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Two polypeptides are involved in interleukin 2 binding: a low-affinity receptor of 55 kD (IL2-R alpha) and an intermediate affinity component of 75 kD (IL2-R beta). We describe the cloning by the Polymerase Chain Reaction of the coding region of IL2-R alpha from a human T-cell lymphoma cell line. One clone presented a 72-bp deletion that precisely corresponds to exon 5. The deleted form and the normal IL2-R alpha cDNA were expressed CHO cells. Stable transfected cellular clones were compared for their immunoreactivity to monoclonal antibodies directed against IL2-R alpha and for their ability to bind radiolabeled IL2. The presence or absence of the protein region encoded by exon 5 did not modify the IL2-binding capacity of the receptor.  相似文献   

The use of the polymerase chain reaction was proposed for intron excision from genomic genes with known nucleotide sequences. Three exons (5, 6 and 7) of genomic interleukin 1 beta gene were amplified by means of thermostable DNA polymerase TthI from Thermus thermophilus on the base of cloned in M13 phage human genomic interleukin 1 beta gene. Synthetic oligonucleotides complementary to sequences flanking exons were used as primers. The fragments obtained by exon DNA amplification were joined in the correct order due to reciprocal complementation of end sequences, that was foreseen during synthesis of oligonucleotide primers followed by amplification of the enlarged fragments. As a result the structural interleukin-1 beta gene consisting of three exons was assembled. DNA sequences carrying the ATG initiation codon and XbaI recognition site at the 5'-end, and PstI recognition site at the 3'-end (essential for insertion into the expression vector) were formed by the additional end sequences of primers. The nucleotide sequence analysis of the obtained structural gene revealed its complete identity with natural interleukin 1 beta human gene. We created the expression vector pPR114 with phage lambda promoter PR thermo-inducible in case of the cIts857 repressor presence in cells. It was used for expression of the present gene. The interleukin 1 beta synthesized in E. coli had biological activity.  相似文献   

The soil fungus Trichoderma atroviride, a mycoparasite, responds to a number of external stimuli. In the presence of a fungal host, T. atroviride produces hydrolytic enzymes and coils around the host hyphae. In response to light or nutrient depletion, asexual sporulation is induced. In a biomimetic assay, different lectins induce coiling around nylon fibers; coiling in the absence of lectins can be induced by applying cyclic AMP (cAMP) or the heterotrimeric G-protein activator mastoparan. We isolated a T. atroviride G-protein alpha-subunit (Galpha) gene (tgal) belonging to the fungal subfamily with the highest similarity to the Galpha1 class. Generated transgenic lines that overexpress Galpha show very delayed sporulation and coil at a higher frequency. Furthermore, transgenic lines that express an activated mutant protein with no GTPase activity do not sporulate and coil at a higher frequency. Lines that express an antisense version of the gene are hypersporulating and coil at a much lower frequency in the biomimetic assay. The loss of Tgal in these mutants correlates with the loss of GTPase activity stimulated by the peptide toxin Mas-7. The application of Mas-7 to growing mycelial colonies raises intracellular cAMP levels, suggesting that Tgal can activate adenylyl cyclase. In contrast, cAMP levels and cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity drop when diffusible host signals are encountered and the mycoparasitism-related genes ech42 and prb1 are highly expressed. Mycoparasitic signaling is unlikely to be a linear pathway from host signals to increased cAMP levels. Our results demonstrate that the product of the tga1 gene is involved in both coiling and conidiation.  相似文献   

Recent evidence confirms that cytokines such as IL-1, IL-4, IL-5, and GM-CSF may enhance or inhibit eosinophil function. Functions that are susceptible to modulation include eosinophil-mediated antibody-dependent damage of helminthic parasites, oxidative metabolism and degranulation. We have employed IgG and IgE-coated Sepharose beads to investigate selective modulation of IgG and IgE-mediated enzyme release by IL-1 beta. Both IgG and IgE-coated beads induced release of granular enzymes beta-glucuronidase and arylsulfatase. Enzyme release from IgG-stimulated eosinophils was inhibited by preincubation with IL-1 beta (100 pg/ml, P less than or equal to 0.05). In contrast, enzyme release by IgE-stimulated eosinophils was enhanced by IL-1 beta (100 pg/ml, P less than or equal to 0.05). These studies support the hypothesis that IL-1 beta has specific selective actions on eosinophil function. Furthermore, these actions on particle-stimulated enzyme release suggest that IgG and IgE mediated processes in eosinophils are differentially regulated.  相似文献   

