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青藏高原东缘新构造运动复杂而强烈,地震与地质灾害多发,区域地壳稳定性评价工作意义重大。基于地质力学和大陆动力学相互补充的区域地壳稳定性评价理论,选择深部地球物理场、区域构造变形、地震活动、区域构造应力场作为内动力因素,地形地貌、降雨量、河流冲蚀组合计算所产生的地质灾害条件作为外动力因素,地层岩性和活动断裂影响带作为介质因素,进行了区域地壳稳定性评价。结果表明,采用地质要素梯度来反映内动力作用和通过地质环境要素综合分析表现外动力作用是提高评价准确性的有效手段;青藏高原东缘可分为8个构造特征差异显著的一级分区,75个综合因素差别较大的二级分区,653个外动力条件有一定差别的三级分区;总体而言,龙门山断裂、鲜水河断裂和安宁河断裂带构成的Y字型构造格架断裂带附近的地壳稳定性最差,西部次之,东部最好,北部区块较完整,南部复杂破碎。  相似文献   

The M w = 9.1 mega-thrust Sumatra–Andaman earthquake that occurred on December 26, 2004, was followed by a devastating tsunami that killed hundreds of thousands of people and caused catastrophic effects on human settlements and environments along many coasts of the Indian Ocean, where even countries very far from the source were affected. One of these cases is represented by the Republic of Seychelles, where the tsunami reached the region about 7 h after the earthquake and produced relevant damages, despite the country was more than 4,500 km far from the seismic source. In the present work, we present and discuss a study of the 2004 Sumatra tsunami by means of numerical simulations with the attention focused on the effects observed at the Seychelles Archipelago, a region never previously investigated with this approach. The case is interesting since these islands lay on a very shallow oceanic platform with steep slopes so as the ocean depth changes from thousands to few tens of meters over short distances, with significant effects on the tsunami propagation features: the waves are strongly refracted by the oceanic platform and the tsunami signal is modified by the introduction of additional frequencies. The study is used also to validate the UBO-TSUFD numerical code on a real tsunami event in the far field, and the results are compared with the available observations, i.e., the sea level time series recorded at the Pointe La Rue station, Mahé Island, and run-up measurements and inundation lines surveyed few weeks after the tsunami at Praslin Island, where the tsunami hit during low tide. Synthetic results are found in good agreement with observations, even though some of the observations remain not fully solved. Moreover, simulations have been run in high-tide condition since the 2004 Sumatra tsunami hitting at high tide can be taken as the worst-case scenario for the Seychelles islands and used for tsunami hazard and risk assessments.  相似文献   

李功宇  周建波  李龙  王红燕 《岩石学报》2020,36(6):1719-1730



This work analyses the potential consequences of two tsunami scenarios and their impacts on an oil refinery located in Sicily. Two credible tsunamis originating in the Tyrrhenian Sea were selected based on historical data. The potential for damage and hazardous materials releases resulting from the tsunami impacts to a refinery was assessed. The results obtained by the JRC tsunami propagation and inundation code HyFlux2 indicate that in both scenarios there would be eighteen storage tanks (of 43 located within 400 m from the shoreline) at the refinery subject to flooding. Water flow velocities were found to be generally low, <1 m/s, except for a central section of the refinery near the shoreline where the water flow velocities reach 3?C4 m/s. These results indicate that any damage would most likely occur due to buoyancy loads particularly in the western part of the facility where inundation levels are higher and storage tanks are less protected. Potential damage caused by impact of floating debris may be a problem in the central area of the refinery near the shoreline due to high flow velocities (3?C4 m/s) in both tsunami scenarios. Small hazardous materials releases could occur due to breakage of connected pipes and flanges caused by floating off of almost empty storage tanks or other equipment. Salt water intrusion could affect electrical equipment, such as control panels, pumps, and motors that are not raised above the inundation level. We conclude that in the two tsunami scenarios analysed, the risk to nearby residents and neighbouring facilities from potential hazardous materials releases, fires or explosions triggered by the tsunamis is likely to be small. Nonetheless, recommendations are made on prevention measures to reduce the risk of tsunami-triggered accidents and to mitigate their consequences if they do occur. The results of this study are limited by the uncertainty in the input data and most importantly by the accuracy of the elevation data and the model resolution.  相似文献   

