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It is unknown whether cytoplasmic determinants in goldfish eggs are asymmetrically localized beforematuration. In this study fully grown goldfish oocytes with infact germinal vesicles (GVs) were ligated withbaby hair loops along desired planes into two parts, mature in vitro, and inseminated. Embryos developedfrom the animal halves with GV of oocytes ligated along the equator un unable to undergoepiboly, while those developed from the GV-containing parts of oocytes ligated along the animal-vegetal axiswere able to. Also, embryos developed from the animal halves obtained from fertilized eggs could undergo epiboly. From there results, it was postulated that the goldfish's premature oocyte possessed a putativefactor in the vegetal hemisphere which was responsible for epiboly of the embryonic cells.  相似文献   

Full maturation of goldfish oocyte was inducedin vitro by 17 α-hydroxy-20β-dihydroprogesterone. The oocyte maturation involves GV migration to the periphery of the oocyte and germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD). In the experiment, incubation duration for GVBD varied in different broods of oocytes. Generally, if the duration for GVBD was shorter than 6 h, oocytes would have a better chance to survive after maturation and insemination. The maturation of nucleus (GV) and cytoplasm are not synchronous. Cytoplasm maturation occurs several hs after GVBD. Oocytes inseminated 8–9 h after GVBD have the highest fertilizing and hatching rate. Fertilized ova maturedin vitro can develop to sexually mature adults capable of reproduction. Contribution No 1731 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica.  相似文献   

探索含CpG基序的未甲基化寡脱氧核苷酸(ODNs)对鱼类的免疫调节,将人工合成的鱼免疫刺激剂寡脱氧核苷酸序列1670(含一个CpG基序)、1670-D(含两个CpG基序)加入到离体培养的异育银鲫的头肾巨噬细胞和外周血白细胞中,采用MTT法测定其对鲤外周血白细胞增殖的影响,NBT还原法和Griess试剂显色法测定对头肾巨噬细胞的呼吸爆发的影响。结果显示,1670可显著(浓度为20.0μg·mL-1)或极显著(浓度为0.1、1.0、10.0μg·mL-1)提高异育银鲫巨噬细胞的氧呼吸爆发活性,但对氮呼吸爆发活性和外周血白细胞的增殖无显著作用;1670-D可显著(浓度为0.1μg·mL-1)或极显著(浓度为1.0、10.0、20.0μg·mL-1)增强异育银鲫巨噬细胞的氧呼吸爆发活性和外周血白细胞的增殖,且可极显著(浓度为1.0、10.0、20.0μg·mL-1)提高异育银鲫巨噬细胞的氮呼吸爆发活性。表明特定序列、特定作用剂量的CpG-DNA可增强体外培养的异育银鲫巨噬细胞和外周血白细胞的非特异性免疫应答。  相似文献   

Inorganic lead (Pb) is one of the most common environmental pollutants. Much evidence indicates that Pb exposure could directly affect fish growth and development. In this study, we investigated the cytotoxic effects of Pb on cytoskeletal protein stability at both protein and mRNA level in crucian carp Carassius auratus. Pb(NO3)2 treatment in concentration of 100 μmol/L resulted in decreased expression of both α- and β-tubulin but γ-tubulin as assayed with SDS-PAGE, Western Blot, and ELISA. In vivo and in vitro analyses on protein expression of tubulins are consistent. The effect of Pb on mRNA expression varied among different tissues. Our results suggest that cytotoxicity of Pb at protein translation level is stronger than at mRNA expression level.  相似文献   

An open reading frame (lcn61) of iymphocystis disease virus China (LCDV-cn), probably responsible for encoding putative zinc-finger proteins was amplified and inserted into pET24a (+) vector.Then it expressed in E. coli BL21 (DE3), and His-tag fusion protein of high yield was obtained. It was found that the fusion protein existed in E. coli mainly as inclusion bodies. The bioinformatics analysis indicates that LCN61 is C2H2 type zinc-finger protein containing four C2H2 zinc-finger motifs. This work provides a theory for functional research of lcn61 gene.  相似文献   