Interleukin 1alpha (IL-1alpha) and IL-1beta, and the endogenous IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) are known members of the IL-1 family. Using in situ hybridization histochemistry we demonstrated that following endotoxin injection (lipopolysaccharides, LPS, 2.0 mg/kg, i.p.) a time dependent expression and partly different expression patterns of the cytokines occurred within the rat brain and pituitary gland. All cytokines were observed in the choroid plexus. In addition, IL-1ra mRNA expressing cells were observed scattered in the brain parenchyma, whereas scattered IL-1beta mRNA expressing cells were restricted to central thalamic nuclei, the dorsal hypothalamus, and cortical regions, such as the parietal and frontal cortex. A strong IL-1beta mRNA expression was found in the circumventricular organs. In the pituitary gland, a low IL-1alpha and a high IL-1beta mRNA expression was observed, with the highest density of cytokine-expressing cells seen in the posterior pituitary. The cell types expressing the mRNA's of IL-1alpha, IL-1beta and IL-1ra were identified as monocytes in the circumventricular organs and the pituitary gland, and as microglia in the brain parenchyma. In conclusion, the present findings revealed that cytokine production in response to a peripheral endotoxin challenge mainly occurs in peripherally derived monocytes in the circumventricular organs and the pituitary gland. IL-1beta is the predominant form expressed, whereas the expression of IL-1alpha mRNA and IL-1ra mRNA is lower. Our observations support the view that peripherally derived IL-1 may play a role in the induction of centrally mediated illness symptoms.  相似文献   

Yassad A  Husson A  Bion A  Lavoinne A 《Cytokine》2000,12(8):1288-1291
Synthesis and secretion of IL-1beta and IL-6 were compared in LPS-stimulated rat peritoneal macrophages, and the effect of glutamine studied. LPS induced a parallel increase in mRNA and synthesis of IL-1beta and IL-6. IL-1beta accumulated mainly in the cytosol and IL-6 in the culture medium. Glutamine addition increased the synthesis of both cytokines, but the overall production (intra-+extracellular) of IL-1beta increased two-fold, although that of IL-6 increased only 1.3-fold. The influence of glutamine is discussed.  相似文献   

We have performed pulse-chase experiments to investigate the secretion and processing of interleukin 1 (IL-1) by human peripheral blood monocytes. Polyclonal antisera generated against either recombinant IL-1 alpha (p15) or IL-1 beta (p17) could distinguish the two isoelectric forms in lysates and supernatants of lipopolysaccharide-activated monocytes. In agreement with previous results, no processed IL-1 (alpha or beta) is detected in cell lysates. Both the 31-kDa precursor and 17-kDa mature forms of IL-1 were present, however, in the culture media indicating that processing is not required for secretion. The relative amounts of the secreted 31- and 17-kDa forms of IL-1 remain constant with time throughout each experiment; in addition, 31-kDa IL-1 added to monocyte cultures is not processed to the mature 17-kDa form. Precursor IL-1 beta is however, processed to 17 kDa by monocyte extracts. Therefore, the maturation and secretion of IL-1 are intimately coordinated processes. The kinetics of IL-1 secretion are unique in comparison with other secreted proteins; release of both IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta is delayed following synthesis, and large pools of precursor IL-1 accumulate intracellularly. The intracellular half-lives of IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta are 15 and 2.5 h, respectively. This discrepancy in half-lives is a reflection of the different kinetics with which IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta are secreted. IL-1 beta is released continuously beginning 2 h after synthesis, whereas the secretion of IL-1 alpha is delayed for an additional 10 h. The distinct kinetics of secretion demonstrated for IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta suggest that the release of each pI species of IL-1 is controlled by a selective mechanism(s).  相似文献   

Plasma VLDL accumulation in Gram-negative sepsis is partly ascribed to an increased hepatic VLDL production driven by pro-inflammatory cytokines. We previously showed that hepatocytes of the Kupffer cell (KC)-rich periportal area are major contributors to enhanced VLDL production in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-injected rats. However, it remains to be established whether KC generated products directly affect the number (apoB) and composition of secreted VLDL. Using rat primary cells, we show here that hepatocytes respond to stimulation by soluble mediators released by LPS-stimulated Kupffer cells with enhanced secretion of apoB and triglycerides in phospholipid-rich VLDL particles. Unstimulated KC products also augmented the secretion of normal VLDL, doubling apoB mRNA abundance. IL-1beta treatment resulted in concentration-dependent increases of hepatocyte apoB mRNA and protein secretion, increases that were greater, but not additive, when combined with IL-6 and TNF-alpha. Lipid secretion and MTP mRNA levels were unaffected by cytokines. In summary: (i) enhanced secretion of phospholipid-rich VLDL particles is a net hepatocyte response to LPS-stimulated KC products, which gives a clue about the local role of Kupffer cells in septic dyslipidemia induction; and (ii) pro-inflammatory cytokines act redundantly to enhance apoB secretion involving translational apoB up-regulation, but other humoral components or KC mediators are necessary to accomplish increased lipid association.  相似文献   

