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在介绍由高程异常确定大地水准面有关的同时,提出了用地形质量计算重力异常垂直梯度的方法,结合高程异常资料,可以使山区大地水准面得到精化。将本方法应用于珠穆朗玛峰,获得其天地水准面高为-30.36m。  相似文献   

与地形(水深)以及相应的均衡补偿相联系的质量是引起重力变化的主要原因,尤其是短波长变化,此时直接地或间接地考虑地形影响都是必要的。因此,本文综合国内外有关资料全面论述了地形在我国未来大地水准面精化中的作用。最后指出,GPS与经典水准测量的结合将会大幅度提高我国大地水准面的精度,如果在广大地区辅以高分辨率的数字地面模型DTM,我国未来大地水准面将跨越米级,有可能达到分米级或厘米级。  相似文献   

首先对中国近海及邻域(0°-40°N,105°─135°E)内4年的T/P卫星测高数据(1992-10-03-1996-10-09)和1年多的ERS-1卫星测高数据(1992-10-23-1994-01-20)进行了预处理以剔除数据中的粗差影响.然后,对卫星的重复轨迹采用"共线"处理方法得到该海域的平均海平面.在扣除海面地形的影响后得到该海域30'×X30'大地水准面起伏。再分别采用Stokes公式逆运算加FFT技术和最小二乘配置法恢复出该海域30'×30'海洋重力异常.所得到的海洋大地水准面起伏精度为8.5cm,恢复出的重力异常的精度为35×10-5m/s2.  相似文献   

应用Bjerhammar方法确定GPS重力似大地水准面   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
束蝉方  李斐  李明峰  张杰 《地球物理学报》2011,54(10):2503-2509
GPS技术的发展提出了新的大地边值问题——GPS重力边值问题.本文将Bjerhammar方法应用于GPS重力问题的求解,并在给出理论公式的基础上,针对实际计算中虚拟场元的分布和求解、虚拟球半径的确定及奇异积分等问题提出了具体的解决方案.文中通过比例因子k在虚拟球半径和GPS重力数据密度间建立起联系,并推导出其近似值.在此基础上,利用收集到的某地区的4870个GPS重力数据计算了该地区的似大地水准面,65个高精度GPS水准点进行的外部检核表明其精度为±2.4 cm.经二次多项式拟合后,另外29个GPS水准点外部检核精度达到±1.4 cm.不同分辨率GPS重力数据的计算结果表明,尽管比例因子k的近似值不是最优值,但其对重力场逼近效果影响不是很大.这些结果说明了将Bjerhammar方法应用于GPS重力边值问题求解的合理性及本文计算方法的可行性和可靠性.  相似文献   

首先对中国近海及邻域(0°-40°N,105°─135°E)内4年的T/P卫星测高数据(1992-10-03-1996-10-09)和1年多的ERS-1卫星测高数据(1992-10-23-1994-01-20)进行了预处理以剔除数据中的粗差影响.然后,对卫星的重复轨迹采用"共线"处理方法得到该海域的平均海平面.在扣除海面地形的影响后得到该海域30'×X30'大地水准面起伏。再分别采用Stokes公式逆运算加FFT技术和最小二乘配置法恢复出该海域30'×30'海洋重力异常.所得到的海洋大地水准面起伏精度为8.5cm,恢复出的重力异常的精度为35×10-5m/s2.  相似文献   

应用GPS/重力数据确定(似)大地水准面   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
作为GPS/重力边值问题理论及方法的应用,本文在对GPS/重力方法确定(似)大地水准面的原理进行简要介绍与分析的基础上,利用收集到的N区的702个GPS重力数据以及52个高精度的GPS水准数据,计算出该区域的似大地水准面. 通过拟合法和系统差直接改正法进行的精度分析表明,应用GPS/水准方法确定的该地区似大地水准面的精度达到厘米级.  相似文献   