A suite of tsunami spaced evenly along the subduction zone to the south of Indonesia (the Sunda Arc) were numerically modelled in order to make a preliminary estimate of the level of threat faced by Western Australia from tsunami generated along the Arc. Offshore wave heights from these tsunami were predicted to be significantly higher along the northern part of the west Australian coast than for the rest of the coast south of the town of Exmouth. In particular, the area around Exmouth may face a higher tsunami hazard than other areas of the West Australian coast nearby. Large earthquakes offshore of Java and Sumbawa are likely to be a greater hazard to WA than those offshore of Sumatra. Our numerical models indicate that a magnitude 9 or above earthquake along the eastern part of the Sunda Arc has the potential to significantly impact a large part of the West Australian coastline. The Australian government reserves the right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty free license in and to any copyright.  相似文献   

Gas hydrate is exposed on the sea floor and is buried in shallow sediments in the off-Joetsu area at the eastern margin of the Sea of Japan. Sediment cores recovered from topographic highs of the Joetsu Knoll and Umitaka Spur show pockmarks and mounds formed by gas hydrate dissociation, but those from the Un-named ridge have no such topographic features. All topographic highs and pockmarks mainly comprise bioturbated layers interbedded with thinly laminated (TL) layers, which are common Sea of Japan sediments. Recovered sediments are, however, mostly disturbed by submarine landslides, showing tilted horizons, faults, slump folds, and breccia, except that from the Un-named ridge. The timing of events is well constrained by identification of the number of TL layers in some sediment cores. Landslides occurred both during the cold glacial period of the late MIS3 to the last glacial maximum (LGM) and during the warm interglacial period of the post-LGM. All were caused by the explosive rise of gas hydrate formed at very shallow depths of the sea bottom by the supply of gas from the depth of the gas hydrate stability zone through gas chimney passages developed under the pockmarks. Seismic activity demands consideration as a factor because the off-Joetsu area is tectonically active.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - The Jalisco region in western Mexico is one of the most seismically active in the country. The city of Puerto Vallarta is located at Bahía de Banderas on the northern coast...  相似文献   

海底滑坡及其触发的海啸是海洋地质灾害的重要组成部分.随着海洋工程设施及沿海地区人口及经济的快速增长,海洋地质灾害研究和评估变得越来越重要和紧迫.根据高精度地球物理资料(地震和多波束),在南海北部主要含油气盆地(珠江口盆地和琼东南盆地)中发现大量的海底滑坡.这些海底滑坡形成于上新世至第四纪,它们多以杂乱或空白的地震反射为...  相似文献   

Baroux  Avouac  Bellier  & Sébrier 《地学学报》1998,10(3):139-144
Oblique subduction at the Sunda Trench has produced transpressive deformation of the plate leading edge. A major feature is the right-lateral Great Sumatran Fault (GSF) which probably absorbs a significant fraction of the trench-parallel shear. The kinematics of Sunda relative to Australia are discussed on the basis of available GPS data, and geologically determined slip rates on the GSF. In spite of the uncertainty on the plate motion, several robust conclusions can be drawn. The predicted obliquity of the convergence increases northward along the Sumatra Trench, up to about 30°. Slip partitioning is nearly complete along the northern segment of the Sumatra Trench, where the GSF probably accommodates most of the trench parallel shear. Along the southern segment, where obliquity is less than about 20°, slip-partitioning is not complete as indicated by oblique thrusting at the subduction. There, only a fraction of the trench parallel motion of Australia relative to SE Asia is accommodated along the GSF. These observations suggest that the leading edge behaves like a plastic wedge, except that slip-partitioning, although incomplete, is observed even at low obliquities.  相似文献   

