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The dominant cause of premature death in patients suffering from cystic fibrosis (CF) is chronic lung infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The chronic lung infection often lasts for decades with just one clone. However, as a result of inflammation, antibiotic treatment and different niches in the lungs, the clone undergoes significant genetic changes, resulting in diversifying geno‐ and phenotypes. Such an adaptation may generate different host responses. To experimentally reflect the year‐long chronic lung infection in CF, groups of BALB/c mice were infected with clonal isolates from different periods (1980, 1988, 1997, 1999 and 2003) of the chronic lung infection of one CF patient using the seaweed alginate embedment model. The results showed that the non‐mucoid clones reduced their virulence over time, resulting in faster clearing of the bacteria from the lungs, improved pathology and reduced pulmonary production of macrophage inflammatory protein‐2 (MIP‐2) and granulocyte colony‐stimulating factor (G‐CSF). In contrast, the mucoid clones were more virulent and virulence increased with time, resulting in impaired pulmonary clearing of the latest clone, severe inflammation and increased pulmonary MIP‐2 and G‐CSF production. In conclusion, adaptation of P. aeruginosa in CF is reflected by changed ability to establish lung infection and results in distinct host responses to mucoid and non‐mucoid phenotypes.  相似文献   

Chronic lung infection in cystic fibrosis is characteristically associated with polyagglutinable, serum-sensitive, mucoid strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) methods for standard-free quantitation of immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgM antibodies to P. aeruginosa lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) have been developed. We now report the development of assays for quantitation of monomer and dimer total IgA and IgA anti-LPS antibodies. Use of these methods in diagnosis of early chronic P. aeruginosa lung infection was assessed. IgG and IgA anti-LPS levels increased significantly at the onset of chronic infection and continued to increase to very high levels in the later stages of infection. IgM anti-LPS levels also rose at the onset of chronic infection but did not increase further. The function of true- and false-positive rates was illustrated by using various concentrations of IgG, IgA, and IgM anti-LPS for discrimination of patients. Values that gave optimum separations were used for statistical evaluation of the diagnostic sensitivities and specificities of anti-LPS antibody concentrations. The results obtained in these assays were compared with a diagnosis, based on the number of precipitins in crossed immunoelectrophoresis, of serum samples from cystic fibrosis patients. In 64 paired serum samples taken before and immediately after the onset of chronic infection, as defined by crossed immunoelectrophoresis precipitins, the predictive values of a positive ELISA were 86% for IgG and 89% for IgA. The predictive values for a negative ELISA were 98% for IgG and 97% for IgA. Results of the IgM anti-LPS ELISA had a lower predictive value. Immunoblotting and absorption studies showed that IgG anti-LPS antibodies were directed specifically against LPS of P. aeuruginosa. ELISAs were developed to determine the specific IgG sublclasses involved. The increase in IgG anti-LPS involved all four subclasses. Highest anti-LPS titers were seen with IgG1 and IgG4, but the largest relative increases were seen with IgG2 and IgG3.  相似文献   

Antibodies to Pseudomonas aeruginosa from 10 cystic fibrosis patients with chronic P. aeruginosa lung infections were quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed. The development of specific antibodies in patient serum was evaluated in a longitudinal study (1972 to 1987). The concentrations and specificities of immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgM antibodies to purified lipopolysaccharides (LPS) from clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa and to a variety of other gram-negative bacteria were studied by immunoblotting and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay techniques. Results were compared with the number of immunoprecipitates to P. aeruginosa whole-cell extracts detected by crossed immunoelectrophoresis. IgG, but not IgM, anti-Pseudomonas LPS concentrations increased significantly at the onset of chronic infection and continued to increase during the course of the infection. There was a good positive correlation between the concentration of IgG anti-Pseudomonas LPS antibodies and the number of crossed-immunoelectrophoresis precipitins. The increases in IgG anti-LPS antibody concentrations were much higher to Pseudomonas LPS than to other LPSs. Binding studies demonstrated an increase in binding of IgG anti-Pseudomonas LPS during infection, whereas the binding of other anti-LPS antibodies decreased. Immunoblotting studies confirmed that antibodies reacted strongly with Pseudomonas LPS and weakly with Escherichia coli core-lipid A. The specificity of the reaction with Pseudomonas LPS increased with the duration of infection. It is concluded that anti-LPS response in cystic fibrosis patients during chronic P. aeruginosa infection demonstrates a marked increase in IgG anti-Pseudomonas LPS antibody concentration, specificity, and affinity. The anti-LPS enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay is proposed as a routine test to diagnose and to follow the course of chronic P. aeruginosa lung infection in patients with cystic fibrosis.  相似文献   

In patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) prevention of lung infections with Pseudomonas aeruginosa is of major importance. Principles to achieve this goal include vaccination, immediate use of antibiotics in patients newly colonized with the pathogen, and hygienic measures. The purpose of this review is to discuss recent developments in this context.  相似文献   

An easily applicable test for diagnosis of chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in cystic fibrosis by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for determination of serum immunoglobulin G to P. aeruginosa was developed. Soluble antigens obtained by ultrasonication of P. aeruginosa, serotypes O:1 to O:17, were used as antigens immobilized to polystyrene microtiter plates. The intraplate, plate-to-plate, and day-to-day variations were 14, 19, and 20%, respectively. Plates coated with the antigens could be stored for at least 64 days at +4 and +22 degrees C without any significant change in activity. Normal values were determined in sera from 164 controls (100 children and 64 adults). The sensitivity and specificity of the ELISA was determined by using serum samples from 243 cystic fibrosis patients and were compared to results with crossed immunoelectrophoresis (CIE). The ELISA could diagnose chronic P. aeruginosa infection with a diagnostic sensitivity of 93% and specificity of 92%. The sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of the early stages of chronic P. aeruginosa infection by a single sample were 90 and 100%, respectively, and by using an increased antibody response in paired samples, the sensitivity was 93% and specificity was 87%. There was a statistically significant correlation between antibody levels obtained by ELISA and those obtained by CIE. The sensitivity and specificity of the ELISA were equal to those of CIE, and because of its simplicity, the ELISA is recommended as a routine test in patients with cystic fibrosis.  相似文献   

During chronic infection of the cystic fibrosis (CF) lung, Pseudomonas aeruginosa grows and persists in a microaerobic to anaerobic environment. P. aeruginosa is well adapted to thrive under such conditions and contains multiple enzyme systems for energy generation under oxygen-restricted or even anaerobic conditions. Recent data confirm a heterogeneous environment in the CF lung and indicate that P. aeruginosa induces enzyme systems for microaerobic growth but also denitrification and fermentative pathways. Moreover, stress response systems as universal stress proteins enhance survival under anaerobic energy starvation conditions. Growth in these oxygen-limited environments induces a drastic physiological change in P. aeruginosa, like increased alginate production and alterations in the outer membrane, which contribute to an increased antibiotic tolerance.  相似文献   

Antibodies to Pseudomonas aeruginosa were investigated in serum from cystic fibrosis (CF) patients by immunoblotting (Western blotting). The results were compared with determinations of precipitating antibodies in serum by crossed immune electrophoresis (CIE). The number of CIE precipitins is a sensitive and specific indication of infection and is used, with sputum bacteriology, to distinguish between colonisation and invasive lung infection. Immunoblotting was considerably more sensitive than CIE for detecting antibodies to P. aeruginosa. Paired serum samples from 64 CF patients, taken before a diagnosis of P. aeruginosa lung infection and immediately afterwards, showed a marked increase in the number of serum antibodies with the onset of infection. The intensity of the reaction, as shown by the density of blotted bands, was also increased. Laser scanning densitometry of immunoblots, and of photographic negatives taken from them, was used to quantify the increases. Differences in the number and intensity of blotted bands were highly significant between the two groups. The reproducibility of the method was good. An immunoblot assay may be a sensitive and useful method for routine diagnosis of early P. aeruginosa lung infection in CF.  相似文献   

