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This paper solves the multiobjective stochastic linear program with partially known probability. We address the case where the probability distribution is defined by crisp inequalities. We propose a chance constrained approach and a compromise programming approach to transform the multiobjective stochastic linear program with linear partial information on probability distribution into its equivalent uniobjective problem. The resulting program is then solved using the modified L-shaped method. We illustrate our results by an example.  相似文献   

This paper proposes and investigates the use of several factors for portfolio selection of international mutual funds. Three of the selected factors are specific to mutual funds, additional three factors are taken from Macroeconomics and one factor represents regional and country preferences. Each factor is treated as an objective in the multiple objective approach of goal programming. Three variants of goal programming are utilized.  相似文献   

Portfolio optimization is a procedure for generating a portfolio composition which yields the highest return for a given level of risk or a minimum risk for given level of return. The problem can be formulated as a quadratic programming problem. We shall present a new and efficient optimization procedure taking advantage of the special structure of the portfolio selection problem. An example of its application to the traditional mean-variance method will be shown. Formulation of the procedure shows that the solution of the problem is vector intensive and fits well with the advanced architecture of recent computers, namely the vector processor.  相似文献   

Because of the existence of non-stochastic factors in stock markets, several possibilistic portfolio selection models have been proposed, where the expected return rates of securities are considered as fuzzy variables with possibilistic distributions. This paper deals with a possibilistic portfolio selection model with interval center values. By using modality approach and goal attainment approach, it is converted into a nonlinear goal programming problem. Moreover, a genetic algorithm is designed to obtain a satisfactory solution to the possibilistic portfolio selection model under complicated constraints. Finally, a numerical example based on real world data is also provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the genetic algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of a portfolio model which can be used to assist a property-liability insurance company in determining the optimal composition of the insurance and investment portfolios. By introducing insurer's threshold risk and relaxing some non-realistic assumptions made in traditional chance constraint insurance and investment portfolio models, we propose a method for an insurer to maximize his return threshold for a given threshold risk level. This proposed model can be used to optimize the composition of underwriting and investment portfolios regarding the insurer's threshold risk level, as well as to generate the efficient frontier by adjusting insurer's threshold risk levels. A numerical example is given based on the industry's aggregated data for a sixteen year period.  相似文献   

Simulated annealing for complex portfolio selection problems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper describes the application of a simulated annealing approach to the solution of a complex portfolio selection model. The model is a mixed integer quadratic programming problem which arises when Markowitz’ classical mean–variance model is enriched with additional realistic constraints. Exact optimization algorithms run into difficulties in this framework and this motivates the investigation of heuristic techniques. Computational experiments indicate that the approach is promising for this class of problems.  相似文献   

A multiobjective binary integer programming model for R&D project portfolio selection with competing objectives is developed when problem coefficients in both objective functions and constraints are uncertain. Robust optimization is used in dealing with uncertainty while an interactive procedure is used in making tradeoffs among the multiple objectives. Robust nondominated solutions are generated by solving the linearized counterpart of the robust augmented weighted Tchebycheff programs. A decision maker’s most preferred solution is identified in the interactive robust weighted Tchebycheff procedure by progressively eliciting and incorporating the decision maker’s preference information into the solution process. An example is presented to illustrate the solution approach and performance. The developed approach can also be applied to general multiobjective mixed integer programming problems.  相似文献   

