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李尧  温强  张昆  李政  张浩彬  余洋 《激光与红外》2021,51(12):1605-1609
报道了一种峰值功率58 kW的窄线宽纳秒脉冲光纤激光器,由窄线宽种子源加4级光纤放大的主振荡功率放大(MOPA)结构组成。窄线宽种子源输出的连续种子光经电光强度调制器调制为纳秒脉冲信号光,经4级光纤放大,输出峰值功率达58 kW的窄线宽脉冲激光,中心波长106431nm,平均功率569W,重频100kHz,脉宽98ns,斜效率717,光束质量M2=134,偏振消光比156dB。激光功率的进一步提升受限于次脉冲及自相位调制。该高峰值功率窄线宽纳秒脉冲光纤激光器可在激光雷达中得到应用。  相似文献   

光纤传感一般指布喇格光栅 ASE宽带光源结构的光时域反射机制,尽管这种解决方案在解调方面大多依赖国外产品,但还是得到了相对广泛的应用,尤其是在桥梁、建筑物、马路和油罐等领域,一般可以满足中低端的民用需求。窄线宽单频光纤激光器的出现为人们打开了光纤传感的另一扇门,而且其应用价值和社会意义更为重大!不同于普通光纤传感应用,该解决方案是专门针对超远距离、超高精度和超高敏感度市场应用,例如石油勘探、军事国防、管道监控、激光雷达和海底通信等,是光纤传感技术发展之最新成就。本文所介绍的光纤传感技术起源于激光雷达的FMCW原理,采用相干探测进行检测,利用光纤本身进行直接传感,完全可以构建低成本的分布式传感网络,具有巨大的经济效益和现实意义。  相似文献   

报道了基于保偏光纤结构的窄线宽窄脉宽高重复频率光纤激光器。采用主振荡器功率放大器(MOPA),主放大级采用芯径为40μm的光子晶体光纤(PCF),获得了重复频率为10 kHz、脉宽为1.34 ns、光谱宽度为0.05 nm、脉冲能量为298μJ的稳定激光输出。通过腔外倍频的方式,使用长度为40 mm的温度匹配型三硼酸锂(LBO)晶体,获得了能量为155.5μJ的532 nm激光输出,倍频效率为52%,横向和纵向光束质量分别为Mx2=1.28和My2=1.26。该激光器可应用于基于单光子探测技术的空间激光探测雷达。  相似文献   

研制了一种基于保偏(PM)光纤可饱和吸收体结合光纤光栅Fabry-Perot(FBG F-P)标准具的单频窄线宽光纤激光器.该激光器以高增益掺Er3+光纤(EDF)作为增益介质,采用行波环形腔消除空间烧空效应,并结合FBG F-P标准具选模,实现激光器单频运转.用一段PM EDF作为可饱和吸收体抑制跳模,以获得高效、稳...  相似文献   

报道一种基于自反馈光注入的单频窄线宽光纤激光器。激光器采用线形腔结构,用高掺杂Er3+光纤作为增益介质,利用输出信号光分束反馈与腔内振荡激光干涉,形成折射率光栅与增益光栅共同作用选择纵模,获得稳定的1 549.85 nm单频窄线宽激光输出。在975 nm单模激光二极管(LD)抽运下,激光器的抽运阈值光功率为13 mW。当抽运光功率为112 mW时,最大输出信号光功率为30.6 mW,对应的光-光转换效率为27.3%,斜率效率为30.2%,信噪比大于50 dB。采用延时自外差方法测量线宽,当使用30 km单模光纤延迟线时,测量得到激光器的3 dB线宽为4.0 kHz。  相似文献   