Chronic lung infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa is primarily responsible for pulmonary deterioration of cystic fibrosis patients. The purpose of this study was to type the P. aeruginosa isolates collected sequentially from cystic fibrosis patients, chronically colonized with P. aeruginosa, by random amplified polymorphic DNA fingerprinting-PCR (RAPD-PCR). Sequential P. aeruginosa isolates (n: 130) that had been collected from 20 CF patients over at least 9 years were investigated. The isolates were analyzed by RAPD-PCR using two arbitrary primers. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of all isolates was performed by the disc diffusion method. RAPD-PCR typing demonstrated that strains dissimilar in colony morphotype and of different antibiotic susceptibility patterns could be of the same genotype. Some CF patients were colonized with a rather constant P. aeruginosa flora, with strains of different phenotypes but of one genotype. However, some patients may be colonized with more than one genotype. The results also demonstrated that there might be a risk of cross-colonization between CF patients followed-up at the same center.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is characterized by dysfunction of the digestive and respiratory tracts resulting in generalized malnutrition and chronic respiratory infections. Chronic lung infections with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, intense neutrophil-dominated airway inflammation, and progressive lung disease are the major cause of high morbidity and mortality in CF. Here we investigated the effects of malnutrition in CF on innate lung defenses, susceptibility to P. aeruginosa colonization, and associated inflammation, using aerosol models of acute and chronic infections in normal, malnourished, and transgenic mice. CFTR(m1Unc-/-) knockout mice displayed body weight variations and showed variable pulmonary clearance of P. aeruginosa. This variability was not detected in bitransgenic CFTR(m1Unc-/-)(FABP-hCFTR) mice in which the intestinal defect had been corrected. Diet-induced protein calorie malnutrition in C57BL/6J mice resulted in impaired pulmonary clearance of P. aeruginosa. Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) and nitrite levels detected upon exposure to P. aeruginosa aerosols were lower in the lungs of the malnourished C57BL/6J mice relative than in lungs of mice fed a normal diet. The role of TNF-alpha and reactive nitrogen intermediates in P. aeruginosa clearance was tested in TNF-alpha and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) knockout mice. P. aeruginosa clearance was diminished in transgenic TNF-alpha- and iNOS-deficient mice. In contrast to the effects of TNF-alpha and iNOS, gamma interferon knockout mice retained a full capacity to eliminate P. aeruginosa from the lung. Malnutrition also contributed to excessive inflammation in C57BL/6J mice upon chronic challenge with P. aeruginosa. The repeatedly infected malnourished host did not produce interleukin-10, a major anti-inflammatory cytokine absent or diminished in the bronchoalveolar fluids of CF patients. These results are consistent with a model in which defective CFTR in the intestinal tract leads to nutritional deficiency which in turn contributes to compromised innate lung defenses, bacterial colonization, and excessive inflammation in the CF respiratory tract.  相似文献   

The long-term persistance of P. aeruginosa in the cystic fibrosis (CF) lung is characterized by the selection of a variety of genotypes and phenotypes that typically descend from one infecting P. aeruginosa clone, a process known as adaptive radiation. This adaptation process of P. aeruginosa includes complex physiological changes that likely confer a selective advantage to better thrive in the diverse niches and microenvironments of the inflamed and hostile CF airways. The occurrence of P. aeruginosa variants is fixed by mutation and selection. Common loss-of-function mutations in genes such as lasR, mucA and mexT lead to a general adaptation pattern and P. aeruginosa variants with increased antimicrobial resistance, alginate overproduction, reduced acute virulence, and improved metabolic fitness. Strikingly, several virulence-associated traits and immunostimulatory components of P. aeruginosa are turned off. In contrast, other cellular factors are positively selected such as the outer membrane protein OprF, the blue copper protein azurin, the cytochrome c peroxidase c551, and the enzymes of the arginine deiminase pathway ArcA-ArcD. These metabolic components probably are required for the optimal anaerobic or microaerobic growth and viability of P. aeruginosa within CF airways. Besides these common adaptations found by the comparison of P. aeruginosa isolates from different CF patients, the overall diversity of isogenic isolates from one CF patient is extended by variable changes in the expression of regulatory-, transport-, metabolic-, and virulence-associated genes. A better understanding of the microevolution of P. aeruginosa towards niche specialists according the selection pressure in the CF lung is a prerequisite to develop new strategies for the detection of P. aeruginosa variants, the antipseudomonal treatment, the prediction of the infectious disease state, and the development of efficient vaccines.  相似文献   

Most cystic fibrosis (CF) patients with chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa lung infection have a persistent acute type lung inflammation dominated by polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) and a pronounced antibody response against P. aeruginosa. We speculated whether this immune response in CF is of the Th2 type and whether a change to a Th1 type immune response could improve the prognosis. Therefore, we studied 14 CF patients with (CF +P) and 14 CF patients without (CF -P) chronic P. aeruginosa lung infection. The specific production of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and interleukin-4 (IL-4) by peripheral blood mononuclear cells was determined. Cells from CF +P patients had lower IFN-gamma (p<0.05) and higher IL-4 (p<0.005) production as compared to cells from CF -P patients. Furthermore, a positive correlation between IFN-gamma production and lung function was found (FVC: Rho = 0.637; p<0.03; FEV1: Rho=0.524; p<0.07). We conclude that a Th2 type immune response is most frequent in CF patients with chronic P. aeruginosa lung infection, and the patients with a Th1-dominated immune response had the best lung function. The clinical implication is that a change to a Th1 type immune response might improve the prognosis in these patients.  相似文献   

