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日本的暖通空调及建筑节能现状   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文介绍近年来日本在建筑物的采暖、通风、空调及建筑节能方面的现关,介绍了节能和余热回收所采取的政策、措施和方法。  相似文献   

简介了太阳能吸附制冷系统,设计吸附制冷系统主要面临的问题,吸附制冷系统在制冷空调中的应用,吸附工质对的选择,强化吸附器的研究。  相似文献   

介绍了一种新型制冷空调系统——太阳能半导体空调系统,阐述了该系统的基本组成及其工作原理,分析了目前太阳能半导体空调系统的技术现状,并指出影响系统制冷性能的关键技术。展望了太阳能半导体空调技术的应用前景。  相似文献   

建筑环境与暖通空调节能   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
本文针对暖通空调节能的趋势,分析了建筑环境对暖通空调系统的影响,提出从建筑环境方面考虑问题是暖通空调节能的必要途径。  相似文献   

地源热泵技术在暖通空调中的应用   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
从地源热泵技术的原理和分类着手,详细介绍了各种地源热泵在暖通空调中的应用情况,对其优缺点和需要解决的问题进行了分析比较,指出地源热泵是节能环保型暖通空调技术,大有发展前景。  相似文献   

吴锋 《太阳能》1992,(2):12-13
夏季太阳辐射强度大,光照时间长,沼气池产气量也大,因此太阳能和沼气是农家致冷空调系统的理想替代能源。本文介绍一种以太阳能和沼气为能源,利用热动力驱动的致冷空调系统。该系统自控性好,适应性强,致冷空调效果佳,并且能在低温差下自行  相似文献   

陈瀚 《节能》2019,(4):17-18
随着社会经济的大力发展,各行各业对于能源消耗都比较大,尤其是在建筑领域能耗更大,而暖通系统在建筑领域能耗中占比最大,过多的能耗给环境带来了巨大的压力,让人们生活的环境日益变得恶劣,因此,暖通空调的创新方法提出至关重要。降低暖通空调的能耗,从而让建筑领域的整体能耗下降。让国家在经济发展的同时更能关注环境问题,促进经济的平稳运行。对暖通空调的概念进行介绍,分析暖通空调节能设计的意义,从暖通空调设计的原则提出暖通空调的发展现状,最后提出如何进行节能设计。  相似文献   

太阳能在制冷空调中的应用及关键技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
太阳能制冷应用于制冷领域可谓是节能环保一举两得。文章较系统地介绍了几种主要的太阳能制冷技术的原理和特点,并结合学校的一些研究成果,提出了太阳能制冷技术研究状况和发展所面临的问题。  相似文献   

中国采暖和空调节能技术现状及趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

太阳能在建筑节能中应用的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
论述了太阳能在建筑中的应用形式,对不同的形式做了必要的分析。提出了使用中应注意的问题,并得到一些结论。  相似文献   

刘润宝  周宇昊 《节能》2018,(2):40-44
以天然气作为主要能量来源的分布式能源系统在产生电力的同时,可以给周边提供蒸汽和热水,极大提高了能源利用效率,日益受到社会广泛的关注。太阳能热利用是将太阳辐射能量转化为热能,或进一步转为电能,相比其他新能源,与天然气分布式能源系统可以更好地结合,在未来智能电网建设中作为清洁电源发挥重要作用,发展前景广阔。分别介绍了天然气分布式能源系统及光热利用的发展状况及基本类型,并指出两者结合的方式及未来发展方向。  相似文献   

碟式太阳能发电系统具有单机容量小,排布灵活,余热可综合利用等特点,是一种较适合与分布式能源系统结合的太阳能利用类型。对碟式太阳能发电技术进行逐一分析,总结了在分布式能源站中应用碟式太阳能所面临的诸多问题。结合实例,详细介绍华电电力科学研究院有限公司一套25 kW的碟式太阳能发电系统运行情况,提出系统的改进和提升方向。  相似文献   