张昆  周寿桓  李尧  张利明  余洋  张浩彬  朱辰  张大勇  赵鸿 《红外与激光工程》2020,49(4):0405003-0405003-6
报道了一种基于主振荡功率放大(MOPA)结构工作的全光纤窄线宽线偏振纳秒脉冲光纤激光器。脉冲种子源是由一个分布反馈直腔型(DFB)单频光纤激光器被光电调制器进行强度调制后产生的。为了抑制受激布里渊散射(SBS)效应,脉宽被调节为3 ns,并且种子源线宽被相位调制器展宽为2.9 GHz。经两级保偏掺Yb3+光纤放大器放大后,获得了平均功率142 W,重复频率1 MHz,脉冲宽度2.88 ns,峰值功率49.3 kW的脉冲激光输出。在最大输出功率时,激光光束质量因子M2约为1.15,偏振消光比(PER)大于15.4 dB。  相似文献   

文章介绍了实现窄线宽光纤激光器的线宽压缩方法,并采用掺Er^3+光纤作为增益介质,980nmLD激光器作为泵浦源,直线腔结构,光纤环行镜和光纤光栅共同作为腔镜,实现中心频率在1550nm波段的单频激光输出,并讨论了其关键技术和影响因素,为同类激光器的研制提供了参考。  相似文献   

为了抑制窄线宽脉冲光纤放大器中受激布里渊散射效应, 使用多谱线技术对单频种子源的线宽进行了拓展, 进行了基于三谱线的主振荡功率放大高峰值功率脉冲全光纤激光器实验验证。结果表明, 经过两级预放、一级功放, 获得激光输出的最大平均功率为303W, 脉宽为2.8ns, 重复频率为3.1MHz, 对应的峰值功率为35kW, 在最高功率输出情况下, 激光器的光束质量小于1.3;三谱线结构对受激布里渊散射有着明显的抑制作用。该研究为高峰值功率的脉冲光纤激光器放大技术提供了参考。  相似文献   

分布式布拉格反射镜(DBR)线性腔结构因其腔长较短、结构简单,具有工作稳定、不易跳模、抗干扰能力强和易于实现全光纤化的优点。因此,DBR单频光纤激光器是目前实现单频激光输出的主要选择。本文首先回顾了DBR窄线宽光纤激光器自诞生以来发展的历程,介绍了在实际应用需求的牵引下催生出的新技术和新思路。然后,归纳了近年来DBR窄线宽光纤激光器的国内外研究进展。最后,讨论了当前面临的问题与挑战,并对未来发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

窄线宽光纤激光器在光纤传感、激光倍频、光谱测量等领域有广泛应用。简单介绍了窄线宽光纤激光器的研究进展.详细阐述了窄线宽光纤激光器的各种腔形结构及线宽压缩机制,并对各种方法作了简要的对比。  相似文献   

High-performance quantum dot lasers emitting at 980 nm with output powers of up to 4 W CW from a single facet (AR/HR coating, 100 μm stripe width) have been fabricated. Wall-plug efficiencies >50%, were achieved at room temperature. Owing to an improved carrier confinement output powers as high as 1 W CW can be obtained from the fundamental dot transition even at temperatures as high as 110°C  相似文献   

An optimized design of quantum cascade lasers with electric field free undoped superlattice active regions is presented. In these structures the superlattice is engineered so that: (1) the first two extended states of the upper miniband are separated by an optical phonon to avoid phonon bottleneck effects and concentrate the injected electron density in the lower state and (2) the oscillator strength of the laser transition is maximized. The injectors' doping profile is also optimized by concentrating the doping in a single quantum well to reduce the electron density in the active material. These design changes result in major improvements of the pulse/continuous-wave performance such as a weak temperature dependence of threshold (T0=167 K), high peak powers (100-200 mW at 300 K) and higher CW operating temperatures for devices emitting around at λ~8.5 μm  相似文献   

The authors report the first highly reliable all-MOVPE BH lasers. These devices have extremely low threshold currents (≃10 mA) and show excellent uniformity of device characteristics. Data are presented to show the high yields achieved and demonstrate the very low degradation rates achieved under accelerated aging  相似文献   

