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目的:分析包头市3~5岁儿童龋病患病的相关因素。方法:于包头市随机抽取的10所幼儿园中,随机选择3~5岁儿童496名为研究对象。经口腔医生检查,发现患龋病326例,为病例组,未患龋病170名,为对照组。对两组年龄、性别、每日进零食次数和每日刷牙次数等25项可能与患龋病有关的因素予以调查、记录。以logistic多元回归筛选相关因素。结果:排除进入模型的其他因素混杂作用后,每日进零食次数每增加1次,促进患龋病的危险是原来的1.249倍(OR=1.249>1,其95%可信区间内不包含1,P<0.05);断奶时间≥1岁促进患龋病的危险是<1岁断奶的2.812倍(OR=2.812>1,其95%可信区间内不包含1,P<0.01);而不含奶瓶入睡、睡前不吃零食和不喝碳酸饮料促进患龋病的危险分别是含奶瓶入睡、睡前吃零食和喝碳酸饮料的0.194、0.302和0.031倍(OR分别是0.194、0.302和0.031,均OR<1,其95%可信区间内均不包含1,均P<0.01)。结论:增加进零食次数和断奶时间≥1岁是包头市3~5岁儿童患龋病的危险因素;而不含奶瓶入睡、睡前不吃零食和不喝碳酸饮料为其保护因素。  相似文献   

广州市12岁儿童恒牙龋病影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的研究广州市12岁儿童恒牙龋病状况及其影响因素。方法采用多阶段、分层、等容量、随机抽样的方法,抽取广州市12岁儿童720名,男女各半,进行口腔健康检查和口腔问卷调查。数据采用SPSS13.0统计软件处理,分析12岁儿童恒牙患龋率与影响因素的关系。结果广州市12岁儿童恒牙患龋率为30.1%,女生患龋率高于男生;龋均为0.57。经多因素Logistic逐步回归分析,发现是否独生子女、喝牛奶或酸奶的频率、是否听说过含氟牙膏这3个因素与12岁儿童恒牙龋病显著关联(P〈0.05)。结论非独生子女、没有听说过含氟牙膏是危险因素(OR〉1),儿童恒牙龋病概率大;喝奶频率高是保护因素(OR〈1),这些儿童恒牙龋病概率小。  相似文献   

目的 了解学龄前自闭症儿童龋病的患病情况及其影响因素,为自闭症儿童的龋病防治提供参考依据。方法 参照第4次全国口腔健康流行病学调查标准和方法,对青岛市1所自闭症特殊教育学校270名5岁儿童进行龋病检查,并对其家长进行现场问卷调查,对所得数据进行统计分析。结果 5岁自闭症儿童的乳牙患龋率为64.81%,龋均为3.09±3.41,龋补充填比为27.42%。单因素方差分析显示,调查问卷中的所有因素对患龋率(dmft)均无明显影响(P>0.05);进一步分析各影响因素与有龋率(dt)的关系,每日刷牙总时间越短、晚上刷牙后/睡觉前吃零食喝饮料次数越多,有龋率越高(P<0.05);因龋补牙率(ft)与每日刷牙次数、每日刷牙总时长、家长是否协助刷牙、饭后漱口或刷牙情况相关(P<0.05)。以有龋率为因变量进行多因素Logistic回归分析显示每日刷牙总时间<1 min、经常在晚上刷牙后/睡觉前吃零食喝饮料是自闭症儿童乳牙患龋的危险因素(P<0.05)。结论 5岁自闭症儿童的乳牙患龋率较高,应进一步重视每天的刷牙时长和纠正睡前吃零食习惯;因龋补牙可能是改善自闭症儿童口腔卫...  相似文献   

袁鲜艳 《口腔医学》2020,40(3):255-257
目的了解石河子市3~5岁学龄前儿童龋病流行状况,为预防儿童龋病提供依据。方法利用PPS抽样调查方法,抽取3所幼儿园3~5岁年龄组,每年龄组男女各18人,进行基本信息及牙冠部口腔检查等专业项目调查,结果进行统计分析。结果抽样幼儿园儿童总患龋率63.89%,三个幼儿园儿童患龋率差异无统计学意义(χ^2=2.465,P=0.292),私立幼儿园龋均高于公立幼儿园;三个年龄组患龋率比较差异有统计学意义(χ^2=6.020,P=0.049),患龋率和龋均随着年龄的增加而有所升高;男童和女童患龋率差异无统计学意义(χ^2=0.013,P=0.908),龋均女童高于男童。结论石河子市抽样儿童龋病分布受教育环境影响不大,总患龋率高,患龋年龄低且严重,应提高家长及政府对早期乳牙的关注。  相似文献   

