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We apply the quantum formulation of heterodyne mixer theory to SIS heterojunctions (junctions between dissimilar superconductors). Conversion gain is predicted over a wide range of mm-wave frequencies in the 3-port Y-mixer model by exploiting the naturally occurring region of negative conductance in the DC I-V characteristic. In the signal frequency range 50–250 GHz this region persists in the pumpedjunction I–V characteristic for local oscillator power <1 nW and leads to a negative conductance at the mixer's IF port.  相似文献   

The basic gain and pointing characteristics of millimeter-wave radio telescopes are described in this paper. Formal definitions of relevant telescope parameters are given. Performance limits set by conventional technology are discussed and compared with measurements of existing telescopes. Methods are also suggested for minimizing pointing errors.  相似文献   

Solid-state THz devices usually suffer from low power output. This, however, can be overcome by efficient power combining. In this paper, the power combining of a chain of active devices (longitudinal array of N Gunn diodes) in a semi-infinite transmission line has been simulated. Superlinear growth of power P is found in a line with inductive-capacitive elements: P is quadratic in N when P is small and becomes linear when P is large. Intricate auto-modulation due to coupling between the devices is shown to accompany power combining.  相似文献   

A frequency-agile heterodyne phaselock loop (PLL) system for millimeter-wave Gunn-effect oscillators between 40 and 110 GHz is described. The Gunn oscillators are phase-locked via the bias in an active second-order servo loop. A facility for fast frequency switching with a maximum rate of 10 kHz and a frequency separation up to 80 MHz is provided. Measurements on the spectral characteristics of a phase-locked Gunn oscillator are presented. The described PLL system is used in radio astronomy and laboratory molecular spectroscopy.  相似文献   

An analytical device-circuit interaction model to compute the frequency chirp bandwidth in W-band pulsed DDR IMPATT diodes is presented. The measured chirp agrees reasonably well with the calculated values.  相似文献   

A new and unique microstrip drop-in type Y-junction circulator has been designed and developed for operation in the millimeter wave frequency region. This device utilizes NiZn ferrite as the gyromagnetic material which is mounted on a duroid substrate.  相似文献   

The reduction of the equivalent noise temperature in liquidnitrogen-cooled submillimeter-wave mixers by the use of Schottky barriers on InSb instead of GaAs is evaluated by an analytical model that assumes limited local oscillator power and matched impedances. The calculations, executed at 1.0 and 1.8 Thz, take plasma resonance and skin effect into account. For single and multiple contacts on homogeneous semiconductor materials of optimum doping, the noise of InSb diodes is smaller than that of GaAs diodes by a factor of 3 to 14. A simplified model is used to predict the performance of epitaxial structures as well as alternative materials.This paper presents the results of one phase of research performed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, sponsored by the National Aeronautics & Space Administration under Contract NAS 7-100.  相似文献   

Terahertz continuous wave amplification in semiconductor carbon nanotubes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Considerable gain at terahertz frequencies can be achieved using the Gunn effect in a semiconductor carbon nanotube array biased with a DC electric field. Potential important applications of this device are in the area of far-infrared spectroscopy and imaging.  相似文献   

We present new investigations of the millimeter wave spectra of the two lowest-energy conformers of glycine (NH2CH2COOH). Measurements of these spectra have been carried out between 75 and 260 GHz using the millimeter-wave spectrometer in Kharkov. The new data set involves rotational transitions with J up to 44 and Ka up to 15 for conformer I and transitions with J up to 43 and Ka up to 14 for conformer II. This represents a more than twofold expansion both in the frequency range and J quantum-number range in comparison with previous investigations. The improved sets of spectroscopic parameters obtained for both conformers provide accurate transition frequencies for the key lines necessary for radio astronomy searches for interstellar glycine.  相似文献   

The factors which influence the design of lenses suitable for imaging at millimetre wavelengths are discussed. Examples are given of optical designs for a military tracking application, firstly for use with an open ended waveguide array, and secondly for use with monolithic arrays, each covering a field of view of ±20°.  相似文献   

