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Contributions by bacteria to recent sediments have been recognized as one important source of input for the extractable lipids. It has, however, proved difficult so far to conclusively relate the components identified to the contributing bacteria. This fact is primarily related to the lack of information on both the lipid chemistry of marine bacteria, and of detailed structures of the sedimentary lipids. In this paper a study of the fatty acids from a tropical marine sediment selected because of its high biomass content is reported, and relationships between the sedimentary extracts of the surface layer to fatty acid components of bacteria cultured from the sediment sample are detailed. By selecting specific structural features, a group of fatty acids have been identified as valid markers for bacteria in this environment: these include iso- and anteiso-branched chain acids; 10-methylpalmitic acid; cyclopropyl 17:0 and 19:0 acids of which ▽19:0 (11,12) is unique to bacteria; cis-vaccenic acid; and the 15:1, 17:1 ω6 and ω8 isomers especially when these occur in pairs; iso Δ7–15: 1 and iso Δ9–17:1 are branched unsaturated acids apparently unique to bacteria. Trans-monoene fatty acids are likely to be a direct bacterial input, and the hydroxy acids identified are probably of bacterial cell wall origin. This study, whilst emphasizing the necessity for detailed structural information on fatty acids in order to use them validly as biological markers, considerably extends the range of fatty acids as markers of bacterial input to contemporary sediments.  相似文献   

The biodegradability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons such as naphthalene, fluorene, anthracene and phenanthrene by a halotolerant bacterial consortium isolated from marine environment was investigated. The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons degrading bacterial consortium was enriched from mixture saline water samples collected from Chennai (Port of Chennai, salt pan), India. The consortium potently degraded polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (> 95%) at 30g/L of sodium chloride concentration in 4 days. The consortium was able to degrade 39 to 45% of different polycyclic hydrocarbons at 60 g/L NaCl concentration. Due to increase in salinity, the percent degradation decreased. To enhance polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons degradation, yeast extract was added as an additional substrate at 60g/L NaCl concentration. After the addition of yeast extract, the consortium degraded > 74 % of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at 60 g/L NaCl concentration in 4 days. The consortium was also able to degrade PAHs at different concentrations (5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 ppm) with 30 g/L of NaCl concentration. The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons degrading halotolerant bacterial consortium consists of three bacterial strains, namely Ochrobactrum sp., Enterobacter cloacae and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia.  相似文献   

Based on the results of conventional geochemistry analysis including thin sections and SEM observations, different shapes of bacterial fossils, with size ranging from dozens of nanometers to several microns, were discovered in the low-mature marine source rocks and coal seams in South China, of which the Permian source rocks were dominated by the bacterial fossils derived from symbiotic sulphur bacteria with gypsum, and the Chengkou section in the Cambrian strata were occupied by abundant nanoscale bacterial fossils with rod and bar shapes. In contrast, a large quantity of possible bacterial fossils found in the high-mature Permian, Silurian, and Cambrian source rocks using SEM need to be further explored. Despite this, this study has indicated that bacterial fossils were prevalent in the source rocks, such as mudstone, siliceous rock and gypsum-bearing coal seams in South China, which has been ignored before. It also suggests that the bacterial fossils may play an important role in the formation and accumulation of shale gas in the geological history.  相似文献   

The effect of dissolved sulfate concentration on the rate of bacterial sulfate reduction in marine sediment from Long Island Sound was examined using a radio-sulfur technique. The experimental results show that the rate is independent of the dissolved sulfate concentration until low levels are reached (<3 mM), and that, when interpreted using a Monod-type rate law, a saturation constant, Ks, of 1.62 ± 0.16 M results. This weak dependence implies that the dissolved sulfate exerts only a limited influence on the rate of sulfate reduction in marine sediments. Given such a weak dependence, dissolved sulfate profiles in marine sediments must resemble profiles generated by models with sulfate independent kinetics. Initially, this would suggest that currently used sulfate-independent diagenetic models are appropriate in modelling sulfate profiles. However, comparison of these models with those containing weak sulfate-dependent kinetic terms shows that there exists considerable disagreement between these models when the parameter grouping (Dsk)12/w is larger than ~0.2 and smaller than ~3.0. (Here Ds is the SO;4 diffusion coefficient, k the organic matter decay constant and w the sediment burial velocity.) When the currently used models are corrected by employing physically meaningful boundary conditions, this divergence disappears. The modelling results, therefore, confirm the conclusion that any sulfate dependence inherent to the reduction kinetics does not appreciably affect sulfate pore water profiles, and that previous diagenetic studies using strong sulfate dependent models are erroneous.  相似文献   