目的:研究东莞市城乡12岁儿童恒牙龋病现状及其行为影响因素,分析两者之间的关系,为东莞市儿童口腔卫生保健工作提供科学依据。方法:采用多阶段、分层、整群、随机抽样的方法,抽取东莞市12岁城乡常住人口604人,检查全口恒牙龋病的患病状况并用问卷调查的方式收集全部受检儿童口腔健康行为等相关因素。结果:东莞市12岁儿童患龋率和龋均分别是40.89%和1.47。Logistic回归分析显示:口腔保健知识掌握越多的儿童其患龋率越低,食用水果的频率越高,儿童患龋率也相应增加。结论:东莞市12岁儿童患龋水平较高,口腔卫生行为较差,口腔保健知识掌握情况是致龋最为重要的影响因素,食用水果的频率是危险因素。  相似文献   

高原地区2—6岁儿童乳牙龋病的调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为掌握高原地区乳牙龋发病规律,我们曾调查海拔4000m以上的青海省果洛地区612名藏汉两民族2~6岁儿童乳牙龋的情况。1 调查对象和方法共调查世居藏族儿童312名(男165名,女147名);移居汉族儿童300名(男158名,女142名),年龄为2~6岁。受检儿童均按《龋病牙周病全国性统计规定调查标准》,只行视诊、探诊检查,未作X线检查,因龋而失或充填者均计算为一个龋齿。2 结果 (表1~3)表1 312名2~6岁藏族儿童乳牙患龋情况年龄(岁)受检人数患龋人数患龋牙数患龋率(%)受检者龋均2681…  相似文献   

目的:了解大连开发区3岁儿童乳牙龋病患病状况及影响因素.方法:采用多阶段、整群随机抽样方法,抽取15所幼儿园里全部3岁儿童进行口腔健康检查和儿童家长的问卷调查.参照世界卫生组织推荐龋病诊断标准,问卷内容包括儿童的基本信息、口腔卫生习惯、饮食习惯,家长的口腔健康知识及口腔健康态度以及社会经济因素.使用SPSS 16.0对数据进行统计分析,计算乳牙龋患病率和龋均.采用卡方检验,独立样本t检验和单因素方差分析以及Logistic回归分析比较组间差异及龋病的影响因素.结果:共有1220名3岁儿童完成口腔健康检查,其中964名儿童家长(79.8%)完成问卷调查.3岁儿童乳牙龋病患病率为62.8%,龋均3.40,龋面均7.34,男女间差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).Logistic回归分析显示儿童摄入甜食和含糖饮料的频率(P<0.05),父母的最高学历水平(P<0.05)与儿童是否患龋相关.结论:大连开发区3岁儿童乳牙龋病患病状况较严重,患龋与进食含糖食物和饮料的频率及家长的教育水平有相关性.  相似文献   

遵义市3~5岁儿童龋病调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1995年我系抽出 6名医师 ;;对具有代表性的遵义地区幼儿园 3~ 5岁儿童龋病进行调查 ;;共查 787人 ;;其中男 42 8人 ;;女 35 9人。调表5 儿童身高与龋病关系身高状况受检人数患龋人数患龋牙数患龋率%龋均上421750.004.25中上2095145.002.55中 1197329661.342.49中-29719781866.332.75中下25714469557.372.77下956328466.322.99合计786488216162.092.75表6 儿童体重与龋病关系体重状况受检人数患龋人数患龋牙数患龋率%龋均上52340.000.60中上23187678.263.30中 1278037162.992.92中-29218177761.992.66中下26816372160.822.69下71442…  相似文献   

南京市12岁儿童第一恒磨牙龋病影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨南京市12岁儿童第一恒磨牙患龋情况及其影响因素。方法:采用随机抽样的方法抽取南京市12岁儿童660名,进行口腔健康检查和口腔问卷调查。数据采用SPSS 13.0统计软件处理,分析12岁儿童第一恒磨牙患龋率与影响因素的关系。结果:南京市12岁儿童第一恒磨牙患龋率31.1%,男生患龋率29.6%,女生患龋率32.2%。Logistic回归分析显示,饮用碳酸饮料和第一恒磨牙是否做过窝沟封闭这两个因素与12岁儿童第一恒磨牙患龋有显著关联(OR>1)。结论:碳酸饮料是龋病的危险因素,做窝沟封闭可以降低患龋的危险性。  相似文献   

Abstract— Before the Act of Free Trade was passed in 1856, dental caries was negligible on the Faeroe Islands. In 1936–37 a survey revealed an increasing prevalence of caries in urban compared with rural areas. The present study was undertaken in order to investigate the prevalence of dental caries among Faeroese children aged 5–13 years in relation to degree of urbanization and presence of a regular School Dental Service. Every third child was selected by a systematic sampling procedure from the total population of children aged 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13 years. 88% of the intended sample was examined in school dental clinics by one dentist according to standardized criteria. It was not possible to demonstrate any differences in mean DMFS and dmfs between children according to degree of urbanization and presence of regular School Dental Service. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the School Dental Service as practiced at the moment is unable to reduce the amount of unfilled teeth. The very high prevalence of caries, especially in the primary dentition, is discussed in relation to planning of future dental health services on the Faeroe Islands.  相似文献   

