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A shallow aquifer in central South Dakota was monitored for thepresence of nitrate and pesticides. A total of 593 nitrate samples and428 pesticide samples were analyzed from nine different sites and 14wells between 1989 and 1994. Nested wells were installed at four sitesto characterize the distribution pattern of nitrate and pesticidemovement in ground water. Nitrate concentrations and pesticidedetections were qualitatively compared with area precipitation and watertable fluctuations. The results indicate that nitrates tend to betransported by a leaching mechanism in a matrix flow and may appearin ground water within months after the fertilizer application in thefields. The pesticide movement is primarily controlled by geologicaland chemical characteristics of medium and pesticides.  相似文献   

Particle-bound PAHs were measured at three sites in southeastern Spain (an urban background location, a suburban-industrial site in the vicinity of two cement plants and a rural area) in order to investigate the influence of the type of location on PAH concentrations. A clear influence of cement production on particulate PAH levels could not be established since for the urban background and suburban-industrial sites the average concentrations of total PAHs in the PM2.5 fraction were very similar (1.085 and 1.151 ng m(-3), respectively), with benzo[b+k]fluoranthene and chrysene as the predominant compounds. Diagnostic ratios, used to identify PAH emission sources, pointed to traffic as the main source of particulate PAH at both locations. As expected, PAH levels at the rural site were significantly lower (0.408 ng m(-3) in the PM10 fraction) due to increasing distance from the emission sources. PAH seasonal variations at the urban background and suburban-industrial sites were the same as reported in many previous studies. Average winter to summer ratios for total PAHs were 4.4 and 4.9 for the urban background and industrial sites, in that order. This seasonal cycle could be partially explained by the higher temperature and solar radiation during summer enhancing PAH evaporation from the particulate phase and PAH photochemical degradation, respectively. The study of PAH distribution between the fine and coarse fraction at the urban site revealed that on average around 80% of total PAHs were associated with fine particles.  相似文献   

To analyze polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) at an urban site in Seoul, South Korea, 24-hr ambient air PM2.5 samples were collected during five intensive sampling periods between November 1998 and December 1999. To determine the PAH size distribution, 3-day size-segregated aerosol samples were also collected in December 1999. Concentrations of the 16 PAHs in the PM2.5 particles ranged from 3.9 to 119.9 ng m−3 with a mean of 24.3 ng m−3.An exceptionally high concentration of PAHs(∼120 ng m−3) observed during a haze event in December 1999 was likely influenced more by diesel vehicle exhaust than by gasoline exhaust, as well as air stagnation, as evidenced by the low carbon monoxide/elemental carbon (CO/EC) ratio of 205 found in this study and results reported by previous studies. The total PAHs associated with the size-segregated particles showed unimodal distributions. Compared to the unimodal size distributions of PAHs with modal peaks at < 0.12 μm measured in highway tunnels in Los Angeles (Venkataraman and Friedlander, 1994), four- to six-ring PAHs in our study had unimodal size distributions, peaking at the larger size range of 0.28–0.53 μm, suggesting the coagulation of freshly emitted ultrafine particles during transport to the sampling site. Further, the fraction of PAHs associated with coarse particles(> 1.8 μm) increased as the molecular weight of the PAHs decreased due to volatilization of fine particles followed by condensation onto coarse particles.  相似文献   

In a baseline study, muscle and liver from important commercial fish belonging to different trophic levels were analysed for organochlorines. Samples of sole, sardine and hake were collected from seven locations off the Continental coast and greater forkbeard and horse mackerel off two Azores islands. Residues of ppDDT, ppDDE and PCBs were present in all muscle and liver samples. ppDDD occurred in all liver samples and in most muscle samples, except in sole where it occurred in 29% of the samples. Dieldrin was detected less frequently and did not occur in samples from the Azores. The residue levels were generally similar to those detected in related species from the North Sea, except for samples of sole collected between the Tagus and Sado estuaries where much higher residues were obtained. In view of the low consumption of insecticides in the Azores, it is proposed that long-range transport of organochlorines by winds and/or marine currents is responsible for their presence in this area. The organochlorine residues found in these fish showed no relationship with their position in the food chain but the values did increase with the quantity of lipids present. An unknown compound analysed by GC-MS interfered with DDE quantification in one sample of greater forkbeard.  相似文献   

