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This review describes recent findings based on structural and immunochemical analyses of the cell wall mannan of Candida albicans, and other medically important Candida species. Mannan has been shown to consist of α-1,2-, α-1,3-, α-1,6-, and β-1,2-linked mannopyranose units with few phosphate groups. Each Candida species has a unique mannan structure biosynthesized by sequential collaboration between species-specific mannosyltransferases. In particular, the β-1,2-linked mannose units have been shown to comprise a characteristic oligomannosyl side chain that is strongly antigenic. For these pathogenic Candida species, cell-surface mannan was also found to participate in the adhesion to the epithelial cells, recognition by innate immune receptors and development of pathogenicity. Therefore, clarification of the precise chemical structure of Candida mannan is indispensable for understanding the mechanism of pathogenicity, and for development of new antifungal drugs and immunotherapeutic procedures.  相似文献   

Intense red phosphors, AgGd1−xEux(W1−yMoy)2O8 (x=0.0-1.0, y=0.0-1.0), have been synthesized through traditional solid-state reaction and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and photoluminescence (PL). XRD results reveal that AgGd1−xEuxW2O8 synthesized at 1000 °C has a tetragonal crystal structure, which is named as high temperature phase (HTP) AgGdW2O8. All phosphors compositions with Eu3+ show red and green emission on excitation either in the charge-transfer or Eu3+ levels. Analysis of the emission spectra with different Eu3+ concentrations reveal that the optimum dopant concentration for Eu3+ is x=0.6 in the HTP AgGd1−xEuxW2O8 (x=0.0-1.0). Studies on the AgGd0.4Eu0.6(W1−yMoy)2O8 (y=0.0-1.0) and AgGd1−xEux(W0.7Mo0.3)2O8 (x=0.0-1.0) show that the emission intensity is maximum for compositions with y=0.3 and x=0.5, respectively, and a decrease in emission intensity is observed for higher y or x values. The Mo6+ and Eu3+ co-doped AgGd(WO4)2 phosphors show higher emission intensity in comparison with the singly Eu3+-doped AgGd(WO4)2 in UV region. The intense emission of the tungstate/molybdate phosphors under 394 and 465 nm excitations, respectively, suggests that these materials are promising candidates as red-emitting phosphors for near-UV/blue GaN-based white LED for white light generation.  相似文献   

InGaAs/AlGaAs/GaAs pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor (P-HEMT) structures were grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) on (3 1 1)A GaAs substrates with different well widths, and studied by photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy as a function of temperature and excitation density.The PL spectra are dominated by one or two spectral bands, corresponding, respectively, to one or two populated electron sub-bands in the InGaAs quantum well. An enhancement of PL intensity at the Fermi level energy (EF) in the high-energy tail of the PL peak is clearly observed and associated with the Fermi edge singularity (FES). This is practically detected at the same energy for all samples, in contrast with energy transitions in the InGaAs channel, which are shifted to lower energy with increasing channel thickness. PL spectra at low temperature and low excitation density are used to optically determine the density of the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in the InGaAs channel for different thicknesses. The results show an enhancement of the 2DEG density when the well width increases, in good agreement with our previous theoretical study.  相似文献   

KGd1−x(WO4)2−y(MoO4)y:Eu3+x(0.1?x?0.75, y=0 and 0.2) phosphors are synthesized through traditional solid-state reaction and their luminescent properties in ultraviolet (UV) and vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) regions are investigated. Under 147 nm excitation, these phosphors show characteristic red emission with good color purity. In order to improve their emission intensity, the MoO42− (20 wt%) is introduced into the anion of KGd1−x(WO4):Eu3+x. The Mo6+ and Eu3+ co-doped KGd(WO4)2 phosphors show higher emission intensity in comparison with the singly Eu3+-doped KGd(WO4)2 in VUV region. The chromaticity coordination of KGd0.45(WO4):Eu3+0.55 is (x=0.669, y=0.331), while that of KGd0.45(WO4)1.8(MoO4)0.2:Eu3+0.55 is (x=0.666, y=0.334) in VUV region.  相似文献   

The splitting of potential energy levels for ground state X^2∏g of O^x2 (x = +1,-1) under spin-orbit coupling (SOC) has been calculated by using the spin-orbit (SO) multi-configuration quasi-degenerate perturbation theory (SO-MCQDPT). Their Murrell-Sorbie (M S) potential functions are gained, and then the spectroscopic constants for electronic states 2^∏1/2 and 2^∏3/2 are derived from the M S function. The vertical excitation energies for O^x2 (x = +1,-1) are v[O2+1^(2∏3/2→X^2∏1/2)] =195.652cm^-1, and v[O2^-1(2^∏1/2 →X^2∏3/2)] =182.568cm^-1, respectively. All the spectroscopic data for electronic states 2^∏1/2 and 2^∏3/2 are given for the first time.  相似文献   