Septarian concretions in the Staffin Shales Formation (Kimmeridgian, Isle of Skye) allow controls on concretion rheology and septarian cracking to be investigated. Stratabound concretions consist of anhedral ferroan calcite microspar enclosing clay and minor pyrite. Intergranular volumes range from 77% to 88%, and calcite δ13C and δ18O values in most concretion bodies range from ?10·0‰ to ?17·3‰ and +0·3‰ to ?0·6‰ respectively, consistent with rapid and pervasive cementation in marine pore fluids. Septarian rupture occurred during incipient cementation, with a sediment volume reduction of up to 43%. Crack‐lining brown fibrous calcite records pore fluid re‐oxygenation during a depositional hiatus, followed by increasing Fe content and δ13C related to bacterial methanogenesis. Brown colouration results from an included gel‐like polar organic fraction that probably represents bacterially degraded biomass. A new hypothesis for concretion growth and septarian cracking argues that quasi‐rigid ‘proto‐concretions’ formed via binding of flocculated clays by bacterial extracellular polysaccharide substances (EPS). This provided rheological and chemical conditions for tensional failure, subcritical crack growth, volume contraction, calcite nucleation, and incorporation of degraded products into crack‐lining cements. Bacterial decay of EPS and syneresis of host muds provided internal stresses to initiate rupture at shallow burial. Development of septarian (shrinkage) cracks in muds is envisaged to require pervasive in situ bacterial colonization, and to depend on rates of carbonate precipitation versus EPS degradation and syneresis. Subsequent modification of septarian concretions included envelopment by siderite and calcite microspar, hydraulic fracturing associated with Cretaceous shallow burial or Palaeogene uplift; and cementation by strongly ferroan, yellow sparry calcite that records meteoric water invasion of the host mudrocks. An abundance of fatty acids in these spars indicates aqueous transport of organic breakdown products, and δ13C data suggest a predominantly methanogenic bicarbonate source. However, the wide δ18O range for petrographically identical cement (?1·3‰ to ?15·6‰) is difficult to explain.  相似文献   

Recently 2D nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxation techniques have been able to access changes in pore structures through surface and diffusion based relaxation measurements. This research investigates the applicability of these methods for measuring pore and surface changes due to biofilm growth in various model porous systems and natural geological media. Model bead packs of various construction containing 100 μm borosilicate and soda lime glass beads were used to demonstrate how changes in the measured relaxation rates can be used to non-invasively verify and quantify biofilm growth in porous media. However significant challenges are shown to arise when trying to implement the same techniques to verify biofilm growth in a natural geological media.  相似文献   

Faunally restricted argillaceous wackestones from the Middle Jurassic of eastern England contain evidence of early diagenetic skeletal aragonite dissolution and stabilization of the carbonate matrix, closely followed by precipitation of zoned calcite cements, and precipitation of pyrite. Distinctive cathodoluminescence and trace element trends through the authigenic calcites, their negative δ13C compositions and the location of pyrite in the paragenetic sequence indicate that calcite precipitation took place during sequential bacterial Mn, Fe and sulphate reduction. Calcite δ18O values are compatible with cementation from essentially marine pore fluids, although compositions vary owing to minor contamination with 18O-depleted ‘late’cements. Mg and Sr concentrations in the calcites are lower than those in recent marine calcite cements. This may be a result of kinetic factors associated with the shallow burial cementation microenvironments. Bicarbonate for sustained precipitation of the authigenic calcites was derived largely from aragonite remobilization, augmented by that produced through anaerobic organic matter oxidation in the metal and sulphate reduction environments. Aragonite dissolution is thought to have been induced by acidity generated during aerobic bacterial oxidation of organic matter. Distinction of post-oxic metal reduction and anoxic sulphate reduction diagenetic environments in modern carbonate sediments is uncommon outside pelagic settings, and early bacterially mediated diagenesis in modern platform carbonates is associated with extensive carbonate dissolution. High detrital Fe contents of the Jurassic sediments, and their restricted depositional environment, were probably the critical factors promoting early cementation. These precipitates constitute a unique example of calcite authigenesis in shallow water limestones during bacterial Mn and Fe reduction.  相似文献   

