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新城疫病毒抗肿瘤研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新城疫病毒(Newcastle disease virus,NDV)为副黏病毒科,禽腮腺炎病毒属(Avulavirus)的禽副黏病毒Ⅰ型(APMV-Ⅰ),可对250多种禽类造成致死性感染,给世界范围内的家禽养殖造成了巨大损失。目前,研究发现NDV对人肿瘤细胞具有溶瘤作用,能够选择性地在癌细胞中复制。并且一些研究已经进行了人体临床试验,取得了良好的效果。因此,新城疫病毒是肿瘤治疗的潜在治疗剂。文中就NDV结构蛋白与毒力的关系、NDV直接溶瘤作用、NDV为载体的肿瘤基因治疗、NDV抗肿瘤与自噬等进行了综述。  相似文献   

病毒性疾病对人类和动物健康造成了重大威胁。由于现有的免疫接种和抗病毒疗法的局限性,开发安全、广谱、廉价的新型抗病毒制剂极为迫切。益生菌是摄入后能对机体产生多种有益作用的活性微生物,其抗病毒作用及潜在机制是当前的研究热点。本文介绍了益生菌通过促进肠道细胞的紧密连接和产生有利物质来维护机体黏膜屏障;与病毒竞争结合靶点或直接捕获并抑杀病毒;刺激机体免疫系统,调节固有免疫反应和适应性免疫反应;分泌具有抗病毒作用的代谢产物来发挥抗病毒作用及其作用机制,以期为益生菌的抗病毒相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

鸡新城疫病毒抗人肿瘤性疾病的分子机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新城疫是由鸡新城疫病毒引起的人畜共患病毒病,主要感染禽类,对人可引起发热等轻微症状。鸡新城疫病毒感染后可诱导机体产生干扰素和肿瘤坏死因子等抗肿瘤作用的细胞因子。鸡新城疫病毒的HN蛋白具有增加肿瘤细胞对淋巴细胞的粘附力、刺激淋巴细胞的分化和改变肿瘤细胞免疫原性的作用,在人类肿瘤性疾病生物防控中具有较高的研究和应用价值。  相似文献   

新城疫病毒(newcastle disease virus,NDV)属副黏病毒,由于其安全性,自从被发现以来,即受到广大研究者们的关注。经过多年的研究,新城疫病毒在抑制人肝癌、恶性胸膜间皮瘤、纤维肉瘤以及头颈癌细胞方面都取得了可喜的成果。目前,新城疫病毒抑瘤作用的机制尚未完全阐明,研究表明主要涉及诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡,发挥抑瘤佐剂作用,增强免疫细胞活性及抑制肿瘤化疗耐药。NDV即使在缺氧环境下,也可以稳定的发挥抗肿瘤作用,且其强毒株具有高效的抗肿瘤作用。本文主要就近年来新城疫病毒抗肿瘤作用的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

利用反向遗传操作技术产生ZJI株鹅源新城疫病毒   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
利用反向遗传操作技术,将ZJI株鹅源新城疫病毒全基因组cNDA克隆(NDV3GM122)和含该毒株NP、P及L基因的3个表达载体(pCI-NP、pCI-P与pCI-L)共转染BSR-T7/5细胞;同时,将NDV3GM122与含新城疫病毒La Sota毒株NP、P及L基因的3个表达载体(pCIneoNP、pCIneoP与pCIneoL)进行共转染。通过间接免疫荧光实验(Indiectimmunofluorescence assay,IFA)以及接种鸡胚后进行血凝(Hemagglutinin,HA)与血凝抑制(Hemagglutinininhibition,HI)试验、RT-PCR扩增和电镜观察,结果均证实全基因组cDNA克隆NDV3GM122与La Sota毒株表达载体共转染组产生了有血凝性的鹅源新城疫病毒,而NDV3GM122与ZJI株表达载体共转染组暂未检测到有血凝性的病毒。ZJI株鹅源新城疫病毒的拯救成功为对该病毒进行功能基因组研究和疫苗的研制等后续工作打下了基础。  相似文献   

复合益生菌体外抑菌杀病毒作用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用平板抑菌法和液体试管法来研究复合益生菌对蜡样芽胞杆菌和伤寒沙门菌的作用。另外,通过提取复合益生菌与肠道病毒作用前后的总RNA并用RT-PCR扩增-琼脂糖凝胶电泳的方法来研究两者的作用。结果显示,复合益生菌对致病性蜡样芽胞杆菌和伤寒沙门菌具有明显的抑制作用,对肠道病毒具有杀灭作用。  相似文献   

