upper crust during the two ductile deformation phases (D1 & D2) that affected the area. This thermal structure is in good agreement with the one expected for a subduction zone. The arrival and collision of thickened oceanic crust may have caused the accretion and preservation of the subduction complex. In this model, D1 represents the subduction movements expressed by the first vector of the clockwise P–T–t path, D2 reflects the collision corresponding to the second vector with increasing temperature and decreasing pressure, and D3 corresponds to isostatic uplift accompanied by erosion, under circumstances of decreasing temperature and pressure.  相似文献   

施建荣  杨红  刘福来  孟恩  刘平华  王舫  蔡佳 《岩石学报》2013,29(6):2251-2264
新疆西南天山哈布腾苏地区的高压-超高压变质基性岩(榴辉岩和蓝片岩)主要以形态各异的岩块或构造透镜体形式产于其围岩变质沉积岩石榴多硅白云母片岩中.本文对这些变质基性岩进行了详细的岩石学、矿物学和地球化学研究,并对其原岩性质及区域构造演化进行了讨论.地球化学分析结果显示其原岩成分主要为拉斑玄武岩和少量碱性玄武岩.榴辉岩原岩可进一步划分为N-MORB(正常洋中脊玄武岩)、E-MORB(富集洋中脊玄武岩)和OIB(洋岛玄武岩)三种类型,而蓝片岩为OIB型.第一种榴辉岩具低的TiO2(1.00% ~ 1.08%)、P2O5 (0.09% ~0.15%)和∑REE(35.98×10-6 ~ 43.51×10-6)含量以及低的LREE/HREE(1.35 ~ 1.43)和(La/Yb)N(0.63 ~0.71)比值等特征,具有N-MORB属性,暗示其原岩可能来源于亏损的地幔源区,形成于大洋环境;第二种榴辉岩具有较高的Ti(TiO2=1.35% ~2.25%)、P(P2O5 =0.05% ~0.20%)和∑REE(60.10×10-6~ 77.35×10-6)含量和较高的LREE/HREE(1.25 ~2.43)、(La/Yb)N (0.52~1.52)比值,具有E-MORB特征;第三种榴辉岩TiO2含量为1.16% ~2.86%,Zr/Y=5.32 ~ 7.78,∑REE=79.12×10-6 ~ 192.1×10-6,LREE/HREE =4.15 ~6.54,(La/Yb)N =3.77 ~9.44,其轻重稀土元素分异明显,显示OIB属性,暗示其原岩可能来源于富集地幔源区.而OIB型蓝片岩则富集TiO2(1.39%~2.86%)和∑REE(88.18×10-6~227.8×10-6)和具有相对高的(La/Yb)N(5.03~9.84)和Zr/Y(4.93 ~9.55)比值,这些特征与OIB型榴辉岩类似,暗示二者可能具有共同的岩浆源区.新疆西南天山哈布腾苏地区具MORB和OIB属性岩石组合的出现揭示该区早古生代曾发育有洋盆,其演化过程中可能受到结晶分异作用以及异源岩浆混合的影响,导致该区的变质基性岩元素地球化学特征具有MORB和OIB的亲缘性,暗示其原岩是在大洋中脊和临近洋岛共同作用背景下形成的.该区榴辉岩和蓝片岩的形成可能与先存洋壳残片经历高压-超高压变质作用及后期构造折返有关.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The High Himalayan Crystallines (HHC) of SE Zanskar consist of biotite paragneisses, of orthogneisses that derive from early-Palaeozoic granitoids, of minor metabasics and of post-metamorphic leucogranites of Miocene age. Two main metamorphic events have been documented in the HHC. The first event occurred at P= 12.0 ± 0.5 kbar and T= 750 ± 50° C in rare metabasics intruded by early-Palaeozoic granitoids. In the biotite paragneisses, thermobarometric estimates of the first event point to comparable T at P 4–5 kbar lower. The first event is followed by a pervasive syn-tectonic crystallization characterized by lower P and T. On the basis of the cooling ages of the metamorphic minerals and on the geological evidence, the second event is referred to the Tertiary Himalayan crystallization. Further petrological and geochronological studies are necessary to prove whether a few mineral relics ascribed to the first event define a polyphase Himalayan evolution or if they record the incomplete obliteration of an older history during the Himalayan event. The HHC of SE Zanskar show a decrease in metamorphic grade from the middle structural levels upward, close to the Kade unit, and downward, close to the Lesser Himalaya (from sillimanite-K-feldspar-biotite-bearing assemblages to kyanite-staurolite-muscovite-bearing assemblages). This metamorphic zonation is probably a consequence of the polyphase history of intracontinental thrusts and of the tectonic emplacement of hot crustal slabs within shallower and colder thrust sheets at relatively late stages of the continental collision between India and Eurasia.  相似文献   