We review the principle and characteristics of cascaded Raman fiber lasers in their telecommunication applications. The fundamentals of Raman fiber lasers are described, such as pumping scheme, fiber type and reflectors. We explain simple equations forcw laser operation as well as a possible way to calculate spectral width. We investigate the common issues in the use of Raman fiber lasers: theoretical optimization, control of the linewidth, suppression level of the other Stokes orders and relative intensity noise. Finally the more complex multiple-wavelength Raman fiber lasers are reviewed.  相似文献   

Semiconductor lasers for coherent optical fiber communications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The current status of semiconductor lasers used in coherent optical fiber communications is reviewed for nonexperts in the field. The issues of spectral purity, tuning, modulation, and advanced fabrication methods for photonic integration are discussed, with examples drawn from current experimental devices  相似文献   

实验研究了由三根信号光纤锥形束和一根多模光纤组成的3×1信号耦合器.通过仿真,发现锥形长度越长传输效率和输出光束质量越好,同时也验证了对于低阶模场的吸收要高于高阶模场.实验中,制作了锥区长度为10 mm的3×1信号耦合器,在单纤注入信号功率分别为258 W和365 W的情况下获得转换效率为96.6%的信号输出,总输出功率602W,光束质量为Mx2 = 10.5, My2 = 9.7.  相似文献   

《Optical Fiber Technology》2014,20(6):650-656
Ultrashort pulse fiber lasers are increasingly used in various areas for scientific as well as industrial purposes. In contrast to ultrashort pulse lasers based on ytterbium- and erbium-doped fibers, the dispersion of silica fibers in the amplification band of thulium-doped fibers around 2 μm is typically anomalous, which has fundamental impact on the pulse propagation. In this paper, mode-locked thulium-doped fiber lasers operating in different pulse propagation schemes are presented. The transfer of various concepts into the 2 μm wavelength range, which have been successfully applied for pulse parameter scaling in the 1 and 1.5 μm spectral region, are discussed on the basis of experimental and numerical results.  相似文献   

作为第三代激光技术的光纤激光器由于采用了双包层分叉光纤和高功率的多模半导体二极管,输出功率已经实现10000W,应用范围已突破狭窄的光纤通讯网络,在激光加工、激光医疗等行业得以日益广泛的应用。光纤激光器具有绝对理想的光束质量、超高的转换效率、完全免维护、高稳定性以及体积小等优点,将对传统的激光行业产生巨大而积极的影响,从而改写光应用的历史篇章。  相似文献   

多点抽运的双包层光纤激光器数值分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
欧攀  张春熹  闫平  巩马理 《激光技术》2007,31(2):150-150
为了对多点抽运的高功率双包层光纤激光器进行深入的理论分析,从掺Yb双包层光纤激光器的速率方程和边界条件出发,对多点抽运的双包层光纤激光器的数值分析方法进行了研究。通过坐标比例变换和抽运光与激光的连续性边界条件变换,将多点抽运的高功率双包层光纤激光器的数值分析模型转化为两点边值问题,然后利用两点边值问题的数值分析方法有效地进行求解,得到了抽运光和激光沿双包层光纤的分布。通过对多点抽运的双包层光纤激光器进行数值分析,不仅得到了激光器的输出功率,还能够得到抽运光损耗以及激光损耗数值大小等数据,有助于多点抽运的双包层光纤激光器的优化分析和设计。结果表明,该数值分析方法对多点抽运的双包层光纤激光器的深入研究非常有意义。  相似文献   

High-power double-clad fiber lasers   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Rare-earth doped, laser-diode-pumped, single-mode, double-clad fiber lasers are studied in detail, experimentally and theoretically, with particular attention to properties of scaling to higher output powers. Gain saturation, spontaneous emission, fiber propagation loss, and the optimum output coupler are considered for oscillator design and laser performance. Thermal properties are investigated, including the thermal fracture limit, the decrease of quantum efficiency with increasing pump power through the temperature dependence of multiphonon decay and ion-ion energy transfer, and thermal lensing. Self-focusing and Raman effects are briefly considered. It is shown that output powers in the tens of watts range are readily feasible with available double-clad fiber lasers  相似文献   

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