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Little is known of the origin and the earliest migratory routes of the eastern Asia populations. Many researchers suggested that modern humans in eastern Asia originated from Africa[1,2], and the migratory routes spread from western to eastern Asia along southern mainland of Asia[3]. Eastern Asia was one of the few regions with relatively abundant hominid fossils, especially Yun-nan Province of China, the home of Ramapithecus and Yuanmou Man. Yuanmou Man was the oldest hominid fossil[4]. …  相似文献   

王晓庆  王传超  邓琼英  李辉 《遗传》2013,35(2):168-174
文章对我国广西仫佬族91个无关男性个体Y-STR、Y-SNP、mtDNA HVS-Ⅰ和mtDNA-SNP等进行检测分型, 探索仫佬族的分子遗传结构。结果显示:Y染色体单倍群O1a1-P203和O2a1*-M95在仫佬族中为高频单倍群, 利用Y-STR构建的N-J树中仫佬族与侗族聚类, 说明在父系遗传上仫佬族与侗族遗传关系较近; mtDNA中F1a、M*、B4a、B5a等4类单倍群高频出现, 体现出仫佬族在母系遗传方面具有典型的东亚南方群体特征。17个Y-STR位点和mtDNA HVS-Ⅰ具有丰富的遗传多态性, 在群体遗传学和法医学方面具有应用前景。  相似文献   

为了研究水牛Y染色体的遗传多样性, 文章以滇东南水牛3个地方群体- 红河(HH)、西双版纳(BN)和普洱(PR)共31头公牛为研究对象, 选取14个家牛Y染色体特异性微卫星标记, 以检测这些标记在水牛Y染色体遗传多样性研究中的可行性。结果表明, 3个标记(INRA008、UMN0103和UMN0504)只有1个等位基因, 表现为单态; 3个标记(UMN1113、UMN0304和BC1.2)均为3个等位基因, 但呈单态; 3个标记(UMN0920、UMN0307和UMN3008)呈现无规律的梯状条带, 所以这9个标记都不适用于水牛的Y染色体遗传多样性研究; 只有5个标记(INRA124、INRA189、BM861、PBR1F1和UMN2001)具有多态性, 表明适用于水牛的Y染色体遗传多样性研究。这5个多态性Y染色体特异微卫星标记在滇东南水牛群体中的平均等位基因数(NA)为2.8000, 平均期望杂合度(He)为0.3998, 基因多样性(GD)为0.4144, 多态信息含量(PIC)为0.3245, Shannon信息熵(SI)为0.5849, 表明滇东南水牛群体的Y染色体具有中等遗传多态性。  相似文献   

The ancestry of New World cattle was investigated through the analysis of mitochondrial and Y chromosome variation in Creoles from Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Paraguay and the United States of America. Breeds that influenced the Creoles, such as Iberian native, British and Zebu, were also studied. Creoles showed high mtDNA diversity (H = 0.984 ± 0.003) with a total of 78 haplotypes, and the European T3 matriline was the most common (72.1%). The African T1a haplogroup was detected (14.6%), as well as the ancestral African‐derived AA matriline (11.9%), which was absent in the Iberian breeds. Genetic proximity among Creoles, Iberian and Atlantic Islands breeds was inferred through their sharing of mtDNA haplotypes. Y‐haplotype diversity in Creoles was high (H = 0.779 ± 0.019), with several Y1, Y2 and Y3 haplotypes represented. Iberian patrilines in Creoles were more difficult to infer and were reflected by the presence of H3Y1 and H6Y2. Y‐haplotypes confirmed crossbreeding with British cattle, mainly of Hereford with Pampa Chaqueño and Texas Longhorn. Male‐mediated Bos indicus introgression into Creoles was found in all populations, except Argentino1 (herd book registered) and Pampa Chaqueño. The detection of the distinct H22Y3 patriline with the INRA189‐90 allele in Caracú suggests introduction of bulls directly from West Africa. Further studies of Spanish and African breeds are necessary to elucidate the origins of Creole cattle, and determine the exact source of their African lineages.  相似文献   