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are the most energy consuming building services representing approximately half of the final energy use in the building sector and between one tenth and one fifth of the energy consumption in developed countries. Despite their significant energy use, there is a lack of a consistent and homogeneous framework to efficiently guide research and energy policies, mainly due to the complexity and variety of HVAC systems but also to insufficient rigour in their energy analysis. This paper reviews energy related aspects of HVAC systems with the aim of establishing a common ground for the analysis of their energy efficiency. The paper focuses on the map of energy flow to deliver thermal comfort: the HVAC energy chain. Our approach deals first with thermal comfort as the final service delivered to building occupants. Secondly, conditioned spaces are examined as the systems where useful heat (or coolth) is degraded to provide comfort. This is followed by the analysis of HVAC systems as complex energy conversion devices where energy carriers are transformed into useful heat and coolth, and finally, the impact of HVAC energy consumption on energy resources is discussed.  相似文献   

太阳能集热系统在工业用水加热中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绍兴市某印染公司采用太阳能热水系统和系热回收系统,配合蒸汽加热,提供90℃/120℃工业用水。项目采用直流式定温加热,将冷水加热至60℃后进入水箱;污水经换热器提取热量后进入水箱。采用集成控制系统,利用计算机监测和控制。项目建成后将达到良好的示范效果,为太阳能系统广泛推广及应用提供了新的发展方向。  相似文献   

通过在青藏铁路线设计并安装光伏通信电站的技术实践,阐明了太阳能光伏发电在常规电力无法进入地区的应用的可行性,并以清洁、环保、方便、独特、免维护等优越性能,深受用户欢迎。太阳能光伏发电是应大力倡导利用的绿色能源。  相似文献   

Energy recovery ventilators (ERVs) are exhaust air energy recovery devices for outdoor ventilation air preconditioning in building HVAC systems. The energy and economic performance of an ERV depends on its effectiveness, cost, maintenance as well as other parameters such as climate, building design and HVAC system parameters. In this study, a sensitivity analysis is used to evaluate the impact of uncertainty of building and HVAC system parameters on the energy savings potential and economics of ERVs. Firstly, the impact of building parameters on HVAC system peak loads, capital cost, annual energy use and operating cost are investigated for an office building located in Chicago using TRNSYS simulations. The results show that the ventilation rate has the most significant impact on total HVAC system energy performance. Secondly, energy and economic analysis on the ERV’s payback period is conducted with a specified variation of each input parameter. The results illustrate that an ERV with 75% sensible and 60% latent effectiveness can reduce the peak heating load by 30%, the peak cooling load by 18%, the annual heating energy usage by 40% and the annual cooling energy usage by 8%, with a payback period of 2 years. The uncertainty of ERV’s payback period to its initial cost, recovery effectiveness, energy rate, HVAC equipment initial cost and efficiency as well as ventilation rate are also presented. A ±25% uncertainty in the 7 building and HVAC system input parameters studied results in a maximum 17% and 225% uncertainty in the payback period of the ERV respectively.  相似文献   

A data-driven approach for minimization of the energy to air condition a typical office-type facility is presented. Eight data-mining algorithms are applied to model the nonlinear relationship among energy consumption, control settings (supply air temperature and supply air static pressure), and a set of uncontrollable parameters. The multiple-linear perceptron (MLP) ensemble outperforms other models tested in this research, and therefore it is selected to model a chiller, a pump, a fan, and a reheat device. These four models are integrated into an energy optimization model with two decision variables, the setpoint of the supply air temperature and the static pressure in the air handling unit. The model is solved with a particle swarm optimization algorithm. The optimization results have demonstrated the total energy consumed by the heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning system is reduced by over 7%.  相似文献   

马兴华 《太阳能》2009,(6):48-50
在全球能源形势紧张、气候变暖严重威胁经济发展和生活环境的今天,世界各国都在寻求新的替代能源以谋求可持续发展.随着我国新农村建设步伐的加快,农民生活水平的提高,农村对能源的需求更为迫切.太阳能以其清洁、高效、资源丰富、永不衰竭等特点在农村得到广泛的关注和应用,具有广阔的发展前景.合理地开发利用太阳能为缓解农村能源短缺,改善农村生态环境和农民生活起了积极的作用,并可达到节能减排的目的.河北省蔚县在太阳能与新农村建设方面进行了有益的探索.  相似文献   

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