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A straightforward analytic solution method is developed which takes into account the variability of transaction size (the number of lock requests). The authors first obtain analytic expressions for the probability of lock conflict, probability of deadlock, and the waiting time per lock conflict. They then develop a family of noniterative analytic solutions to evaluate the overall system performance by considering the expansion in transaction response time due to transaction blocking. The accuracy of these solutions is verified by validation against simulation results. Also introduced is a new measure for the degree of lock contention, which is a product of the mean number of lock conflicts per transaction and the mean waiting time per lock conflict (when blocked by an active transaction). It is shown that the variability in transaction size results in an increase in both measures as compared to fixed-size transactions of comparable size. The authors also provide a solution method for the case when the processing times of transaction steps are different  相似文献   

The concurrency control (CC) method employed can be critical to the performance of transaction processing systems. Conventional locking suffers from the blocking phenomenon, where waiting transactions continue to hold locks and block other transactions from progressing. In a high data contention environment, as an increasing number of transactions wait, a larger number of lock requests get blocked and fewer lock requests can get through. The proposed scheme reduces the blocking probability by deferring the blocking behavior of transactions to the later stages of their execution. By properly balancing the blocking and abort effects, the proposed scheme can lead to better performance than either the conventional locking or the optimistic concurrency control (OCC) schemes at all data and resource contention levels. We consider both static and dynamic approaches to determine when to switch from the nonblocking phase to the blocking phase. An analytical model is developed to estimate the performance of this scheme and determine the optimal operating or switching point. The accuracy of the analytic model is validated through a detailed simulation  相似文献   

New analytic models are presented which predict the maximum throughput of locking and optimistic concurrency control algorithms for a centralized database system. By making several simplifying assumptions, these models can be easily solved. The analytic results are tested against simulation and are shown to have an accuracy considerably better than some previously reported methods. The models are used to carry out a comparison between locking and optimistic control under stated assumptions. It is found that locking schemes consistently have higher maximum throughput than optimistic schemes.  相似文献   

多线性动态系统是具有多个线性过程的复杂动态系统,包括切换线性系统、线性微分包含、线性参数变化系统等多类在系统控制理论中受到广泛关注的系统框架.本文以连续时间多线性动态系统的性能分析为目标,以笔者近几年的相关工作为基础,简要综述一类建立在实矩阵组之上的谱分析方法,包括矩阵组谱坐标定义,等价矩阵测度刻画,基于分段二次诱导测度的估计理论和逼近算法.作为一个应用例子,考虑单输入鲁里叶系统的绝对稳定性,给出基于谱分析方法的判据.  相似文献   

An analytic formula for the delay due to two-phase locking is developed in terms of mean values for the input parameters using an open queuing network model in equilibrium. The results of simulations, using various realistic probability distributions governing the number of locks that transactions request, are presented to validate the formula. Reasonably good accuracy is achieved for gamma distributions over a wide range of parameter settings. The simulations also provided evidence that the rate of deadlock, often disregarded in the literature, can be high in certain heavily utilized databases  相似文献   

In modern parallel adaptive mesh computations the problem size varies during simulation. In this study we investigate the comparative behavior of four load balancing algorithms when the number of processors is dynamically changed during the lifetime of a multistage parallel computation. The focus is on communication and data movement overheads, total parallel runtime and total resource consumption. We demonstrate the main ideas for the case of six adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) applications with different kinds of growth patterns. The results presented are for a 32 processor Intel cluster connected by Ethernet.  相似文献   

动态频谱接入技术允许非授权用户利用已授权分配频谱信道的空闲空隙完成数据传输,但是要求不能对授权用户的信道传输造成严重影响。在两种不同的频谱信道共享策略下,利用排队分析模型,对采用动态频谱接入技术的非授权用户的链路传输性能以及对授权用户的传输影响进行了分析,并讨论了非授权用户性能的优化。尽管增加可利用的授权频谱信道的数量可以改善非授权用户的传输性能,但是其传输吞吐量的增加只能趋近于一个上界值。  相似文献   