地图出版社于1989年出版的《中国岩石圈动力学地图集》(国际岩石圈委员会125号出版物)中的全国“均衡重力异常”图,与地质出版社1996年出版的《中国地球物理图集》(国际岩石圈委员会201号出版物)中的全国“均衡重力异常图”的比较表明,在东经105°以西的大部分山区,如冈底斯山、昆仑山、阿尔金山、祁连山、巴颜喀拉山以及秦岭等处,两幅图件显示的均衡重力异常有较大的差异;不仅符号相反,而且数值相差达到100或200余毫伽.这个差异必然导致对同一个地区的两种截然不同的均衡状态估计.对于差异如此大的基础图件,有必要仔细核对,查明造成差异的原因。  相似文献   




随着GPS/水准及全球重力测量的加密和扩展,获取高精度的似大地水准面或高程异常(ξ)已比较容易,如何进一步研究它和大地水准面或大地水准面高(N)之间的关系(即所谓间接的方法)使大地水准面得到精化,这就是本文的目的,文中对已推导的公式在模型作了验证,对如何利用地形等数据确定扰动重力垂直梯度也作了研究,结果表明:在海拔4000 m的高山地区,当似大地水准面的精度达到cm级时,大地水准面的精度也与之比较接近.  相似文献   

The eigenvalue decomposition technique is used for analysis of conditionality of two alternative solutions for a determination of the geoid from local gravity data. The first solution is based on the standard two-step approach utilising the inverse of the Abel-Poisson integral equation (downward continuation) and consequently the Stokes/Hotine integration (gravity inversion). The second solution is based on a single integral that combines the downward continuation and the gravity inversion in one integral equation. Extreme eigenvalues and corresponding condition numbers of matrix operators are investigated to compare the stability of inverse problems of the above-mentioned computational models. To preserve a dominantly diagonal structure of the matrices for inverse solutions, the horizontal positions of the parameterised solution on the geoid and of data points are identical. The numerical experiments using real data reveal that the direct gravity inversion is numerically more stable than the downward continuation procedure in the two-step approach.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the Pacific geoid and gravity fields exhibit lineated anomalies, trending approximately in the direction of absolute plate motion over the underlying mantle. Because the undulations obliquely cross fracture zones they have often been attributed a convective origin. Recently, lithospheric boudinage caused by diffuse extension has been proposed as a possible mechanism. We have examined the undulations in the free-air anomalies, geoid and bathymetry over a portion of the Pacific Plate to determine quantitatively how the undulations are related to plate motion. We compare the observed data to an axisymmetric, sinusoidal undulation defined in an arbitrary frame of reference; in particular, we seek the north pole of this reference frame that maximizes the correlation between data and model. Poles that are close to the Pacific hotspot pole represent copolar undulations possibly related to plate motion. The distance between the best-fitting poles and the hotspot pole is determined as a function of undulation wavelength and reveals several minima (with distance < 10°) for discrete geoid wavebands centered on wavelengths of 160 km, 225 km, 287 km, 400 km, 660 km, 850 km, 1000 km and 1400 km. Bathymetry data have copolar bathymetric expressions as well, giving an implied admittance of 2–3 m/km. The most co-polar geoid/bathymetry undulations (with poles within 2–3° of the average Pacific Euler pole) have wavelengths of 280 km and 1050 km, respectively. The latter could have a convective origin or be related to the spacing of hotspot swells. The former may reflect lithospheric boudinage formed in response to diffuse extension, but could also have a dynamic origin since flexural dampening may only have attenuated the bathymetric amplitude by 50% or less. Radiometric dating of volcanic ridges found in the troughs of prominent gravity lineations gives ages that correlate well with documented changes in Pacific and Indo/Australian Plate motion, suggesting the ridges formed in response to intermittent plate boundary stresses and not as a direct consequence of small-scale convection or diffuse extension.  相似文献   