目的:与NDV疫苗株LaSota对比研究一株NDV D817株对肝癌细胞高效特异性的杀伤效应和作用机制,进一步筛选NDV溶瘤毒株.方法:用MTT法对比病毒对三株传代肝癌细胞株SMMC-7721、Bel-7404和HepG-2及一株正常肝细胞株HL-7702的杀伤效应,并用TUNNL法及透射电镜观察病毒诱导肿瘤细胞发生凋亡作用.结果:NDV D817株对肝癌细胞株SMMC-7721、Bel-7404和HepG-2杀伤效应高达80%,显著高于疫苗LaSota株(P<0.01),而对人正常肝细胞HL-7702无明显影响;病毒在肝癌细胞中明显复制增殖,对细胞的杀伤活性与病毒作用剂量和病毒作用时间成正比;NDV D817株有效诱导肝癌细胞发生凋亡.结论:NDV D817株有效诱导肝癌细胞发生凋亡,对SMMC-7721、Bel-7404和HepG-2细胞具有高效杀伤性,而对正常肝细胞HL-7702未见明显影响.推测为溶瘤株.  相似文献   

目的研究几株益生菌胃肠道环境下的抗逆能力。方法体外模拟正常猪的胃肠道环境,配制人工肠液和人工胃液,将实验室几株饲用益生菌在人工胃液和人工肠液中分别作用4、6 h,每2 h测一次活菌量。结果实验菌株对模拟胃液的耐受性都较强;除乳酸菌A外,其他菌株对模拟肠液的耐受性也较强。结论除乳酸菌A外的几株实验菌种作为饲用益生菌在抵御猪胃肠道的不良环境方面有很大优势。  相似文献   

应用新城疫病毒治疗肿瘤的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新城疫病毒可以特异地杀伤肿瘤细胞,而对正常细胞没有伤害,目前在临床实验中认为是安全、有效的溶瘤试剂。随着近年来反向遗传操作技术的日趋成熟,该技术开始应用到新城疫病毒溶瘤效果的优化方面,通过改造新城疫病毒的F基因,及表达重组粒细胞巨噬细胞集落刺激因子,干扰素-γ,白细胞介素-2和肿瘤坏死因子-α等肿瘤杀伤因子,使该病毒具备更加优越的肿瘤杀伤能力,成为肿瘤治疗领域一个新兴的亮点,为癌症的临床治疗提供了崭新的前景。以下将简要介绍应用反向遗传操作技术重组新城疫病毒优化肿瘤治疗效果的研究进展,以及本实验室在相关领域的研究情况。  相似文献   

新城疫病毒单克隆抗体的特性及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立了8个分泌抗新城疫病毒(NDV)特异性单克隆抗体(McAb)的杂交瘤细胞株,根据它们的免疫生物学特性可以分为三种类型:(1)具有FA和ELISA特性(FN1、FN4、FN29、FN30、FN35、FNl22);(2)具有FA、ELISA和HI特性(FN7);(3)具有ELISA、HI特性和中和能力(FN106),根据FN30和FN106的ELISA试验,可将11个NDV毒株分为二种不同的抗原群,应用FN4-FITC,FN7-FITC和FN29-HRP试剂,对人工感染NDV和野外送检病例检测结果表明,单抗试剂的DFA阳性率(92.3%)高于病毒分离阳性率(87.2%),两种方法的符合率89.7%,这些单抗试剂用于临床诊断敏感性和特异性高,且方法快速、简便。  相似文献   

Newcastle disease virus was irradiated at temperatures ranging from 2.2 to 60 C. An interaction between the thermal and ionizing energy was observed in the temperature region of 49 to 60 C. At 2.2 C, the hemagglutinin was considerably more radioresistant than the infectivity property. It is believed that radiation inactivation of Newcastle disease virus infectivity at low temperatures was due to nucleic acid degradation and at higher temperatures was due to protein denaturation.  相似文献   

测定了枯草芽孢杆菌fmbJ株产生的新型抗微生物物质的体外抗新城疫病毒(Newcastle disease virus,NDV)lasota株、传染性法式囊病病毒(Infectious Bursal Disease Virus,IBDV)哈尔滨(H)株作用。结果表明该新型抗微生物物质对鸡胚成纤维(Chicken Embryo Fibroblasts,CEF)细胞的TD50和TD0分别为128.95mg/L、25.79mg/L;对NDVlasota株、IBDV H株所致细胞病变效应有明显的抑制作用,可使细胞存活率显著升高;该抗微生物物质具有抗NDVlasota株、IBDV H株作用;并具有预防其感染及抑制其复制的作用。其抗病毒作用效果和病毒唑相当,由于其对CEF细胞的毒性较弱,可作为一种抗病毒药物进行开发研究。  相似文献   