Owing to a very sharp nonlinearity in the quasiparticle currentvoltage characteristic, which fortuitously occurs on the scale of a few millivolts rather than a few volts as with semiconductor devices, superconductor/insulator/superconductor (SIS) tunnel junctions are the most sensitive detectors for heterodyne mixing at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths. They can also provide sources of coherent local oscillator power at very high frequencies; more broadly, they have a number of interesting applications as fast, low-power logic elements and as detectors at optical wavelengths. For submillimeterwave mixers, in many ways the most demanding of these applications, the Nb/Al-oxide/Nb material system has emerged as the system of choice to frequencies of ∼ 700 GHz and beyond. Production of SIS devices requires careful attention to a number of critical microfabrication issues, and I describe here some of the insights gained from developing a process for high-quality niobium trilayers that successfully yielded small-area junctions with unusually low sub-gap leakage current.  相似文献   

Millimeter wave Gunn oscillator circuits using circular waveguides for 33–50 GHz and 75–110 GHz frequency bands are described. These oscillators are simpler to construct at millimeter wavelengths compared to the conventional rectangular waveguide circuits. The effect of various circuit parameters on the oscillator frequency and output power has been experimentally studied. The CW power and mechanical tuning range obtained from the circular waveguide Gunn oscillators are found to be comparable and sometimes even better than those obtained with conventional rectangular waveguide circuits using the same Gunn device.  相似文献   

针对黑障区高速飞行器测控通信研究需求,在激波管设备上开展了Ka波段毫米波与太赫兹波在等离子体中传输特性的实验研究,获得了不同电子密度和碰撞频率的等离子体中传输衰减特性实验数据。采用辅助差分方程的时域有限差分(ADE-FDTD)方法对实验进行了数值模拟,数值模拟结果和实验结果有很好的一致性。实验结果和数值模拟结果均表明:太赫兹波信号在相同的实验等离子体中传输衰减比毫米波信号小得多,具有更强的穿透等离子体能力;毫米波与太赫兹波信号在等离子体中传输衰减量随着等离子体电子密度的增加而增加,二者的差值也增加;太赫兹波能够作为解决高密度等离子体中电磁波传输的有效技术手段。  相似文献   

In this paper the exact analysis on the waveguide junction circulator and Faraday rotator are presented in detail. The correctness of analysis is demonstrated by its successful prediction about the performance of the devices. Many calculation results are presented by comparing with the experimental results. The approaches of expanding bandwidth of devices at W band are stated.  相似文献   

A new millimenter-wave Gunn oscillator is described. The present structure makes use of NRD guide and metal resonant cap. The field expressions and the design considerations of NRD guide are discussed. Some experimental results of 8mm and 6mm band oscillators show that the new Gunn oscillator has a future as an integrated millimeter-wave source.This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China  相似文献   

According to the angular-spectrum method, a radiation beam of an antenna horn in the Fresnal region is decomposed into the plane waves with the fast Fourier transform algorithm and the waves diffracted from a reflection grating are superposed as a diffracted beam. Compared with the reflected beam from the same size mirror, the radiation half width of the diffracted beam from a grating is narrower and its lateral shape is shift. These performances have been experimentally verified at Ka-band by: (1). The relative diffraction efficiencies in the first order with two triangular gratings which is put along propagating direction of a beam produced by a conical lens-horn. (2). H-plane lateral width with power—3dB lapsed of the focus beam from a grating and a mirror in a grating spectrometer for millimeter waves (25–100 GHz).  相似文献   

The rotational spectrum of vinyl acetate has been assigned and measured by millimeter wave absorption free-jet spectroscopy. Only lines of the most stable conformer, the one with the carbonyl oxygen cis with respect to vinyl group and the terminal vinyl carbon trans with respect the acid group, have been observed. The observed species is the most stable one, according to theoretical calculations at the MP2(full)/6-311++G∗∗ level of theory. All rotational lines are split by internal rotation of the methyl group; the value of the barrier for this motion was determined to be V= 1.855(1) kJ mol−1.  相似文献   

Construction details of recently developed mixer for generation of narrow band and continuously tunable submillimeter radiation are reviewed briefly. The measurements indicate the usability of such mixer design for the high resolution spectroscopical work at frequencies close to and above the 1 THz mark.The work described was performed by the author during his stay within Department of Atomic and Molecular Physics of Katholieke Universiteit, Nymegen, The Netherlands under the guidance of Prof.Dr. A. Dymanus.  相似文献   

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