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高平均功率自由电子激光研究中,电子束质量是关键。针对高平均功率自由电子激光目标参数,提出了直流高压连续波光阴极注入器,给出了注入器的束流动力学过程。为了降低输出束流横向发射度,采用特殊结构设计的静电加速腔,加速电压1MV,最大加速梯度10MV/m。用PARMELA程序进行了粒子动力学模拟,电子束束团电荷为0.5nC,束团长度10ps时,注入器输出束流归一化发射度均方根值为5.8mm·mrad。  相似文献   

空间电荷效应是引起发射度增长的主要因素,特别是在高压直流连续波光阴极注入器中。分析了高压直流连续波光阴极注入器中线性空间电荷力的特点及其对电子束横向发射度的影响,并从理论上解析地研究了螺线管发射度补偿的原理及特点。最后利用Parmela程序对中国工程物理研究院高压直流连续波光阴极注入器的发射度补偿作了模拟计算。结果表明,束团电荷量为80 pC的电子束在350 keV高压直流电子枪出口处的横向归一化发射度为5.14 mmmrad,经过螺线管补偿后,其最小横向发射度变为1.27 mmmrad。电子束的发射度得到了很好的补偿。  相似文献   

在激光驱动的光阴极注入器产生的高亮度电子束中,空间电荷引起发射度的增长。分析了射频腔中引起发射度增长的因素以及解决这个问题的办法——在射频腔的阴极附近加一个螺旋聚焦磁场进行补偿,也给出了补偿后电子束的发射度并和数值模拟结果进行比较,实验测试表明,所得结果比较符合。  相似文献   

 在激光驱动的光阴极注入器产生的高亮度电子束中,空间电荷引起发射度的增长。分析了射频腔中引起发射度增长的因素以及解决这个问题的办法——在射频腔的阴极附近加一个螺旋聚焦磁场进行补偿,也给出了补偿后电子束的发射度并和数值模拟结果进行比较,实验测试表明,所得结果比较符合。  相似文献   

在连续波光阴极注入器的研究中,驱动激光器是一个关键技术,采用连续锁模振荡器的锁模输出作为种子源,用二极管连续泵浦放大,再连续倍频,可以产生符合注入器要求的激光脉冲列作为驱动激光。  相似文献   

连续波光阴极注入器的驱动激光器研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
 在连续波光阴极注入器的研究中,驱动激光器是一个关键技术,采用连续锁模振荡器的锁模输出作为种子源,用二极管连续泵浦放大,再连续倍频,可以产生符合注入器要求的激光脉冲列作为驱动激光。  相似文献   

分析了光阴极RF腔注入器中的RF场效应和空间电荷效应,给出了电子在加速腔中束流发射度的解析表达式,它说明在加速过程中束流发射度是振荡变化的。利用SUPERFISH和GPT程序模拟计算了光阴极1+1/2腔注入器输出束流发射度与加速场强、注入相位、束团大小和形状、束团电荷的关系。适当选择这些条件,可以获得横向发射度小于2πmm·mrad 的输出束流。  相似文献   

 分析了光阴极RF腔注入器中的RF场效应和空间电荷效应,给出了电子在加速腔中束流发射度的解析表达式,它说明在加速过程中束流发射度是振荡变化的。利用SUPERFISH和GPT程序模拟计算了光阴极1+1/2腔注入器输出束流发射度与加速场强、注入相位、束团大小和形状、束团电荷的关系。适当选择这些条件,可以获得横向发射度小于2πmm·mrad 的输出束流。  相似文献   

李正红 《中国物理 C》2005,29(6):615-618
论文介绍RF腔光阴极注入器中热发射度的测量方法,在注入器中有三个因素影响热发射度的测量,它们是:射频场效应、空间电荷效应和发射度测量误差. 在注入器出口处,电子束发射度由:热发射度、射频场效应引起的发射度增长和空间电荷效应的发射度增长三部分组成. 论文从注入器中发射度增长理论和模拟出发,给出了一个能够消除射频场效应和空间电荷效应的热发射度测量方法.  相似文献   

