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Gail K. Davoren 《Marine Biology》2013,160(12):3043-3058
Investigations of distributional and density patterns of marine predators often reveal areas where high abundances of one or many species overlap in space and time (‘biological hotspots’); however, mechanisms underlying hotspot formation are often unclear, leading to difficulties determining spatial and temporal boundaries of protected areas. On the northeast Newfoundland coast, I previously described annually persistent aggregations of a key forage fish species, capelin (Mallotus villosus): (1) two pre- and post-spawning staging areas in deep (>150 m) bathymetric channels, (2) a cluster of four persistently used demersal spawning sites (17–40 m), and (3) a coastal migratory route (<50 m). Through at-sea surveys repeated over 8 years (2000–2003, 2007, and 2009–2011), I show that the majority of predator hotspots identified were spatially associated with (i.e., within 10 km) these persistent capelin areas for breeding seabirds (common murre: 85.2 ± 4.6 %; northern gannet: 66.9 ± 6.6 %), overwintering seabirds (great and sooty shearwaters: 88.0 ± 6.9 %), and baleen whales (humpback, minke, and fin whales: 86.8 ± 8.6 %). Most predator hotspots were closer to the spawning (3.8–14.0 km) relative to the staging areas (13.1–27.6 km), especially for murres and shearwaters. Interspecific differences were attributed to variation in maximum dive depths and dietary preferences. Predators only aggregated within the spawning area, while capelin were spawning, suggesting that interannual variation in association with predator and capelin hotspots was attributed to variation in survey timing relative to capelin spawning. As these areas of persistent capelin are bound by static bathymetric and large-scale oceanographic features and can be delimited in time based on the capelin spawning period, they may be important candidate areas for protection.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have examined how predator diets influence prey responses to predation risk, but the role predator diet plays in modulating prey responses remains equivocal. We reviewed 405 predator–prey studies in 109 published articles that investigated changes in prey responses when predators consumed different prey items. In 54 % of reviewed studies, prey responses were influenced by predator diet. The value of responding based on a predator’s recent diet increased when predators specialized more strongly on particular prey species, which may create patterns in diet cue use among prey depending upon whether they are preyed upon by generalist or specialist predators. Further, prey can alleviate costs or accrue greater benefits using diet cues as secondary sources of information to fine tune responses to predators and to learn novel risk cues from exotic predators or alarm cues from sympatric prey species. However, the ability to draw broad conclusions regarding use of predator diet cues by prey was limited by a lack of research identifying molecular structures of the chemicals that mediate these interactions. Conclusions are also limited by a narrow research focus. Seventy percent of reviewed studies were performed in freshwater systems, with a limited range of model predator–prey systems, and 98 % of reviewed studies were performed in laboratory settings. Besides identifying the molecules prey use to detect predators, future studies should strive to manipulate different aspects of prey responses to predator diet across a broader range of predator–prey species, particularly in marine and terrestrial systems, and to expand studies into the field.  相似文献   

Functional responses: a question of alternative prey and predator density   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Tschanz B  Bersier LF  Bacher S 《Ecology》2007,88(5):1300-1308
Throughout the study of ecology, there has been a growing realization that indirect effects among species cause complexity in food webs. Understanding and predicting the behavior of ecosystems consequently depends on our ability to identify indirect effects and their mechanisms. The present study experimentally investigates indirect interactions arising between two prey species that share a common predator. In a natural field experiment, we introduced different densities of mealworms (Tenebrio molitor), an alternative prey, to a previously studied predator-prey system in which paper wasps (Polistes dominulus) preyed on shield beetle larvae (Cassida rubiginosa). We tested if alternative prey affects predation on the first prey (i.e., the predator-dependent functional response of paper wasps) by modifying either interference among predators or the effective number of predators foraging on shield beetles. Presence of mealworms significantly reduced the effective number of predators, whereas predator interference was not affected. In this way, the experimentally introduced alternative prey altered the wasps' functional response and thereby indirectly influenced C. rubiginosa density. In all prey-density combinations offered, paper wasps constantly preferred T. molitor. This led to an asymmetrical, indirect interaction between both prey species: an increase in mealworm density significantly relaxed predation on C. rubiginosa, whereas an increase in C. rubiginosa density intensified predation on mealworms. Such asymmetrical outcomes of a fixed food preference can significantly affect the population dynamics of the species involved. In spite of the repeated finding of a Type III functional response in this system, our experiment did not reveal switching behavior in paper wasps. The variety of mechanisms underlying direct and indirect interactions within our study system exemplifies the importance of incorporating alternative prey when investigating the impact of a generalist predator on a focal prey population under realistic field conditions.  相似文献   