Serum samples collected over periods up to 15 years from nine patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) were investigated by immunoblotting and crossed immuno-electrophoresis (CIE) for antibodies to Pseudomonas aeruginosa outer-membrane proteins (OMPs). The earliest antibody response to OMPs was directed against proteins G, H1 and I. Detection by immunoblotting sometimes preceded the CIE response; the appearance of antibodies to the other major OMPs was co-incident with an increase in CIE precipitins. Isolation of the mucoid form of P. aeruginosa was associated with a rapid increase in both precipitin numbers and antibodies detected by immunoblotting. Antibodies to iron-regulated OMPs could be detected in all the serum samples that showed eight or more CIE precipitins but their presence became pronounced only in the advanced stages of disease. The clinical strain used in this study and other isolates from CF patients showed several atypical OMPs, perhaps as a consequence of antibiotic therapy or related to the serum sensitivity of mucoid P. aeruginosa. Their expression in vivo was confirmed by detecting antibodies to them in patients' serum.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a complex inherited disease which affects many organs, including the pancreas and liver, gastrointestinal tract and reproductive system, sweat glands and, particularly, the respiratory system. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the main cause of chronic airway infection. In order to reduce morbidity and mortality due to lung infection by P. aeruginosa, aerosol antibiotics have been used to achieve high local concentrations in the airways and to reduce systemic toxicity. In the course of this review, the current treatments to control CF lung infections by P. aeruginosa are presented. Some innovative aerosol formulations such as liposomes and microspheres are herein reviewed, which may improve the efficiency of anti-pseudomonal agents, and ensure patients’ compliance to treatments, by reducing dosing frequency and/or drug dose, while maintaining therapeutic efficacy, preventing the occurrence of bacterial resistance and/or reducing adverse effects due to their controlled-release properties.  相似文献   

Sputum samples from seven patients with cystic fibrosis and chronic P. aeruginosa lung infection were investigated for immune complexes by PEG precipitation and in two different complement binding assays. All seven patients were immune complex positive. The components involved in immune complex formation were identified by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting. We found P. aeruginosa lipopolysaccharide as a major antigen. Both core and O-specific saccharide antigens could be demonstrated. IgG and IgA were the immunoglobulins involved, with IgG2 as the dominating IgG subclass. Lipopolysaccharide has a number of biological activities and its presence in sputum may have consequences for the pathogenesis of lung disease in cystic fibrosis.  相似文献   

Chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections lead to progressive lung tissue destruction in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. Two bacterial cell-to-cell signals, 3-oxo-C(12)-HSL and C(4)-HSL are required for the production of several extracellular virulence factors. 3-oxo-C(12)-HSL is also required for the development of a differentiated biofilm, induces IL-8 production by epithelial cells and possesses immunomodulatory activities. These two signalling molecules are therefore believed to play a role in the pathogenesis of P. aeruginosa infections, but have never been isolated from infected human tissues. We extracted and quantified the two P. aeruginosa cell-to-cell signals from lung tissues of two CF patients infected by P. aeruginosa. 3-oxo-C(12)-HSL and C(4)-HSL were detected in the lung tissues in fmol/gram, respectively pmol/gram concentrations; the ratio C(4)-HSL/3-oxo-C(12)-HSL exceeded 100 in all tissue samples. Random Amplified Polymorphism DNA genotyping revealed that one genotype was present per lung. In vitro the P. aeruginosa isolates from the two lungs produced 3-oxo-C(12)-HSL, whereas some isolates did not produce detectable C(4)-HSL. Our results suggest that both P. aeruginosa cell-to-cell signals were produced in the lung tissue of these two cystic fibrosis patients.  相似文献   