The biodegradation of purified radiolabelled membrane lipids from a methanogenic bacterium and a pseudomonad were investigated in mangrove, beach and high marsh marine sediments under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The effect of organic matter on the amount and rate of degradation was also examined by supplementing beach sediments with humic acids. In aerobic sediments, CO2 was the major product of lipid degradation while under anaerobic conditions both CO2 and CH4 were major end products and the overall rates were reduced (up to 40%) relative to aerobic conditions. Total bacterial numbers increased during all incubations with the largest increases occurring in anaerobic sediments supplemented with humic acids. No lipid degradation occurred in aerobic or anaerobic sediments treated with formaldehyde or autoclaving. In low organic beach sediments, the ester-linked phospholipid of the pseudomonad was degraded much more rapidly than the diphytanyl glycerol diether of the methanogen with 69% of the phospholipid degraded in 96 hours versus only 4% of the methanogen lipid. Lipid degradation in both aerobic and anaerobic sediments was highly correlated to organic matter content with increasing amounts of organic matter inhibiting degradation. Long incubations (75 days) of the diphytanyl glycerol ether resulted in 51% degraded to CO2 in low (0.5%) organic mangrove sediments while only 9% was mineralized in high (10.8%) organic marsh sediments. Physicochemical sorption of membrane lipids to the organic matrix is proposed as a mechanism which protects membrane lipids from microbial attack and degradation.  相似文献   

Miller AI  Mao S 《Geology》1995,23(4):305-308
The Ordovician radiation of marine life was among the most substantial pulses of diversification in Earth history and coincided in time with a major increase in the global level of orogenic activity. To investigate a possible causal link between these two patterns, the geographic distributions of 6576 individual appearances of Ordovician vician genera around the world were evaluated with respect to their proximity to probable centers of orogeny (foreland basins). Results indicate that these genera, which belonged to an array of higher taxa that diversified in the Middle and Late Ordovician (trilobites, brachiopods, bivalves, gastropods, monoplacophorans), were far more diverse in, and adjacent to, foreland basins than they were in areas farther removed from orogenic activity (carbonate platforms). This suggests an association of orogeny with diversification at that time.  相似文献   

在海洋油气勘探中,为了准确获取勘探目的 层高精度、高分辨率的反射信息,实现更加细腻的成像,海洋地震宽频采集及处理技术近年来得到了极大的创新和发展.本文研究了海洋地震勘探中鬼波的产生机理、鬼波的分类和特性及其在实际地震资料中的表现形式.采用频率域高精度斜缆Radon变换作为主要处理方法,对某直斜缆宽频数据进行了鬼波的衰减...  相似文献   

Sulphur cycling in organic-rich marine sediments from a Scottish fjord   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, the biogeochemical transformations of sulphur in organic‐rich marine sediments in a Scottish fjord are investigated by a combination of pore water and sediment geochemistry with sulphide diffusive gradient thin‐film probes and sulphate isotopic data (δ34S and δ18O). Particular attention is paid to sulphur cycling in the upper sediment profile where sulphate reduction occurs but free sulphide is below the detection limits of conventional pore water geochemical analysis but quantifiable by sulphide diffusive gradient thin film. In the uppermost part of the sediment core, δ18O sulphate decreased from near‐sea water values to +7‰, indicating that anoxic sulphide oxidation dominated during this interval. Sulphate δ34S remained unchanged as there was no net sulphate reduction (i.e. reduction was balanced by re‐oxidation). Below 4 cm depth, there was a slight increase in sulphate δ34S from 20‰ to 23‰ associated with minor accumulation of iron sulphide. The δ18O of the sulphate also increased, to around +10‰ at 10 cm depth, as a result of the isotopic exchange of sulphate–oxygen with pore water and/or sulphur disproportionation reactions mediated during sulphur cycling. These processes continued to increase the δ18O of the sulphate to 14‰ at 20 cm depth with no further change in the δ34S of the sulphate. Below 20 cm depth, free sulphide is detectable in pore waters and both the δ34S of the sulphate and sulphide increase with depth with an offset controlled by kinetic fractionation during bacterial sulphate reduction. The δ34S of the sedimentary organic fraction shifted towards lower, more bacteriogenic, values with depth in the profile, without any increase in the size of this sulphur pool. Thus, the organic sulphur fraction was open to interaction with bacteriogenic sulphide without the occurrence of net addition. Therefore, caution should be exercised when using sulphur isotopic compositions to infer simple net addition of bacteriogenic sulphide to the organic sulphur fraction.  相似文献   