Fragmentation of the boreal forest by linear features, including seismic lines, has destabilized predator–prey dynamics, resulting in the decline of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) populations. Restoration of human-altered habitat has therefore been identified as a critical management tool for achieving self-sustaining woodland caribou populations. However, only recently has testing of the response of caribou and other wildlife to restoration activities been conducted. Early work has centered around assessing changes in wildlife use of restored seismic lines. We evaluated whether restoration reduces the movement rates of predators and their associated prey, which is expected to decrease predator hunting efficiency and ultimately reduce caribou mortality. We developed a new method for using cameras to measure fine-scale movement by measuring speed as animals traveled between cameras in an array. We used our method to quantify speed of caribou, moose (Alces alces), bears (Ursus americanus), and wolves (Canis lupus) on treated (restored) and untreated seismic lines. Restoration treatments reduced travel speeds along seismic lines of wolves by 1.38 km/h, bears by 0.55 km/h, and caribou by 1.57 km/h, but did not reduce moose travel speeds. Reduced predator and caribou speeds on treated seismic lines are predicted to decrease encounter rates between predators and caribou and thus lower caribou kill rates. However, further work is needed to determine whether reduced movement rates result in reduced encounter rates with prey, and ultimately reduced caribou mortality.  相似文献   

Experimental studies of feeding on zooplankton often involve the use of non-evasive Artemia spp. to represent zooplanktonic prey. Some zooplankton, however, such as copepods, are potentially evasive due to possession of effective predator-avoidance mechanisms such as high-speed escape swimming. In the present study, we compared the efficiencies with which non-evasive (A. salina) and evasive (copepods) zooplankton were captured by a sessile, suspension feeder, the coral-inhabiting barnacle Nobia grandis (Crustacea, Cirripedia). N. grandis specimens and zooplankton used in the present study were collected near Eilat, Israel in 1993. The effect of different flow speeds (from 0 to 14 cm s-1) on captures of the two preys was also investigated. Additionally, we examined the effect of a flow-induced barnacle behavioral switch from active to passive suspension feeding, on zooplankton capture. Two video cameras were used to make close-up, three dimensional recordings of predator-prey encounters in a computer-controlled flow tank. Frame-by-frame video analysis revealed a highly significant difference (P< 0.001) in the efficiency with which A. salina and copepods were caught (A. salina being much more readily captured than copepods). After an encounter with cirri of feeding barnacles, copepods were usually able to swim out of the barnacles capture zone within one video frame (40 ms), by accelerating from a slow swimming speed (approximately 1.85 cm s-1) to a mean escape swimming speed of 18.11 cm s-1 (ca. 360 body lengths s-1). This was not the case for A. salina nauplii, which usually remained in contact with cirri before being transferred to the mouth and ingested. Thus, experimental studies addressing the methodology of organisms feeding on zooplankton should consider that slow-swimming prey like Artemia sp. nauplii may only represent the non-evasive fraction of natural mesozooplankton assemblages.  相似文献   

Summary Perhaps the most important factor affecting predator-prey interactions is their encounter probability. Predators must either locate sites where prey are active or attract prey to them, and prey must be able to recognize potential predators and flee before capture. In this study we manipulate and describe three components of the foraging system of predatory, web-weaving spiders, the presence of viscid droplets, silk brightness (achromatic surface reflectance), and visibility of the orb pattern, to determine their effect on insect attraction, recognition, and web avoidance. We found that webs with viscid droplets were more visible to prey at close range, but at greater distances the sparkling droplets lured insects to the web area and hence increased insect capture probability. Although the size of viscid droplets and silk brightness are closely correlated (Table 2, Fig. 3), the relationships among droplet size, spider size, and the visual environments in which webs are found are more complicated (Fig. 2, Tables 2, 3). In environments with predictable light exposure, droplet size and hence silk visibility correlate with spider size, and spiders that forage at night produce relatively more visible silks then spiders that forage during the day (Table 3, Fig. 4). In habitats in which light levels are not predictable, silk surface reflectance and spider size are not closely correlated, suggesting that the complexity of the light environment, as well as the visual and foraging behaviors of insects found there, has played an important role in the evolution of spider-insect interactions.Offprint requests to: C.L. Craig  相似文献   