Lymphocystis disease virus(LCDV) infects target cells by attaching to a 27.8 k Da receptor(27.8R) protein in flounder Paralichthys olivaceus, and anti-27.8R monoclonal antibodies(MAbs) have been developed. However, the 27.8R existence in tissues of sea bass(Lateolabrax japonicus) and its role in LCDV infection have remained unclear. In this study, the results of western blotting demonstrated that the same 27.8R was shared by flounder and sea bass. LCDV-free sea bass individuals were intramuscularly injected with LCDV, and viral copies were detected in tissues from 3 h post infection and showed a time-dependent increase during 9 days infection. Distribution and synthesis of 27.8R in sea bass tissues were investigated by using anti-27.8R MAbs as probes. It was found that 27.8R was distributed in all the tested tissues. The levels of 27.8R protein were highest in gill and skin, then a bit lowly in stomach, head kidney and heart, followed by spleen, intestine, blood cells, gonad and liver, and least in kidney and brain in healthy sea bass. Upon LCDV infection, 27.8R synthesis was up-regulated in each tissue, and higher in the tissues with higher LCDV copies. The 27.8R and LCDV were detected in some peripheral blood leukocytes but not in red blood cells. These results suggested that 27.8R was widely distributed in sea bass tissues, and it served as a receptor and correlated with tissue tropism of LCDV infection. Furthermore, leukocytes had the potential of being a LCDV carrier and were responsible for a systemic infection of LCDV in sea bass.  相似文献   

A putative tetrasporophyte-specific gene, designated as SSH466 (GenBank accession No. DQ019223), was one of the genes identified in this work using suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) method in Gracilaria lemaneiformis. The full length of the gene was obtained using SMART RACE strategy. Sequence analysis revealed that the gene had 1 019 nucleotides, including an open reading frame of 498 nucleotides encoding 166 amino acid residues, 158 nucleotides of 5′ untranslated region and 363 nucleotides of 3′ non-coding region. Protein motif and secondary structure prediction showed that there existed a transmembrane domain with a unique β-sheet. Thus, SSH466 protein might be a cross-membrane protein. Sequence homology search in the public GenBank databases did not reveal any significant match with SSH466. Virtual Northern blot analysis confirmed that it was a tetrasporophyte-specific gene.  相似文献   

Starfish oocytes with intact germinal vesicles (GVs) were cut along desired planes with glass needles or ligated using silk thread loops into two parts and allowed to mature in vitro, and inseminated. The experimental results showed that (1) only the parts with GVs or partial GV contents (PGVCs) cleaved, those without any GV materials did not; but nucleated and non-nucleated fragments cut from mature eggs were able to divide; (2) the development of animal parts of oocytes containing GVs or PGVCs was like that of animal fragments of matured oocytes with female pronuclei; most of them gave rise to permanent blastulae, and just a few formed ectodermal vesicles with a little primary mesenchyme; (3) a large part of vegetal fragments with GVs or PGVCs, and the vegetal parts of mature eggs without female pronuclei developed into small but normal embryos; (4) the fragments containing GVs or PGVCs obtained from the oocytes along a plane parallel to the animal-vegetal (A-V) axis developed as normally as the halves (with or without female pronuclei) severed from mature eggs along the same axis. Based on the data above, it was concluded that (1) the non-chromatin materials in the oocyte GVs are indispensable for successful fertilization and cleavage of starfish eggs; (2) some factor (s) located asymmetrically in the vegetal hemispheres of starfish oocytes is (are) responsible for formation of the archenteron and primary mesenchyme. It is evident from the above findings that the oocyte cytoplasm of the starfish had already regionalized before the GV break-down. Contribution No. 1722 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica  相似文献   

本文重点论述了资源环境领域的深层研究问题;同时提出用信息化推动现代化的观点,进而对地球信息科学与数字地球的战略进行了概要地分析。  相似文献   

大千世界原是佛教用语。在古印度的传说中,它是以须弥山为中心,向四周伸展的广阔空间。大千世界的范围是这样的:大千世界包含着一千个中千世界.一个中千世界又包含着一千个小千世界.众多小千世界之中有一个小千世界,它分为东、西、南、北四洲,为同一个日月照耀,人类就生活在这个世界的一个洲之上。由此可见大千世界包容之大,空间之广。在古代,若言将广阔的世界纳入仅有方寸大小的物体之中.这只能是一个神奇的幻想。  相似文献   