The 27 November 1945 earthquake in the Makran Subduction Zone triggered a destructive tsunami that has left important problems unresolved. According to the available reports, high waves persisted along the Makran coast and at Karachi for several hours after the arrival of the first wave. Long-duration sea-level oscillations were also reported from Port Victoria, Seychelles. On the other hand, only one high wave was reported from Mumbai. Tide-gauge records of the tsunami from Karachi and Mumbai confirm these reports. While the data from Mumbai shows a single high wave, Karachi data shows that high waves persisted for more than 7 h, with maximum wave height occurring 2.8 h after the arrival of the first wave. In this paper, we analyze the cause of these persistent high waves using a numerical model. The simulation reproduces the observed features reasonably well, particularly the persistent high waves at Karachi and the single high wave at Mumbai. It further reveals that the persistent high waves along the Makran coast and at Karachi were the result of trapping of the tsunami-wave energy on the continental shelf off the Makran coast and that these coastally-trapped edge waves were trapped in the along-shore direction within a ∼300-km stretch of the continental shelf. Sensitivity experiments establish that this along-shore trapping of the tsunami energy is due to variations in the shelf width. In addition, the model simulation indicates that the reported long duration of sea-level oscillations at Port Victoria were mainly due to trapping of the tsunami energy over the large shallow region surrounding the Seychelles archipelago.  相似文献   

Summary Amphibolites are widespread in the eastern part of the Bohemian Massif, east of the South Bohemian Pluton. Based on their geological situation, their metamorphic evolution and their geochemistry, they were separated into three genetically different units: the Rehberg ophiolite, the Buschandlwand amphibolite and the Raabs group. The metamorphic Rehberg ophiolite consists of a ultramafic to mafic plutonic sequence overlain by a gabbro/dike complex and a volcanic section with basaltic, andesitic and rhyolitic volcanics associated with pelitic to psammitic sediments. The entire ophiolite underwent amphibolite facies metamorphism. Rock/MORB normalisation plots and other element ratio plots, such as Ti vs. V or Ta/Yb vs. Th/Yb argue for a supra-subduction zone environment as site of the origin of the Rehberg ophiolite. The Letovice ophiolite in Moravia is structured in a similar way. Geochemically it shows a more MORB like composition but also a distinct tholeiitic island arc group. Although there is no age data for the protolith of both ophiolites, it is believed that they have formed in an oceanic basin separating the Brunovistulian-Moravian block to the east and the Moldanubian block to the west. Possible traces of the continuation of the ophiolites towards the north can be found in the Stare Mesto ophiolites and the ophiolites surrounding the Sowie Gory block in the Sudetes.
Ophiolitrelikte am ostrand der Böhmischen Masse und ihre bedeutung für die tektonische entwicklung
Zusammenfassung Amphibolite sind in der Böhmischen Masse, östlich des Südböhmischen Plutons weit verbreitet. Ausgehend von ihrer geologischen Position, ihrer metamorphen Entwick lung und ihrer Geochemie lassen sie sich in drei genetisch unterschiedliche Einheiten teilen: den Rehberg Ophiolith, den Buschandlwand Amphibolit und die Raabser Gruppe. Der metamorphe Rehberg Ophiolith besteht aus einer ultramatischen bis mafischen plutonischen Abfolge, die von einem Gabbro/Gangkomplex überlagert wird und einer vulkanischen Folge mit Basalten, Andesiten and Rhyoliten, die mit tonigen und sandigen Sedimenten verknüpft sind. Der gesamte Ophiolithkörper wurde unter amphibolitfaziellen Bedingungen metamorph überprägt. Rock/MORB Diagramme und andere Elementdarstellungen, wie z.B. das Ti vs. V, oder das Ta/Yb vs. Th/Yb Diagramm sprechen für eine Entstehung des Rehberg Ophioliths in einer Suprasubduction Zone. Der Letovice Ophiolith in Mähren weist eine ähnliche Struktur auf. Geochemisch zeigt er stärkere Ähnlichkeiten mit MORB, enthält aber auch Elemente von tholeiitischen Inselbogenbasalten. Auch wenn es für beide Ophiolithe noch keine Protolith-Altersdaten gibt, scheint es dennoch wahrscheinlich, daß sie in einem Ozeanbecken, das den Brunovistulisch-Moravischen Kontinentalblock im Osten vom Moldanubischen Kontinent im Westen trennt, gebildet wurden. Die mögliche Fortsetzung beider Ophiolithe könnten im Norden der Stare Mesto Ophiolith und die Ophiolithe rund um den Sowie Gory Block in den Sudeten darstellen.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   