 光阴极注入器型能量回收射频加速器(PERL)是新一代加速器,在高平均功率自由电子激光和下一代高亮度光源等研究中有很好的应用前景。分析了PERL的强流与高平均功率特性,对注入器输出束流品质的要求及光阴极注入器、超导加速腔等关键技术进行了研究,设计分析了一种特殊结构的高压DC Gun光阴极注入器,能有效地提高DC加速腔中的加速场强,当高压为1MV和加速场达到10MV/m时,产生的电子束流能够基本满足PERL应用要求。同一超导加速段中的束流加速和能量回收的数值模拟计算结果表明,能获得高效率电子束流能量回收效果。  相似文献   

 北京大学射频超导实验室设计了新型超导光电子枪——DC-SC光阴极注入器,目标是为自由电子激光平台提供能量在2~3MeV,脉宽小于10ps,脉冲重复频率为81.25MHz,平均流强约为1mA的低发射度电子束。现在已经建成了DC-SC光阴极注入器实验平台,包括激光驱动光阴极系统,Pierce直流高压加速结构,1.3GHz 1+1/2纯铌超导腔,恒温器低温系统,4.5kW连续波微波系统,1/16分频与同步控制系统,束流诊断系统和能量分析系统等。并且完成了超导腔的静态实验,直流加速结构也经过了100μA低电流测试。实验结果符合设计要求,整体调试后即可以进行束载实验。  相似文献   

One kind of instantaneous electron beam emittance measurement system based on the optical transition radiation principle and double imaging optical method has been set up. It is mainly adopted in the test for the intense electron-beam produced by a linear induction accelerator. The system features two characteristics. The first one concerns the system synchronization signal triggered by the following edge of the main output waveform from a Blumlein switch. The synchronous precision of about 1 ns between the electron beam and the image capture time can be reached in this way so that the electron beam emittance at the desired time point can be obtained. The other advantage of the system is the ability to obtain the beam spot and beam divergence in one measurement so that the calculated result is the true beam emittance at that time, which can explain the electron beam condition. It provides to be a powerful beam diagnostic method for a 2.5 kA, 18.5 MeV, 90 ns (FWHM) electron beam pulse produced by Dragon I. The ability of the instantaneous measurement is about 3 ns and it can measure the beam emittance at any time point during one beam pulse. A series of beam emittances have been obtained for Dragon I. The typical beam spot is 9.0 mm (FWHM) in diameter and the corresponding beam divergence is about 10.5 mrad.  相似文献   

One kind of instantaneous electron beam emittance measurement system based on the optical transition radiation principle and double imaging optical method has been set up. It is mainly adopted in the test for the intense electron-beam produced by a linear induction accelerator. The system features two characteristics. The first one concerns the system synchronization signal triggered by the following edge of the main output waveform from a Blumlein switch. The synchronous precision of about 1 ns between the electron beam and the image capture time can be reached in this way so that the electron beam emittance at the desired time point can be obtained. The other advantage of the system is the ability to obtain the beam spot and beam divergence in one measurement so that the calculated result is the true beam emittance at that time, which can explain the electron beam condition. It provides to be a powerful beam diagnostic method for a 2.5 kA, 18.5 MeV, 90 ns (FWHM) electron beam pulse produced by Dragon I. The ability of the instantaneous measurement is about 3 ns and it can measure the beam emittance at any time point during one beam pulse. A series of beam emittances have been obtained for Dragon I. The typical beam spot is 9.0 mm (FWHM) in diameter and the corresponding beam divergence is about 10.5 mrad.  相似文献   

