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描述多组份精馏塔要用众多的方程式,数字仿真是求得它的动态响应的有效方法,如果有J个组份,不是理论板,非恒分子流,在一块加料板上有气、液混合进料,并假设回流R及再沸器供热量Q_B恒定,在这样的条件下本文编排了仿真程序,仿真结果与文献[1]提供的数据一致,稍加更动后也可仿真其他情况。  相似文献   

一种改进的多元精馏塔动态模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄克谨  钱积新 《化工学报》1992,43(4):482-488
综合了精馏塔的物料及能量平衡、塔板水力学方程、塔板效率及再沸器动态特性,给出一种改进的非理想多元物系精馏塔通用动态数学模型.增加了汽液平衡计算,从而弥补了文献[1]所提出的动态模型的缺陷,提高了其精度和通用性.模型仿真算法采用Gear积分方法,稳定性好,对解刚性比很高的精馏塔微分方程组十分有效.通过对某丙烯腈萃取精馏塔的仿真表明,该动态模型能够较好地反映对象的动态形为.  相似文献   

A new dynamic non-equilibrium mixing-pool model for simulating start-up and dynamic re-sponse of a distillation column is reported.The proposed model is established on the basis ofconsidering the two dimensional flow/mixing behavior of actual trays in a distillation column.Com-parison is made among the computed results of the start-up time and the dynamic response time bythe proposed and five other typical models.It is found that the computed time for both dynamicprocesses is longer by the model which considers any flow/mixing pattern than by the model withoutsuch concern.The inertia effect of flow/mixing seems to be important and can not be ignored inmodeling the transient process of distillation.The proposed model,which is believed to be suitableto large column,seems somewhat useful in predicting industrial distillation dynamics.  相似文献   

带中间贮槽的间歇精馏塔由2个分离段及其中间的贮槽组成。假定液体持液量和待分离的体系的相对挥发度均保持不变,建立了该塔的一个简化的模型,由此得到各组分在整个塔中的分布情况。在此基础上,又考察了各个操作参数对分离效果的影响。  相似文献   

多组分分离塔序列相对费用函数的建立和应用   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
施宝昌  王健红 《化工学报》1997,48(2):175-179
通过大量的严格法模拟计算和归纳总结,提出了更为合理的相对费用函数F以取代分离度系数,进一步提高了探试法用于分离序列合成的实用性、可靠性和适用性。  相似文献   

多元精馏过程的非平衡级动态模型   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
秦永胜  唐杰 《化工学报》1997,48(2):166-174
提出了-种通用的多元精馏过程非平衡级动态模型。模型中采用传质、传热速率方程表征实际塔板上的传递过程,避免了级效率的计算。通过引入“分离效率函数”提出一种简洁适用的仿真模型和求解算法,分析了速率模型与“平衡级一级效率”模型之间的内在联系。在两个工业精馏塔上进行了仿真计算和实验检验,结果表明,非平衡级动态模型能够准确预测实际塔板上的动态行为。  相似文献   

酒精回收塔的计算机模拟与工业实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在计算机上运用McGraw-Hill公司的化工过程模拟软件,对酒精回收塔的精馏过程进行了模拟计算。模拟结果有利于提高酒精质量和产品回收率。采用新型高效规整填料,大大地提高了生产能力和分离效率。据此技术设计的精馏塔,具有极大的优越性,工业应用非常成功。  相似文献   

This paper presents experimental data and estimated distillation efficiencies of an industrial scale distillation column separating i-butane and n-butane. The data gathered from plant instruments and laboratory analysis were reconciled and compared to distillation simulations. The simulations were performed with a number of real plates using the point and the Murphree plate efficiency calculation model. This matrix model of efficiency at first estimates the point efficiencies using the two-film and multicomponent mass transfer theory. The point efficiencies are then converted into Murphree plate efficiencies using a liquid mixing model. The whole method is implemented in a computer program to simulate an industrial distillation column with real plates. Finally the calculated product compositions are compared with reconciled measurements. The values of overall, section, point and Murphree plate efficiencies of multicomponent i-butane/n-butane system are also calculated. The results show that point efficiencies are not adequate for large industrial scale columns. The results also imply that the plate efficiency calculation method can be utilized and employed in the design and simulation of industrial scale columns.  相似文献   