塔里木古大陆东缘的微大陆块体群   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
塔里木古大陆东缘至少存在4个微大陆,自北而南分别是阿拉善、祁连、欧龙布鲁克和柴达木微大陆,它们有相近但又有一定差异的早前寒武纪变质基底和中元古代变质沉积地层。每一个微大陆边缘均有复杂的生成历史,特别是新元古代早期的热-构造事件十分发育,并在柴达木微大陆北缘形成一条长700km的花岗片麻岩带,而在多数微大陆边缘则叠加了寒武纪至奥陶纪火山弧或蛇绿混杂岩。在微大陆之间自北而南分别发育了北祁蛇绿岩混杂岩带、南祁连蛇绿岩混杂岩带、沙柳河-鱼卡河高压-超高压变质带和昆仑中部清水泉蛇绿混杂岩,它们代表了微大陆这间的结合带,其形成时代集中在寒武纪至奥陶纪。这几个微大陆总体表现出亲塔里木古大陆的特征,特别是自新元古代以来具有相似的地质演化特征。  相似文献   

The Northern Canadian Cordillera (NCC) comprises the Mackenzie Mountains, which are characterized by earthquakes occurring ~1,000 km east of the western North American margin. However, no recognized convergence has occurred in this inboard region since the Mesozoic to early Cenozoic formation of the Cordillera. This lack of an obvious driver for the modern NCC deformation has generated considerable debate and various geodynamic models. We show here thermal histories derived from (U‐Th‐Sm)/He data that are interpreted to indicate reactivated deformation and formation of the eastern deformation front beginning ~30 Ma. At that time the western margin of North America was mainly a transform boundary, which typically transmits very limited amount of stress into the continent. Along the northeastern margin of North America, however, the North Atlantic was opening and may have caused horizontal forces that drove deformation far to the west where the rigid craton encountered the weak Cordillera.  相似文献   

A probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment is performed for the Makran subduction zone (MSZ) at the northwestern Indian Ocean employing a combination of probability evaluation of offshore earthquake occurrence and numerical modeling of resulting tsunamis. In our method, we extend the Kijko and Sellevoll’s (1992) probabilistic analysis from earthquakes to tsunamis. The results suggest that the southern coasts of Iran and Pakistan, as well as Muscat, Oman are the most vulnerable areas among those studied. The probability of having tsunami waves exceeding 5 m over a 50-year period in these coasts is estimated as 17.5%. For moderate tsunamis, this probability is estimated as high as 45%. We recommend the application of this method as a fresh approach for doing probabilistic hazard assessment for tsunamis. Finally, we emphasize that given the lack of sufficient information on the mechanism of large earthquake generation in the MSZ, and inadequate data on Makran’s paleo and historical earthquakes, this study can be regarded as the first generation of PTHA for this region and more studies should be done in the future.  相似文献   

