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The brief interaction of precipitation with a forest canopy can create a high spatial variability of both throughfall and solute deposition. We hypothesized that (i) the variability in natural forest systems is high but depends on system-inherent stability, (ii) the spatial variability of solute deposition shows seasonal dynamics depending on the increase in rainfall frequency, and (iii) spatial patterns persist only in the short-term. The study area in the north-western Brazilian state of Rondônia is subject to a climate with a distinct wet and dry season. We collected rain and throughfall on an event basis during the early wet season (n = 14) and peak of the wet season (n = 14) and analyzed the samples for pH and concentrations of , Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl, , and DOC. The coefficient of variation for throughfall based on both sampling intervals was 29%, which is at the lower end of values reported from other tropical forest sites, but which is higher than in most temperate forests. Coefficients of variation of solute deposition ranged from 29% to 52%. This heterogeneity of solute deposition is neither particularly high nor particularly low compared with a range of tropical and temperate forest ecosystems. We observed an increase in solute deposition variability with the progressing wet season, which was explained by a negative correlation between heterogeneity of solute deposition and antecedent dry period. The temporal stability of throughfall patterns was low during the early wet season, but gained in stability as the wet season progressed. We suggest that rapid plant growth at the beginning of the rainy season is responsible for the lower stability, whereas less vegetative activity during the later rainy season might favor the higher persistence of “hot” and “cold” spots of throughfall quantities. The relatively high stability of throughfall patterns during later stages of the wet season may influence processes at the forest floor and in the soil. Solute deposition patterns showed less clear trends but all patterns displayed a short-term stability only. The weak stability of those patterns is apt to impede the formation of solute deposition-induced biochemical microhabitats in the soil.  相似文献   

Since 1986 the multiple benefits of moso-bamboo forest, a special forest type found mainly in south China, have been investigated in a small 11.7 ha watershed in Fenyi County, Jiangxi Province. The mean annual precipitation in the study area is 1593.3 mm. For the 0–60 cm soil layer the average soil bulk density is 1.00 g/cm3, and the mean values for other soil properties are: total porosity 71.74%; non-capillary porosity 5.81%; and water retention capacity 430 mm. The maximum effective water retention capacity of 313 mm is 28% higher than that for Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) plantations and natural broadleaved forest in the neighbouring area. The parameters f0, fc and k, in Horton's infiltration equation, measured using the double-ring method under drought conditions, are 29.10 mm/min, 8.28 mm/min and 0.2391, respectively. These infiltration properties are more favourable than those under nearby Chinese fir plantations. Compared with a Chinese fir plantation, the canopy interception ratio of moso-bamboo is lower, but the stemflow ratio is higher. The annual canopy interception ratio is 11.1%. Because of snowfall, the interception ratios in January, February and March are higher, with values of 12.1–17.2%, whereas during the period of leaf fall in April, May and June the interception ratios are lower with values of 9.2–9.5%. During the other months they are relatively constant. The annual stemflow ratio is 4.4%. Again, because of snowfall, the stemflow ratios in January, February and March are lower with values of 2.8–2.9%, whereas during the remaining months they are fairly constant. Runoff analysis shows that the annual runoff ratio in this research watershed is 54.8%, but the ratio for quick runoff, composed of direct runoff and surface runoff, is only 0.8%. The upper interflow ratio is 15% and the ratio for the slow runoff composed of deeper interflow and underflow is 39%. The moso-bamboo forest is very effective in reducing peak runoff and increasing low flows. The annual nutrient element inputs (kg/ha) to the moso-bamboo forest ecosystem associated with throughfall and stemflow are N 17.7, P 0.38, K 56.5, Ca 31.,4, Mg 4.8 and SiO2 26.2, respectively. All the measured element inputs, with the exception of P, are higher than those associated with precipitation in the open, where typical values are N 10.1, P 0.89, K 18.8, Ca 25.8, Mg 3.1 and SiO2 10.1. The annual outputs in streamflow are N 3.0, P 0.28, K 16.6, Ca 38.9, Mg 8.3 and SiO2 125.7, indicating that for N, P and K the moso-bamboo forest ecosystem is an accumulating system, whereas for Ca, Mg and SiO2 the reverse applies. All the pH values associated with precipitation in the open, throughfall, stemflow, surface runoff from runoff plots and streamflow in the research watershed vary between 6.45 and 7.60 and are close to neutral.  相似文献   

