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提出了一种基于低成本MEMS惯性传感器的微型姿态测量系统,包括MEMS速率陀螺、MEMS磁强计、单轴MEMS加速度传感器.重点研究了基于扩展Kalman滤波(EKF)的姿态估计创新算法,通过速率陀螺更新误差状态四元数计算姿态角,并通过飞行方向的加速度传感器和三轴磁强计来补偿陀螺漂移和姿态角误差,利用扩展卡尔曼滤波方程消除瞬时干扰,实现高动态姿态测量.系统的仿真和高动态实验表明,姿态测量动态精度低于5°,静态精度低于0.7°.  相似文献   

中国部分地区输电线路舞动事故频繁发生,为提供舞动预警及理论分析数据,提出一种基于MEMS六轴惯性传感器的输电线路舞动轨迹监测算法.算法给出舞动轨迹监测一般解算流程,以MEMS六轴惯性传感器敏感输电线路舞动的角速度、加速度信息可有效解决仅用三轴加速度计所存在的线路空间扭转问题,为有效抑制MEMS传感器中陀螺仪误差随时间累...  相似文献   

针对MEMS陀螺仪以及加速度计传感器单独测姿时,传感器数据中存在复杂噪声和测量误差导致测量得不到最优姿态角的问题,设计了一种基于MEMS陀螺仪和加速度计的自适应姿态测量算法.算法采用扩展卡尔曼滤波方法实现数据融合,并且在利用Allan方差估计MEMS陀螺动态噪声的同时,加入了遗忘因子和限定记忆的算法思想,从而实时地跟踪数据的量测噪声,实时修正角度估计误差,有效地提高了姿态测量系统的精度.实验结果表明,二者组合定姿可实现高精度的姿态测量,验证了算法良好的动态噪声抑制能力,提高了系统对环境变化的适应性.  相似文献   

设计了一种基于Fabry-Perot腔的高精度MEMS加速度传感器,采用动态波长调谐原理.加速度传感单元由二氧化硅支撑梁与中心质量块组成,在质量块底部与衬底层硅基凹槽内,利用薄膜沉积技术制备分布式布拉格反射镜(DBR)构成F-P光学微腔.设计了新型折叠支撑梁和维持器件可靠性的限位块结构.研究给出质量块位移引起腔长变化,...  相似文献   

MEMS加速度传感器在计量检测中有着广泛的应用。本文综述了MEMS加速度传感器的发展概况,总结了其分类方法、工作原理及特点,并提出发展趋势。  相似文献   

本文介绍利用光栅角度传感器测量风洞模型姿态角,实现非接触、动态、实时测角的测量方法,满足了风洞模型姿态角测量的特殊技术要求。  相似文献   

金阳 《硅谷》2011,(4):64-64
介绍MEMS传感技术的特点,分析国内动态装饰领域的市场前景和一种基于MEMS传感器的动态装饰花设计方案。  相似文献   

姿态估计是多旋翼飞行控制的基础,为实现多旋翼三轴姿态估计,构建了基于MEMS陀螺、加速度计和磁力计的低成本姿态测量系统.该系统采用STM32F103作为控制器,集成加速度计和陀螺仪MPU6050,磁强计HMC5883作为测量传感器.针对多旋翼飞行器单一传感器无法准确测量姿态信息的问题,提出了基于无迹卡尔曼滤波信息融合的姿态估计算法.以陀螺仪为状态矢量,加速度计和磁强计解算的姿态角为观测矢量,无迹卡尔曼滤波器将陀螺的良好动态性能与加速度计、磁强计的良好静态性能结合起来,提高姿态测量精度,具有良好的动态跟踪性能.通过飞行测试,与高性能成品飞行器的姿态信息做对比,验证和分析该低成本姿态测量系统的有效性.实验结果表明,基于无迹卡尔曼滤波的姿态测量系统实现了动态环境下低成本多旋翼的精密姿态测量,为无人机自主飞行控制奠定了基础.  相似文献   

针对低成本MEMS惯性器件精度较低、噪声较大、存在误差随时间积累而无法满足长时间载体姿态测量的问题,提出一种基于三子样姿态更新的扩展卡尔曼姿态估计算法。该算法结合三子样构造姿态更新四元数作为扩展卡尔曼滤波的状态量,利用当地导航系下重力场、磁场中相关数据通过比例积分控制器完成对角速率误差的一次补偿,同时作为扩展卡尔曼观测信息,完成对姿态四元数的实时校正,以此降低误差随时间积累的影响。为验证算法精度,设计转台静态及车载动态试验,试验结果表明在测试约为400 s的时间内,航向角误差约为5°,俯仰角及滚转角误差低于2°,且无发散问题,满足长时姿态测量要求。  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于三轴磁强计、三轴加速度计和一个偏心加速度计的组合测试系统.三轴磁强计测量地磁场矢量在飞行体坐标系上的分量,三轴加速度计给出飞行体质心的运动轨迹,通过对这两组测量信息进行信息融合进行姿态解算,给出了飞行体的飞行姿态.运用MATLAB的SIMULINK工具箱建立起了飞行体姿态仿真模型,并给出一定条件下的仿真结果.  相似文献   