Chen XC  Sun H  Mi DQ  Huang XQ  Lin KQ  Yi W  Yu L  Shi L  Shi L  Yang ZQ  Chu JY 《遗传》2011,33(4):353-357
在中国6个生活环境差异较大的少数民族群体中进行ATXN2基因编码区CAG重复的变异研究,以衡量其是否受到正选择的作用以及寻找推动选择作用的因素。采集6个民族群体共291个健康无关个体,对其进行STR分型,直接计数其等位基因及等位基因型频率,计算其线性Fst值,构建针对该基因的系统进化树,并对各群体进行MDS分析。线性Fst值结果显示:回族和彝族群体间ATXN2基因STR位点进化的差异具有显著性,其他4个群体相互间无显著性差异。结合已报道的其他群体进一步分析,回族、哈尼族、云南蒙古族以及内蒙古自治区蒙古族每个人群都与日本人群有显著性差异;回族、内蒙古自治区蒙古族与汉族具有显著性差异。6个群体中ATXN2基因STR的等位基因频率有各自的分布特点,稀有等位基因频率变化产生的原因可能是选择作用的结果。  相似文献   

Two Y chromosome specific microsatellites UMN2404 and UMN0103 were genotyped and assessed for polymorphisms in a total of 423 unrelated males from 25 indigenous Chinese cattle breeds. Consistently, both microsatellites displayed specific indicine and taurine alleles in each bull examined. The indicine and taurine alleles were detected in 248 males (58.6%), and 175 males (41.4%), respectively, although these frequencies varied amongst different breeds examined. The indicine alleles dominated in the southern group (92.4%), while the taurine alleles dominated in the northern group (95.5%). Hainan Island was possibly the site for the origin of Chinese zebu, and Tibetan cattle were probably independently domesticated from another strain of Bos primigenius. The geographical distribution of these frequencies reveals a pattern of male indicine introgression and a hybrid zone of indicine and taurine cattle in China. The declining south-to-north and east-to-west gradient of male indicine introgression in China could be explained by historical data, geographical segregation and temperature and weather conditions.  相似文献   

Sequences from 20 amplicons representing nine different loci and 11369bp from the short arm of the pig Y chromosome were compared using pools of DNA from different European and Chinese breeds. A total of 33 polymorphic sites were identified, including five indels and 28 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Three high frequency SNPs within the coding regions of SRY were further analysed across 889 males representing 25 European and 25 Asian breeds or Lines, plus a European Line of Meishan. Two haplotypes seen to be associated with ‘European’ or ‘Chinese’ origin in the initial SNP discovery phase were found to be the most common in their respective groups of breeds in a more detailed genotyping study. Two further SRY haplotypes are relatively rare. One was found exclusively within Tamworth, at low frequency in Retinto, and in three Chinese breeds (Huai, Sahwutou and Xiaomeishan). The other uncommon haplotype is found exclusively in Bamajiang, two further Chinese breeds (Hangjiang Black and Longling) and two European rare breeds (Mangalica and Linderödssvin), but appears based on comparison with other suids to represent an ancestral sequence.  相似文献   

头面部特征是人类学各人种进行分类的重要依据,在人类学的研究中被用作亲缘关系的证据。2006-2016年在四川、云南、西藏、贵州、海南、新疆、内蒙古共调查14个族群成人2989人(男性1434人,女性1555人)的16项头面部指标,比较这些族群头面部特征差异。研究结果如下:1)在男性族群中木雅人、尔苏人、临高人、白马人的面宽、头宽均较大。图瓦人、布里亚特人、摩梭人的面宽、头宽、形态面高、鼻高值均较大。僜人、革家人、莽人的面宽、头宽较小,而形态面高、鼻高值较大。空格人的面宽、头宽、形态面高、鼻高值均较小。2)在女性族群中图瓦人、布里亚特人的头宽、面宽、鼻高、耳上头高均较大。革家人、空格人的头宽、面宽、鼻高、耳上头高均较小。木雅人、尔苏人、八甲人、白马人、夏尔巴人的头宽、面宽较大,鼻高、耳上头高较小。僜人、克木人、莽人的头宽、面宽较小,而鼻高、耳上头高较大。3)头宽、容貌耳长跟纬度、年平均气温、年降雨量等环境因子相关性较高。4)通过聚类分析和主成分分析木雅人、尔苏人、白马人与羌族头面部特征比较接近。克木人与佤族头面部特征最为接近。革家人、僜人、莽人头面部特征比较接近。图瓦人、布里亚特人头面部...  相似文献   