TiN和Ti1-xSixNy薄膜的微观结构分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
使用x射线衍射(XRD)、x射线光电子谱(XPS)、高分辨透射电子显微镜(HRTEM)和原子力显微镜(AFM)多种观测手段分析了TiN薄膜和Ti1-xSixNy纳米复合薄膜的微观结构.实验分析证明Ti1-xSixNy薄膜是由直径为3—5nm的纳米晶TiN和非晶Si3N4相构成,并且Ti1-xSix关键词: 纳米复合薄膜 自由能 表面粗糙度 TiN 1-xSixNy')" href="#">Ti1-xSixNy  相似文献   

Li Wang  Na Wang  Hongqing He 《Molecular physics》2014,112(11):1600-1607
The reaction mechanisms of methylhydrazine (CH3NHNH2) with O(3P) and O(1D) atoms have been explored theoretically at the MPW1K/6-311+G(d,p), MP2/6-311+G(d,p), MCG3-MPWPW91 (single-point), and CCSD(T)/cc-pVTZ (single-point) levels. The triplet potential energy surface for the reaction of CH3NHNH2 with O(3P) includes seven stable isomers and eight transition states. When the O(3P) atom approaches CH3NHNH2, the heavy atoms, namely N and C atoms, are the favourable combining points. O(3P) atom attacking the middle-N atom in CH3NHNH2 results in the formation of an energy-rich isomer (CH3NHONH2) followed by migration of O(3P) atom from middle-N atom to middle-H atom leading to the product P6 (CH3NNH2+OH), which is one of the most favourable routes. The estimated major product CH3NNH2 is consistent with the experimental measurements. Reaction of O(1D) + CH3NHNH2 presents different features as compared with O(3P) + CH3NHNH2. O(1D) atom will first insert into C–H2, N1–H4, and N2–H5 bonds barrierlessly to form the three adducts, respectively. There are two most favourable paths for O(1D) + CH3NHNH2. One is that the C–N bond cleavage accompanied by a concerted H shift from O atom to N atom (mid-N) leads to the product PI (CH2O + NH2NH2), and the other is that the N–N bond rupture along with a concerted H shift from O to N (end-N) forms PIV (CH3NH2 + HNO). The similarities and discrepancies between two reactions are discussed.  相似文献   

The increasing use of Carbon nuclei in cancer therapy centres is motivated by their potential advantages as a very precise high LET radiation. The knowledge of the fragmentation of Carbon nuclei when they interact with the human body is important to evaluate the spatial profile of their energy deposition in the tissues, hence the damage to the tissues neighbouring the tumour. We report here a study of the fragmentation with the nuclear emulsion experimental technique. We have designed, built and exposed to a Carbon nuclei beam a chamber made of Lexan plates alternated with nuclear emulsion films. Lexan plates acted as passive material simulating human body tissues while nuclear emulsion films were used as both tracking devices with micrometric accuracy and ionisation detectors. Such a detector allowed the detection of Carbon interactions produced along their path, the identification of the fragments produced and the measurement of their scattering angle. We have measured the Carbon ion survival probability and studied their interactions. We report on the secondary particle multiplicity and the electrical charge distribution. We give results of the scattering angle of final state fragments as well as the range for H and He. Finally we give the total and partial charge-changing cross-sections for Δz=1,2,3,4Δz=1,2,3,4 which are compared with previous results when available. The present work aims at providing data required as input to Monte Carlo simulations of Carbon ion interactions in the human body and ultimately of their therapeutic effectiveness.  相似文献   

The cross-sections for formation of isomeric pair, 75Gem(σm) and 75Geg(σg), through 76Ge(n, 2n), 75As(n, p) and 78Se(n, α) reactions were measured at 13.73 MeV, 14.42 MeV and 14.77 MeV neutrons and also estimated using EMPIRE-II and TALYS codes over neutron energies from near threshold to 20 MeV. For each (n, 2n), (n, p) and (n, α) reaction, the cross-section initially increases with neutron energy, but starts decreasing as the neutron energy exceeds the respective threshold of (n, 3n), (n, pn) and (n, αn) reactions. The higher values of σm relative to σg reveal that the transitions of the excited 75Ge from higher energy levels to metastable state (7+/2) are favored as compared to unstable ground state (1/2). The present values of cross sections for formation of 75Gem,g through (n, 2n) and (n, α) reactions are lower, and that of (n, p) reaction are higher compared to most of the corresponding literature cross-sections.  相似文献   

