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目的:了解梧州市男男性行为人群(MSM)艾滋病流行特征和趋势,为落实疾病防控政策落实提供科学依据。方法:对梧州市2010-2017年艾滋病病例报告、血清学横断面调查和疫情估计等数据进行综合整理分析。结果:梧州市2010年报告首例MSM病例,至2017年共报告106例,其中2015-2017年报告数占60. 38%。2017年血清学监测MSM人群的HIV感染率为21. 60%,较2010年的9. 1%显著增加。2017年疫情估计梧州市MSM人群规模约6136~9385人,存活的MSM感染者约有484人。结论:梧州市2010-2017年MSM人群艾滋病感染人数呈逐年增加的趋势,但发现比例较小,需加强该人群的动员检测工作力度,提高病例发现率,并加强病例管理,阻断二代传播。  相似文献   

目的:了解男男性行为者早期生活经历、性经历对成年后性行为以及艾滋病预防控制的影响。方法:通过网络调查收集男男性行为者人口学特征、早期经历、性经历、艾滋病预防知识以及艾滋病高危行为等。应用SPSS18.0软件对调查数据进行统计,使用方差分析、Pearson相关分析等方法进行统计分析。结果:共收集838份有效问卷。调查对象平均年龄为28.73±7.51岁。以未婚为主,占64.6%;大专以上文化程度占68.6%;艾滋病预防知识知晓率为84.7%;最近6个月与同性性交时每次使用安全套的占46.30%;"童年生活抚养情况"、"童年家庭是否和睦"、"父亲男男性行为经历"、"16岁前强迫性交经历"等是MSM人群发生男男性行为经历的影响因素。结论:MSM人群存在着艾滋病预防知识和自我保护行为的严重分离,要积极探索行之有效的MSM人群行为干预模式。同时应积极为儿童创造良好的生活和学习环境,减少不良因素对儿童的影响,并通过学校健康教育课,使之形成健全的人格,从源头减少男男性行为现象的发生。  相似文献   

目的 了解贵州省男男性行为人群的行为特点、艾滋病、梅毒、丙肝的感染状况,为防控工作提供依据.方法 2019年4-8月在2个国家级监测点,采用统一问卷进行调查,并检测HIV、梅毒、丙肝抗体,每个监测点完成250人的样本量.结果 共调查513人,艾滋病知识知晓率达96.5%;最近一次与同性发生肛交使用安全套89.4%;最近...  相似文献   

目的:对艾滋病防治工作中男男性行为(MSM)人群安全套使用促进技术策略提出较全面建议。方法:一对一访谈和小组讨论结合确定调查内容,加入2008年4~6月开展的全国男男性行为人群艾滋病综合防治试点问卷同步调查。结果:促使MSM人群最近6个月肛交性行为中坚持用套80%以上的原因是对感染艾滋病性病的恐惧;最近1次未使用安全套样本中,近90%与安全套使用信念不坚定有关。结论:在艾滋病基本知识教育基础上,采取多种形式使人群对感染艾滋病性病的可怕后果产生发自内心的恐惧并不断强化,应是未来开展MSM人群安全套促进工作的主要技术策略。  相似文献   

贵阳市社区男男性行为者艾滋病感染状况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑敏  姚永明  申莉梅  秦鸥  周健 《贵州医药》2011,35(9):830-831
自从1981年由美国最初报告在男性同性恋人群中发现第1例艾滋病以来,男男性接触者的人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染状况逐渐为学者所关注。截至目前,性传播已成为贵州省艾滋病感染者第1位的传播途径,其中异性性传播占37.2%,  相似文献   

知信行与艾滋病流行密切相关,面对我国男男性行为(MSM)人群艾滋病高发态势,有必要对其进行梳理和分析,了解MSM人群艾滋病的知信行现状,并在此基础上开展艾滋病健康教育,进一步推动MSM人群艾滋病相关研究。本文就MSM人群艾滋病知信行水平研究进展进行综述,为艾滋病防控提供参考。  相似文献   

王赛男  张美 《淮海医药》2022,(3):248-252
目的:了解男男性行为者(MSM)艾滋病病毒(HIV)检测的影响因素。方法:检索中国知网、万方、Pubmed、Web of Science、Embase、Cochrane Library数据库中2010年1月—2020年12月关于MSM人群与HIV检测的相关研究,率和效应量的合并运用R语言软件。结果:共纳入13篇文献,Meta分析结果显示MSM人群HIV检测率为58.24%(95%CI:50.57%~65.54%),文化水平(OR=2.11,95%CI:1.63~2.72)、性取向(OR=1.80,95%CI:1.27~2.55)、肛交性行为史(OR=2.01,95%CI:1.82~2.22)、多性伴行为(OR=1.73,95%CI:1.21~2.49)、既往接受过HIV咨询服务(OR=6.44,95%CI:1.77~23.47)与MSM人群HIV检测行为有关。结论:有较高学历、性取向为同性恋、有肛交行为史、多性伴行为及既往接受过HIV咨询服务的MSM人群会倾向HIV检测。可根据MSM人群HIV检测的特征开展针对性干预工作,提高MSM人群HIV检测率。  相似文献   