应用严格的热力学模型研究了带有侧线返回进料的氢同位素低温精馏塔的分离特性.根据氢同位素低温精馏体系的特点,以平衡级模型为基础建立了氢同位素低温精馏稳态模拟模型,确定了模型方程适宜的求解方法.塔的一股侧线出料流股经过一个平衡反应器完成平衡反应后,作为内部进料流股,与原外部进料混合后重新进入精馏塔内进行分离操作.通过对带有侧线返回进料的塔的计算模拟阐明了这一侧线流股对塔分离特性的影响.在平衡反应器内,HD部分分解为H2和D2,塔顶产品中H2的浓度增加了8.635%,塔底D2的浓度增加了11.327%.  相似文献   

精馏过程的动态模拟   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
宋海华  余国琮 《化工学报》1994,45(4):413-421
在各类典型精馏过程稳态模型的基础上,建立了6类典型非稳态精馏模型,并对动态精馏过程的开环响应进行了模拟计算.计算结果表明,实际精馏塔内存在的非平衡效应和惯性效应对非稳态精馏的动态响应过程有很大影响,其中惯性效应的影响更为突出.本文建立的三维非平衡混合池动态精馏模型充分地考虑了精馏过程中的非平衡效应和惯性效应,因此相信能够更适合于模拟实际的动态精馏过程.  相似文献   

面向方程联立求解的精馏塔模拟与优化一体化算法   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
在精馏塔机理模型的基础上,提出了面向方程联立求解的精馏塔模拟与优化一体化算法.精馏塔模型方程的特殊结构使得可以进行一定的变量分解和降维,采用面向方程联立求解的技术,使模拟计算和寻优搜索在同一层迭代中完成,避免了双层法每一步优化搜索都需进行模型收敛计算的缺点.从而大大提高了计算效率.同时,这样的联立法提供了一种开放式的统一框架.无论是模拟计算、操作优化还是设计优化都可以毫无困难地利用这个灵活的计算结构进行解算.文中用两个计算实例说明了这个方法的有效性.  相似文献   

Industrial distillation columns typically lack adequate on-line instrumentation required for implementing high performance, model-based control systems which depend on composition measurements. The typical practice is to base product quality control schemes instead on tray temperature measurements since these are usually available on-line. While this strategy has been applied with success on a wide variety of distillation columns, some special considerations may be necessary in dealing with high-purity columns. This paper presents results which address some of the key issues involved with the use of tray temperature measurements as surrogates for composition measurements, and with the development of appropriate input/output models for multi variable control of high-purity columns. For the purpose of illustration, we investigate the performance of several model predictive control schemes based on a linear model, a “high frequency” model, and a nonlinear temperature transformation, along with that of conventional multiloop PID control. Closed-loop control performances are compared for setpoint changes as well as for changes in unmeasurable load disturbances.  相似文献   

In this work, dynamic analysis and control of a packed distillation column have been utilized theoretically and experimentally. In theoretical studies, two types of mathematical models stagewise (Frank model) and partial differential approaches (back-mixing model), were used. Packed distillation uses 1400 mm packing height, and packing type is rashing ring with 20-15 mm diameter. The reboiler was made from a 13 L glass container. Reflux ratio was adjusted by an on-line computer. The system temperature was measured with six thermocouples. For control studies, the reflux ratio and the reboiler heat dutywere chosen as manipulated variables. Perturbation in feed composition was utilized as the disturbance. Decoupling multivariable dynamic matrix control (DDMC) and Nondecoupling multivariable dynamic matrix control (NDMC) of overhead and bottom compositions were applied for control studies. Performance of the control system was tested by using an integral absolute error (IAE) criterion and it was also compared with decoupling multivariable PID control (DPID) and Nondecoupling multivariable PID control (NDPID).  相似文献   