The partially decomposed organic layer (duff: F and H layers) of the forest floor is an important boundary between the soil and atmospheric processes. Here we use both empirical data and a three‐dimensional coupled heat and water budget model to explain the duff hydrological hillslope shift between very brief wet periods when lateral flow in the duff and infiltration into the mineral soil occur and dry periods when evaporative flow dominates and both lateral and mineral soil flow are not important. The duff moisture transitions from wet to dry periods were the result of low lateral flow which moves liquid and water vapour only centimetres to metres, very rapidly and mostly in the H layer immediately after precipitation. During wet periods, the net lateral fluxes were negative on divergent areas and positive on convergent areas of the hillslope, leading to a net moisture loss in divergent areas and a net gain in convergent areas. The response to lateral flow in the H layer was more rapid than in the F layer. The transition from the lateral downwards flow to mineral soil to evaporative control was within approximately 48 h of precipitation. Canopy species and aspect were important with lodgepole pine, southwest aspect and 4‐cm deep duff controlled by evaporative processes while Engelmann spruce, northeast aspect and 30‐cm duff were more controlled by hillslope redistribution processes. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Depending on the severity of the fire, forest fires may modify infiltration and soil erosion processes. Rainfall simulations were used to determine the hydrological effects of fire on Andisols in a pine forest burned by a wildfire in 2007. Six burned zones with different fire severities were compared with unburned zones. Infiltration, runoff and soil loss were analysed on slopes of 10% and 30%. Forest floor and soil properties were evaluated. Unburned zones exhibited relatively low infiltration (23 and 16 mm h?1 on 10% and 30% slope angles, respectively) and high average runoff/rainfall ratios (43% and 50% on 10% and 30% slope angles, respectively), which were associated with the extreme water repellency of the forest floor. Nonetheless, this layer seems to provide protection against raindrop impact and soil losses were found to be low (8 and 16 g m?2 h?1 for 10% and 30% slope angles, respectively). Soil cover, soil structure and water repellency were the main properties affected by the fire. The fire reduced forest floor and soil repellency, allowing rapid infiltration. Moreover, a significant decrease was noted in soil aggregate stabilities in the burned zones, which limited the infiltration rates. Consequently, no significant differences in infiltration and runoff were found between the burned and the unburned zones. The decrease in post‐fire soil cover and soil stability resulted in order‐of‐magnitude increases in erosion. Sediment rates were 15 and 31 g m?2 h?1 on the 10% and 30% slope angles, respectively, in zones affected by light fire severity. In the moderate fire severity zones, these values reached 65 and 260 g m?2 h?1 for the 10% and 30% slope angles, respectively. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We used the new process‐based, tracer‐aided ecohydrological model EcH2O‐iso to assess the effects of vegetation cover on water balance partitioning and associated flux ages under temperate deciduous beech forest (F) and grassland (G) at an intensively monitored site in Northern Germany. Unique, multicriteria calibration, based on measured components of energy balance, hydrological function and biomass accumulation, resulted in good simulations reproducing measured soil surface temperatures, soil water content, transpiration, and biomass production. Model results showed the forest “used” more water than the grassland; of 620 mm average annual precipitation, losses were higher through interception (29% under F, 16% for G) and combined soil evaporation and transpiration (59% F, 47% G). Consequently, groundwater (GW) recharge was enhanced under grassland at 37% (~225 mm) of precipitation compared with 12% (~73 mm) for forest. The model tracked the ages of water in different storage compartments and associated fluxes. In shallow soil horizons, the average ages of soil water fluxes and evaporation were similar in both plots (~1.5 months), though transpiration and GW recharge were older under forest (~6 months compared with ~3 months for transpiration, and ~12 months compared with ~10 months for GW). Flux tracking using measured chloride data as a conservative tracer provided independent support for the modelling results, though highlighted effects of uncertainties in forest partitioning of evaporation and transpiration. By tracking storage—flux—age interactions under different land covers, EcH2O‐iso could quantify the effects of vegetation on water partitioning and age distributions. Given the likelihood of drier, warmer summers, such models can help assess the implications of land use for water resource availability to inform debates over building landscape resilience to climate change. Better conceptualization of soil water mixing processes and improved calibration data on leaf area index and root distribution appear obvious respective modelling and data needs for improved simulations.  相似文献   