Stormwater runoff in urban areas can contribute high concentrations of dissolved organic matter (DOM) to receiving waters, potentially causing impairment to the aquatic ecosystem of urban streams and downstream water bodies. Compositional changes in DOM due to storm events in forested, agricultural, and urban landscapes have been well studied, but in situ sensors have not been widely applied to monitor stormwater contributions in urbanized areas, leaving the spatial and temporal characteristics of DOM within these systems poorly understood. We deployed fluorescent DOM (FDOM) sensors at upstream and downstream locations within a study reach to characterize the spatial and temporal changes in DOM quantity and sources within an urban water conveyance that receives stormwater runoff. Baseflow FDOM decreased over the summer season as seasonal flows upstream transported less DOM. FDOM fluctuated diurnally, the amplitude of which also declined as the summer season progressed. During storms, FDOM concentrations were rapidly elevated to values orders of magnitude greater than baseflow measurements, with greater concentrations at the downstream monitoring site, revealing high contributions from stormwater outfalls between the two locations. Observations from custom, in situ fluorometers resembled results obtained using laboratory methods for identifying DOM source material and indicated that DOM transitioned to a more microbially derived composition as the summer season progressed, while stormwater contributions contributed DOM from terrestrial sources. Deployment of a mobile sensing platform during varying flow conditions captured spatial changes in DOM concentration and composition and revealed contributions of DOM from outfalls during stormflows that would have otherwise been unobserved.  相似文献   

Motor vehicles constitute a significant source of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emissions to the atmosphere. Particle-phase priority pollutant PAH concentrations and total suspended particle mass (TSP) were measured in the Lapa bus station and the Americo Simas Tunnel, located in the city of Salvador, Brazil. Separate samples were collected at the bus station at different times of the day, including rush- and non-rush-hour periods. The highest concentrations for nearly all 16 priority PAHs measured at the bus station were observed at 18:30 h, with chrysene showing the highest mean value (26.6 ng m-3). The highest average PAH concentrations measured in the tunnel were observed for pyrene (79.4 +/- 11.5 ng m-3) followed by fluoranthene (39.0 +/- 5.2 ng m-3) and chrysene (28.0 +/- 4.17 ng m-3). TSP levels reached 423 micrograms m-3 in the bus station, and values as high as 2 mg m-3 in the tunnel. The measured Salvador tunnel PAH profiles are very similar to the Salvador bus station profiles, and are similar to PAH profiles reported for the Kojouike Tunnel, located in Kurashiki City, Japan, and the Caldecott Tunnel, located in Berkeley, California.  相似文献   

This study reports source apportionment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in particulate depositions on vegetation foliages near highway in the urban environment of Lucknow city (India) using the principal components analysis/absolute principal components scores (PCA/APCS) receptor modeling approach. The multivariate method enables identification of major PAHs sources along with their quantitative contributions with respect to individual PAH. The PCA identified three major sources of PAHs viz. combustion, vehicular emissions, and diesel based activities. The PCA/APCS receptor modeling approach revealed that the combustion sources (natural gas, wood, coal/coke, biomass) contributed 19–97% of various PAHs, vehicular emissions 0–70%, diesel based sources 0–81% and other miscellaneous sources 0–20% of different PAHs. The contributions of major pyrolytic and petrogenic sources to the total PAHs were 56 and 42%, respectively. Further, the combustion related sources contribute major fraction of the carcinogenic PAHs in the study area. High correlation coefficient (R 2 > 0.75 for most PAHs) between the measured and predicted concentrations of PAHs suggests for the applicability of the PCA/APCS receptor modeling approach for estimation of source contribution to the PAHs in particulates.  相似文献   