Structural, lithological and biostratigraphic evidence does not support the existence of the postulated Bronnant Fault previously considered to bound and have had depositional control over the Aberystwyth Grits to the east. The Adail Mudstones Formation is a synonym of the Borth Mudstones Formation; the latter name has priority. Both the type Borth Mudstones Formation and the ‘Adail Mudstones Formation’ in part underlie and in part are lateral equivalents of the lower part of the Aberystwyth Grits Formation. Deposition of the Aberystwyth Grits Formation was confined on its eastern side by a slope enhanced by the prior, and partially contemporaneous, deposition of the Devil's Bridge Formation (largely a slope apron). © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Regional analysis of the distribution of metamorphic fabrics and shear zones in the Palaeo-Mesoproterozoic Curnamona Province has enabled the deconstruction of a Cambrian fold arc that defines part of the eastern margin of Gondwana. We suggest a tectonic model whereby the arc formed at ca. 500 Ma, during accretion of Phanerozoic terranes to the eastern margin of Precambrian Australia. The regional fold arc is interpreted to have formed along an irregular plate margin comprising a SE-convex rigid promontory of Precambrian basement during initial accretion of the Phanerozoic terranes during the Cambrian. An early phase of dextral oblique-slip along shear zones in the south and west of the province indicates an initial WNW transport direction. As the arc was folded, a slightly later phase of sinistral oblique-slip shearing was initiated along shear zones in the east, in response to deflection of the arc around the rigid promontory.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2010,17(3-4):669-686
Regional analysis of the distribution of metamorphic fabrics and shear zones in the Palaeo-Mesoproterozoic Curnamona Province has enabled the deconstruction of a Cambrian fold arc that defines part of the eastern margin of Gondwana. We suggest a tectonic model whereby the arc formed at ca. 500 Ma, during accretion of Phanerozoic terranes to the eastern margin of Precambrian Australia. The regional fold arc is interpreted to have formed along an irregular plate margin comprising a SE-convex rigid promontory of Precambrian basement during initial accretion of the Phanerozoic terranes during the Cambrian. An early phase of dextral oblique-slip along shear zones in the south and west of the province indicates an initial WNW transport direction. As the arc was folded, a slightly later phase of sinistral oblique-slip shearing was initiated along shear zones in the east, in response to deflection of the arc around the rigid promontory.  相似文献   

青藏高原东缘新生代构造层序与构造事件   总被引:28,自引:7,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
新生代龙门山前盆地和盐源盆地是青藏高原东缘龙门山-锦屏山冲断带内及前缘地区发育和保存最好的新生代沉积盆地,本次以地层不整合面和ESR测年资料为主要依据,将该区新生代构造地层序列划分为5个构造层序,即TS1(65-55Ma)、TS2(40-50Ma)、TS3(23-16Ma)、TS4(4.7-1.6Ma)和TS5(0.74-0Ma),据此将青藏高原东缘新生代构造变形和隆升事件划分为5期,其中TS1与喜马拉雅地体和拉萨地体拼合事件相关,TS2与印亚碰撞事件相关,TS3与青藏高原第一次隆升事件相关,TS4与青藏高原第二次隆升事件相关,TS5与青藏高原第三次隆升事件相关。  相似文献   

An extensive passive margin was formed in the Triassic along the periphery of Arabia, including the Tauric carbonate platform. This event is related to the opening of the Mesozoic Tethys when a number of microcontinents split off from Gondwana. Triassic extension and continental rifting resulted in the formation of a structural pattern which is uniform from the Dinarides to Oman. It includes the following elements:
1. (1) shelf,
2. (2) continental slope,
3. (3) deep basin probably with a floor of attenuated sialic crust,
4. (4) inner carbonate platform. In the Jurassic-Cretaceous stable conditions prevailed, influenced only by eustatic oscillations of the sea level. Turbidites accumulated on the continental rise while cherts and radiolarites were deposited in the deep basins (Hawasina, Pichakun, Antalya, Pindus) below the CCD level. Sedimentation on the shelf was controlled by north-northeast transverse tectonic elements which also continued across the passive margin, dividing it into a number of segments. Collision with an island arc led to obduction of the oceanic crust, deformation of the passive margin and overthrusting of its sedimentary cover onto the Arabian shelf. Obduction and deformation lasted for about 10 m.y. and created a new tectonic pattern with concentric structural zones surrounding the Arabian promontory.
These zones include:
1. (1) the flysch basin—a remnant of the closing Tethys;
2. (2) an uplift—a site of periodical emergence and erosion, corresponding to the frontal part of the ophiolitic nappes;
3. (3) the Border furrow—a depocenter of low-energy calcareous marls,
4. (4) the Arabian shield constantly emerged during the Tertiary. Tectonic deformation of these zones caused by the collision of Arabia with Eurasia began prior to the Early Miocene and it is still going on.
Data on Afghanistan demonstrate that its central part (the Gelmend-Argandab and Kabul blocks) belonged during the Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic to the continental shelf of India.  相似文献   

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