Two years of eddy covariance measurements of above- and below-canopy carbon fluxes and static opaque chamber and gas chromatography technique measurements of soil respiration for three treatments (bare soil, soil litterfall, soil litterfall seedling) were carried out in a tropical seasonal rain forest. In addition, data of photosynthesis of dominant tree species and seedlings, leaf area index, litter production and decomposing speed, soil moisture, soil temperature and photosynthetic photon flux density within the forest were all measured concurrently. Data from January 2003 to December 2004 are used to present annual variability of carbon flux and relationships between carbon flux and impact factors. The results show that carbon flux of this forest presented unusual tendency of annual variation; above-canopy carbon fluxes were negative in the dry season (November-April) and mainly positive in the rainy season, but overall the forest is a carbon sink. Carbon flux has obviously diurnal variation in this tropical seasonal rain forest. Above-canopy carbon fluxes were negative in the daytime and absolute values were larger in the dry season than that in the rainy season, causing the forest to act as a carbon sink; at night, carbon fluxes were mainly positive, causing the forest to act as a carbon source. Dominant tree species have greater photosynthesis capability than that of seedlings, which have a great effect on above-canopy carbon flux. There was a significant correlation between above-canopy carbon flux and rate of photosynthesis of tree species. There was also a significant correlation between above-canopy carbon flux and rate of photosynthesis of seedlings; however, the below-canopy carbon flux was only significantly correlated with rate of photosynthesis of seedlings during the hot-dry season. Soil respiration of the three treatments displayed a markedly seasonal dynamic; in addition, above-canopy carbon fluxes correlated well with soil respiration, litterfall production, litterfall decomposition rate, precipitation, and soil moisture and temperature. A primary statistical result of this study showed that above-canopy carbon flux in this forest presented carbon source or sink effects in different seasons, and it is a carbon sink at the scale of a year.  相似文献   