精馏塔联立优化的简约空间SQP算法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
邵之江  钱积新 《化工学报》1998,49(4):511-514
引言采用面向开放式方程的联立算法求解精馏塔优化问题,可以使模拟计算和寻优搜索在同一层迭代中完成,避免了双层法每一步优化搜索都需进行模型收敛计算的缺点,从而可以大大提高计算效率.而且原则上可任意指定自由变量.无论是模拟计算、操作优化还是设计优化都可以利用这个灵活的计算结构进行解算.高效、可靠的非线性约束最优化算法是实现精馏塔联立优化的关键.在流程模拟和过程系统优化中,序贯二次规划法(SequentialQuadraticProgramming,SQP)因其较高的计算效率而被广泛应用.SQP算法中,每一个迭代步都需要求解一个QP子问题…  相似文献   

预测非理想多元混合物精馏点效率的新模型   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
宋海华  王秀英 《化工学报》1996,47(5):571-580
提出一个新的计算非理想多元元精馏物系Murphree点效率的方法,在计算塔板上鼓泡液体中汽液两相间的传质通量时,充分考虑了在扩散路径上混合物组成的变化所产生的影响,同时根据多相湍流动力学的原理计算了鼓泡液体中汽、液相的接触面积.利用这个新模型对6个多元非理想混合物的计算,表明它能够准确地预测某些组元点效率的奇异性,而且预测的精度明显地优于现有其他方法,证明它是一个有效的、可靠的非理想多元精馏点效率预测方法.  相似文献   

Feedforward and PID-SISO feedback control are compared on a pilot plant scale distillation column which is operated in the LV-configuration. For the rejection of disturbances in the feed concentration, a simple empirical feedforward control algorithm is presented. Final steady-state values of the manipulated variables are computed from quadratic equations in xF, which are easily fitted to simulation or plant data. Experimental results for PID- and feedforward control are compared. The need for dynamic filtering of manipulated variables is demonstrated. While direct setting of the manipulated variables may disturbe the system unnecessarily, second order filtering achieves very fast disturbance rejection. The impact of errors in the disturbance measurement on the control performance is investigated. The feedforward algorithm is intentionally kept simple, to allow easy implementation on a standard decentralized control system  相似文献   

As in continuous distillation systems, the design of batch distillation begins with the selection of a sequence of separations. This paper considers the usual case where the column processes multicom-ponent mixtures with the recycle of intermediate cuts. It is proved that this cyclic operation does converge to a “steady state” balance. This permits to model batch distillation with recycle as a function of the steady state variables, i.e. without the need of successive simulations to obtain the steady state. Furthermore, we use simplified analytical models which permit a quick approximation to the optimal design of a given sequence, thus aiding the designer in the screening of alternative separation sequences, to preselect one, or a small set of good sequences.  相似文献   


Drying kinetics of volatile organic solvents have been examined during the drying process of a pharmaceutical coating containing a multicomponent mixture of ethyl acetate, n-heptane, propanol-2, and toluene. A complete set of experiments was performed in two drying apparatuses, a laboratory air-dryer and an oven dryer, for a wide range of drying temperature, air velocity, initial coating thickness and drying time. An empirical kinetic model is used to predict the concentration of each organic solvent in the mixture during the drying process. The results show that both drying conditions and sample characteristics affect significantly the drying rate of solvents.  相似文献   

夹紧区是精馏塔内出现的浓度几乎不变的区域,对于三元物系来说,根据夹紧区在塔内出现的位置可分为:上、中和下加紧区.在无穷板数和任一瞬时釜浓下选择不同的回流比可使分批精馏处于不同夹紧区下操作.文中讨论了三元恒回流比分批精馏过程中夹紧区的演变,在Rayleigh方程的基础上建立了应用夹紧区原理确定多元恒回流比分批精馏最小回流比的方法.该方法并不要求相对挥发度为常数,并且能准确计算顶浓,克服了通常所采用的Underwood公式法的缺陷,为多元分批精馏的简捷设计奠定了基础.  相似文献   

黄克谨  钱积新 《化工学报》1992,43(5):583-591
根据多项式正交配置原理,系统地给出了一种通用的精馏塔简化动态模型.其建模基本原理是将精馏塔的状态变量考虑成塔的轴向距离的连续可微函数,并用多项式近似描述,使得逐板机理模型大为简化,在简化动态模型中,综合考虑了物料及能量平衡、塔板水力学及再沸器动态特性,避免了汽液平衡的迭代计算,节省了计算时间.通过对脱乙烷精馏塔进行仿真,证明了该简化模型可以给出满意的计算精度.  相似文献   

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