In many Western societies caries experience in children has decreased substantially in areas both with and without organized preventive programs or water fluoridation. In the majority of studies reporting declining caries activity, cross-sectional data of the same age groups are compared. The purpose of the present study is to provide longitudinal data on the progress of dental caries in permanent first molars. 252 caries-active children, initially 8-yr old, were followed up from 1979 to 1983. At all three examinations lower socioeconomic (SES) children had a significantly higher caries experience than children the same age in middle and high SES classes. The D2MF-S counts did not change between age 8 and 10, but increased steeply between 10 and 12 yr of age. The D3MF-S counts, on the other hand, rose steadily in all SES classes. The phenomenon was caused by the progression of enamel lesions to dentinal lesions or fillings, leading to a concomitant decrease in the curves of incipient caries lesions (D2). The rise from age 10 to 12 is attributable to new developing enamel lesions. With regard to predilection sites, at all ages and in every SES class, the highest proportion of both indices was due to lesions in occlusal surfaces, followed by buccal and lingual pits and fissures. The approximal sites were the least affected.  相似文献   

上海5岁儿童乳牙患龋状况及危险因素分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
冯靳秋  沈庆平  米君国 《口腔医学》2009,29(12):652-655
目的了解上海5岁儿童龋病流行情况及易感因素。方法对上海市15所幼儿园1478名5岁幼儿进行口腔检查,对患龋高危儿童和无龋儿童家长进行问卷调查,应用χ2检验筛选出乳牙龋病易感者的相关因素,进行Logistic回归分析。结果①5岁儿童无龋率为33.58%,33.21%儿童dmft≥6,这部分龋高发儿童龋、失、补牙数之和占总龋、失、补牙数之和的75.53%,患龋状况呈明显的两极化分布。②睡前进食甜食、家长是否监督或帮助刷牙在两组儿童间有显著性差异(P<0.01);父母口腔健康知识态度、父母受教育程度、牛奶加糖、开始刷牙年龄、进食甜食频率亦有统计学差异(P<0.05);而是否早产、孕期患病、喂养方式、刷牙频率、是否使用含氟牙膏因素在两组间无统计学差异(P>0.05)。③Logistic回归分析结果显示,乳牙龋与父母口腔健康知识态度、睡前进食甜食、开始刷牙年龄、父母受教育程度、家长监督/帮助刷牙有关。结论加强对父母口腔健康知识的宣传、刷牙指导,限制糖的摄入及避免不当进糖方式对预防乳牙龋极为重要。  相似文献   

目的:了解幼儿龋病的影响因素,为开展儿童龋病的防治工作提供科学依据。方法:采用分层整群抽样方法选取长春地区2~6岁幼儿1200名进行龋齿筛查并对其家长进行相关因素问卷调查。结果:多因素条件Logistic回归分析,筛选出8个与儿童乳牙患龋率有关的因素,其中每日刷牙次数、餐后漱口、睡前吃零食、喜吃甜食、服用钙剂情况、家长对口腔健康的态度与幼儿龋病有高度相关(p<0.01),母亲文化程度、母乳喂养情况也有相关(p<0.05)。而出生体重、使用含氟牙膏与幼儿龋病无相关(p>0.05)。结论:影响学龄前儿童乳牙患龋的主要因素有儿童的饮食及生活习惯、家长对口腔保健的态度等。  相似文献   

780名5岁儿童乳牙患龋情况调查分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
目的了解四川省5岁儿童乳牙患龋情况,为制定龋病防治规划提供参考依据。方法根据世界卫生组织《口腔健康调查基本方法》(第4版),参照第三次全国口腔健康流行病学抽样调查方案,在四川省3个城市、3个农村随机抽样选取调查点,共调查780名5岁儿童的患龋情况,并将调查结果与第二次全国口腔健康流行病学抽样调查结果进行比较。结果四川省5岁儿童乳牙患龋率为58.72%,龋均为2.77,龋齿充填率为2.32%;乳牙患龋率和龋均在男性和女性、城市和农村儿童之间的差异均不具有统计学意义,而乳牙龋齿充填率则存在性别和地区间的差异。与第二次全国口腔健康流行病学抽样调查结果相比,四川省5岁儿童乳牙患龋率和龋均的差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),而龋齿充填率有所下降(P<0.05)。结论四川省5岁儿童乳牙龋齿患病率仍然较高,而龋齿充填率相对较低,今后儿童龋病防治工作应加强乳牙保健的口腔卫生宣传教育,提高家长对乳牙龋充填重要性的认识,促进乳牙的治疗。  相似文献   