L. Gaggero  L. Cortesogno 《Lithos》1997,40(2-4):105-131
The 117.38 m of gabbroic core drilled during the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 153 at Sites 921 to 924 in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) between 23 °N and the Kane Fracture Zone, exhibits a remarkable primary compositional heterogeneity, such as magmatic layering, intrusive contacts and late magmatic veining, which express a succession of magmatic events. Textural indicators suggest that the cooling of the crystal mush occurred in a dynamic environment, with infiltration of progressively evolved liquids. Magmatic features include random shape fabric and magmatic lamination; the subsequent deformational overprint occurred in subsolidus conditions. The ductile deformation, generally concentrated in discrete domains of the gabbro, is associated with continuous re-equilibration of the metamorphic assemblages of (1) olivine + clinopyroxene + orthopyroxene + plagioclase + ilmenite + Ti-magnetite, (2) olivine + clinopyroxene + plagioclase + ilmenite + Ti-magnetite + red hornblende. At lower temperatures brittle deformation prevails and subsequent fractures control the development of metamorphic assemblages: (3) clinopyroxene + plagioclase + red brown hornblende + Ti-magnetite + magnetite (?) + ilmenite, (4) plagioclase + brown hornblende + Ti-magnetite + magnetite + hematite + titanite ± Ti-oxide, (5) plagioclase + green hornblende + magnetite + titanite, (6) plagioclase + actinolite + chlorite + titanite + magnetite, (7) albite + actinolite + chlorite + prehnite ± epidote ± titanite and (8) albite + prehnite + chlorite ± smectite. Assemblages 1 to 8 express increasing water/rock ratios and decreasing degrees of recrystallization.

During the ductile phase, red hornblende is stable and its abundance increases with deformation intensity, possibly as an effect of the introduction of hydrous fluids. During the brittle phase, water diffusion controls the development of the fracture-filling mineral assemblages and re-equilibration of the adjacent rock; temperatures decrease further, as demonstrated by mineral zoning and incompletely re-equilibrated assemblages. The lowest temperatures correspond to the development of hydrothermal assemblages.

Compared with oceanic gabbros from fast-spreading transform environments, high-temperature ductile phases (granulite and amphibolite) are well developed, whereas brittle phases are widespread, as microcracks, prevalent on fracturing associated with discrete veins.  相似文献   

Variations in assemblage and composition of the constituent minerals in basic and intermediate metavolcanics encountered in the Zarouchla Group of the Phyllite-Quartzite Series are consistent with a progressive sequence, corresponding to temperature conditions estimated at 290-380°C (minimum values) under a total pressure greater than 3°5kbar and possibly as high as 5 kbar. In the absence of more critical evidence, the parageneses recorded in the metavolcanic rocks are interpreted as belonging to a prograde facies series from the lawsonite-albitechlorite facies through the pumpellyite-actinolite facies to the greenschist facies. The present distribution of mineral assemblages does not show a simple increase of metamorphic grade in a given direction but is apparently related to the tectonic evolution of the metamorphic sequence.  相似文献   

Large-scale geological maps available for individual areas in the Central Sakhalin Fault zone and geological-geophysical maps of Sakhalin and surrounding sea areas were analyzed to elucidate the tectonic evolution of the fault zone determined by movements of crustal blocks due to the opening of rift basins. Changes in the direction of horizontal compression in the Sakhalin fold system from diagonal (NW-SE) to near-latitudinal resulted in the transformation of near-meridional right-lateral strike-slip faults into reversed faults in the Late Miocene. This allows Sakhalin faults to be interpreted as a zone of recent right-lateral shear between Eurasian and Sea of Okhotsk plates.  相似文献   

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