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To elucidate the developmental aspects of the evolution of sexual size dimorphism (SSD), an understanding of the sex-specific ontogeny of body size is critical. Here, we evaluate the relative importance of genetic and environmental determinants of SSD in juvenile common lizards (Lacerta vivipara). We examined the prenatal and post-natal effects of population density and habitat humidity on SSD, as well as the maternal effects of food availability, corticosterone level, humidity and heat regime during gestation. Analyses indicated strong prenatal and post-natal plasticity in body size per se and yielded three main results with respect to SSD. First, SSD in juvenile common lizards matches qualitatively the SSD observed in adults. Secondly, SSD was influenced by none of the prenatal factors investigated here, suggesting poor sex-biased maternal effects on offspring size. Thirdly, SSD was sensitive to post-natal habitat humidity, which positively affected growth rate more strongly in females than in males. Thus, natural variation in SSD in juvenile common lizards appears to be primarily determined by a combination of sex-biased genetic factors and post-natal conditions. We discuss the possibility that viviparity may constrain the evolution of sex-biased maternal effects on offspring size.  相似文献   

1. Theory predicts that mothers should adaptively adjust reproductive investment depending on current reserves and future reproductive opportunities. Females in better intrinsic state, or with more resources, should invest more in current reproduction than those with fewer resources. Across the lifespan, investment may increase as future reproductive opportunities decline, yet may also decline with reductions in intrinsic state. 2. Across many species, larger mothers produce larger offspring, but there is no theoretical consensus on why this is so. This pattern may be driven by variation in maternal state such as nutrition, yet few studies measure both size and nutritional state or attempt to tease apart confounding effects of size and age. 3. Viviparous tsetse flies (Glossina species) offer an excellent system to explore patterns of reproductive investment: females produce large, single offspring sequentially over the course of their relatively long life. Thus, per‐brood reproductive effort can be quantified by offspring size. 4. While most tsetse reproduction research has been conducted on laboratory colonies, maternal investment was investigated in this study using a unique field method where mothers were collected as they deposited larvae, allowing simultaneous mother‐offspring measurements under natural conditions. 5. It was found that larger mothers and those with a higher fat content produced larger offspring, and there was a trend for older mothers to produce slightly larger offspring. 6. The present results highlight the importance of measuring maternal nutritional state, rather than size alone, when considering maternal investment in offspring. Implications for understanding vector population dynamics are also discussed.  相似文献   

Reproduction entails costs, and disentangling the relative importance of each stage of the reproductive cycle may be important to assess the costs and benefits of different reproductive strategies. We studied the early costs of reproduction in oviparous and viviparous lizard females of the bimodal reproductive species Zootoca vivipara. Egg retention time in oviparous females is approximately one-third of the time in viviparous females. We compared the vitellogenesis and egg retention stages that are common to both reproductive modes. Precisely, we monitored the thermoregulatory behaviour, the weight gain and the immunocompetence of the females. Moreover, we injected an antigen in half of the females (immune challenge) to study the trade-offs between reproductive mode and immune performance and between different components of the immune system. Finally, we experimentally induced parturition in viviparous females at the time of egg laying in oviparous females. Oviparous and viviparous females did not show strong differences in response to the immune challenge. However, viviparous females spent more time thermoregulating while partially hidden and gained more weight than oviparous females. The greater weight gain indicates that the initial period of egg retention is less costly for viviparous than for oviparous females or that viviparous females are able to save and accumulate energy at this period. This energy may be used by viviparous females to cope with the subsequent costs of the last two-third of the gestation. Such an ability to compensate the higher costs of a longer egg retention period may account for the frequent evolution of viviparity in squamate reptiles.  相似文献   

The general lack of experimental evidence for strong, positive effects of egg size on offspring phenotype has led to suggestions that avian egg size is a neutral trait. To better understand the functional significance of intra-specific variation in egg size as a determinant of offspring fitness within a life-history (sex-specific life-history strategies) and an environmental (poor rearing conditions) context, we experimentally increased developmental stress (via maternal feather-clipping) in the sexually size-dimorphic European starling (Sturnus vulgaris) and measured phenotypic traits in offspring across multiple biological scales. As predicted by life-history theory, sons and daughters had different responses when faced with developmental stress and variation in egg size. In response to developmental stress, small egg size in normally faster-growing sons was associated with catch-up growth prior to attaining larger adult size, resulting in a reduction in developmental stability. Daughters apparently avoided this developmental instability by reducing growth rate and eventual adult body mass and size. Interestingly, large egg size provided offspring with greater developmental flexibility under poor growth conditions. Large-egg sons and daughters avoided the reduction in developmental stability, and daughters also showed enhanced escape performance during flight trials. Furthermore, large egg size resulted in elevated immune responses for both sexes under developmental stress. These findings show that there can be significant, but complex, context-specific effects of egg size on offspring phenotype at least up to fledging, but these can only be demonstrated by appreciating variation in the quality of the offspring environment and life histories. Results are therefore consistent with egg size playing a significant role in shaping the phenotypic outcome of offspring in species that show even greater intra-specific variation in egg size than starlings.  相似文献   