Redox potential has been adopted as a qualitative parameter for interpreting solubility changes of nutrients and contaminants and the biological activity within wetland systems for several decades. The majority of studies considering the redox geochemistry in sediments used measurements of bulked material and single point measurement of biogeochemical parameters for interpretation, yet it remains questionable whether this information is reliable for environments that are very dynamic, such as wetlands. In this study it is evaluated whether variations in redox potential reflect dynamics of denitrification and overall bacterial respiration using continuous measurements of redox potential in time-series experiments in laboratory microcosms, in which the biogeochemical variation was enhanced by bioturbation. The results presented here suggest that measurements of redox potential have predictive potential in approximating rates of denitrification and overall bacterial respiration in aquatic sediments. The data clearly suggest that, while sediment bulk measurements and measurements of single profiles of redox potential, denitrification and bacterial activity often fail to provide ecological relevant information in dynamic systems, measurements of spatial and temporal redox potential profiles provide a useful parameter that reflects biogeochemical processes and functioning of sediments.  相似文献   

Anaerobic degradation of mixtures of isomeric pristenes and phytenes by sedimentary bacterial communities was investigated. These isoprenoid alkenes were quickly metabolized without formation of the corresponding alkanes. Identification of several bacterial metabolites allowed us to confirm the key role played by hydration in the metabolism of alkenes. Despite the increasing production of 5α-stanols during incubation, attesting to the involvement of biohydrogenation, this process did not act significantly on the double bond of pristenes and phytenes. Their resistance is attributed to the lack of binding polar group(s) to anchor the substrate to the enzyme and thus allow the double bond to reach the reductive catalytic site. It therefore seems that microbial hydrogenation of pristenes and phytenes does not account for the presence of pristane and phytane in recent sediments during early diagenesis.  相似文献   

Ferromanganese crusts from the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans record the Nd and Pb isotope compositions of the water masses from which they form as hydrogenous precipitates. The10Be/9Be-calibrated time series for crusts are compared to estimates based on Co-contents, from which the equatorial Pacific crusts studied are inferred to have recorded ca. 60 Ma of Pacific deep water history. Time series of ɛNd show that the oceans have maintained a strong provinciality in Nd isotopic composition, determined by terrigenous inputs, over periods of up to 60 Ma. Superimposed on the distinct basin-specific signatures are variations in Nd and Pb isotope time series which have been particularly marked over the last 5 Ma. It is shown that changes in erosional inputs, particularly associated with Himalayan uplift and the northern hemisphere glaciation have influenced Indian and Atlantic Ocean deep water isotopic compositions respectively. There is no evidence so far for an imprint of the final closure of the Panama Isthmus on the Pb and Nd isotopic composition in either Atlantic or Pacific deep water masses.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of some sixty samples of penecontemporaneous diagenetic carbonates from marine horizons shows that they are strikingly different from normal marine limestones. The variation of C13 ratio is 5·6 per cent, the lightest carbonate measuring -54%. A mechanism for the formation of such light carbon dioxide is postulated, involving the enzymic decarboxylation of organic compounds at low temperatures. A study of the oxygen isotopic composition of coexisting calcite and rhodochrosite indicates that, whereas the latter has retained its isotopic composition from the time of precipitation, the calcite has undergone equilibration during diagenesis. Isotopic measurements on such diagenetic carbonates would confuse palaeoenvironmental studies but may throw light on the processes of diagenesis.  相似文献   