The portfolio selection problem is usually considered as a bicriteria optimization problem where a reasonable trade-off between expected rate of return and risk is sought. In the classical Markowitz model the risk is measured with variance, thus generating a quadratic programming model. The Markowitz model is frequently criticized as not consistent with axiomatic models of preferences for choice under risk. Models consistent with the preference axioms are based on the relation of stochastic dominance or on expected utility theory. The former is quite easy to implement for pairwise comparisons of given portfolios whereas it does not offer any computational tool to analyze the portfolio selection problem. The latter, when used for the portfolio selection problem, is restrictive in modeling preferences of investors. In this paper, a multiple criteria linear programming model of the portfolio selection problem is developed. The model is based on the preference axioms for choice under risk. Nevertheless, it allows one to employ the standard multiple criteria procedures to analyze the portfolio selection problem. It is shown that the classical mean-risk approaches resulting in linear programming models correspond to specific solution techniques applied to our multiple criteria model. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This paper considers several probability maximization models for multi-scenario portfolio selection problems in the case that future returns in possible scenarios are multi-dimensional random variables. In order to consider occurrence probabilities and decision makers’ predictions with respect to all scenarios, a portfolio selection problem setting a weight with flexibility to each scenario is proposed. Furthermore, by introducing aspiration levels to occurrence probabilities or future target profit and maximizing the minimum aspiration level, a robust portfolio selection problem is considered. Since these problems are formulated as stochastic programming problems due to the inclusion of random variables, they are transformed into deterministic equivalent problems introducing chance constraints based on the stochastic programming approach. Then, using a relation between the variance and absolute deviation of random variables, our proposed models are transformed into linear programming problems and efficient solution methods are developed to obtain the global optimal solution. Furthermore, a numerical example of a portfolio selection problem is provided to compare our proposed models with the basic model.  相似文献   

In decision analysis, difficulties of obtaining complete information about model parameters make it advisable to seek robust solutions that perform reasonably well across the full range of feasible parameter values. In this paper, we develop the Robust Portfolio Modeling (RPM) methodology which extends Preference Programming methods into portfolio problems where a subset of project proposals are funded in view of multiple evaluation criteria. We also develop an algorithm for computing all non-dominated portfolios, subject to incomplete information about criterion weights and project-specific performance levels. Based on these portfolios, we propose a project-level index to convey (i) which projects are robust choices (in the sense that they would be recommended even if further information were to be obtained) and (ii) how continued activities in preference elicitation should be focused. The RPM methodology is illustrated with an application using real data on road pavement projects.  相似文献   

Mean-variance-skewness model for portfolio selection with fuzzy returns   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Numerous empirical studies show that portfolio returns are generally asymmetric, and investors would prefer a portfolio return with larger degree of asymmetry when the mean value and variance are same. In order to measure the asymmetry of fuzzy portfolio return, a concept of skewness is defined as the third central moment in this paper, and its mathematical properties are studied. As an extension of the fuzzy mean-variance model, a mean-variance-skewness model is presented and the corresponding variations are also considered. In order to solve the proposed models, a genetic algorithm integrating fuzzy simulation is designed. Finally, several numerical examples are given to illustrate the modelling idea and the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper proposes two new models for portfolio selection in which the security returns are stochastic variables with fuzzy information. A hybrid intelligent algorithm is designed to solve the optimization problem which is otherwise hard to solve with the existing algorithms due to the complexity of the return variables. To illustrate the modelling idea and to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach, two numerical examples are provided.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a portfolio selection problem in which security returns are given by experts’ evaluations instead of historical data. A factor method for evaluating security returns based on experts’ judgment is proposed and a mean-chance model for optimal portfolio selection is developed taking transaction costs and investors’ preference on diversification and investment limitations on certain securities into account. The factor method of evaluation can make good use of experts’ knowledge on the effects of economic environment and the companies’ unique characteristics on security returns and incorporate the contemporary relationship of security returns in the portfolio. The use of chance of portfolio return failing to reach the threshold can help investors easily tell their tolerance toward risk and thus facilitate a decision making. To solve the proposed nonlinear programming problem, a genetic algorithm is provided. To illustrate the application of the proposed method, a numerical example is also presented.  相似文献   

Over a long and remarkably productive career, Professor William W. (Bill) Cooper has made many pioneering contributions to Operations Research and Management Science (OR/MS), with notable forays into the areas of (a) linear and non-linear programming, (b) goal programming, (c) chance-constrained programming, (d) data envelopment analysis, and (e) manpower planning, among others. His legendary partnership with Abraham Charnes has provided results whose connections go back to the 18th century, bearing on problems conceived but left unsolved by Laplace and Gauss. We document cross-fertilizing links among Bill Cooper’s multiple research focuses, and their impacts on other researchers. A trace of his work discloses a web of influence that has produced a wide range of advances in OR/MS by those who follow in his footsteps, representing a productive tour de force that shows no sign of abating.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce the possibilistic mean value and variance of continuous distribution, rather than probability distributions. We propose a multi-objective Portfolio based model and added another entropy objective function to generate a well diversified asset portfolio within optimal asset allocation. For quantifying any potential return and risk, portfolio liquidity is taken into account and a multi-objective non-linear programming model for portfolio rebalancing with transaction cost is proposed. The models are illustrated with numerical examples.  相似文献   