Regional gravity field modeling with high-precision and high-resolution is one of the most important scientific objectives in geodesy,and can provide fundamental information for geophysics,geodynamics,seismology,and mineral exploration.Rectangular harmonic analysis(RHA)is proposed for regional gravity field modeling in this paper.By solving the Laplace’s equation of gravitational potential in local Cartesian coordinate system,the rectangular harmonic expansions of disturbing potential,gravity anomaly,gravity disturbance,geoid undulation and deflection of the vertical are derived,and so are the formula for signal degree variance and error degree variance of the rectangular harmonic coefficients(RHC).We also present the mathematical model and detailed algorithm for the solution of RHC using RHA from gravity observations.In order to reduce the edge effects caused by periodic continuation in RHA,we propose the strategy of extending the size of computation domain.The RHA-based modeling method is validated by conducting numerical experiments based on simulated ground and airborne gravity data that are generated from geopotential model EGM2008 and contaminated by Gauss white noise with standard deviation of 2 mGal.The accuracy of the 2.5′×2.5′geoid undulations computed from ground and airborne gravity data is 1 and 1.4cm,respectively.The standard error of the gravity disturbances that downward continued from the flight height of 4 km to the geoid is only 3.1 mGal.Numerical results confirm that RHA is able to provide a reliable and accurate regional gravity field model,which may be a new option for the representation of the fine structure of regional gravity field.  相似文献   


南海位于太平洋板块、印澳板块和欧亚板块交汇处,自晚中生代以来历经张裂作用、海底扩张以及印藏碰撞、菲律宾海板块西向运动等构造事件的叠加改造,不仅形成了复杂多样的构造格局,而且堆积了厚薄不均的沉积层.为了考察沉积层密度改正对利用重力资料分析南海不同尺度构造特征的影响,本文利用南海各区域不同深度沉积层的地震波速度及钻孔密度等数据,建立了沉积层与沉积基底密度差随深度变化的二次函数关系式,并基于该关系式,计算了南海沉积层相对基底密度低而产生的重力异常值.结果显示,南海沉积层的重力异常值在海盆区介于-40~-60 mGal,而在堆积巨厚沉积物的莺歌海盆地可达到-135 mGal;相对于空间重力异常、布格重力异常,经沉积层重力异常改正后的地壳布格重力异常更能突出深部不同尺度的密度结构和莫霍面的起伏特征,其总水平导数模更突显了南海西北部红河断裂带的海上延伸;利用谱分析技术估算岩石圈强度时,经沉积层重力异常改正的地壳布格重力异常数据获得的岩石圈有效弹性厚度值更为符合地质实际,特别是在长条形的巨厚沉积区如莺歌海盆地和马来盆地.分析表明,重力异常的沉积层密度改正对揭示南海构造特征具有重要的意义.


本文通过分析陆地实测空间重力异常数据、海洋船载测量空间重力异常数据、卫星测高重力异常,布格重力异常数据、EGM2008地球重力模型数据等多种来源数据的性质和精度,并对相关数据进行对比,研究了编制1:500万中国海陆空间重力异常图的数据使用方案和技术方法.在地形较为平坦、实测数据分布均匀的陆区,使用实测数据,在地形复杂,实测数据稀少以及没有实测数据的陆区或岛屿,利用布格重力异常反推空间异常的方法合成平均空间重力数据,西藏地区的数据对比实验证明合成平均空间重力异常数据是一种有效的数据补充.利用三观测列方差分解法在南海地区对船载测量空间重力数据和美国SS系列及丹麦DNSC08GRA卫星重力数据进行了方差分解计算,结果表明不同来源的卫星测高重力数据具有很大的一致性,数据精度较以往有了很大的提高.海区空间重力数据使用原则是在船载重力测量数据校准下,全面使用卫星测高重力数据进行编图.海陆过渡区的异常处理应以EGM2008地球重力模型重力场为基准参考场,实现海陆异常平缓过渡,无缝连接.对中国海陆空间重力异常场进行了小波变换处理,对空间重力异常场进行了解读,勾画出三横四竖的一级重力梯级带及其所围限的8个一级重力异常区,并划分了二级重力异常区和梯级带,为块体构造学体系中大地构造格架的建立提供了地球物理证据.  相似文献   