Profiles of the bioaccessibility of soil polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in different urban functional areas of Xiamen City, Fujian, China were investigated. A physiologically based in vitro test was used to evaluate the bioaccessibility of total and individual PAHs. There was no obvious correlation between total concentrations of PAHs and bioaccessibility during the gastrointestinal phase for the soils from different functional areas. Results showed that the bioaccessibility variation in the gastrointestinal phase (ranging from 14.6% to 63.2%) was significantly higher than that in the gastric phase (ranging from 4.9% to 21.8%). The bioaccessibility in the gastrointestinal phase was not only determined by soil organic materials but also directly related to physical and chemical properties of individual PAHs, except for two-ring PAHs. Increasing soil organic material content or decreasing ring numbers of PAHs could result in the decrease of PAH bioaccessibility. The total PAH bioaccessibility was largely contributed by individual PAHs with relatively high molecular weight.  相似文献   

Silurian–Ordovician (S–O) aquifer system is an important drinking water source of central and western Estonia. The fluoride and boron contents of groundwater in aquifer system vary considerably. The fluoride concentration in 60 collected groundwater samples ranged from 0.1 to 6.1 mg/l with a mean of 1.95 mg/l in the study area. Boron content in groundwater varied from 0.05 mg/l to 2.1 mg/l with a mean value of 0.66 mg/l. Considering the requirements of EU Directive 98/83/EC and the Estonian requirements for drinking water quality, the limit value for fluoride (1.5 mg/l) and for boron (1.0 mg/l) is exceeded in 47 and 28 % of wells, respectively. Groundwater with high fluoride and boron concentrations is found mainly in western Estonia and deeper portion of aquifer system, where groundwater chemical type is HCO3–Cl–Na–Mg–Ca, water is alkaline, and its Ca2+ content is low. Groundwater of the study area is undersaturated with respect to fluorite and near to equilibrium phase with respect to calcite. The comparison of TDS versus Na/(Na?+?Ca) and Cl/(Cl?+?HCO3) points to the dominance of rock weathering as the main process, which promotes the availability of fluoride and boron in the groundwater. The geological sources of B in S–O aquifer system have not been studied so far, but the dissolution of fluorides from carbonate rocks (F?=?100–400 mg/kg) and K-bentonites (F?=?2,800–4,500 mg/kg) contributes to the formation of F-rich groundwater.  相似文献   

In the framework of the German environmental specimen bank one-year old spruce shoots (Picea abies) and pine shoots (Pinus sylvestris) serve as bioindicators for the atmospheric pollution. Sampling is performed in two urbanized areas in western and eastern Germany (Warndt and Duebener Heide, respectively), and in seven different rural locations. Prior to archiving conifer shoots are continuously analyzed for a set of 17 individual polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The results from the two urbanized areas show that the atmospheric contamination with PAH has declined by about 75% between 1985 and 2004 at Warndt and by about 85% between 1991 and 2004 at Duebener Heide. However, summation operatorPAH concentrations stayed virtually constant at both locations since the end of the 1990s at levels of about 100 ng g(-1) wet weight (ww). In spruce shoots from rural areas current concentrations of PAHs are significantly lower and vary between 8 and 61 ng g(-1) ww. In all shoot samples the four low molecular aromatics phenanthrene, fluoranthene, pyrene, and chrysene dominate the pattern by contributing 60 to 90% to summation operatorPAH. The group of high molecular weight aromatics is dominated by benzo[b,j,k]fluoranthene, especially in spruce shoots originating from greater altitudes remarkable amounts of six and seven ringed PAHs could be detected. Despite the strong decrease of PAH concentrations in urban areas patterns of aromatics remained nearly unchanged in the observation period 1985 to 2004.  相似文献   