We study a class of mixed-integer programs for solving linear programs with joint probabilistic constraints from random right-hand side vectors with finite distributions. We present greedy and dual heuristic algorithms that construct and solve a sequence of linear programs. We provide optimality gaps for our heuristic solutions via the linear programming relaxation of the extended mixed-integer formulation of Luedtke et al. (2010) [13] as well as via lower bounds produced by their cutting plane method. While we demonstrate through an extensive computational study the effectiveness and scalability of our heuristics, we also prove that the theoretical worst-case solution quality for these algorithms is arbitrarily far from optimal. Our computational study compares our heuristics against both the extended mixed-integer programming formulation and the cutting plane method of Luedtke et al. (2010) [13]. Our heuristics efficiently and consistently produce solutions with small optimality gaps, while for larger instances the extended formulation becomes intractable and the optimality gaps from the cutting plane method increase to over 5%.  相似文献   

Standard finance portfolio theory draws graphs and writes equations usually with no constraints and frequently in the univariate case. However, in reality, there are multivariate random variables and multivariate asset weights to determine with constraints. Also there are the effects of transaction costs on asset prices in the theory and calculation of optimal portfolios in the static and dynamic cases. There we use various stochastic programming, linear complementary, quadratic programming and nonlinear programming problems. This paper begins with the simplest problems and builds the theory to the more complex cases and then applies it to real financial asset allocation problems, hedge funds and professional racetrack betting. This paper is based on a keynote lecture at the APMOD conference in Madrid in June 2006. It was also presented at the London Business School. Many thanks are due to APMOD organizers Antonio Alonso-Ayuso, Laureano Escudero, and Andres Ramos for inviting me and for excellent hospitality in Madrid. Thanks are also due to my teachers at Berkeley who got me on the right track on stochastic and mathematical programming, especially Olvi Mangasarian, Roger Wets and Willard Zangwill, and my colleagues and co-authors on portfolio theory in finance and horseracing, especially Chanaka Edirishinge, Donald Hausch, Jarl Kallberg, Victor Lo, Leonard MacLean, Raymond Vickson and Yonggan Zhao.  相似文献   

A fundamental principle of modern portfolio theory is that comparisons between portfolios are generally made using two criteria, corresponding to the first two moments of return distributions, namely the expected return and portfolio variance. According to this model and according to most of the portfolio models derived from the stochastic dominance approach, the group of portfolios open to comparisons is divided into two parts: on the one hand there are the efficient portfolios (those that are not dominated by any other portfolio in the group), and on the other, those that are dominated. In other words, these models do not solve for one optimal portfolio, but rather solve for an efficient set of portfolios, among which the investor must choose, given his preference system. One criticism over these models, which has often been addressed both by practitioners and academics, is that they fail to embody the objectives of the decision maker (DM), through the various stages of the decision process. Our purpose in this article is to present an integrated and innovative methodological approach for the construction and selection of equity portfolios, which will take into account the inherent multidimensional nature of the problem, while allowing the DM to incorporate his preferences in the decision process. The proposed approach, which grounds its basis on the field of multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) and more specifically on multiobjective mathematical programming (MMP), is implemented in the IPSSIS (Integrated Portfolio Synthesis and Selection Information System) decision support system (DSS). The validity of the proposed approach is tested through an illustrative application in the Athens Stock Exchange (ASE).  相似文献   

Selection of supply chain partners is an important decision involving multiple criteria and risk factors. This paper proposes a fuzzy multi-objective programming model to decide on supplier selection taking risk factors into consideration. We model a supply chain consisting of three levels and use simulated historical quantitative and qualitative data. We propose a possibility approach to solve the fuzzy multi-objective programming model. Possibility multi-objective programming models are obtained by applying possibility measures of fuzzy events into fuzzy multi-objective programming models. Results indicate when qualitative criteria are considered in supplier selection, the probability of a certain supplier being selected is affected.  相似文献   

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