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The reliable assessment of hazards or risks arising from groundwater contamination problems and the design of efficient and effective techniques to mitigate these problems require the capability to predict the behavior of chemical contaminants in flowing water. Most attempts at quantifying contaminant transport have relied on a solution of some form of a well-known governing equation referred to as advection-dispersion-reaction equation. To choose an appropriate remediation strategy, knowledge of the contaminant release source and time release history becomes pertinent. As additional contaminated sites are being detected, it is almost impossible to perform exhaustive drilling, testing, and chemical fingerprint analysis every time. Moreover, chemical fingerprinting and site records are not sufficient to allow a unique solution for the timing of source releases. The purpose of this paper is to present and review mathematical methods that have been developed during the past 15 years to identify the contaminant source location and recover the time release history.  相似文献   

Release of pollution into rivers is required to be handled with special consideration to environmental standards. For this purpose, it is essential to specify the contribution of each pollution source in contamination of water resources. In this study, a mathematical model is proposed for determining locations and concentration release histories of polluting point sources using measured downstream river concentrations via an inverse problem framework. The inverse solution is based on the integral equation obtained from applying the Green's function method on the one-dimensional advection-dispersion contaminant transport equation. Discretization of this integral equation results in a linear, over-determined and ill-posed system of algebraic equations that are solved by using the Tikhonov regularization method. Several examples and some real field data are investigated to illustrate the abilities of the proposed model. Results imply that the proposed method is effective and can identify the pollution sources in rivers with acceptable accuracy.  相似文献   

Environmental forensic analysis has evolved significantly from the early days of qualitative chemical fingerprint evaluations. The need for quantitative rigor has made the use of numerical methods critical in identifying and mapping contaminant sources in complex environmental systems. Given multiple contaminant sources, the environmental scientist is faced with the challenge of unraveling the contributions of multiple plumes with overlapping spatial and temporal distributions. The problem may be addressed through a multivariate statistical approach, but there is a mind-boggling array of the available “chemometric” methods. This paper provides an overview of these methods, along with a review of their advantages, disadvantages, and pitfalls. Methods discussed include principal component analysis and several receptor-modeling techniques.  相似文献   

This study investigates and discusses a time-efficient technology that contains a surrogate model within a simulation-optimization model to identify the characteristics of groundwater pollutant sources. In the proposed surrogate model, Latin hypercube sampling (a stratified sampling approach) and artificial neural network (commencing at the stress period when the concentration is within a certain range, and ending at the peak time) were utilized to reduce workload and costly computing time. The results of a comparison between the proposed surrogate model and the common artificial neural network model and non-surrogate model indicated that the proposed model is a time-efficient technology which could be used to solve groundwater source identification problems.  相似文献   

Informative report No. 3 has been prepared to provide background information on the origin, purpose, and general theory of operation of automatic power controls for industrial electrostatic precipitators. A comprehensive body of literature describing the process and mechanisms of dust collection in precipitators is readily available to those interested, but information on the control equipment used with the process is widely scattered. This report is intended to provide assistance toward the understanding of manufacturers’ literature describing specific control apparatus, and it may be used as a starting point for more intensive investigation of the subject. To the latter end, a history of the development of these controls and a bibliography of pertinent literature and patents has been included. It is expected that this report will be of particular interest to technical and supervisory personnel concerned with the selection, evaluation, and operation of precipitation equipment.  相似文献   

Contamination of groundwater constrains its uses and poses a serious threat to the environment. Once groundwater is contaminated, the cleanup may be difficult and expensive. Identification of unknown pollution sources is the first step toward adopting any remediation strategy. The proposed methodology exploits the capability of a universal function approximation by a feed-forward multilayer artificial neural network (ANN) to identify the sources in terms of its location, magnitudes, and duration of activity. The back-propagation algorithm is utilized for training the ANN to identify the source characteristics based on simulated concentration data at specified observation locations in the aquifer. Uniform random generation and the Latin hypercube sampling method of random generation are used to generate temporal varying source fluxes. These source fluxes are used in groundwater flow and the transport simulation model to generate necessary data for the ANN model-building processes. Breakthrough curves obtained for the specified pollution scenario are characterized by different methods. The characterized breakthrough curves parameters serve as inputs to ANN model. Unknown pollution source characteristics are outputs for ANN model. Experimentation is also performed with different number of training and testing patterns. In addition, the effects of measurement errors in concentration measurements values are used to show the robustness of ANN based methodology for source identification in case of erroneous data.  相似文献   