The wind‐driven‐rain effect refers to the redistribution of rainfall over micro‐scale topography due to the existence of local perturbed wind‐flow patterns. Rainfall measurements reported in the literature point to the fact that the wind‐driven‐rain distribution can show large variations over micro‐scale topography. These variations should be taken into account in hillslope hydrology, in runoff and erosion studies and in the design of rainfall monitoring networks. In practice, measurements are often not suitable for determining the wind‐driven‐rain distribution. Therefore, a few researchers have employed numerical modelling. In order to provide confidence in using numerical models, experimental verification for a range of different topographic features is imperative. The objective of this study is to investigate the adequacy of a two‐dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model to predict the wind‐driven‐rain distribution over small‐scale topography. The numerical model is applied to a number of topographic features, including a succession of cliffs, a small isolated hill, a small valley and a field with ridges and furrows. The numerical results are compared with the corresponding measurement results reported in the literature. It is shown that two‐dimensional numerical modelling can provide a good indication of the wind‐driven‐rain distribution over each type of micro‐scale topography that is considered in this study. It is concluded that more detailed verification procedures are currently inhibited due to the lack of available and detailed spatial and temporal rainfall data from field measurements. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Seasonal snowpack dynamics are described through field measurements under contrasting canopy conditions for a mountainous catchment in the Japan Sea region. Microclimatic data, snow accumulation, albedo and lysimeter runoff are given through the complete winter season 2002–03 in (1) a mature cedar stand, (2) a larch stand, and (3) a regenerating cedar stand or opening. The accumulation and melt of seasonal snowpack strongly influences streamflow runoff during December to May, including winter baseflow, mid‐winter melt, rain on snow, and diurnal peaks driven by radiation melt in spring. Lysimeter runoff at all sites is characterized by constant ground melt of 0·8–1·0 mm day−1. Rapid response to mid‐winter melt or rainfall shows that the snowpack remains in a ripe or near‐ripe condition throughout the snow‐cover season. Hourly and daily lysimeter discharge was greatest during rain on snow (e.g. 7 mm h−1 and 53 mm day−1 on 17 December) with the majority of runoff due to rainfall passing through the snowpack as opposed to snowmelt. For both rain‐on‐snow and radiation melt events lysimeter discharge was generally greatest at the open site, although there were exceptions such as during interception melt events. During radiation melt instantaneous discharge was up to 4·0 times greater in the opening compared with the mature cedar, and 48 h discharge was up to 2·5 times greater. Perhaps characteristic of maritime climates, forest interception melt is shown to be important in addition to sublimation in reducing snow accumulation beneath dense canopies. While sublimation represents a loss from the catchment water balance, interception melt percolates through the snowpack and contributes to soil moisture during the winter season. Strong differences in microclimate and snowpack albedo persisted between cedar, larch and open sites, and it is suggested further work is needed to account for this in hydrological simulation models. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The deposition of fog to a wind‐exposed 3 m tall Puerto Rican cloud forest at 1010 m elevation was studied using the water budget and eddy covariance methods. Fog deposition was calculated from the water budget as throughfall plus stemflow plus interception loss minus rainfall corrected for wind‐induced loss and effect of slope. The eddy covariance method was used to calculate the turbulent liquid cloud water flux from instantaneous turbulent deviations of the surface‐normal wind component and cloud liquid water content as measured at 4 m above the forest canopy. Fog deposition rates according to the water budget under rain‐free conditions (0·11 ± 0·05 mm h?1) and rainy conditions (0·24 ± 0·13 mm h?1) were about three to six times the eddy‐covariance‐based estimate (0·04 ± 0·002 mm h?1). Under rain‐free conditions, water‐budget‐based fog deposition rates were positively correlated with horizontal fluxes of liquid cloud water (as calculated from wind speed and liquid water content data). Under rainy conditions, the correlation became very poor, presumably because of errors in the corrected rainfall amounts and very high spatial variability in throughfall. It was demonstrated that the turbulent liquid cloud water fluxes as measured at 4 m above the forest could be only ~40% of the fluxes at the canopy level itself due to condensation of moisture in air moving upslope. Other factors, which may have contributed to the discrepancy in results obtained with the two methods, were related to effects of footprint mismatch and methodological problems with rainfall measurements under the prevailing windy conditions. Best estimates of annual fog deposition amounted to ~770 mm year?1 for the summit cloud forest just below the ridge top (according to the water budget method) and ~785 mm year?1 for the cloud forest on the lower windward slope (using the eddy‐covariance‐based deposition rate corrected for estimated vertical flux divergence). Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

While the hydrological balance of forest ecosystems has often been studied at the annual level, quantitative studies on the factors determining rainfall partitioning of individual rain events are less frequently reported. Therefore, the effect of the seasonal variation in canopy cover on rainfall partitioning was studied for a mature deciduous beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) tree over a 2‐year period. At the annual level, throughfall amounted to 71% of precipitation, stemflow 8%, and interception 21%. Rainfall partitioning at the event level depended strongly on the amount of rainfall and differed significantly (p < 0·001) between the leafed and the leafless period of the year. Therefore, water fluxes of individual events were described using a multiple regression analysis (ra2 > 0·85, n = 205) with foliation, rainfall characteristics and meteorological variables as predictor variables. For a given amount of rainfall, foliation significantly increased interception and decreased throughfall and stemflow amounts. In addition, rainfall duration, maximum rainfall rate, vapour pressure deficit, and wind speed significantly affected rainfall partitioning at the event level. Increasing maximum hourly rainfall rate increased throughfall and decreased stemflow generation, while higher hourly vapour pressure deficit decreased event throughfall and stemflow amounts. Wind speed decreased throughfall in the growing period only. Since foliation and the event rainfall amount largely determined interception loss, the observed net water input under the deciduous canopy was sensitive to the temporal distribution of rainfall. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To promote the advancement of novel observation techniques that may lead to new sources of information to help better understand the hydrological cycle, the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) established the Measurements and Observations in the XXI century (MOXXI) Working Group in July 2013. The group comprises a growing community of tech-enthusiastic hydrologists that design and develop their own sensing systems, adopt a multi-disciplinary perspective in tackling complex observations, often use low-cost equipment intended for other applications to build innovative sensors, or perform opportunistic measurements. This paper states the objectives of the group and reviews major advances carried out by MOXXI members toward the advancement of hydrological sciences. Challenges and opportunities are outlined to provide strategic guidance for advancement of measurement, and thus discovery.  相似文献   