加速器靶前正前方1 m处的照射量是衡量加速器光源辐射能力的重要物理参量。电子束轰击高原子序数靶产生的X射线空间分布具有很强的前冲性,照射量空间分布与电子束的发射度密切相关。采用高斯函数对不同电子束发射度条件下入射电子的空间分布和角度分布进行建模。应用蒙特卡罗方法对电子束打靶的轫致辐射过程进行模拟,分析电子束发射度对照射量的影响。同时还对整靶结构和叠靶结构下的轫致辐射光源照射量进行计算比较。结果表明,电子束的发散角是影响轫致辐射光源照射量的主要因素。与采用整靶结构相比,采用叠靶结构所获得的照射量空间分布基本一致,在正前方小角度范围内(0~4)的照射量有2%~3%的降低。  相似文献   

 利用SLAC-226程序对一种工业用大功率电子加速器(450kW)的电子枪光学系统性能进行了研究。计算程序以带电粒子的洛伦兹力运动方程的相对论形式为基础,在充分考虑了空间电荷效应和电子自身产生磁场的情况下编写而成。在该程序中,网格的划分采用正方形网格;解泊松方程采用半迭代切比雪夫法;解轨迹方程采用四阶龙格 库塔法。经过对轴上电位的优化计算,得到了轴上电场的分布,电子轨迹以及阳极孔处的径迹斜率等结果,并且对外加电场与空间电荷场对束流的聚焦作用作了比较分析。计算发现,电子初始角和初始能量(对束流的)聚焦性能影响很小,二极管间距 d=58.5mm时对束流聚焦最有利。  相似文献   

To meet the requirements of high performance THz-FEL (Free Electron Laser), a compact scheme of FEL injector was proposed. A thermionic cathode was chosen to emit electrons instead of a photo-cathode with its complex structure and high cost. The effective bunch charge was improved to ~200 pC by adopting an enhanced EC-ITC (External Cathode Independently Tunable Cells) RF gun to extract micro-bunches; back bombardment effects were almost eliminated as well. Constant gradient accelerator structures were designed to improve energy to ~14 MeV, while the focusing system was applied for emittance suppressing and bunch state maintenance. The physical design and beam dynamics of the key components for the FEL injector were analyzed. Furthermore, start-to-end simulations with multi-pulses were performed using homemade MATLAB and Parmela. The results show that continual high brightness electron bunches with a low energy spread and emittance could be obtained stably.  相似文献   

To meet the requirements of high performance THz-FEL (Free Electron Laser), a compact scheme of FEL injector was proposed. A thermionic cathode was chosen to emit electrons instead of a photo-cathode with its complex structure and high cost. The effective bunch charge was improved to ~200 pC by adopting an enhanced EC-ITC (External Cathode Independently Tunable Cells) RF gun to extract micro-bunches; back bombardment effects were almost eliminated as well. Constant gradient accelerator structures were designed to improve energy to ~14 MeV, while the focusing system was applied for emittance suppressing and bunch state maintenance. The physical design and beam dynamics of the key components for the FEL injector were analyzed. Furthermore, start- to-end simulations with multi-pulses were performed using homemade MATLAB and Parmela. The results show that continual high brightness electron bunches with a low energy spread and emittance could be obtained stably.  相似文献   

To make full use of the photocathode material and improve its quantum efficiency lifetime, it can be necessary to operate the laser away from the cathode center in photoinjectors. In RF guns, the off-axis emitted beam will see a time-dependent RF effect, which would generate a significant growth in transverse emittance. It has been demonstrated that such an emittance growth can be almost completely compensated by orienting the beam on a proper orbit in the downstream RF cavities along the injector [1]. In this paper we analyze in detail the simulation techniques used in reference [1] and the issues associated with them. The optimization of photoinjector systems involving off-axis beams is a challenging problem. To solve this problem, one needs advanced simulation tools including both genetic algorithms and an efficient algorithm for 3D space charge. In this paper, we report on simulation studies where the two codes ASTRA and IMPACT-T are used jointly to overcome these challenges, in order to optimize a system designed to compensate for the emittance growth in a beam emitted off axis.  相似文献   

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