Finding the location and concentration of contaminant sources is an important step in groundwater remediation and management. This discovery typically requires the solution of an inverse problem. This inverse problem can be formulated as an optimization problem where the objective function is the sum of the square of the errors between the observed and predicted values of contaminant concentration at the observation wells. Studies show that the source identification accuracy is dependent on the observation locations (i.e., network geometry) and frequency of sampling; thus, finding a set of optimal monitoring well locations is very important for characterizing the source. The objective of this study is to propose a sensitivity-based method for optimal placement of monitoring wells by incorporating two uncertainties: the source location and hydraulic conductivity. An optimality metric called D-optimality in combination with a distance metric, which tends to make monitoring locations as far apart from each other as possible, is developed for finding optimal monitoring well locations for source identification. To address uncertainty in hydraulic conductivity, an integration method of multiple well designs is proposed based on multiple hydraulic conductivity realizations. Genetic algorithm is used as a search technique for this discrete combinatorial optimization problem. This procedure was applied to a hypothetical problem based on the well-known Borden Site data in Canada. The results show that the criterion-based selection proposed in this paper provides improved source identification performance when compared to uniformly distributed placement of wells.  相似文献   

Sources of contamination of groundwater are often difficult to characterize. However, it is essential for effective remediation of polluted groundwater resources. This study demonstrates an application of the linked simulation-optimization based methodology to estimate the release history from spatially distributed sources of pollution at an illustrative abandoned mine-site. In linked simulation-optimization approaches a numerical groundwater flow and transport simulation model is linked to the optimization model. In this study, topographic and geologic characteristics of the abandoned mine-site were simulated using a three-dimensional (3D) numerical groundwater flow model. Transport of contaminant in the groundwater was simulated using a 3D transient advective-dispersive contaminant transport model. Adsorption or chemical reaction of the contaminant was not considered in the contaminant transport model. Adaptive simulated annealing (ASA) was employed for solving the optimization problem. An optimization algorithm generates the candidate solutions corresponding to various unknown groundwater source characteristics. The candidate solutions are used as input in the numerical groundwater transport simulation model to generate the concentration of pollutant in the study area. This information is used to calculate the objective function value, which is utilized by the optimization algorithm to improve the candidate solution. This process continues until an optimal solution is obtained. Optimal solutions obtained in this study show that the linked simulation-optimization based methodology is potentially applicable for the characterization of spatially distributed pollutant sources, typically present at abandoned mine-sites.  相似文献   

The body of information presented in this paper is directed to individuals interested in dispersion modeling, and in particular to those concerned with evaluation of air quality in the vicinities of airports and roadways. The paper describes briefly the formulation and application of a finite line source dispersion model constructed on the basis of a Gaussian-type transport kernel. The formulation is sufficiently general that any arbitrary orientation of the line can be handled. For cases where the line is at small angles with respect to the wind, approximate expressions as well as segmentation of the line, if necessary, are used. These are Integrated into the general algorithmic scheme by means of a series of geometric tests. The general capabilities of the model are tested first with some hypothetical cases and then with actual air quality data. The latter case studies correspond to three separate periods of air quality monitoring at O’Hare Airport during which the aircraft emissions and the ground vehicle emissions play alternately important roles. The generally good agreement between model predictions and air quality data provides support for the validity of the approach. The overall efficiency of the model in terms of computer time as well as its limitations are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

对南京市在污染源普查过程中采取的质控措施进行了探讨,分析出普查质控工作的不足,并提出了几点建议。为提高以后普查的质量拓宽思路。  相似文献   

Measuring emissions of organic materials from such sources as paint bake ovens, degreas-ing operations, and printing processes is a necessy part of a control program for solvents. Over the intervening years since 1966 when Los Angeles first enacted its solvent Rule 66, a considerable number of tests have been performed and the present test method has gone through a period of experience and improvement. A sample is collected from a stack or vent in a freeze-out trap cooled with dry ice followed by an evacuated 8-liter tank. Analysis is done by a system of gas chromatography and catalytic combustion to yield the total organic carbon content. Representative industrial emission analysis results, which demonstrate the practical applicability of the system, are shown.  相似文献   


Submicron particles play a major role in soiling processes and contribute to corrosion, current leakage and shorts in electronic equipment. For more than a year, optical particle counters have been used to continuously measure the concentrations of submicron particles at a telecommunications facility in Southern California. Separate instruments have simultaneously sampled at four locations: the outdoor air intake, immediately upstream of the HVAC filters, immediately downstream of the HVAC filters, and inside the office. The indoor concentrations can be explained in the context of a one-compartment mass balance model. Key parameters in the model (e.g., the air exchange rate) were monitored throughout the sampling period. In the latter part of this study, the particle counters were used as feedback elements in the HVAC system. An estimate of the concentration of indoor submicron particles, based on measurements of outdoor submicron particles, has been used as a control variable. When this variable exceeds a preset value, the outdoor air damper is partially closed, reducing the amount of outdoor air entering the building. That is, the position of the damper is based on the concentration of outdoor particles as well as the outdoor temperature. As a consequence, the average indoor concentration of submicron particles has been significantly reduced within this facility.  相似文献   


Coal-fired electricity-generating plants may use SO2 scrubbers to meet the requirements of Phase II of the Acid Rain SO2 Reduction Program. Additionally, the use of scrubbers can result in reduction of Hg and other emissions from combustion sources. It is timely, therefore, to examine the current status of SO2 scrubbing technologies. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the state of the art in flue gas desulfurization (FGD) technologies for coal-fired boilers.