Soil and groundwater contamination is one of the important environmental problems at petroleum-related sites, which causes critical environmental and health defects. Severe petroleum hydrocarbon contamination from coastal refinery plant was detected in a shallow Quaternary sandy aquifer is bordered by Gulf in the Northwestern Gulf of Suez, Egypt. The overall objective of this investigation is to estimate the organic hydrocarbons in shallow sandy aquifers, released from continuous major point-source of pollution over a long period of time (91 years ago). This oil refinery contamination resulted mainly in the improper disposal of hydrocarbons and produced water releases caused by equipment failures, vandalism, and accidents that caused direct groundwater pollution or discharge into the gulf. In order to determine the fate of hydrocarbons, detailed field investigations were made to provide intensive deep profile information. Eight composite randomly sediment samples from a test plot were selected for demonstration. The tested plot was 50 m long?×?50 m wide?×?70 cm deep. Sediment samples were collected using an American auger around the point 29° 57′ 33″ N and 32° 30′ 40″ E in 2012 and covered an area of 2,500 m2 which represents nearly 1/15 of total plant area (the total area of the plant is approximately 3.250 km2). The detected total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs) were 2.44, 2.62, 4.54, 4.78, 2.83, 3.22, 2.56, and 3.13 wt%, respectively. TPH was calculated by differences in weight and subjected to gas chromatography (GC). Hydrocarbons were analyzed on Hewlett–Packard (HP-7890 plus) gas chromatograph equipped with a flame ionization detector (FID). The percentage of paraffine of the investigated TPH samples was 7.33, 7.24, 7.58, 8.25, 10.25, 9.89, 14.77, and 17.53 wt%, respectively.  相似文献   

A model has been developed to assess temporal and spatial changes in the concentration of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) contaminant in whole fish from Lake Huron during the years 1980 to 2004. The model uses log PCB concentration as the response variable and includes time trend, within-lake variability and dependence on age, weight and length as explanatory variables. A preliminary examination of the data revealed that some values are recorded as below detection limits (thus leading to the left censoring), and the PCB concentration appears to show declines in latter years. To this end, parametric log-location-scale regression models used in survival analysis were employed. It has been found that the Weibull model yields a better fit than the log-logistic or the log-normal models. The analysis provides strong evidence that, starting in 1996, the level of PCB concentration showed steady decline, which is most contributed by the Canadian and US governments?? actions carried out earlier to reduce the load of toxic contaminants to the Great Lakes. Spatially, fish from the north of the lake is less contaminated than fish from the south. The pattern and magnitude of the estimated spatial and temporal trends can provide useful information regarding the safety of fish consumption, the setting of regularity limits, the identifiability of PCB sources and the effects of remedial actions in the future. In addition, the developed model is not restricted to the current application but could be used for the analysis of other contaminants.  相似文献   

A simple device consisting of a Petri dish containing cellulose paper soaked with paraffin oil (hereinafter defined "artificial leaf", AL) was deployed in a typical urban site and partitioning of a set of PAHs between the atmosphere and AL was investigated. Gas-phase PAHs rapidly equilibrate with AL, thus rendering it a promising cost-effective tool for spatial and temporal trends studies of air quality.  相似文献   

The concentrations and distributions of some typical chlorinated flame retardants (Dechlorane or Mirex, Dechlorane 602 (Dec 602), Dechlorane 603 (Dec 603), Dechlorane 604 (Dec 604) and Dechlorane Plus (DP)) and brominated FRs (polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), pentabromoethylbenzene (PBEB) and 1,2-bis(2,4,6-tribromophenoxy)ethane (BTBPE)) were analyzed in surficial sediment collected from the Dalian coastal area in northeast China. Dec 603, Dec 604, and BTBPE were below their respective limits of detection (LOD) in all sediment samples, while Dechlorane, Dec 602, DP, Σ13BDE (tri- to hepta-BDEs), BDE 209, and PBEB were identified in the ranges <0.015-39.9 ng g(-1) dry weight (dw), <0.011-0.156 ng g(-1) dw, 0.69-7.00 ng g(-1) dw, 0.017-1.33 ng g(-1) dw, 3.94-103 ng g(-1) dw, and <0.073-1.9 ng g(-1) dw, respectively. Relationships between these chlorinated and brominated FRs were analyzed using Pearson's correlation and principal component analysis (PCA). DP, Dechlorane, Σ13BDE, and BDE 209 showed significantly positive correlation (p<0.05), and these relationships showed excellent agreement with PCA results. The spatial trends for Dechlorane, DP, BDE 209, and Σ13BDE showed that high concentrations were found in the industrial zone and lower concentrations in residential and garden zones. The results imply that these FRs are originating from a common source, and support the view that direct input from the effluent of sewage outlets is a major source of these compounds in Dalian sediment.  相似文献   