Variability in litter size and the concept of optimality are central to our current understanding of parental investment patterns and life histories. A fundamental component of most models of optimum litter size is an apparently inescapable trade-off between litter size and size of offspring. Most previous models of litter size have focused on the evolution of an optimum litter size rather than variability in litter size. Because variability provides the raw material from which numerous optimal litter sizes are fashioned to meet prevailing conditions, approaches that specifically address adaptive patterns of variability might provide new insights into the evolution of litter size. A model based on a non-linear relationship between total parental effort and litter size reduces trade-offs between offspring size and offspring number to simple reproductive economics, and illustrates how litter size variability might be predictable under certain environmental conditions. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

1. Understanding individual and population responses to climate change is emerging as an important challenge. Because many phenotypic traits are sensitive to environmental conditions, directional climate change could significantly alter trait distribution within populations and may generate an evolutionary response. 2. In species with environment-dependent sex determination, climate change may lead to skewed sex ratios at hatching or birth. However, there are virtually no empirical data on the putative link between climatic parameters and sex ratios from natural populations. 3. We monitored a natural population of viviparous lizards with temperature-dependent sex determination (Niveoscincus ocellatus) over seven field seasons. Sex ratios at birth fluctuated significantly among years and closely tracked thermal conditions in the field, with the proportion of male offspring increasing in colder years. 4. This is the first study to demonstrate the effect of local climatic conditions (e.g. temperature) on offspring sex ratio fluctuations in a free-living population of a viviparous ectotherm. A succession of warmer-than-usual years (as predicted under many climate-change scenarios) likely would generate female-biased sex ratios at birth, while an increase in interannual variation (as also predicted under climate change scenarios) could lead to significant fluctuations in cohort sex ratios. If cohort sex ratio bias at birth leads to adult sex ratio bias, long-term directional changes in thermal conditions may have important effects on population dynamics in this species.  相似文献   

The ability of viviparous lizards to defer parturition after completion of embryonic development is a potentially key strategy for enhancing offspring fitness. Using the spotted snow skink, Niveoscincus ocellatus , we investigated the ability of females to defer birth if placed into cold conditions at the same time, for 1, 2 or 3 weeks at the end of gestation. The ability to defer birth was compared between two populations at each end of the species' altitudinal range. We hypothesized that females from the high elevation population would be less likely to defer parturition under extended periods of poor conditions, thus ensuring that young were not born too late in the season. In all but the 3-week treatment group from the high elevation population, females were able to defer birth when placed under cold conditions: for all groups, there was no treatment effect on offspring phenotype at birth, dispersal distance or survivorship after release. However, there was a significant negative effect of treatment on offspring growth measured after release, with the results differing between the populations. Females from the high elevation population were less able to defer birth under long periods (3 weeks) of cold conditions, and this was accompanied by a decrease in viability of the offspring.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 90 , 735–746.  相似文献   

The use of modern prolific lines of rabbit does in intensive production systems leads to an increase in productivity but also causes a rise in several problems related to the does’ health status. Hence, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the litter size on the metabolic, inflammatory and plasma amino acid profile in rabbit does. The blood of 30 pregnant does was sampled on the 27th day of pregnancy. The does were retrospectively grouped according to the number of offspring into a high litter size group (HI, does with ≥ 12 kits; n= 16) and a low litter size group (LO, does with ≤ 11 kits; n= 14). Data were subjected to Pearson’s correlation analysis. Further, data were analysed in agreement to a completely randomized design in which the main tested effect was litter size. The linear or quadratic trends of litter size on parameters of interests were post hoccompared by using orthogonal contrasts. In addition, compared with the LO group, the HI group had lower levels of glucose (−5%; P< 0.01), zinc (−19%; P< 0.05), albumin (−6%; P< 0.05) and total cholesterol (−13%; P< 0.07), but the total bilirubin level was higher in the HI group (+14%; P< 0.05). Regarding the plasma amino acids, the HI group had lower concentrations of threonine (−15%), glycine (−16%), lysine (−16%) and tryptophan (−26%) and a higher level of glutamic acid (+43%; P< 0.05) compared with the LO group. The exclusively ketogenic amount of amino acids was lower (P< 0.06) in the HI (55.8 mg/100 ml) does compared with the LO does (56.8 mg/100 ml). These results show that a few days before delivery, rabbit does that gave birth to a higher number of offspring had a metabolic profile and an inflammatory status that was less favourable with respect to does who gave birth to a lower number of offspring. Moreover, the plasma amino acid profile points out that there was an enhanced catabolic condition in the rabbit does with a high number of gestated foetuses; it was likely related to the greater energy demand needed to support the pregnancy and an early inflammatory response.  相似文献   