<正>1男男性行为人群概述男男性行为(MSM)指在男性同性间发生性关系的人,包括男性同性恋者(Gay)、男性双性恋(Bisexuality)、男性卖淫人群(male sex workers,MSW)以及男性进城务工人员、监狱、戒毒所等特殊环境下与同性发生性关系的人[1]。男男性行为发生在不同的环境中,也发生在经历、生活方式、行为和艾滋病感染风险迥异的男性。在亚洲、欧洲和拉丁美洲的部分地区,据估计有3%~20%的男性  相似文献   

2005年7月,随着卫生部对于全国艾滋病防控工作的深入,以太原市为中心的山西各地、市疾控部门相继开展了男男性接触者(MSM)人群艾滋病(AIDS)/性病的高危行为干预工作,于此同时本地的一些MSM人群也自发成立了志愿者工作组并陆续加入到了艾滋病/性病的防控队伍中来,我省的干预工作在前期取得了明显的成效。  相似文献   

目的 了解河北省男男性行为者(MSM)高危性行为时安全套使用情况,分析其影响因素.方法 以保定、张家口、承德三市的MSM为研究对象,获得知情同意后进行问卷调查并采血检测艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染状况.结果 共调查1200名MSM,最近6个月与同性发生过肛交性行为的占84.5%(1014/1200),最近6个月与同性发生肛交性行为时每次都用安全套的比例为31.3%(317/1014);在与同性发生过商业性行为的236例MSM中,坚持使用安全套的比例为33.9%(80/236).多因素Logistic回归结果显示,年龄、最近1周发生同性肛交性行为次数、知识知晓情况、是否接受过安全套宣传和发放、过去1年是否接受过HIV检测是河北省MSM在发生同性肛交性行为时安全套使用的影响因素.结论 MSM安全套使用受多种因素的影响,应强化风险意识,注重心理干预,采用多种措施提高安全套的使用率,控制HIV在该人群中的传播.  相似文献   

目的掌握贵阳市男男同性恋(MSM)人群艾滋病病毒(HIV)等感染状况,以及有关艾滋病知识、态度、信念及行为(KABP)的情况,为采取相应的健康教育及行为干预提供科学的依据。方法通过自愿咨询与检测、利用MSM志愿者“滚雪球”等方式,调查检测贵阳市MSM人群HIV等感染率,并在抽取血样时进行KABP问卷调查,了解该人群有关预防艾滋病性病中存在问题。结果共对276名MSM进行检测,首次发现HIV感染者6例,HIV感染率为2.17%,HBV、HCV及梅毒感染率分别为12.32%、4.34%及0.72%。共对170名MSM人群进行KABP调查,其中年龄以20- 24岁组为最多,占39.41%,其次为15-19岁组,占21.18%。文化程度以高中/中专为多占40.59%, 其次为大学占25.88%;职业以学生为最多占32.94%;性取向男男同性恋占63.53%,双性恋占 25.29%,未确定占4.71%,拒答6.47%。该人群有关艾滋病性病知识回答正确率较低,只达 75.10%,在高危性行为时每次都用安全套率只为11.18%。结论贵阳市MSM人群HIV感染率较高,为2.17%,已居贵阳市高危人群HIV感染率首位,该人群年龄偏小,在学生中占一定人数,预防艾滋病性病知识缺乏,高危性行为普遍存在,安全套使用率低,极易造成艾滋病性病的传播与流行,应及时采取相应的防控措施。  相似文献   

目的了解徐汇区美沙酮药物维持治疗门诊吸毒人员艾滋病高危行为和相关知识知晓情况以及HIV感染情况,为进一步开展针对吸毒人员的艾滋病防控工作提供依据。方法对2009年3至6月徐汇区美沙酮药物维持治疗门诊51名吸毒人员进行了健康问卷调查,采集血清应用免疫学方法进行HIV抗体等检测。结果51名美沙酮门诊吸毒人员中以青壮年为主(20~50岁者占80.39%),男性大于女性(男性46名),以注射吸毒方式为主(47.06%),应用避孕套比例低(13.79%),HIV抗体检测均阴性。结论针对美沙酮门诊吸毒人员应进一步加强健康教育和促进其行为改善。  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(2-3):264-273
This literature review considers the historical significance, emergence of, and interplay between the HIV and illicit drug use epidemics among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) in New York City (NYC). The continual rise in HIV infections in recent years among MSM, particularly among young MSM (YMSM), commands a need for the examination of the effectiveness of current HIV prevention strategies and a more comprehensive understanding of the complex biopsychosocial influences that place YMSM at risk. A chronological perspective of both the HIV and illicit drug use epidemics affecting NYC MSM is presented, followed by a review of the existing research on the synergistic relation between the two. Special consideration is given to the patterns and interconnectivity between HIV, substance use, and housing instability specific to YMSM, as they represent the demographic currently at greatest risk for HIV transmission in NYC. Thereafter, an overview of treatment research is provided. We conclude by offering recommendations for future research and best practices as we move forward in an attempt to reduce the incidence of HIV transmission.  相似文献   