Abstract – 39 children were studied longitudinally at the age of 2, 3, and 4 yr for the colonization of S. mutans in plaque and saliva and for caries experience. S. mutans was found in 38% of the children, and the predominant serotype group was c/e/f. A total of 16 children got caries before the age of 4. Children who harbored S. mutans in their plaque at the age of 2, appeared to be the most caries-active individuals. Their caries index values (number of decayed, missed and filled surfaces, dmfs = 10.6±5.3) at the age of 4 differed significantly from the values of children who harbored S. mutans later (dmfs = 3.4±1.8,P<0.005) or remained free from S. mutans infection (dmfs = 0.3±1.1, P<0.0003). It was thus concluded that the early establishment of S. mutans in the plaque of primary incisors indicated early and extensive caries attack in young primary dentition.  相似文献   

The study aimed to investigate caries prevalence in children using a severity grading diagnostic system, and to evaluate the influence of different diagnostic thresholds on the caries data. A group of 513 children, aged 5, 12 and 18 years, were examined clinically, and with available bitewing radiographs, by four calibrated examiners. The inter- and intra-examiner reliability, assessed by a weighted kappa, varied between 0.80 and 0.95. The mean dmft/DMFT values were 3.8, 5.8 and 11.0 for the three age groups respectively, and the corresponding dmfs/DMFS values were 5.4, 9.9 and 22.6. The d/D-component constituted the major part of the dmf/DMF index in all age groups, and enamel lesions accounted for 59%, 89% and 86% of the d/D-component in the three age groups respectively. It is concluded that enamel or initial caries lesions contributed substantially to the total caries prevalence, illustrating the importance of using diagnostic criteria that include all stages of clinical caries if a total picture of the caries situation is needed.  相似文献   

Abstract – Objectives: To assess the relationship between parents’ dental attitudes and the caries increment in their children from the age of 3 to 5 years. Methods: Data based on parental questionnaires and dental examinations were collected from children participating in a follow‐up study from age 3 years (n = 354) in 2002 to 5 years (n = 304) in 2004. The children were categorized as western‐native (WN) and immigrants (IM). The items used were significantly related to caries experience in a multicentre study [ 1 Community Dent Health, vol. 21, pp. 121–30]. The responses to attitudinal items were weighted as positive if they would promote good dental health, and negative if not. Composite attitudinal variables relating to hygiene, diet and indulgence were calculated as a summation of the weighted responses to selected items. Regression analyses (bivariate and multiple) were performed to assess associations during the period between the attitudinal predictors/other control variables and caries increment (Δd3‐5mfs). Results: Bivariate logistic regression analyses revealed that ‘Attitude to Diet’ and ‘Parental Indulgence’ were clearly related to caries increment. The more exposed children were to negative parental attitudes, the higher the OR. ‘Attitude to Diet’ also persisted in a multiple logistic regression model, showing a higher OR value than caries experience. ‘Immigrant Status’ was the most potent predictor of caries increment. Parents were found to be more indulgent among IM than among WN groups. Conclusion: Parental dental attitudes are clearly shown to be associated with caries increment in early childhood. The relationship is of such strength that it deserves to be taken into account in future preventive dental strategies.  相似文献   

The dentitions of 499 white preschoolchildren aged 1-5 years from a low fluoride area were examined with mirror and probe. The dmft values ranged from 1.0 +/- 2.0 at 1 year of age to 5.1 +/- 4.5 at 5 years of age while the overall mean for the group was 3.7 +/- 4.1. "Rampant" caries prevalence varied according to the definition used. It is suggested that for epidemiologic studies rampant caries should be defined as a dmft value of 5 or more and that labial caries should be regarded as a specific entity.  相似文献   

目的 了解广州市儿童第一恒磨牙患龋影响因素,为制定儿童龋病防治行为干预策略提供依据.方法 采用多阶段分层随机整群抽样方法,抽取广州市12个区(县级市)149所小学18656名五、六年级学生为研究对象,进行口腔健康检查及问卷调查,调查时间为2014年9月.结果 18656名儿童第一恒磨牙患龋率为18.19%,女生患龋率为19.96%,高于男生(16.71%),差异有统计学意义(x2=32.817,P<0.001).采用广义混合线性模型,在控制学校聚集性及其他影响因素后,城乡、性别、是否做过窝沟封闭以及饮用甜牛奶、糖果/巧克力的食用频率5个因素入选模型,是龋齿发生的独立影响因素(P<0.01);城乡、性别、是否做过窝沟封闭、糖果/巧克力食用频率与龋均有关联(P<0.05).结论 学龄儿童口腔健康教育应关注糖果/巧克力等高糖食品消费,关注城乡差异,同时,加大窝沟封闭项目宣传力度,提高公众知晓率;严格项目管理,提高封闭质量,保证防龋效果.  相似文献   

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