Nine newly described single-copy and lowcopy-number genomic DNA sequences isolated from a flow-sorted human Y chromosome library were mapped to regions of the human Y chromosome and were hybridized to Southern blots of male and female great ape genomic DNAs (Gorilla gorilla, Pan troglodytes, Pongo pygmaeus). Eight of the nine sequences mapped to the euchromatic Y long arm (Yq) in humans, and the ninth mapped to the short arm or pericentromeric region. All nine of the newly identified sequences and two additional human Yq sequences hybridized to restriction fragments in male but not female genomic DNA from the great apes, indicating Y chromosome localization. Seven of these 11 human Yq sequences hybridized to similarly-sized restriction endonuclease fragments in all the great ape species analyzed. The five human sequences that mapped to the most distal subregion of Yq (deletion of which region is associated with spermatogenic failure in humans) were hybridized to Southern blots generated by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. These sequences define a region of approximately 1 Mb on human Yq in which HpaII tiny fragment (HTF) islands appear to be absent. The conservation of these human Yq sequences on great ape Y chromosomes indicates a greater stability in this region of the Y than has been previously described for most anonymous human Y chromosomal sequences. The stability of these sequences on great ape Y chromosomes seems remarkable given that this region of the Y does not undergo meiotic recombination and the sequences do not appear to encode genes for which positive selection might occur. Correspondence to: B. Steele Allen  相似文献   

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为了解壮侗语族族群肌肉分布特点以及探讨随年龄增长壮侗语族族群各个部位肌肉量变化的基本特点,使用人体脂肪测量仪采用生物电阻抗法在海南、贵州、广西、云南、湖南五个省、自治区测量了壮侗语族13个族群的身体肌肉量。总样本量为5098例(男性为2126例,女性为2972例)。采用握力计测量了2685例男性和3793例女性的左手、右手握力。研究发现,壮侗语族族群男性、女性肌肉量总体评价接近标准,上下肢肌肉量判断属于标准水平。男性、女性均为躯干肌肉量最大,下肢肌肉量次之,上肢肌肉量最小。男性总肌肉量、四肢肌肉量、躯干肌肉量都大于女性。男性3个年龄组间总肌肉量、躯干肌肉量、上肢肌肉量、右下肢肌肉量的差异具有统计学意义,而左下肢肌肉量彼此接近;女性3个年龄组间总肌肉量、四肢肌肉量、躯干肌肉量差异均具有统计学意义。男性除左下肢肌肉量外,其余5项肌肉量指标均与年龄呈显著负相关关系;女性总肌肉量、躯干肌肉量与年龄呈显著负相关,但四肢肌肉量与年龄无显著负相关。壮侗语族族群肌肉量少于北方族群,具有中国南方族群的特点。在南方族群中,壮侗语族族群男性肌肉量中等,女性肌肉量略多一些。  相似文献   

The Mosuo, living in the Lugu Lake area in northwest Yunnan Province, China, is the only matriarchal population in China. The Mosuo was officially identified as Naxi nationality although its relationship with Naxi remains controversial. We studied the genetic relationship between the Mosuo and five other ethnic groups currently residing in northwest Yunnan, i.e. Naxi, Tibetan, Bai, Yi and Pumi, by typing the genetic variations in mtDNA HVS1 and 21 Y chromosome markers (13 SNPs & 8 STR markers). We showed that the maternal lineages of the Mosuo bear the strongest resemblance with those found in Naxi while its paternal lineages are more similar to those that are prevalent in Yunnan Tibetan. The marked difference between paternal and maternal lineages may be attributable to the genetic history, matriarchal structure, and visiting marriage.  相似文献   