目的:比较美沙拉秦+安慰剂与美沙拉秦+益生菌诱导轻至中度活动期溃疡性结肠炎(UC)缓解的疗效。方法:32例轻、中度活动期溃疡性结肠炎患者随机分为2组,试验组用美沙拉秦联用益生菌治疗,对照组用美沙拉秦及安慰剂治疗。治疗8周后评估患者UC-DAI评分及肠镜。结果:经统计学处理,两组治疗前后UC-DAI指数评分比较,均有效,P<0.05,两组间UC-DAI治疗前后有差异,P<0.05,但两组间缓解率无明显差异,表明美沙拉秦加用益生菌对诱导轻中度活动溃结促进缓解作用。结论:对于轻中度活动性溃疡性结肠炎,加用益生菌有改善病情作用,但可能无益于诱导缓解。  相似文献   

Thermal Inactivation of Newcastle Disease Virus   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The rate of destruction of hemagglutinins and infectivity of Newcastle disease virus was determined over a temperature range of 37.8 to 60 C. From the calculated values of deltaH and deltaS, it was concluded that inactivation of the hemagglutinating activity and viral infectivity was due to protein denaturation.  相似文献   

Circulating interferon production, induced by Newcastle disease virus, is about seven times higher in C(57) Black mice than i Balb/c/Gif mice. A Mendelian analysis was carried out and circulating interferon production was measured in reciprocal F(1) hybrids, in the F(2) generation, in progeny of backcrosses of F(1) hybrids to either parent strain, and in second backcross progeny. The results indicate that a single, partly dominant, autosomal factor is responsible for the difference in circulating interferon production between both parent strains.  相似文献   

Use-Dilution Test and Newcastle Disease Virus   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The use-dilution test for evaluating the effectiveness of disinfectants against bacteria was modified to determine the effectiveness of disinfectants against a group of viruses. Modifications were kept to a minimum to retain the general principles of the test and thereby retain the test's familiarity among testing laboratory personnel. Modifications included the use of a standard allantoic fluid suspension of Newcastle disease virus instead of a standard bacterial culture. The only other modification was the inoculation of six embryonated chicken eggs (10 to 12 days old) with 0.1 ml of nutrient broth into which a carrier ring was transferred after a standard period in diluted disinfectant. The death or survival of 60 embryos, then, is the criterion by which a disinfectant can be judged effective at use-dilution. Experiments are described which establish the validity of the modified test procedure. The effectiveness of nine common disinfectants against Newcastle disease virus as judged by this test procedure is reported.  相似文献   

Precursor Protein for Newcastle Disease Virus   总被引:12,自引:10,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The course of viral protein synthesis during infection of chicken embryo fibroblasts with Newcastle disease virus (NDV) L. Kansas has been followed by using sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Of the three major virion polypeptide molecular weight classes, I (78,400 daltons), II (53,500 daltons), and III (37,600 daltons), only II, having the same electrophoretic mobility as nucleocapsid polypeptide, appears to be the cleavage product of a precursor polypeptide PII (64,800 daltons) detected in NDV-infected cells after brief labeling with radioactive amino acids. Nucleocapsids were isolated from NDV-infected cells which had been pulse-labeled with radioactive amino acids or pulse-labeled and further incubated with unlabeled amino acids. Gel electrophoretic analysis of proteins derived from nucleocapsids showed that an increase in the period of incubation with unlabeled amino acids resulted in an increase in the amount of radioactivity in nucleocapsid protein. Polypeptide PII was not detected as a transient component of the isolated nucleocapsid fraction. These results are consistent with two interpretations. The product of PII cleavage is (i) nucleocapsid polypeptide, or (ii) a nonvirion or minor envelope polypeptide having the same electrophoretic mobility as nucleocapsid polypeptide.  相似文献   

Lipid rafts are membrane microdomains enriched in cholesterol, sphingolipids, and glycolipids that have been implicated in many biological processes. Since cholesterol is known to play a key role in the entry of some other viruses, we investigated the role of cholesterol and lipid rafts in the host cell plasma membrane in Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) entry. We used methyl-β-cyclodextrin (MβCD) to deplete cellular cholesterol and disrupt lipid rafts. Our results show that the removal of cellular cholesterol partially reduces viral binding, fusion and infectivity. MβCD had no effect on the expression of sialic acid containing molecule expression, the NDV receptors in the target cell. All the above-described effects were reversed by restoring cholesterol levels in the target cell membrane. The HN viral attachment protein partially localized to detergent-resistant membrane microdomains (DRMs) at 4°C and then shifted to detergent-soluble fractions at 37°C. These results indicate that cellular cholesterol may be required for optimal cell entry in NDV infection cycle.  相似文献   

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