Data on worldwide FGD applications reveal that wet FGD technologies, and specifically wet limestone FGD, have been predominantly selected over other FGD technologies. However, lime spray drying (LSD) is being used at the majority of the plants employing dry FGD technologies. Additional review of the U.S. FGD technology applications that began operation in 1991 through 1995 reveals that FGD processes of choice recently in the United States have been wet limestone FGD, magnesium-enhanced lime (MEL), and LSD. Further, of the wet limestone processes, limestone forced oxidation (LSFO) has been used most often in recent applications.

The SO2 removal performance of scrubbers has been reviewed. Data reflect that most wet limestone and LSD installations appear to be capable of ~90% SO2 removal. Advanced, state-of-the-art wet scrubbers can provide SO2 removal in excess of 95%.

Costs associated with state-of-the-art applications of LSFO, MEL, and LSD technologies have been analyzed with appropriate cost models. Analyses indicate that the capital cost of an LSD system is lower than those of same capacity LSFO and MEL systems, reflective of the relatively less complex hardware used in LSD. Analyses also reflect that, based on total annualized cost and SO2 removal requirements: (1) plants up to ~250 MWe in size and firing low- to medium-sulfur coals (i.e., coals with a sulfur content of 2% or lower) may use LSD; and (2) plants larger than 250 MWe and firing medium- to high-sulfur coals (i.e., coals with a sulfur content of 2% or higher) may use either LSFO or MEL.  相似文献   

天目湖流域农业面源污染控制研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
天目湖是溧阳市饮用水源地,近年的水质下降,与流域农业面源污染和旅游产业发展不无关系。因此,通过对农田、林地、居民居住地地表径流污染以及畜禽、水产养殖、农村生活及旅游等氮、磷污染物排放量的估算,提出农业化肥减施、种植业结构调整、农田基础设施生态改造、农村环境综合整治等控制措施。  相似文献   

论生活垃圾处理与污染防治技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
详细分析了国内外生活垃圾污染途径和处理方法,根据中国生活垃圾的现状和特点,就国内外现有不同处理方式,提出了较为町行的生恬垃圾卫生填埋和污染防治技术。  相似文献   

A recent survey discloses that the total number of professional and technical personnel currently employed in state and local air pollution control agencies is small relative to the total employment of scientists, engineers, and technicians in state and local government generally. The data also indicate that very few positions in control agencies require specialized formal training in air pollution control prior to employment. In general, the future demand for qualified personnel to staff state and local programs depends fundamentally upon our national air quality objectives and the abatement strategy for achieving these objectives. Not until air quality objectives have been made operational and a comprehensive control strategy has been adopted will it be possible to make meaningful forecasts of future state and local manpower requirements. State and local control agencies could probably meet their present requirements by attracting qualified scientists, engineers, and technicians from other fields, if they had salary structures which were competitive with those of industry and the federal government.  相似文献   

Air pollution control, a significant problem facing state governments, receives a varying amount of fiscal resources in each state. The purpose of this paper is to examine social, economic, and political factors that may be related to state air pollution control expenditures. The indicators of the social-economic factors are urbanization, industrial pollution potential, income, and industrialization. The indicators of the political system are interparty competition, malapportionment, voter participation, local control effort, and general state expenditure efforts. The findings show that the few states expending for air pollution control in 1963 were, for the most part, characterized by a high level of economic development. In 1967, states at all levels of economic development allocated revenues for air pollution, although the more developed continued to hold an edge. In neither year did the political variables differentiate between levels of expenditure. The reasons advanced for the expenditure behavior in 1963 are the historical predominance of local control and the structural limitations of state governments. The wider, and increased, expenditures in 1967 are assessed to be the result of federal grants, the vigorous effort put forth by state control officials, and the increased public concern for the problem.  相似文献   

蓝藻污染的危害及防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就无锡太湖发生的蓝藻事件,介绍了蓝藻的起源、特性和水华的形成,分析了蓝藻污染对人民健康的危害,综述了对蓝藻防治的部分科研成果及资源化利用的措施。  相似文献   

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