从父系和母系基因库水平上,研究不同分布地区白族群体之间的遗传结构的异同,并对其族源以及本民族群体之间的微进化关系进行初步的探讨。利用PCR-RFLP方法对云南白族和湖南白族及云南的傣族、布依族、独龙族、怒族、阿昌族和湖南土家族共8个群体进行14个线粒体多态位点和Y染色体上的13个双等位基因位点进行基因分型。统计单倍型,在SPSS软件上进行主成分分析。结果显示,两个白族群体在Y染色体双等位基因单倍型分布上差异不大,以H6、H8为主要单倍型分布;在线粒体单倍群分布上,两个白族群体则差异显著,单倍群D、B、M8在湖南白族中的分布频率比云南白族高的多,而在云南白族中M^*、G、F的频率则比湖南白族高。对Y染色体单倍型分布频率进行主成分分析表明两个白族群体聚在一起,整体上和其他北方起源的群体聚成一组;而对线粒体的单倍群分布频率分析显示湖南白族接近湖南汉族和土家族,而云南白族则接近云南怒族和阿昌族。两个白族群体在父系遗传结构上相近,表明他们具有共同的父系族源;而母系遗传结构上的差异,可能与历史上迁到湖南的白族先民主要为男性军士,流寓到当地后与汉、土家等民族女子通婚所致。  相似文献   

The Mosuo, living in the Lugu Lake area in northwest Yunnan Province, China, is the only matriarchal population in China. The Mosuo was officially identified as Naxi nationality although its relationship with Naxi remains controversial. We studied the genetic relationship between the Mosuo and five other ethnic groups currently residing in northwest Yunnan, i.e. Naxi, Tibetan, Bai, Yi and Pumi, by typing the genetic variations in mtDNA HVS1 and 21 Y chromosome markers (13 SNPs & 8 STR markers). We showed that the maternal lineages of the Mosuo bear the strongest resemblance with those found in Naxi while its paternal lineages are more similar to those that are prevalent in Yunnan Tibetan. The marked difference between paternal and maternal lineages may be attributable to the genetic history, matriarchal structure, and visiting marriage.  相似文献   

Robertsonian translocations resulting in fusions between sex chromosomes and autosomes shape karyotype evolution by creating new sex chromosomes from autosomes. These translocations can also reverse sex chromosomes back into autosomes, which is especially intriguing given the dramatic differences between autosomes and sex chromosomes. To study the genomic events following a Y chromosome reversal, we investigated an autosome‐Y translocation in Drosophila pseudoobscura. The ancestral Y chromosome fused to a small autosome (the dot chromosome) approximately 10–15 Mya. We used single molecule real‐time sequencing reads to assemble the D. pseudoobscura dot chromosome, including this Y‐to‐dot translocation. We find that the intervening sequence between the ancestral Y and the rest of the dot chromosome is only ~78 Kb and is not repeat‐dense, suggesting that the centromere now falls outside, rather than between, the fused chromosomes. The Y‐to‐dot region is 100 times smaller than the D. melanogaster Y chromosome, owing to changes in repeat landscape. However, we do not find a consistent reduction in intron sizes across the Y‐to‐dot region. Instead, deletions in intergenic regions and possibly a small ancestral Y chromosome size may explain the compact size of the Y‐to‐dot translocation.  相似文献   