Understanding the interactions of vegetation and soil water under varying hydrological conditions is crucial to aid quantitative assessment of land-use sustainability for maintaining water supply for humans and plants. Isolating and estimating the volume and ages of water stored within different compartments of the critical zone, and the associated fluxes of evaporation, transpiration, and groundwater recharge, facilitates quantification of these soil–plant-water interactions and the response of ecohydrological fluxes to wet and dry periods. We used the tracer-aided ecohydrological model EcH2O-iso to examine the response of water ages of soil water storage, groundwater recharge, evaporation, and root-uptake at a mixed land use site, in northeastern Germany during the drought of 2018 and in the following winter months. The approach applied uses a dynamic vegetation routine which constrains water use by ecological mechanisms. Two sites with regionally typical land-use types were investigated: a forested site with sandy soils and a deep rooting zone and a grassland site, with loamier soils and shallower rooting zone. This results in much younger water ages (<1 year) through the soil profile in the forest compared to the grass, coupled with younger groundwater recharge. The higher water use in the forest resulted in a more pronounced annual cycle of water ages compared to the more consistent water age in the loamier soil of the grasslands. The deeper rooting zone of the forested site also resulted in older root-uptake water usage relative to soil evaporation, while the grassland site root-uptake was similar to that of soil evaporation. Besides more dynamic water ages in the forest, replenishment of younger soil waters to soil storage was within 6 months following the drought (cf. >8 months in the grassland). The temporal evaluation of the responsiveness of soil and vegetation interactions in hydrologic extremes such as 2018 is essential to understand changes in hydrological processes and the resilience of the landscape to the longer and more severe summer droughts predicted under future climate change.  相似文献   

Two large neighbouring watersheds, the Bowron (3420 km2) and Willow (2860 km2) situated in the central interior of British Columbia, Canada, were used to compare their hydrological responses to forest harvesting in snow‐dominant environment. Both watersheds had experienced significant, comparative forest harvesting level. The long‐term hydrometric and timber harvesting data (>50 years of records) were analysed using time series analysis to examine the hydrological impacts of forest harvesting. The hydrological variables including mean, peak and low flows over annual and seasonal scales (spring snowmelt, summer rain and winter base flow) were tested separately. Results showed that forest harvesting in the Willow watershed significantly increased annual and spring mean flows as well as annual and spring peak flows, whereas it caused an insignificant change on those hydrological variables in the Bowron watershed. The contrasted differences in hydrological responses are due to the differences in topography, spatial heterogeneity, forest harvesting characteristics and climate between two watersheds. The relative uniform topography and climate in the Willow watershed may promote hydrological synchronization effects, whereas larger variation in elevations, together with forest harvesting that occurred at lower elevations, may cause hydrological de‐synchronization effect in the Bowron watershed. The contrasted results demonstrate that the effects of forest harvesting on hydrology in large watersheds are likely watershed specific, and any attempt to generalize hydrological responses to forest harvesting must be carried out with caution. A landscape ecological perspective is critically needed for future forest hydrology studies, particularly for large watersheds. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Proper management of coastal freshwater resources depends on an understanding of processes controlling their chemistry and seasonal flowpaths. A quantitative approach involving the coupling of major solutes and isotopes (δ18O, δ2H) of 180 samples in end-member mixing analysis (EMMA) was adopted to elucidate seasonal patterns of hydraulic exchanges amongst coastal waters along the Ebrié Lagoon catchment, Ivory Coast. The results show that the Ebrié Lagoon is a hydrologically dynamic system. In the dry season, evaporation and seawater inflow are the dominating processes, while in the wet season, river discharge is the main water source in the lagoon. Regional geology plays a significant role in aquifer recharge patterns. The Quaternary aquifer responds faster to precipitation, while the Mio-Pliocene aquifer is recharged indirectly via floodplain seepages. Salinization of over 90% of wells arises from hydrological exchanges with the Ebrié Lagoon. A diluted seawater effect was recorded in wells during the wet season owing to the relative increase in freshwater inflow.  相似文献   