Iteroparous organisms maximize their overall fitness by optimizing their reproductive effort over multiple reproductive events. Hence, changes in reproductive effort are expected to have both short- and long-term consequences on parents and their offspring. In laboratory rodents, manipulation of reproductive efforts during lactation has however revealed few short-term reproductive adjustments, suggesting that female laboratory rodents express maximal rather than optimal levels of reproductive investment as observed in semelparous organisms. Using a litter size manipulation (LSM) experiment in a small wild-derived rodent (the common vole; Microtus arvalis), we show that females altered their reproductive efforts in response to LSM, with females having higher metabolic rates and showing alternative body mass dynamics when rearing an enlarged rather than reduced litter. Those differences in female reproductive effort were nonetheless insufficient to fully match their pups’ energy demand, pups being lighter at weaning in enlarged litters. Interestingly, female reproductive effort changes had long-term consequences, with females that had previously reared an enlarged litter being lighter at the birth of their subsequent litter and producing lower quality pups. We discuss the significance of using wild-derived animals in studies of reproductive effort optimization.  相似文献   

We used exogenous gonadotropin hormones to physiologically enlarge litter size in the bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus). This method allowed the study design to include possible production costs of reproduction and a trade-off between offspring number and body size at birth. Furthermore, progeny rearing and survival and postpartum survival of the females took place in outdoor enclosures to capture salient naturalistic effects that might be present during the fall and early winter. The aim of the study was to assess the effects of the manipulation on the growth and survival of the offspring and on the reproductive effort, survival, and future fecundity of the mothers. Mean offspring body size was smaller in enlarged litters compared to control litters at weaning, but the differences disappeared by the winter. Differences in litter sizes disappeared before weaning age due to higher mortality in enlarged litters. In addition to the effects of the litter size, offspring performance was probably also influenced by the ability of the mother to support the litter. Experimental females had higher reproductive effort at birth, and they also tended to have higher mortality during nursing. Combined effects of high reproductive effort at birth and high investment in nursing the litter entailed costs for the experimental females in terms of decreased probability of producing a second litter and a decreased body mass gain. Thus, enlarged litter size had both survival and fecundity costs for the mothers. Our results suggest that the evolution of litter size and reproductive effort is determined by reproductive costs for the mothers as well as by a trade-off between offspring number and quality.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of the PvuII polymorphism of the oestrogen receptor gene on litter size and production traits in Czech Large White swine, data from 1250 sows and 3600 litters were analysed with two four-trait animal models. The traits in the first model were number of piglets born alive in a sow's first litter, number of piglets born alive in second and subsequent litters, lifetime daily gain and lean meat percentage. The second model included number of piglets born, number of piglets born alive, number of piglets weaned and litter weight at weaning from first and subsequent litters. The oestrogen receptor (ESR) locus significantly affected prolicacy in the first parity and averaged over all parities (P < 0.05), with allele A superior to allele B. In the first parity, AA sows produced approximately 0.5 more live piglets per litter than BB sows. Averaged over all parities, this difference was c. 0.25 piglets. Results for total number of piglets born and number of piglets weaned were similar to results for numbers born alive. No significant dominance effect was found for prolificacy traits. For litter weight at weaning, no significant additive effect was observed at the ESR locus, but a significant negative dominance effect (-1.5 kg) was estimated averaged across parities (litters of AB sows were similar to litters of BB sows for this trait). No pleiotropic effect of the ESR polymorphism on average daily gain or lean meat percentage was found.  相似文献   

Plastic responses to temperature during embryonic development are common in ectotherms, but their evolutionary relevance is poorly understood. Using a combination of field and laboratory approaches, we demonstrate altitudinal divergence in the strength of effects of maternal thermal opportunity on offspring birth date and body mass in a live-bearing lizard (Niveoscincus ocellatus). Poor thermal opportunity decreased birth weight at low altitudes where selection on body mass was negligible. In contrast, there was no effect of maternal thermal opportunity on body mass at high altitudes where natural selection favored heavy offspring. The weaker effect of poor maternal thermal opportunity on offspring development at high altitude was accompanied by a more active thermoregulation and higher body temperature in highland females. This may suggest that passive effects of temperature on embryonic development have resulted in evolution of adaptive behavioral compensation for poor thermal opportunity at high altitudes, but that direct effects of maternal thermal environment are maintained at low altitudes because they are not selected against. More generally, we suggest that phenotypic effects of maternal thermal opportunity or incubation temperature in reptiles will most commonly reflect weak selection for canalization or selection on maternal strategies rather than adaptive plasticity to match postnatal environments.  相似文献   

Temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD) is well studied in many species of reptiles, but little is known on how geographic distribution and altitude affect the sex ratio. In the present study, we focused on a population of a viviparous lizard with TSD (Eremias multiocellata) that lives at high altitudes (≈2900 m) in Tianzhu, Gansu province, China. Gestation temperature had a notable effect on the offspring sex ratio, gestation period, and the mother's body mass. The mothers produced female biased offspring at 25 °C but male biased offspring at 35 °C. All female lizards lost weight during pregnancy, and the least loss of the body mass was observed at 31 °C. The gestation period increased in a non-linear fashion as ambient temperature was reduced. Average litter size was elevated with an increase of gestation temperatures, reached a maximum at 31 °C, and then declined at 35 °C. Compared with a previous study on a Minqin population which lives at a lower altitude (≈1400 m) and warmer climate, the present study obtained a less skewed sex ratio of offspring in the Tianzhu population. Geographic variations also affected offspring morphology between the two populations; females collected from Tianzhu produced larger litters but with a smaller body weight of offspring. These differences may be caused by the adaptive response to the cool climatic and high-altitude environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to explore the genetic parameters associated with environmental variability for litter size (LS), litter weight (LW) and mean individual birth weight (IW) in mice before canalisation. The analyses were conducted on an experimental mice population designed to reduce environmental variability for LS. The analysed database included 1976 records for LW and IW and 4129 records for LS. The total number of individuals included in the analysed pedigree was 3997. Heritabilities estimated for the traits under an initial exploratory approach varied from 0.099 to 0.101 for LS, from 0.112 to 0.148 for LW and from 0.028 to 0.033 for IW. The means of the posterior distribution of the heritability under a Bayesian approach were the following: 0.10 (LS), 0.13 (LW) and 0.03 (IW). In general, the heritabilities estimated under the initial exploratory approach for the environmental variability of the analysed traits were low. Genetic correlations estimated between the trait and its variability reached values of -0.929 (LS), -0.815 (LW) and 0.969 (IW). The results presented here for the first time in mice may suggest a genetic basis for variability of the evaluated traits, thus opening the possibility to be implemented in selection schemes.  相似文献   

Interspecific comparisons suggest a strong association between cool climates and viviparity in reptiles. However, intraspecific comparisons, which provide an opportunity to identify causal pathways and to distinguish facultative (phenotypically plastic) effects from canalized (genetically fixed) responses, are lacking. We documented the reproductive traits in an alpine oviparous lizard, and manipulated thermal regimes of gravid females and their eggs to identify proximate causes of life‐history variation. Embryonic development at oviposition was more advanced in eggs laid by females from high‐elevation populations than in eggs produced by females from lower elevations. In the laboratory, experimentally imposed low maternal body temperatures delayed oviposition and resulted in more advanced embryonic development at oviposition. Warm conditions both in utero and in the nest increased hatching success and offspring body size. Our intraspecific comparisons support the hypothesis that viviparity has evolved in cold‐climate squamates because of the direct fitness advantages that warm temperatures provide developing offspring. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 642–655.  相似文献   

Historically, studies on the response of ectotherms to anthropogenic climate change have emphasized predicted changes in temperature, with few examining responses associated with additional climatic changes. Basking behaviour is an absolute requirement for lizards from temperate regions because elevated body temperatures are needed for processes such as digestion and embryogenesis. Given that predicted cloud‐cover changes will alter basking opportunities in many locations, we measured the phenotypic consequences of an increase or reduction in basking opportunity during pregnancy on the offspring of a viviparous temperate skink. The sex, size, growth, survival, emergence behaviour, morphotype, pigmentation, and locomotor performance of offspring were measured up to 3 months of age. Most offspring characteristics (e.g. sex) were not influenced by maternal basking regime. However, maternal pregnancy success was lower, and female offspring were slower growing, and thus smaller, when from regimes mimicking high cloud cover, suggesting potential long‐term influences on population dynamics. Although a link between basking regime and phenotype has been reported in viviparous lizards, this is the first study to explore possible negative implications of changes in cloud cover on offspring production and phenotype (other than sex). © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 844–851.  相似文献   

It has been documented in some reptiles that thermal environment can induce variation in sex ratio and morphological phenotypes of offspring. Here, the viviparous lizards (Eremias multiocellata) were maintained under different temperatures during pregnancy to test the effects of this treatment on sexual and morphological phenotypes of offspring, and to investigate whether this lizard is subject to temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD). The warmer temperatures resulted in shorter gestation periods and a higher ratio of male: female births; however, gestation temperature did not affect the neonates’ body mass or snout–vent length (SVL). The gestation temperatures also had significant effects on the mean litter size. Therefore, our results show that the viviparous lizard E. multiocellata might be a TSD species, providing the mothers the opportunity to manipulate the sex ratio of their offspring.  相似文献   

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