Michelson interferometer for precision angle measurement   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Ikram M  Hussain G 《Applied optics》1999,38(1):113-120
An angle-measuring technique based on an optical interferometer is reported. The technique exploits a Michelson interferometric configuration in which a right-angle prism and a glass strip are introduced into a probe beam. Simultaneous rotation of both components along an axis results in an optical path difference between the reference and the probe beams. In a second arrangement two right-angle prisms and glass strips are introduced into two beams of a Michelson interferometer. The prisms and the strips are rotated simultaneously to introduce an optical path difference between the two beams. In our arrangement, optimization of various parameters makes the net optical path difference between the two beams approximately linear for a rotation as great as +/-20 degrees . Results are simulated that show an improvement of 2-3 orders of magnitude in error and nonlinearity compared with a previously reported technique.  相似文献   

为得到弹丸在膛内运动的摆动情况,该文提出一种通过微波干涉仪获取弹丸在膛内的微运动姿态相关信息的测试方法。首先建立线膛炮内弹丸微运动产生的多普勒模型,在模型的基础上利用短时傅里叶变换获取弹丸在膛内纵向运动的变换规律,再利用Hilbert-Huang变换获得详细的微多普勒信息,最后应用小波变换得到弹丸在膛内摆动的幅度和频率。研究表明:通过结合3种时频变换方法,能定量得到弹丸在膛内的摆动特征,且摆动频率误差在1 kHz范围以内;与不同组的实验数据对比,可以判断火炮身管内的不平衡程度。  相似文献   

A survey is presented of prospects for using sensors that combine the functions of scanning, balancing, and interpolation. The survey covers the advantages and shortcomings of electromagnetic, piezoelectric, and magnetoelectric scanning and balancing interpolators. Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 1, pp. 19–22, January, 1999.  相似文献   

快速高精度光电测速算法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
付小宁  程为彬 《光电工程》2006,33(1):137-140
研究基于光电编码器和四倍频电路的单片机速度测量系统的简化算法。该算法通过减少乘除运算缩短了测量时间,选用整数除法和分频电路避免了计算误差。作者编制了参数配置表,可使本文算法适配于不同当量系数的编码器。简化算法完成一次测量约需0.25s,可达1m/h的最小速度分辨力。该算法满足高精度、高分辨力和快速测量的要求,已成功用于作者研制的石油测井闭环速度控制。  相似文献   

A high frequency Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) filter which is the key point of the SAW sensor is made by MEMS technology. The SAW filter used for sensors needs to have the factors of high frequency, low loss and high quality factor. In order to satisfy the performance of the factors, the SAW delay lines of Electrode Wave Control Single Phase Unidirectional Transducer (EWC/SPUDT) are used in the filter. This transducer can be considered as the networks of connection of some units of IDTs and the loss of device can be effectively reduced. Based on the Coupling of Modes (COM) theory and equivalent circuit modal, the mixed matrix (P matrix) of the transducers can be deduced, and further, the response of the delay lines can be obtained. According to the calculated results, a mask layout is made. Then the SAW delay line is completed and found to agree with the theoretical simulation. Its center frequency is 503 MHz and insertion loss is low enough for use of sensors.  相似文献   

佀明华  王伟明  张勇  吴浩 《光电工程》2019,46(10):180445-1-180445-7
针对动态角度测量的成本高及精度低的问题,提出一种基于非合作目标视觉跟踪的光电测量方法。利用安装在被测对象上的光电伺服平台搭载相机和激光测距仪对非合作目标进行实时跟踪和距离测量,根据伺服平台输出的精密角度、非合作目标距离和被测角度之间的转化关系计算出被测动态角度值。研制了基于光电伺服平台的动态角度测量装置,并对其进行了精度标定和误差分析。利用高精度旋转台模拟被测动态角度进行实验,验证了测量方法的可行性。实验结果表明在测量空间11.082 m范围内,测角误差在±0.09°以内。  相似文献   

This paper describes attitude control systems (ACS) for satellites and a new, static system based on an integrated infrared (IR) detector array. After a short introduction on the use and control of satellites in general, we explain the advantage of static systems, made possible by the use of integrated IR detector arrays. In particular, the static system is lighter and smaller than the previous systems, and requires less power. The electronics is updated to state-of-the art, increasing the autonomy of the system and thereby reducing its dependence upon the satellite microcontroller. The detectors are based on a bipolar silicon process for the mechanical structure (using electrochemically controlled etching-KOH etching), with an SiN membrane for thermal isolation of the pixels, which have a polymer black coating for transduction of radiation to heat and n-type versus p-type polysilicon thermopiles for heat detection. The pixel pitch is 600 μm, the black area is approximately 495 × 440 μm2, and the pixel sensitivity is approximately 55 V/W, at a thermopile resistance of 23 kΩ. Two types of detectors have been designed: a single-array type with 32 pixels in two staggered arrays, and a chip with four 32-pixel arrays integrated in a cross. This has made it possible to make a family of earth sensors for the different missions in space  相似文献   

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