Summary. The bolas spider, Mastophora hutchinsoni, attracts Lacinipolia renigera and Tetanolita mynesalis males by mimicking the female moth sex pheromones. However, as the prey species use completely different pheromone blends we conducted experiments to determine how this is accomplished by the predator. The periodicity of L. renigera mate-seeking activities occurs early in the scotophase, whereas male T. mynesalis are active late at night, corresponding with periods when these moths are captured by the spider. The pheromone blend of early-flying L. renigera interferes with attraction of late-flying T. mynesalis to its pheromone in a dose-dependent manner, suggesting the spider must always produce a single sub-optimal “compromise” blend for both species or that it adjusts its allomonal blend to optimize capture of the respective prey species at different times during the night. We delayed (L. renigera) or advanced (T. mynesalis) the periodicity of male activity through photoperiodic manipulation and found that the bolas spider attracted both prey species outside their normal activity windows. These results support the idea that bolas spiders produce components of both species at all times rather than producing the pheromone of each prey species at different times of the night. However, using coupled gas chromatography-electroantennography, we also demonstrated that the spider decreases its emission of the L. renigera pheromone over the course of the night. This modification should reduce the behavioral antagonism of the L. renigera pheromone on T. mynesalis males and increase the predator's success of attracting T. mynesalis during this prey's normal activity window late at night. Received 13 October 2001; accepted 28 December 2001.  相似文献   

When predator chemical cues are present, low activity of prey is a commonly seen defensive behavior. However, few studies have explored the functional implications of the defensive behaviors and, thus, elucidated the possible linkages between behavioral responses and its consequences. In this study, we experimentally investigated how behavioral responses of Hyla japonica tadpoles to predator chemical cues affect vulnerability to a dragonfly nymph Anax parthenope julius. The frequency of tadpoles attacked by dragonfly nymphs was lower with chemical cues of predator was present than without chemical cues, and most of attacks occurred when tadpoles were mobile. When tadpoles were exposed to chemical cues, on the other hand, their swimming speed was quicker and swimming distance was longer, respectively, and the rates of being approached of the swimming tadpoles by dragonfly nymph was lower than those not exposed to chemical cues. We found that the tadpoles are induced by predator chemical cues not only to generally lower activity but also to swim in bursts as additional behavior and that the suite of their behavioral responses reduce the vulnerability against dragonfly nymph. Tadpoles can receive information about the predation risks by chemical cues and adjust their defensive behavior accordingly.  相似文献   

The trophic ecology of the stomiid assemblage (Pisces, Stomiiformes, Stomiidae) in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, a region with physical and biological characteristics typical of oligotrophic low-latitude regimes, was investigated. Over 1400 specimens representing 69 species and 17 genera were examined. Four patterns of feeding were evident among the abundant stomiids: (1) myctophid predation; (2) zooplankton/small micronekton predation; (3) penaeidean shrimp predation; and (4) copepod/micronekton predation. One rare species preyed on cephalopods. Il was concluded that stomiids exhibited a high level of prey-selectivity, particularly considering the broad range of prey types available in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. The absence of numerically dominant potential prey (e.g.Cyclothone spp., sternoptychids) in the diets of piscivorous stomiids is possibly a function of feeding periodicity coupled with stomiid vertical migration. Stomiids may feed at night in the upper 200 m on vertically migrating myctophids while disregarding co-occurring nonmigrating prey during the daytime. Integration of stomiid abundance and diet data suggests that: (1) stomiids are the dominant upper trophic-level predators of the Gulf of Mexico mesopelagial, (2) stomiids inflict the highest predation impact on myctophids in low-latitude midwater ecosystems, and (3) the historic use of predation-avoidance arguments to explain certain mesopelagic phenomena (e.g. vertical migration, ventral photophores) appears to be substantiated by estimates of stomiid predation-impact. The stomiids may serve as key trophic mediators in the transfer of energy from the mesopelagial to the bathyand benthopelagial.  相似文献   