The basic defect in cystic fibrosis (CF) predisposes to chronic bacterial airway infections, particularly with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Airway infections with P. aeruginosa in individuals with CF are unique in that they chronically affect a host who is immunocompetent in terms of cellular and humoral responses but is immunocompromised by impaired airway clearance. The initially acquired P. aeruginosa clone typically persists for many years in the patients' airways and thereby diversifies by de novo point mutations and the composition of its accessory genome. Co-colonizations with 2 or more clones are preferentially observed during the first 3 years of colonization. Upper and lower airways are commonly colonized by the same clone suggesting that the sinuses are the reservoir and gateway for the colonization of the lower airways. Early antipseudomonal chemotherapy has an 80% chance to eradicate the P. aeruginosa clone. This regimen introduced in the late 1980s has shifted the median age of the onset of chronic airways colonization with P. aeruginosa from school age to early adulthood at the most successful CF centres. The measures to prevent and to treat the Pseudomonas infections in CF have been considerably improved during the last 20 years. Highly transmissible epidemic strains, however, that emerge within a clonal lineage remain a major, still unresolved health threat for the CF community.  相似文献   

Chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa lung infection in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients is characterized by biofilms, tolerant to antibiotics and host responses. Instead, immune responses contribute to the tissue damage. However, this may depend on localization of infection in the upper conductive or in the peripheral respiratory zone. To study this we produced two distinct sizes of small alginate beads (SB) and large beads (LB) containing P. aeruginosa. In total, 175 BALB/c mice were infected with either SB or LB. At day 1 the quantitative bacteriology was higher in the SB group compared to the LB group (P < 0·003). For all time-points smaller biofilms were identified by Alcian blue staining in the SB group (P < 0·003). Similarly, the area of the airways in which biofilms were identified were smaller (P < 0·0001). A shift from exclusively endobronchial to both parenchymal and endobronchial localization of inflammation from day 1 to days 2/3 (P < 0·05), as well as a faster resolution of inflammation at days 5/6, was observed in the SB group (P < 0·03). Finally, both the polymorphonuclear neutrophil leucocyte (PMN) mobilizer granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) and chemoattractant macrophage inflammatory protein-2 (MIP-2) were increased at day 1 in the SB group (P < 0·0001). In conclusion, we have established a model enabling studies of host responses in different pulmonary zones. An effective recognition of and a more pronounced host response to infection in the peripheral zones, indicating that increased lung damage was demonstrated. Therefore, treatment of the chronic P. aeruginosa lung infection should be directed primarily at the peripheral lung zone by combined intravenous and inhalation antibiotic treatment.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of Pseudomonas aeruginosa exoenzymes in cystic fibrosis lung infection in the presence and absence of specific serum antibodies. In sputa of 21 cystic fibrosis patients, concentrations of P. aeruginosa proteases and exotoxin A were determined by sensitive radioimmunoassays. In all sputa, detection of exoenzymes was negative (less than or equal to 10 ng). Positive serum antibody titers to bacterial exoenzymes were found in the majority of patients. Purified immunoglobulin G (IgG) preparations from the sera of two patients revealing specific antibody titers to the bacterial proteases neutralized these enzymes at ratios of 1,000:1 to 5,600:1 (wt/wt). Above the neutralizing capacity of IgG, proteases caused cleavage of IgG; below that level, no enzymatic activity was observed. In vitro incubation of P. aeruginosa elastase, alkaline protease, or exotoxin A with elastase derived from polymorphonuclear leukocytes showed that polymorphonuclear leukocyte elastase: (i) was cleaved by bacterial elastase, (ii) was not inactivated by alkaline protease, and (iii) inactivated exotoxin A. The results suggest that soon after the onset of P. aeruginosa lung infection in cystic fibrosis patients, bacterial proteases, but not exotoxin A, become important virulence factors. The results also suggest that exoenzymes do not directly contribute to lung damage after immune response to bacterial antigens has begun.  相似文献   

Ecology of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in patients with cystic fibrosis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The occurrence of various Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains in the sputum of 15 patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) was monitored over periods ranging from 2 to 60 months. Isolates of P. aeruginosa were typed by four different techniques, namely serotyping, active and passive pyocin typing, and phage typing. The maximum number of different serotypes found in the patients was three (one serotype in nine patients; two serotypes in five patients; three serotypes in one patient). Pyocin and phage typing showed no marked differences between strains of the same serotype in individual patients. Exacerbations of chronic respiratory infection were not associated with changes in the sputum flora, the composition of P. aeruginosa strains in which remains constant over long periods in patients with CF.  相似文献   

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