The cytokine interleukin 1beta (IL-1beta) plays an important role in host defence reactions and neuro-immune interactions but it is still not clear which of the two interleukin 1 receptor subtypes is coupled to activation of neutral sphingomyelinase (nSMase) by IL-1beta. To investigate involvement of neutral sphingomyelinase (nSMase) in central IL-1beta effects we used P(2)fractions of brain cerebral cortex from wild-type mice and mice deficient in the type 1 IL-1 receptor. IL-1beta (human, recombinant) was shown to activate, in a dose-dependent manner, nSMase in the P(2)brain fraction of the wild-type mice while in the knock-out mice the stimulatory effect of IL-1beta on nSMase was absent. In the presence of an IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra), IL-1beta did not activate nSMase either in the cortex of wild-type or knock-out mice. These data suggest that nSMase, a key enzyme of the sphingomyelin signal transduction pathway, might be involved in IL-1beta signalling in the brain and that activation of the enzyme requires the IL-1 receptor type 1.  相似文献   

The effect of interleukin 1beta on the thymus of control and chemically sympathectomized adult and aged rats was studied with the aim of assessing the importance of adrenergic nerve fibres (ANF) in the regulation of some immunological functions.The whole thymus was removed from normal, sympathectomized (with the neurotoxin 6-OH-dopamine) and treated (interleukin 1beta) rats. Thymic slices were stained with eosin orange (for the recognition of microanatomical details of the thymic microenvironment) and with Bodian's method for staining of nerve fibres. Histofluorescence microscopy was employed for staining ANF and immunofluorescence was used for detecting NPY-like immunoreactivity. All images were submitted to quantitative morphometrical analysis and statistical analysis of data. Moreover, the amount of proteins and noradrenaline was measured on thymic homogenates. The results indicate that in normal conditions the formation of the thymic nerve plexi in the rat is complex: the majority of ANF are destroyed after chemical sympathectomy with 6-OH-dopamine and do not change after treatment with interleukin 1beta; on the contrary, treatment with interleukin 1beta induces substantial changes in the fresh weight of the thymus, the thymic microenvironment, thymic nerve fibers, ANF, NPY-like positive nerve fibres, and on the total amount of proteins and noradrenaline in rat thymic tissue homogenates.Immunostimulation with interleukin 1beta induces substantial changes in the whole thymus, in its microenvironment and in ANF and NPY-like nerve fibres. After chemical sympathectomy, no significant immune response was evoked by interleukin 1beta, since the majority of ANF was destroyed by chemical sympathectomy.  相似文献   

Sodium/potassium adenosine triphosphatase (Na+/K+ ATPase) and Na+/K+ ATPase mRNA content of rabbit embryos during preimplantation development were evaluated. Changes in Na+/K+ ATPase alpha-subunit content were detected with Western blotting using polyclonal antiserum against guinea pig Na+/K+ ATPase. Total RNA samples from rabbit embryos were analyzed by using Northern blots hybridized with random primer-labeled cDNA for Na+/K+ ATPase alpha-subunit from sheep kidney. Northern blots exhibited a single mRNA band (3.65 kilobases) in sheep kidneys and rabbit embryos. Between Day 4 and Day 6 of development, Na+/K+ ATPase alpha-subunit mRNA content increased 35-fold whereas Na+/K+ ATPase alpha-subunit content increased 22-fold. The similar increase in Na+/K+ ATPase alpha-subunit mRNA and alpha-subunit content in rabbit embryos suggests that Na+/K+ ATPase is partly regulated at the mRNA level during blastocyst expansion.  相似文献   

Processing of precursor interleukin 1 beta and inflammatory disease   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The processing of precursor interleukin 1 beta (IL1 beta) by elastase, cathepsin G, and collagenase, the major proteases released at sites of inflammation, was investigated using recombinant pro-IL1 beta. Each of these proteases cleaved the 31-kDa inactive precursor to a form similar in size and specific activity (greater than 10(8) units/mg) to the 17-kDa mature protein isolated from activated monocytes. Elastase, collagenase, and cathepsin G cleaved the IL1 beta precursor at distinct sites which are amino-terminal to the monocyte-processing site, Ala-117 (Cameron, P., Lumjuco, G., Rodkey, J., Bennett, C., and Schmidt, J. A. (1985) J. Exp. Med. 162, 790-801). Amino-terminal sequencing of the products of digestion by elastase and cathepsin G determined that resultant active IL1 beta proteins contained an additional 13 or 3 amino acids relative to mature IL1 beta. Synovial fluid collected from patients with inflammatory polyarthritis and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from patients with sarcoidosis supplied similar processing activity(s). Control fluids from patients who had no symptoms of inflammatory disease did not exhibit processing activity. Lavage fluids that processed precursor IL1 beta were demonstrated to contain cathepsin G and/or elastase activity, whereas controls were negative. Because a significant fraction of IL1 beta may be secreted from monocytes as the inactive 31-kDa precursor (Hazuda, D. J., Lee, J. C., and Young, P. R. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 8473-8479, Bomford, R., Absull, E., Hughes-Jenkins, C., Simpkin, D., and Schmidt, J. (1987) Immunology 62, 543-549, and Mizel, S. B. (1988) in Cellular and Molecular Aspects of Inflammation Poste, G., and Crooke, S., eds) pp. 75-93, Plenum Publishing Corp., New York), these results suggest that in vivo the IL1 beta precursor can be processed after secretion by any of several proteases released at inflammatory sites.  相似文献   