重力数据是所有地下场源产生的重力场的叠加,探测对象经常被淹没在区域背景场之中,因此剩余异常的分离对于重力资料研究至关重要,而近来被引入位场领域的小波算子作为了滤波器和场源分析工具,在这里我们分析研究基于小波分析与谱分析的二维离散小波变换用于提高重力异常的分辨能力,再现出由简单形状场源描述密度不均匀的几何特征.本文先介绍二维多分辨率分析小波的基本理论及其提升算法,利用对数功率谱估计平均深度方法理论,接着对理论模型数据进行多尺度异常分解,估计地质体的形状、大小和深度,最后又对实测重力数据进行分析,并与传统常规方法进行比较分析,结果表明对于实际数据分析其方法也是具有可行性的.  相似文献   

大陆上用重力数据和GPS水准数据确定(似)大地水准面,海洋上用卫星测高数据确定(似)大地水准面.由于沿海地区和近岸海域往往缺少完好的重力数据,近岸海域卫星测高数据质量相对较差,两类大地水准面在陆海相接区域精度偏低且存在拼合差.纯几何方法拟合陆海局部区域大地水准面,不能顾及大地水准面的物理特性,拟合结果不稳定.顾及到大地水准面的物理特性,依据其在局部所应满足的数学物理方程,拟合陆海局部区域大地水准面问题,转化为Laplace第一边值问题.讨论了有限元法衔接陆海局部区域大地水准面的数学思想,给出了相应的数学模型.  相似文献   

在云南省西部,跨越中、缅两国交界的横断山系地区(97°E~102°E,24°N~30°N)有近一半的面积尚没有重力测点、即重力数据空白区和重力测点稀少的普查级测区.以前的有关文献、图集中所给出对此地区的重力场都是十分模糊的结果与图件.因此应用这些资料无法详细地研究该地区重力场特征与深部地壳结构(构造).本文应用卫星重力异常资料作为“近似空间重力异常”,经中间层改正后给出的“计算布格重力异常”,其分布特征与该地区的地形高程呈很好的镜像相关.对相应山脉、河谷以及断裂构造都有所反映.特别是在横断山系地区该布格重力异常呈现为近南北的走向.为此,据该“计算布格重力异常”,并选定对该区有代表性的一条重力异常剖面作正反演计算,以得到其地壳深部结构剖面.结果表明,在横断山脉地区的地壳厚度在51~56 km间起伏变化;滇西北云岭山系以及玉龙山区的地壳厚度约在60 km以上. 最后,对所得结果与图件进行了讨论,并提出了几点认识和纠正的建议.  相似文献   

Free-Air Anomalies (FAA) for the Norwegian marine area including some parts of the North Sea, the Norwegian Sea and the Barents Sea are computed from satellite altimetry data. A total of 84 cycles of ERS2 along-track data, 25 cycles of ENVISAT along-track data and high density ERS1 data during its geodetic mission are used. The new geopotential model from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission, GGM02S (Tapely et al., 2005) is used to compute the long wavelength contributions of the geoid and the FAA. To correct data for mean dynamic topography, the available Levitus climatology model (Levitus and Boyer, 1994) is used. Corrected data are then used to compute along-track gradients in each cycle-pass to suppress the orbital and the atmospheric errors below the noise level of the altimeter. Resulted gradients are then stacked and the east-west and the north-south components of the deflection of verticals are computed where ascending and descending tracks meet each other. Finally, the inverse Vening-Meinesz formula is implemented on the gridded deflections to compute FAA. Results are then compared with available marine and airborne data. Standard deviations of ± 4.301 and ± 6.159 mGal in comparison with airborne and marine FAA were achieved. Thereafter, the derived anomalies are combined with marine and airborne FAA together with the land FAA to compute a fine resolution geoid for Norway and the surrounding marine areas. This geoid is evaluated over sea and land with the synthetic geoid (the geoid derived from the mean sea surface by subtracting the mean dynamic topography) and Global Positioning System (GPS)-levelling and the standard deviations of the differences are ± 20.9 and ± 12.8 cm respectively. ali.soltanpour@ntnu.no, hossein.nahavandchi@ntnu.no, kourosh.ghazavi@ntnu.no  相似文献   

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