研究了一类以完工期限为指标的抢占式动态调度问题,在整合剩余工件和新到达工件进行实时调度的模式下,采用扩展最短交货期优先规则调度,通过性能分析,得到了最优调度的定理和推论.  相似文献   

BUCBAT自适应动态电源管理策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合电池放电特性,提出一种自适应超时动态电源管理策略BUCBAT。基于电池放电过程中电压逐渐降低的特性,BUCBAT根据电池放电电压的大小动态调整超时阙值;采用两块电池以特定频率轮流供电,充分利用电池放电电压的自恢复特性。实验结果表明,与超时策略相比,BUCBAT动态电源管理策略在兼顾系统QoS性能的同时,能够合理地管理系统功耗,从而延长系统的可持续工作时间。  相似文献   

This is a conceptual and speculative paper concerning the future development of system and control theory in operational and discrete event systems with particular emphasis to the techniques of perturbation analysis.  相似文献   

基于动态插桩的工具被广泛应用于程序分析中, 但该类工具都面临着严重的性能问题。这类工具的性能开销主要由两部分组成, 即插桩引擎的开销和用户定义的分析程序的开销。为降低用户定义的分析工具的开销, 首先分析了基于动态插桩的工具的性能开销的组成, 并通过实验分析了造成性能开销的几点原因及其对工具的性能影响; 根据分析结论提出了使用离线分析方式来优化工具性能, 最后通过并行数据收集来进一步提升工具性能。使用该方法能减少分析程序5%~15%的CPU占用时间。  相似文献   

动态二进制翻译是广泛应用于虚拟机系统的一种二进制代码的翻译技术。动态二进制翻译由于拥有代码缓存、本地执行、代码块链接、动态热路径生成等优化技术的支持,有着很高的性能。CrossBit是一个多元多目标的动态二进制翻译系统,通过对CrossBit二进制翻译器的性能进行的研究,分析动态二进制翻译器性能提升中所必须解决的若干问题,并通过定量的分析总结了一些二进制翻译系统的在不同的配置和负载下系统优化手段的执行时策略。  相似文献   

We study the effect of reverberation and source movement on the performance of blind source separation and deconvolution (BSSD) algorithms. Using the model of statistical room acoustics we derive theoretical performance measures for a class of unmixing algorithms when these are used in a reverberant room. We specifically investigate the cases: 1) where separation of only direct paths is performed and 2) the case where unmixing of the full reverberant paths is attempted. We develop closed-form performance measures that are dependent on the geometry used and the chosen unmixing system. Using these measures allows us to draw general conclusions on the robustness to source movement of typical BSSD algorithms. Results indicate that performance of systems that show very good separation in static reverberant environments is significantly reduced when sources move, with performance degrading to that of simple direct-path separation.  相似文献   

认知无线电技术利用频谱空洞进行通信,有效缓解了频谱资源紧缺问题,动态频谱接入是其核心技术。网络中主用户对授权频谱的使用效率较高时,次用户接入网络无法完成符合QoS要求的通信,只有当主用户频谱效率在一定门限值下时网络才适合次用户接入。有限频谱空洞资源只能满足有限次用户的通信需求,为了保证通信质量,网络在固定的主用户频谱效率下只能接入适量的次用户。提出用强制优先排队理论对认知无线网络中的动态频谱接入过程进行模拟,通过仿真对次用户的切换概率、阻塞概率两个QoS因子进行分析,在给定的QoS条件下,得到了网络适合次用户接入的主用户频谱效率门限值,以及在固定的主用户频谱效率下网络适合接入次用户的量。  相似文献   