Analysis of Y chromosome Y‐STRs has proven to be a useful tool in the field of population genetics, especially in the case of closely related populations. We collected DNA samples from 169 males of Czech origin, 80 males of Slovakian origin, and 142 males dwelling Northern Poland. We performed Y‐STR analysis of 12 loci in the samples collected (PowerPlex Y system from Promega) and compared the Y chromosome haplotype frequencies between the populations investigated. Also, we used Y‐STR data available from the literature for comparison purposes. We observed significant differences between Y chromosome pools of Czechs and Slovaks compared to other Slavic and European populations. At the same time we were able to point to a specific group of Y‐STR haplotypes belonging to an R1a haplogroup that seems to be shared by Slavic populations dwelling in Central Europe. The observed Y chromosome diversity may be explained by taking into consideration archeological and historical data regarding early Slav migrations. Am J Phys Anthropol 142:540–548, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The current distribution of Bantu languages is commonly considered to be a consequence of a relatively recent population expansion (3-5kya) in Central Western Africa. While there is a substantial consensus regarding the centre of origin of Bantu languages (the Benue River Valley, between South East Nigeria and Western Cameroon), the identification of the area from where the population expansion actually started, the relation between the processes leading to the spread of languages and peoples and the relevance of local migratory events remain controversial. In order to shed new light on these aspects, we studied Y chromosome variation in a broad dataset of populations encompassing Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon and Congo. Our results evidence an evolutionary scenario which is more complex than had been previously thought, pointing to a marked differentiation of Cameroonian populations from the rest of the dataset. In fact, in contrast with the current view of Bantu speakers as a homogeneous group of populations, we observed an unexpectedly high level of interpopulation genetic heterogeneity and highlighted previously undetected diversity for lineages associated with the diffusion of Bantu languages (E1b1a (M2) sub-branches). We also detected substantial differences in local demographic histories, which concord with the hypotheses regarding an early diffusion of Bantu languages into the forest area and a subsequent demographic expansion and migration towards eastern and western Africa.  相似文献   

The male-specific region of the ovine Y chromosome (MSY) remains poorly characterized, yet sequence variants from this region have the potential to reveal the wild progenitor of domestic sheep or examples of domestic and wild paternal introgression. The 5' promoter region of the sex-determining gene SRY was re-sequenced using a subset of wild sheep including bighorn ( Ovis canadensis ), thinhorn ( Ovis dalli spp.), urial ( Ovis vignei ), argali ( Ovis ammon ), mouflon ( Ovis musimon ) and domestic sheep ( Ovis aries ). Seven novel SNPs ( oY 2– oY 8) were revealed; these were polymorphic between but not within species. Re-sequencing and fragment analysis was applied to the MSY microsatellite SRYM18 . It contains a complex compound repeat structure and sequencing of three novel size fragments revealed that a pentanucleotide element remained fixed, whilst a dinucleotide element displayed variability within species. Comparison of the sequence between species revealed that urial and argali sheep grouped more closely to the mouflon and domestic breeds than the pachyceriforms (bighorn and thinhorn). SNP and microsatellite data were combined to define six previously undetected haplotypes. Analysis revealed the mouflon as the only species to share a haplotype with domestic sheep, consistent with its status as a feral domesticate that has undergone male-mediated exchange with domestic animals. A comparison of the remaining wild species and domestic sheep revealed that O. aries is free from signatures of wild sheep introgression.  相似文献   

We examined the genetic association of neuropeptide Y receptor Y5 (NPY5R) single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with measures of the insulin resistance (metabolic) syndrome. We genotyped 10 NPY5R SNPs in 439 Mexican American individuals (age=43.3+/-17.3 years and BMI=30.0+/-6.7 kg/m2) distributed across 27 pedigrees from the San Antonio Family Diabetes Study and performed association analyses using the measured genotype approach as implemented in Sequential Oligogenic Linkage Analysis Routines (SOLAR). Minor alleles for five (rs11100493, rs12501691, P1, rs11100494, rs12512687) of the NPY5R SNPs were found to be significantly (p<0.05) associated with fasting plasma triglyceride concentrations and decreased high-density lipoprotein concentrations. In addition, the minor allele for SNP P2 was significantly associated (p=0.031) with a decreased homeostasis model assessment of beta-cell function (HOMA-%beta). Linkage disequilibrium between SNP pairs indicated one haplotype block of five SNPs (rs11100493, rs12501691, P1, rs11100494, rs12512687) that were highly correlated (r2>0.98). These preliminary results provide evidence for association of SNPs in the NPY5R gene with dyslipidemia (elevated triglyceride concentrations and reduced high-density lipoprotein levels) in our Mexican American population.  相似文献   

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