Li  Wanjuan  Xue  Shenglun  Pang  Min  Yue  Zonghao  Yang  Dazuo  Zhou  Yibing  Zhao  Huan 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2018,36(6):2297-2307
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - In order to investigate the endocrine toxicity of B(a)p to marine polychaete Perinereis aibuhitensis, vitellogenin (VTG) cDNA from the P. aibuhitensis was...  相似文献   

An open reading frame (lcn61) of lymphocystis disease virus China (LCDV-cn), probably responsible for encoding putative zinc-finger proteins was amplified and inserted into pET24a (+) vector. Then it expressed in E. coli BL21 (DE3), and His-tag fusion protein of high yield was obtained. It was found that the fusion protein existed in E. coli mainly as inclusion bodies. The bioinformatics analysis indicates that LCN61 is C2H2 type zinc-finger protein containing four C2H2 zinc-finger motifs. This work provides a theory for functional research of lcn61 gene. Supported by High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program, No. 2006AA100309)  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONAlthoughdescriptionoflifehistoryandestimatesofanimalproductionhavealonghistory (Lin degaard ,1 989) ,fewstudiesontheproductionrateofbenthicmacroinvertebrateswerecarriedoutinChinesewaters (Liang ,1 984 ) .Withthedevelopmentoffisheriesandthedeterioratio…  相似文献   

The technique proposed by Wischmeier Smith for estimating the soil erodibility factor is among the most important methods in this regard.Given the high amounts of silt and lime content in loess soils of eastern parts of Golestan province in Iran,this study aims to evaluate the ability of Wischmeier Smith index to estimate the soil erodibility of this region.Soil erodibility was first obtained by Wischmeier nomograph and then was compared with the actual values obtained by selecting six plots and then performing physical and chemical tests on these samples.Using the nomograph,Wischmeier index was calculated to be about.0.5-0.092 Mg h MJ-1 mm-1.The results showed that Wischmeier index was 182,4.11,6 and 0.35 times than actual value in field with half-hour rainfall,Fournier index,SWAT value with half-hour rainfall and SWAT value with Fournier index,respectively.Obtained results showed that erodibility estimated by Wischmeier Smith index was higher than the actual measured value.Poor performance of this index in loess soils indicates the need for further research in this field.  相似文献   

Lymphocystis disease virus (LCDV) infects target cells by attaching to a 27.8 kDa receptor (27.8R) protein in flounder Paralichthys olivaceus, and anti-27.8R monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) have been developed. However, the 27.8R existence in tissues of sea bass (Lateolabrax japonicus) and its role in LCDV infection have remained unclear. In this study, the results of western blotting demonstrated that the same 27.8R was shared by flounder and sea bass. LCDV-free sea bass individuals were intramuscularly injected with LCDV, and viral copies were detected in tissues from 3 h post infection and showed a time-dependent increase during 9 days infection. Distribution and synthesis of 27.8R in sea bass tissues were investigated by using anti-27.8R MAbs as probes. It was found that 27.8R was distributed in all the tested tissues. The levels of 27.8R protein were highest in gill and skin, then a bit lowly in stomach, head kidney and heart, followed by spleen, intestine, blood cells, gonad and liver, and least in kidney and brain in healthy sea bass. Upon LCDV infection, 27.8R synthesis was up-regulated in each tissue, and higher in the tissues with higher LCDV copies. The 27.8R and LCDV were detected in some peripheral blood leukocytes but not in red blood cells. These results suggested that 27.8R was widely distributed in sea bass tissues, and it served as a receptor and correlated with tissue tropism of LCDV infection. Furthermore, leukocytes had the potential of being a LCDV carrier and were responsible for a systemic infection of LCDV in sea bass.  相似文献   

The paper reviews the recent advances in studying grouper nutrition requirement for the development of cost-effective and environmentally friendly artificial diets. It consists of seven parts: protein and amino acid, lipid and essential fatty acid, carbohydrate, vitamin, mineral, alternative protein source, broodstock and larval nutrition. The review provides some basic information for further investigation of nutrient requirements of groupers.  相似文献   

According to geographic possibilism,environment does not determine socio-economic development.However,the environment sets certain constraints and limitations f...  相似文献   

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