To examine the behavioral adjustment of a generalist marine top predator to variability of their prey, we studied the foraging behavior of Japanese cormorants (Phalacrocorax filamentosus) breeding at Teuri Island, Hokkaido, in years of contrasting demersal and epipelagic prey composition. We used radio telemetry and ship-based surveys to determine behavior and at-sea distribution during three summers (1996–1998). The cormorants fed on epipelagic anchovy (Engraulis japonicus) and sandlance (Ammodytes personatus) in 1998 (year of epipelagic diet), while they fed on benthic rock fish (Sebastes spp.) and flatfish (Pleuronectidae) and nearshore-living naked sandlance (Hypophychus dybowskii), as well as epibenthic greenling (Hexagrammidae) in 1996 and 1997 (year of demersal diet). Cormorants engaged in larger feeding groups, visited more feeding sites, and stayed at each feeding site for a shorter period in the year of epipelagic diet than in the years of demersal diet. The cormorants made long foraging trips and fed in the mainland coastal habitat, distant from the colony, in the years of demersal diet. Individual radio-tracked birds fed over the wide area between the islands and mainland, in the year of epipelagic diet, while most individuals specialized in mainland or island coastal habitats in the years of demersal diet. Behavioral adjustment of Japanese cormorants might allow them to exploit both unpredictable epipelagic and predictable benthic prey efficiently.Communicated by T. Ikeda, Hakodate  相似文献   

王立志  王国祥 《生态环境》2012,(6):1096-1101
采用富营养化水体底泥培育苦草Vallisneria natans,构建密度0、20、40、100、300、450、600株·m-2的沉水植物苦草,模拟一次大风浪扰动过程扰动24 h,然后静置126 h。监测扰动和静置过程中不同密度苦草条件下水体中各形态磷含量的变化,及水体浊度的变化规律和水体中悬浮颗粒物结构。实验结果表明:苦草密度为0、20和40株·m-2的实验组扰动初浊度和水体中各形态磷含量迅速升高,并在第10 h左右达到最大值,随后下降。当苦草密度大于100株·m-2时,水体中浊度和各形态磷含量扰动前后无明显变化。随着沉水植物密度的增加,扰动所引起沉积物磷释放总量呈指数曲线降低。不同密度的苦草水体悬浮物的中值粒径在扰动后3 h达到最大值,但是在扰动后期,中值粒径开始下降,并且在实验第36 h达到最小值。数学模拟表明水体中各形态磷的含量与扰动实验时间和苦草密度的关系函数模拟均达到极显著水平。本实验研究说明:沉水植物密度的增加能显著抑制沉积物中磷的释放,并且当苦草密度大于100株·m-2时扰动所引起的沉积物磷释放影响不显著。扰动所引起的悬浮物的粒度变小,比表面积增大,对磷的吸附能力就越强,是水体扰动后期磷含量降低的主要原因。  相似文献   

Summary Macrotus californicus, an insectivorous bat, captures prey on the ground, and shows great sensory flexibility in hunting for prey: it uses high frequency, low intensity, frequency modulated echolocation to locate prey in total darkness, however data from this study suggest that it uses vision preferentially, and switches off its echolocation when adequate illumination is available. When souncs of prey are available it exploits these also. It uses echolocation only 50% of the time at 4.2x10-2 mL, comparable to ground luminance on a brightly moonlit night, and employs vision even at 10-3 mL.  相似文献   

Summary After having erected artificial perches of different heights in a clear-cut, I studied the effect of perching height on the allocation of search and pursuit effort of 9 individuals of the hawk owl. Hawk owls are diurnal and locate their small mammal prey visually. Horizontal attack and move distances increased with perching height in most individual cases, as well as across cases. Prey detection and giving-up times increased with perching height in half of the individual cases, but not across cases. Attack and move distances increased with perching time in only a few individual cases, and not across cases. Perching height explained more of the variation in attack and move distances than did perching time. Move distance depended on both preceding and subsequent perching heights. When giving up a perch the owls on average moved slightly farther than the distance predicted if travel distance as well as overlap between successive search areas are to be minimized. When the ground was snow-free, distances of successful attacks tended to be shorter than those of unsuccessful attacks. Moreover, perches from which prey were captured, but not perches from which unsuccessful attacks were launched, tended to be lower than perches which were given up. This may suggest that the predator-prey distance is more critical to the probability of capture than to the probability of detection. Longer horizontal attack distances from higher perches suggest that the size of the area effectively searched around each perch increases with the height of the perch. Therefore, longer giving-up times on higher perches indicate allocation of more search time to larger search areas, and longer moves after giving up or before landing on higher perches indicate avoidance of overlap with the larger search areas of these perches. These adjustments of giving-up time and move distance allow hawk owls to forage efficiently.  相似文献   