In parallel adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) computations the problem size can vary significantly during a simulation. The goal here is to explore the performance implications of dynamically varying the number of processors proportional to the problem size during simulation. An emulator has been developed to assess the effects of this approach on parallel communication, parallel runtime and resource consumption. The computation and communication models used in the emulator are described in detail. Results using the emulator with different AMR strategies are described for a test case. Results show for the test case, varying the number of processors, on average, reduces the total parallel communications overhead from 16 to 19% and improves parallel runtime time from 4 to 8%. These results also show that on average resource utilization improves more than 37%.  相似文献   

In this paper a solution is presented to an important marketing problem : the timing of advertising expenditure. Using a differential equation to model the relationship between the sales and advertising rates and using profit as a criterion, a synthesis of the optimal dynamic advertising policy as a function of the current sales level and length of the campaign is derived. In addition, using profit as a criterion, the profitability under an optimal dynamic advertising policy is compared with the profits obtained using an optimal static policy. It is shown that a significant increase in profits can result from employing the optimal dynamic policy.  相似文献   

Load balancing a distributed/parallel system consists in allocating work (load) to its processors so that they have to process approximately the same amount of work or amounts in relation with their computation power. In this paper, we present a new distributed algorithm that implements the Most to Least Loaded (M2LL) policy. This policy aims at indicating pairs of processors, that will exchange loads, taking into account actually broken edges as well as the current load distribution in the system. The M2LL policy fixes the pairs of neighboring processors by selecting in priority the most loaded and the least loaded processor of each neighborhood. Our first and main result is that the M2LL distributed implementation terminates after at most (n/2)⋅d t iterations where n and d t are respectively the number of nodes and the degree of the system at time t. We then present a performance comparison between Generalized Adaptive Exchange (GAE) that uses M2LL and Relaxed First Order Scheme (RFOS), two load balancing algorithms for dynamic networks in which only link failures are considered. The comparison is carried out on a dedicated test bed that we have designed and implemented to this end. Our second important result is that although generating more communications, the GAE algorithm with the M2LL policy is faster than RFOS in balancing the system load. In addition, GAE M2LL is able to achieve a more stable balanced state than RFOS and scales well.  相似文献   

In structural analysis the extreme values of the structural response quantities are of primary interest. In the case of linear structures under stationary Gaussian random exicitations a probabilistic analysis provides the expected extreme values as well as confidence intervals in a mathematically rigorous way. The analysis becomes particularly simple in modal coordinates, if the damping matrix decouples. All quantities required for the probabilistic analysis are then readily obtained from the modal covariance matrices. The evaluation of these matrices by analytical integration is discussed. This method is computationally very effective and maintains full accuracy in the dynamic properties of the structural model. The implementation of the probabilistic analysis in ADINA is outlined. As an illustration, the seismic analysis of a structure under multiple support random excitation is presented.  相似文献   

Markov decision processes (MDP) are widely used in problems whose solutions may be represented by a certain series of actions. A lot of papers demonstrate successful MDP use in model problems, robotic control problems, planning problems, etc. In addition, economic problems have the property of multistep motion towards a goal as well. This paper is dedicated to MDP application to the problem of pricing policy management. The problem of dynamic pricing is stated in terms of MDP. Additional attention is paid to the method of constructing an MDP model based on data mining. Based on the data on sales of an actual industrial plant, construction of an MDP model that includes the searching for and generalization of regularities is demonstrated.  相似文献   

The cooling zone of an induration furnace exhibits a nonlinear dynamic behavior in addition to a strong coupling between output pressure and temperature. Simulation studies show that linear controller performance is unacceptable from an industrial point of view. In order to obtain adequate performance on a wide operating range, a nonlinear predictive controller (NLMPC) based on a phenomenological process model is proposed. Since the furnace simulation model shows that the equipment behaves as a Hammerstein model, a variable change is performed and a linear model predictive controller (MPC) is developed for the cooling zone. Both controllers are tested for set-point changes and disturbance rejection and give relatively similar performances. It is concluded that for processes having structured nonlinearities, as the cooling zone considered here, linear MPC should be preferred to NLMPC since the computation time is far less demanding and the industrial implementation easier.  相似文献   

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