The content, distribution patterns, and occurrence forms of Cl in phosphorites and bone phosphate from the ocean bottom, as well as in a set of samples from the land, are studied. The total Cl content ranges from 0.05 to 4.25% in phosphorites and from 2.48 to 2.75% in recent phosphate-bearing sediments. Recent phosphorites are enriched in Cl relative to ancient ones. The bound Cl content (not extractable by washing), which increases with lithification, ranges from 0.17 to 0.60% in oceanic and land phosphorites and from 0.02% to 1.30% in the bone phosphate. The Na content in most samples is higher relative to NaCl due to its incorporation into the crystal lattice of apatite. However, the opposite relationship is observed in some samples, indicating a partial Cl incorporation into the anion complex of phosphate. The behavior of Cl in phosphorites from the present-day ocean bottom is controlled by early diagenetic processes, whereas the role of weathering, catagenesis, and hydrogeological factors may be crucial for phosphorites on continents.Translated from Litologiya i Poleznye Iskopaemye, No. 1, 2005, pp. 65–77.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Baturin.  相似文献   

Methane production from 14C-labelled bicarbonate and acetate was measured over the top 28 cm of anoxic Cape Lookout Bight sediments during the summer of 1983. The depth distribution and magnitude of summed radioisotopically determined rates compare well with previous measurements of total methane production and the sediment-water methane flux. Methane production from CO2 reduction and acetate fermentation accounts for greater than 80% of the total production rate and sediment-water flux.Methane production from bicarbonate was found to occur in all depth intervals sampled except those in the top 2 cm, whereas significant methane production from acetate only occurred at depths below 10 cm where sulfate was exhausted. Acetate provided 20 to 29% of the measured methane production integrated over the top 30 cm of the sediments.  相似文献   

Petrography demonstrates the presence of three types of fibrous calcite cement in buildup deposits of the Kullsberg Limestone (middle Caradoc), central Sweden. Translucent fibrous calcite has intrinsic blue luminescence (CL) indicative of pure calcite. This cement has 2–5 mol% MgCO3, low Mn and Fe (≤ 100 p.p.m.), and is considered to be slightly altered to unaltered, primary low- to intermediate-Mg calcite. Grey turbid fibrous calcite has variable but generally low MgCO3 content (most analyses <2 mol%) and variable CL response, with Mn and Fe concentrations up to 1200 and 500 p.p.m., respectively. The heterogeneous characteristics of this variety of fibrous calcite are caused by diagenetic alteration of a translucent fibrous calcite precursor. Light-brown turbid fibrous calcite has low MgCO3 (near 1 mol%) and variable Mn (up to 800 p.p.m.) and Fe (up to 500 p.p.m.) concentrations, with an abundance of bright luminescent patches, which formed during alteration caused by reducing diagenetic fluids. The δ13C and δ18O values of all fibrous calcite form a tight field (δ13C=1·7 to 3·1‰ PDB, δ18O= ? 2·6 to ? 4·1‰ PDB) compared with fibrous calcite isotope values from other units. Fibrous calcite δ18O values are larger than adjacent meteoric or burial cements, which have δ18O δ ? 8‰ PDB. Consequently, most diagenetic alteration of Kullsberg fibrous calcite is interpreted to have occurred in the marine diagenetic realm. First-generation equant and bladed calcite cements, which pre-date fibrous calcite, are interpreted as unaltered, low-Mg calcite marine cements based on δ13C and δ18O data (δ13C = 2·3 to 2·7‰ PDB, δ18O= ? 2·8 to ? 3·5‰ PDB). Unlike fibrous cement, which reflects global sea water chemistry, first-generation equant and bladed calcite are indicators of localized modification of seawater chemistry in restricted settings. Kullsberg abiotic marine cements have larger δ18O values than most Caradoc marine precipitates from equatorial Laurentia. Positive Kullsberg δ18O values are attributed to lower seawater temperatures and/or slightly elevated salinity on the Baltic platform relative to seawater from which other marine precipitates formed.  相似文献   

The adsorption of copper and cobalt from aqueous solution on to illite and other substrates has been studied as a function of pH, solution composition and solid phase concentration. The results are interpreted in terms of a model whereby the trace metals are adsorbed in exchange for surface bound H+ ions. Adsorption varies with solution ionic strength and the concentrations of complex forming ligands; both of these parameters tend to reduce the trace metal adsorption. The Cu2+ is two orders of magnitude more reactive toward solid surfaces than Co2+ , which is consistent with the general reactivities of these two metal ions. It is also found that Mg2+ interferes with adsorption, presumably by competing with the trace metals for the surface sites. A quantitative model was developed which describes adsorption of these metals from natural waters ranging from river water to sea water as a function of pH, complexing ligands and magnesium activity.  相似文献   

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