The study deals with the combined contribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and metals to health risk in Delhi soils. Surface soils (0–5 cm) collected from three different land-use regions (industrial, flood-plain and a reference site) in Delhi, India over a period of 1 year were characterized with respect to 16 US Environmental Protection Agency priority PAHs and five trace metals (Zn, Fe, Ni, Cr and Cd). Mean annual ∑16PAH concentrations at the industrial and flood-plain sites (10,893.2?±?2826.4 and 3075.4?±?948.7 μg/kg, respectively) were ~15 and ~4 times, respectively, higher than reference levels. Significant spatial and seasonal variations were observed for PAHs. Toxicity potentials of industrial and flood-plain soils were ~88 and ~8 times higher than reference levels. Trace metal concentrations in soils also showed marked dependencies on nearness to sources and seasonal effects. Correlation analysis, PAH diagnostic ratios and principal component analysis (PCA) led to the identification of sources such as coal and wood combustion, vehicular and industrial emissions, and atmospheric transport. Metal enrichment in soil and the degree of soil contamination were investigated using enrichment factors and index of geoaccumulation, respectively. Health risk assessment (incremental lifetime cancer risk and hazard index) showed that floodplain soils have potential high risk due to PAHs while industrial soils have potential risks due to both PAHs and Cr.  相似文献   

One hundred and fourteen surface sediments were collected from the Maozhou River Watershed in Shenzhen, China from December 2009 to January 2010. Three individual chlorinated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (ClPAHs), six individual brominated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (BrPAHs), and five corresponding parent polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were determined. The concentration of 9-chlorophenanthrene was the highest ranging from 0.51-289 ng g(-1) (average, 16.5 ng g(-1)). For BrPAHs, the concentration of 2-bromofluorene was the highest ranging from 0.31-266 ng g(-1) (average, 35.3 ng g(-1)). No correlation was observed between the concentrations of ClPAHs and parent PAHs in surface sediments. In addition, there was no correlation between 1-bromopyrene, 7-bromobenz(a)anthracene and 9,10-dibromoanthracene, and corresponding parent PAHs. However, a significant correlation was found between 9-bromophenanthrene and phenanthrene (p < 0.01), between 9-bromoanthracene and anthracene (p < 0.05), and between 2-bromofluorene and fluorene (p < 0.05). Six fly ash samples collected from one of the municipal domestic waste incineration plants in Shenzhen were also analyzed for source identification. The concentration of 7-bromobenz(a)anthracene was the highest, ranging from 3.21-4.08 ng g(-1). In addition, 2-bromofluorene was not detected in all the fly ash samples. No correlation was found between the concentrations of Cl-/BrPAHs and corresponding parent PAHs in fly ashes. We also examined the relationship between the levels of Cl-/BrPAHs in surface sediments and the urbanization process. Our results suggested the levels of individual Cl-/BrPAHs congeners presented a similar increasing trend with the increasing urbanization level.  相似文献   

Atmospheric concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Delhi were evaluated to study particulate PAHs profiles during the different seasons of 2003. Samples of urban suspended particulate matter were collected during January 2003 to December 2003 at three locations (Okhla, Dhaulakuan and Daryaganj), using a high volume sampler provided with glass fiber filters. Samples were analyzed using the gas chromatography technique. The annual average concentrations of total PAHs were found as 1,049.3 ng/m(3) at Okhla, 1,344.37 ng/m(3) at Daryaganj, and 1,117.14 ng/m(3) at Dhaulakuan. The seasonal average concentrations were found to be maximum in winter and minimum during the monsoon season. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the data was also carried out and the results indicate that diesel and gasoline driven vehicles are the principal sources of PAHs at all the three sites under investigation. Other sources might come from stationary combustion sources such as cooking fuel combustion and industrial emission.  相似文献   

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