研究了克雷伯氏菌在无机盐培养基和去离子水中对三苯基锡(TPhT)的降解性能,考察了不同时间TPhT降解率与各离子释放量的变化关系,为论证有机锡的微生物降解机理提供实验依据.5.0 g.L-1菌体处理120 h后,3.0 mg.L-1TPhT在无机盐培养基和去离子水体系中的降解率分别高达77.3%和60.9%.在TPhT降解过程中,TPhT会促进菌体离子的释放,加剧菌体的内陷并增加凋亡细胞的数量.TPhT的降解率与NH4+、Na+、PO34-、SO24-、NO2-的释放在0.01水平下显著正相关,Na+、NH4+、Ca2+的释放规律符合准二级动力学模式.XPS分析证明菌体降解TPhT 120 h前后细胞表面元素和基团没有发生改变,但TPhT则发生了转化.  相似文献   

During the summer of 1989, we examined mechanisms of egg hatching in three species of brachyurans that occupy different habitats as adults near Beaufort, North Carolina, USA:Neopanope sayi (Smith) (subtidal),Uca pugilator (Bosc) (intertidal) andSesarma cinereum (Bosc) (supratidal). Results of casein assays indicated that embryos of all species release proteolytic enzymes near the time of egg hatching. Species differences in specific enzyme activity were suggested, with increased activity in the more terrestrial crabs. Embryos ofN. sayi released enzymes several hours before larval release by the female, whileU. pugilator andS. cinereum released enzymes closer to the time of larval release; enzyme release coincided roughly with time of egg-membrane breakage in all species. Direct observations of hatching showed a sequence of outer-membrane breakage apparently followed by inner-membrane breakage and emergence of the larva. Egg volumes increased most during early and/or mid-stages of development, with a marked slowing of the increase during the several days before hatching. Thus, a gradual osmotically-driven increase in water content may also be involved in egg hatching.  相似文献   

Chemical communication appears to be the primary mode of information transfer among woodland salamanders of the genus Plethodon. These pheromones have been shown to convey a wide variety of information, and are used to establish territorial boundaries. Responses to pheromones can include changes in both behavior and energy consumption. The ability of Ozark zigzag salamanders, Plethodon angusticlavius, to detect the sex of a conspecific through chemical substrate markings has not been assessed. In addition, some populations of P. angusticlavius are naturally infected with the ectoparasitic mite Hannemania eltoni. Parasitism can impact both the behavior and metabolism of the host as well as the behavior of others towards the parasitized individual. We examined whether sex and parasitism of the pheromone donor and receiver influenced behavioral and metabolic responses in P. angusticlavius. In laboratory trials, behavior of P. angusticlavius was influenced by the sex and parasite load of the pheromone donors and receivers. Behavioral responses were also influenced by whether the receiver was in its own territory or in the territory of the pheromone donor. Metabolic responses were not affected by the sex or parasite load of the pheromone donor, but males had higher metabolic rates than females, even after adjusting for differences in body size. Overall, our study indicates that both sex and parasitism can be detected via pheromones in this species, and the nature of the response depends on residency status, sex, and parasite load of the receiver.  相似文献   

本研究分别以NaOH和NH_3·H_2O为矿化剂,Ce(NO_3)_3·6H_2O为铈源,采用水热法成功制备两种新型纳米二氧化铈材料(CeO_2-Na与CeO_2-N).XRD、FESEM、Raman和EPR等表征手段以及非均相类Fenton降解盐酸四环素(TCH)性能分析结果表明,与CeO_2-N相比,纳米CeO_2-Na催化剂具有更大的比表面积和更高的表面氧空位浓度,其对TCH的催化性能也优于CeO_2-N.在TCH初始浓度为100 mg·L~(-1),催化剂投加量为0.7 g·L~(-1)和H_2O_2投加量为10 mmol·L~(-1)的条件下,CeO_2-Na/H_2O_2/TCH体系对TCH的去除率达86%,通过简单的热处理可以恢复催化剂的催化活性.TCH的降解机理研究表明,该非均相催化体系中起主要作用的是O~-_2·自由基.本研究为纳米氧化铈催化剂的制备及其非均相类Fenton的应用提供一定的技术和理论参考.  相似文献   

Here we show the efficient photoinduced degradation of the pesticide metolcarb, in less than 400 min, using iron(III) aquacomplexes and 365 nm light. The degradation is mainly due to the formation of hydroxyl radical. It was complete when molecular oxygen was present. The analytical study gives evidence for the primary formation of several byproducts formed from 1) the scission of the O–C bond, 2) the hydroxylation of the aromatic moiety and 3) the attack of the two methyl groups. Under prolonged irradiation and in aerated solutions, efficient mineralization was evidenced by the study of total organic carbon evolution as a function of irradiation time.  相似文献   

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