Using highly specific polyclonal antisera raised against recombinant murine IL-1 alpha and beta, we performed solid-phase immunoabsorption studies on supernates of resident and adjuvant-elicited CBA/J mouse peritoneal macrophages. Antibody specificity was established by reciprocal absorption studies and Western blot analysis. Supernates obtained from macrophages cultured for 18 hr in the presence of 1 microgram/ml lipopolysaccharide (LPS) were subjected to immunoabsorption. Approximately 78-90% of the released bioactive material was IL-1 and about 80% of this could be attributed to IL-1 beta. Analogous to that reported for human monocytes, these data suggest that IL-1 beta is the predominant released form of IL-1.  相似文献   

Achromatopsia is an autosomal recessively inherited visual disorder that is present from birth and that features the absence of color discrimination. We here report the identification of five independent families with achromatopsia that segregate protein-truncation mutations in the GNAT2 gene, located on chromosome 1p13. GNAT2 encodes the cone photoreceptor-specific alpha-subunit of transducin, a G-protein of the phototransduction cascade, which couples to the visual pigment(s). Our results demonstrate that GNAT2 is the third gene implicated in achromatopsia.  相似文献   

Inhalation exposure to silica dust enhanced interleukin 1 (IL-1) production by alveolar macrophages (AM), which is attributable to an increase in Ia-positive lung cells. While the proportion of Ia-positive cells in lavaged bronchoalveolar cells (BAC) was much lower (0-3%) in unexposed control rats, about a third of the rats that inhaled silica showed higher proportions (8.0-18.5%); these were designated "Ia-high" exposed animals. The number of total cells, Ia-positive cells and lymphocytes in BAC was significantly increased (P less than 0.05, P less than 0.001, and P less than 0.001, respectively) in these "Ia-high" exposed animals, compared to the control animals. Adherent AM populations obtained from BAC preparations also contained significantly higher (P less than 0.001) proportions of Ia-positive cells in the "Ia-high" exposed animals. When these adherent AM cultures were stimulated with lipopolysaccharide, IL-1 activity of the culture supernatants was enhanced and was significantly higher (P less than 0.001) in the "Ia-high" exposed rats, compared to the control animals. These results indicate that silica-exposure can induce populational changes in lung cells and also activation of AM associated with the increase in Ia-positive cells.  相似文献   

Mounting evidence supports the hypothesis that pro-inflammatory cytokines secreted by astrocytes and microglia modulate nociceptive function in the injured CNS and following peripheral nerve damage. Here we examine the involvement of interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) and microglia activation in nociceptive processing in rat models of spinal cord inflammation. Following application of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to an ex vivo dorsal horn slice preparation, we observed rapid secretion of IL-1beta which was prevented by inhibition of glial cell metabolism and by inhibitors of either p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) or caspase 1. LPS superfusion also induced rapid secretion of active caspase 1 and apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a caspase recruitment domain from the isolated dorsal horn. Extensive microglial cell activation in the dorsal horn, as determined by immunoreactivity for phosphorylated p38 MAPK, was found to correlate with the occurrence of IL-1beta secretion. In behavioural studies, intrathecal injection of LPS in the lumbar spinal cord produced mechanical hyperalgesia in the rat hind-paws which was attenuated by concomitant injections of a p38 MAPK inhibitor, a caspase 1 inhibitor or the rat recombinant interleukin 1 receptor antagonist. These data suggest a critical role for the cytokine IL-1beta and caspase 1 rapidly released by activated microglia in enhancing nociceptive transmission in spinal cord inflammation.  相似文献   

A human interleukin 1 beta (IL 1 beta) cDNA probe was utilized to identify a homologous murine cDNA clone. The murine cDNA encodes a 269-residue protein which is 67% homologous to human IL 1 beta. The murine sequence was engineered for expression in mammalian cells and directs the synthesis of biologically active IL 1. This protein, termed murine IL 1 beta, is only 22% homologous with the previously described murine IL 1 sequence. Both IL 1 alpha and IL 1 beta are encoded by single genes, but IL 1 beta mRNA is about fivefold more abundant in a stimulated macrophage cell line.  相似文献   

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