We report the iron isotope effect on a transition temperature (Tc) in an optimally-doped (Ba,K)Fe2As2 (Tc = 38 K) and SmFeAsO1−y (Tc = 54 K) superconductors. In order to obtain the reliable isotope shift in Tc, twin samples with different iron isotope mass are synthesized in the same conditions (simultaneously) under high-pressure. We have found that (Ba,K)Fe2As2 shows an inverse iron isotope effect αFe = −0.18 ± 0.03 while SmFeAsO1−y shows a small iron isotope effect αFe = −0.02 ± 0.01, where the isotope exponent α is defined by Tc  Mα (M is the isotopic mass). The results show that αFe changes in the iron-based superconductors depending on the system. The distinct iron isotope effects imply the exotic coupling mechanism in the iron-based superconductors.  相似文献   

Reaction cross sections with various kinds of breakup channels for neutron-rich carbon isotopes 18-20C and for 9Be impinging on a liquid hydrogen target were investigated at 40 MeV/nucleon. The nuclides of interest were produced via projectile fragmentation from a 63 MeV/nucleon 40Ar beam and were separated in flight at the RIKEN projectile fragment separator (RIPS). The combination of the large-acceptance superconducting TOF spectrometer, TOMBEE (TOF Mass analyzer for exotic BEam Experiment), with a liquid hydrogen target, CRYPTA (CRYogenic ProTon and Alpha target system), enables simultaneous measurements of several reaction channels: the reaction cross sections (σR), individual elemental fragmentation cross sections (σΔZ), charge-changing cross sections (σcc), neutron-removal cross sections (σxn), and charge-pickup cross sections (σΔZ+1) for 19,20C; σΔZ, σxn, and σΔZ+1 for 18C; and σR for 9Be. The present σR of 9Be on proton, σR=397±23 mb, measured in the inverse kinematics, was consistent with the previous measurements using proton beams at different laboratories. The σR of 19C and 20C on proton were determined to be σR=754±22 mb and σR=791±34 mb, respectively. Taking into account the beam energy and target dependence of σR, the present σR are found to be considerably enhanced compared with those measured at around 1 GeV/nucleon. The σΔZ+1 appears to increase with the mass number of the projectiles, and it significantly contributes to σR in the present energy range. The finite-range optical-limit and few-body Glauber model analyses were performed for σR to study the nuclear matter density distributions and to derive the relative strength of the s-wave components of the valence neutrons in 19C and 20C. A neutron halo structure of 19C is confirmed with an s-wave dominance of the valence neutron when the effect of the charge-pickup reaction is taken into account. The large σn of 19C and σ−2n of 20C also support the decoupled structures of 18C +n and 18C+2n, respectively. The σcc of 19C and 20C agree with each other within their experimental uncertainties, which might indicate a similar proton density distribution in 19C and 20C. The σΔZ decreases monotonically without the even-odd effect as the number of removed protons increases.  相似文献   

Using quantum mechanics GASTEP software package based on the first principle density function theory, the electronic structure and optical properties of Ga1−xAlxAs at different Al constituent are calculated. Result shows that with the increase of Al constituent, the band gap of Ga1−xAlxAs increases and varies from direct band gap to indirect band gap; the absorption band edge and the absorption peak move to high-energy side; the static reflectivity decreases. With the increasing of the incident photon energy, Ga1−xAlxAs shows metal reflective properties in certain energy range. With the increasing of Al constituent, static dielectric constant decreases and the intersection of dielectric function and the x-axis move towards high-energy side; the peak of energy loss function move to low-energy side and the peak value reduces.  相似文献   

利用磁控溅射制备了薄膜厚度为50nm的系列(FexPt1-x)100-yCuy(x=0.46—0.56,y=0,0.04,0.12) 样品.利用直流共溅射方法精确控制Fe和Pt的原子比.实验结果表明,当x>0.52时,样品中添加Cu不能促进FePt的有序化,但是对于FePt化学原子定比或富Pt的样品,添加Cu可以促进FePt有序化,而且随着Fe含量的减少,需要更多的Cu添加才能实现较低温度下FePt薄膜的有序化.实验结果表明,原子比(FeCu)/Pt达到1.1—1.2的范围时,即可实现较低温度的有序化. 关键词: 0-FePt有序相')" href="#">L10-FePt有序相 磁控溅射 有序度 Cu掺杂  相似文献   

Experimental results on the measurement of the double-electron capture (εε) decay process of 74Se are described. This decay is particularly interesting, because 74Se is almost degenerate to the second excited state at 1204 keV in the daughter nucleus 74Ge. Such a degeneracy favors a neutrinoless decay because of the large phase-space suppression for a decay with two neutrinos. Subsequent de-excitation would generate a 2γ-ray cascade of 608 and 596 keV, whose coincident detection provides a unique signature for this particular εε process. The 2γ-ray cascade has been searched for by a HPGe γ-ray detector in coincidence with a NaI detector using 3 kg of natural selenium.  相似文献   