Three approaches to modelling the duration of streamflow droughts at eight southern African sites are considered; a non-parametric method (that of Kaplan-Meier) is compared with the fitting of two simple parametric models: the exponential and Weibull. All techniques allow the instantaneous probability of a drought coming to an end to differ between wet and dry seasons, using the concept of censored data. Model-fitting is discussed, and the Kaplan-Meier estimates permit an assessment of the fit of the parametric models, with the aim of finding a parsimonious model for the data, which can be used for predictive purposes. In most cases considered herein, either the exponential or Weibull approach is found to be adequate.  相似文献   

The introduction of exotic, fast-growing forest species in the Pampa biome (Southern Grasslands) is a controversial topic, considering the potential effect on water and soil resources. This repository contains hydrologic data (rainfall, discharge and turbidity) collected since 2011 in three small (≤1.1 km2), paired experimental catchments of the “Ponta da Canas” site, in the Pampa biome in subtropical Brazil. Two catchments are predominantly covered with eucalyptus plantations, and one with livestock-grazing degraded grassland. For each catchment, the collected data include 10-min resolution rainfall, streamflow, and turbidity (except for one of the eucalyptus catchments), automatically recorded in 10-min intervals. In each catchment, rainfall is measured with an automatic tipping-bucket rain gauge; stream depth is determined with a pressure transducer at the spillway, and a rating curve is used to estimate discharge; and turbidity is measured with a turbidimeter. The collected data are being used to understand water balance and sediment production under the distinct land uses, to improve forest management, and comply with State legislation.  相似文献   

This study presents the data collected within the framework of an Observatory of Research in Environment on the Amazonian Basin—the ORE HYBAM. It relates to the dissolved and solid loads of the two main rivers of French Guiana, the Maroni and Oyapock rivers, running on the Guiana Shield and draining respectively 64 230 and 24 630 km2. The low coefficient of variation of the average annual flows of the two rivers indicates an inter‐annual hydrological stability probably related to the immediate vicinity of the Atlantic Ocean. The sedimentary load is mainly composed of quartz and kaolinite. The total suspended solid (TSS) concentrations are among the world's lowest values; they range from 1 to 130 mg l−1 during the hydrological cycle, with averages of 22 and 12 mg l−1, for the Maroni and Oyapock rivers, respectively. The seasonal variability of these values is significantly higher than that of hydrologic flows, but without simple relationship with the discharge. Water chemical composition of the two rivers indicates a very weak mineralization, very similar to that found in the Amazonian rivers running on the Brazilian and Guianese shields, and in the Congo River and its tributaries in the Central African Shield. Seasonal variations are observed in both basins; they correspond to higher concentrations during low water stage (from October to February) and to more diluted water during the flood, from April to July. A signature enriched in Cl is present at the Saut Maripa station on the Oyapock River indicating a more marked influence of the trade winds in this basin. The computation of atmospheric contributions to ions budget indicated a weak contribution for Ca2+ and Mg2+, which originates mainly from water‐rock interactions in both stations, while more than half of Na+ is derived from atmospheric inputs. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Seasonal soil water dynamics were measured at a fine-textured, upslope site within the jarrah forest of southwest Western Australia and compared to the results from a coarse-textured hillslope transect. Gravity drainage dominated during winter and early spring. This reversed in early summer and an upward potential gradient was observed to 7 m depth. A shallow ephemeral saturation zone was observed above a clay pan at 1.5 m depth. This saturation zone persisted through late winter and early spring, contrasting with the short-lived saturation in the duricrust on the hillslope transect. The annual maximum to minimum unsaturated soil water storage was about 530 mm, 50 mm greater than the hillslope transect and higher than most values reported elsewhere in Australia. Significant soil water content changes following winter rain were generally restricted to 6 m but at one site occurred to 9 m. These depths were significantly less than the coarser-textured hillslope transect. Soil water drying rates averaged 5 mm day?1 during extended dry periods compared to 3.5 mm day?1 on the hillslope transect. The drying rate occurred uniformly through the profile until late summer when a significant decrease in the upper 3 m was observed.  相似文献   

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