Background: Heroin production in Colombia has increased dramatically in recent decades, and some studies point to an increase in local heroin use since the mid-1990s. Despite this rapid increase, little is known about the effects of these activities on heroin injection within Colombia. One of the biggest concerns surrounding heroin injection is the potential spread of HIV through drug user networks. Objectives: This article examines injection risk behaviors among heroin injectors in the Colombian cities of Medellín and Pereira to explore the implications for possible increased HIV transmission within this group. Methods: A cross-sectional study used respondent-driving sampling to recruit a sample of 540 people who inject drugs (PWID) over 18 years of age (Medellín: n = 242, Pereira: n = 298). Structured interviews with each participant were conducted using the World Health Organization Drug Injection Study Phase II Survey. An HIV test was also administered. Results: Information regarding the socio-demographics, injection drug use, HIV risk and transmission behaviors, injection risk management, and HIV knowledge and prevalence of participants are reported. The study identified many young, newly initiated injectors who engage in risky injection practices. The study also found that HIV prevalence is fairly low among participants (2.7%). Conclusions/Importance: Findings indicate a potential risk for the spread of HIV among PWID in Colombia given their widespread sharing practices, high rate of new injector initiation, and unsafe syringe cleaning practices. Colombia has a possibly time-limited opportunity to prevent an HIV epidemic by implementing harm reduction interventions among young, newly initiated PWID.  相似文献   


Homeless, substance-dependent men who have sex with men (MSM) continue to suffer health disparities, including high rates of HIV. One-hundred and thirty one homeless, substance- dependent MSM were randomized into a contingency management (CM) intervention to increase substance abstinence and health-promoting behaviors. Participants were recruited from a community-based, health education/risk reduction HIV prevention program and the research activities were also conducted at the community site. Secondary analyses were conducted to identify and characterize treatment responders (defined as participants in a contingency management intervention who scored at or above the median on three primary outcomes). Treatment responders were more likely to be Caucasian/White (p < .05), report fewer years of lifetime methamphetamine, cocaine, and polysubstance use (p ≤ .05), and report more recent sexual partners and high-risk sexual behaviors than nonresponders (p < .05). The application of evidence-based interventions continues to be a public health priority, especially in the effort to implement effective interventions for use in community settings. The identification of both treatment responders and nonresponders is important for intervention development tailored to specific populations, both in service programs and research studies, to optimize outcomes among highly impacted populations.  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(4):452-459
This article describes the association between substance use, sexual identity, and seeing a health care provider on a regular basis for 257 men who have sex with men (MSM). Data from in-person interviews were gathered from MSM who resided in Massachusetts between 2003 and 2007. A logistic regression analysis that controlled for demographic characteristics, health insurance status, HIV/AIDS status, drug use, and social support revealed that MSM who identified as heterosexual, compared with those who identified as gay or bisexual, were 60% less likely to access a health care provider on a regular basis. Further, the likelihood of seeing a provider regularly was 54% lower for MSM who had used illegal drugs in the past 30 days and 32% higher for MSM who had more social support. Study limitations and implications are discussed.  相似文献   


Truant youths are likely to engage in a number of problem behaviors, including sexual risky behaviors. As part of a National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)-funded, prospective intervention project, a sample of truant youths' sexual risk behavior was tracked over five time points. Analyses of the data was informed by four objectives: (a) determine if a growth model parameterization was consistent with the youths' sexual risk behavior, (b) assess the impact of a brief intervention (BI) targeting substance use on their sexual risk behavior over time, (c) identify any sexual risk behavior subgroups, and (d) identify any differential, longitudinal effects of the BI on the youths' sexual risk behavior. Results indicated the youths' sexual risk behavior reflected a linear growth model; no intervention effects were found on their sexual risk behavior over time; distinct sexual risk behavior subgroups were found; and no patterned intervention effects were found in regard to the sexual risk behavior subgroups. At the same time, there is a very serious need to provide effective sexual risk reduction intervention services to truant youths.  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(13):2113-2129
Using the Primary Socialization Theory (PST), we examined substance use and sexual risk-taking behaviors between Black (N = 1,464) and White (N = 3,946) adolescents in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, Wave 1, public use (Add Health). Self-reported substance use and sexual risk-taking behaviors, PST constructs, and covariates were assessed using regression modeling techniques. Black youth were more likely to initiate sex, while White youth were more likely to report lifetime alcohol use. The PST predicted risk for White but not Black youth. The study's limitations are noted, and implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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