The Zn1−xMgxO thin films were grown on Al2O3 substrate with various O2 flow rates by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (P-MBE). The growth conditions were optimized by the characterizations of morphology, structural and optical properties. The Mg content of the Zn1−xMgxO thin film increases monotonously with decreasing the oxygen flux. X-ray diffractometer (XRD) measurements show that all the thin films are preferred (0 0 2) orientated. By transmittance and absorption measurements, it was found that the band gap of the film decreases gradually with increasing oxygen flow rate. The surface morphology dependent on the oxygen flow rate was also studied by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM). The surface roughness became significant with increasing oxygen flow rate, and the nanostructures were formed at the larger flow rate. The relationship between the morphology and the oxygen flow rate of Zn1−xMgxO films was discussed.  相似文献   

The ammonia ν1 + 2ν4 perpendicular stretch-bend combination band has been investigated in spectra of 14NH3 and 15NH3 recorded in the 6400-6800 cm−1 region with an external cavity tunable diode laser (ECTDL) spectrometer. For 14NH3, new assignments were determined initially by extrapolating from published low-J jet-cooled beam results up to transitions of higher J and K. Corresponding ν1 + 2ν4 transitions for the 15NH3 species were then found by identifying similar patterns of lines with a characteristic downshift of approximately 9.7 cm−1. Assignments were confirmed employing ground-state combination differences. Term values, a-s inversion splittings, l-doubling energies and parameter estimates from simple single-state fits are reported for the two ammonia species.  相似文献   

Nominal composition of (ZnO)1−x(MnO2)x (0.005≤x≤0.2) ceramics have been prepared by the standard solid-state reaction method in three different sintering atmospheres: Ar, air, and reductive atmosphere. The effect of sintering atmosphere on the electron spin resonance (ESR), negative temperature coefficient of resistivity (NTCR), and photoluminescence (PL) properties of (ZnO)1−x(MnO2)x ceramics has been investigated in detail. The results demonstrate that the sintering atmosphere has significant effects on the ESR signals of (ZnO)1−x(MnO2)x; the NTCR of the samples sintered in air is larger than those sintering in Ar and reductive atmosphere; the deep-level PL related to oxygen vacancy increases when sintered in the reductive atmosphere.  相似文献   

Herein is a report of a study on a Cd1−xZnxS thin film grown on an ITO substrate using a chemical bath deposition technique. The as-deposited films were annealed in air at 400 °C for 30 min. The composition, surface morphology and structural properties of the as-deposited and annealed Cd1−xZnxS thin films were studied using EDX, SEM and X-ray diffraction techniques. The annealed films have been observed to possess a crystalline nature with a hexagonal structure. The optical absorption spectra were recorded within the range of 350-800 nm. The band gap of the as-deposited thin films varied from 2.46 to 2.62 eV, whereas in the annealed film these varied from 2.42 to 2.59 eV. The decreased band gap of the films after annealing was due to the improved crystalline nature of the material.  相似文献   

Zn1−xCoxO thin films with c-axis preferred orientation were deposited on sapphire (0 0 0 1) by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique at different substrate temperatures in an oxygen-deficient ambient. The effect of substrate temperature on the microstructure, morphology and the optical properties of the Zn1−xCoxO thin films was studied by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM), UV-visible-NIR spectrophotometer, fluorescence spectrophotometer. The results showed that the crystallization of the films was promoted as substrate temperature rose. The structure of the samples was not distorted by the Co incorporating into ZnO lattice. The surface roughness of all samples decreased as substrate temperature increased. The Co concentration in the film was higher than in the target. Emission peak near band edge emission of ZnO from the PL spectra of the all samples was quenched because the dopant complexes acted as non-radiative centers. While three emission bands located at 409 nm (3.03 eV), 496 nm (2.5 eV) and 513 nm (2.4 eV) were, respectively, observed from the PL spectra of the four samples. The three emission bands were in relation to Zn interstitials, Zn vacancies and the complex of VO and Zni (VOZni). The quantity of the Zn interstitials maintained invariable basically, while the quantity of the VOZni slightly decreased as substrate temperature increased.  相似文献   

1H MR spectra of human muscles were recorded before, during, and after fatiguing exercise. In contrast to expectations, it was found that the spectral contributions of creatine/phosphocreatine (Cr/PCr) were subject to change as a function of exercise. In particular, the dipolar-coupled methylene protons of Cr/PCr were found to be reduced in intensity in proportion to the co-registered PCr levels. Recovery after exercise and behavior under ischemic conditions provide further evidence to suggest that the contributions of the CH2 protons of Cr/PCr to 1H MR spectra of human muscle in vivo reflect PCr rather than Cr levels. Variation of experimental parameters showed that this effect is not due to a trivial change in relaxation times. At present it can only be speculated about why the Cr resonances have reduced NMR visibility. If temporary binding to macromolecules should be involved, the free Cr concentration-important for equilibrium calculations of the creatine kinase reaction-might be different from what was previously assumed.  相似文献   

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