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The weak probe field spectrum of a three-level atom, in the ladder configuration, is obtained. The lower transition of atom is coupled with squeezed vacuum, while the upper transition is coupled to coherent cavity mode and a bath. In this paper, the effect of the various quantities (detuning, decay rates) on the absorption spectrum is investigated.  相似文献   

Employing the quantum Hamiltonian describing the interaction of a two-mode light (signal–idler modes) generated by a non-degenerate parametric oscillator (NDPO) with two uncorrelated squeezed vacuum reservoirs (USVR), we derive the master and the Fokker–Planck equations. The corresponding Fokker–Planck equation for the Q-function is then solved employing a propagator method developed by K. Fesseha [J. Math. Phys. 33 2179 (1992)]. Making use of this Q-function, we calculate the quadrature fluctuations of the optical system. From these results we infer that the signal–idler modes are in squeezed states. When the NDPO operates below threshold we show that, for a large squeezing parameter, a squeezing amounting to a noise suppression approaching 100% below the vacuum level in one of the quadratures can be achieved.  相似文献   

It is shown that the injection of a squeezed vacuum into a correlated emission ring laser gyroscope enhances the sensitivity of the device. In particular, it is demonstrated that if the phase of the injected squeezed vacuum is chosen appropriately, then the output is squeezed in the phase quadrature. This may lead to complete suppression of the shot noise in the signal.  相似文献   

一种轮询周期受限的EPON双级动态带宽分配算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李莉莉  符建  张汛 《光电工程》2006,33(9):110-114
提出一种新的EPON上行带宽分配算法——轮询周期受限的双级动态带宽分配算法。这种算法结合用户等级协定和DiffServ的特点,采用周期受限的轮询方法和双级的带宽分配方式,在OLT端根据ONUi提供的业务队列情况对业务量进行估算,并授权带宽给ONUi,ONUi根据实际的业务量进行再分配。仿真结果表明,这种算法实现了高的带宽利用率,与DBAM相比有效地提高了EPON的QoS。  相似文献   


In this paper, we shall examine a generalized version of the Jaynes-Cummings model in which a two-level atom moves in a lossless cavity and is coupled to multichromatic waves with general frequencies and coupling constants. We shall show that both the motion of the atom and the photon conversion between multichromatic waves are dynamically correlated. Using the semiclassical approximations introduced in a previous paper, we obtain the equations which describe the dynamics of this quantum system and discuss the solutions in several special cases. In particular, we point out that the motion of the atom may be controlled by the electromagnetic modes, and vice versa, that is the amplitudes and phases of the electromagnetic fields in the cavity may also be determined by the position of the atom.  相似文献   

Based on the two-mode squeezing operator which is the quantum version of the symplectic transformation, we find that the corresponding squeezed two-mode number state is just a two-variable Hermite polynomial excited state, which possesses well-behaved features, e.g. its Wigner function is a direct product of two Laguerre polynomials; its Husimi function, a Gaussian broaden version of the Wigner function, is related to two-variable Hermite polynomials. Moreover, its quantum statistical features, such as squeezing properties and the inter-mode photon bunching, are discussed.  相似文献   

We have studied the case in which one mode of the light field in the two-mode squeezed vacuum state evolves in a diffusion channel. By virtue of thermo-entangled state representation and the technique of integration within an ordered product, the evolution formula of the field density operator is given. Its non-classical properties, such as squeezing effect, antibunching effect, the violation of Cauchy–Schwartze inequality and the entanglement property between two modes, are studied. The influences of the squeezing parameter and the dissipation time on the non-classical properties are discussed. The results obtained by the numerical method show that its non-classical properties are all weakened with the dissipation. On the other hand, its squeezing effect and the entanglement property between two modes are strengthened, but its antibunching effect and the violation of Cauchy–Schwartze inequality are weakened with the increase of the squeezing parameter.  相似文献   

In this paper, we first study the interaction between a trapped two-level ion with a field reservoir in a general form. Then, we use thermal and squeezed vacuum reservoirs to continue our investigation. We try to find the equation of motion for the whole system density operator by applying the Weisskopf theory. Next, we evaluate the explicit form of the density matrix elements analytically. In the obtained density matrix elements, we arrive at some physical parameters of the trapped ion system as well as the applied field reservoirs by which one can control the transition probabilities between the trapped ionic states. We also introduce some hermitian operators for the trapped ion system and calculate the expectation values of their time evolution by considering the mentioned two reservoirs. In the continuation, we design a system for measuring the hermitian trapped ion’s operators theoretically. Finally, we find a way to transport the information of the trapped ion system by our proposed quantum processor.  相似文献   

Korb CL  Weng CY 《Applied optics》2004,43(18):3747-3751
A technique that uses a single effective frequency to represent the effects of finite spectral bandwidth for active and passive measurements centered on an absorption line, a trough region, or a slowly varying spectral feature is described. For Gaussian and rectangular instrumental line shapes, the effective frequency is shown to have a simple form that depends only on the instrumental line shape and bandwidth and not on the absorption line profile. The technique is applicable to a large class of active and passive measurements and simulations in both the laboratory and the atmosphere. Simulations show that the technique yields accuracies better than 0.1% for bandwidths less than 0.2 times the atmospheric linewidth for a rectangular line shape or better than 0.2% for a Gaussian.  相似文献   

C. Garion 《Vacuum》2009,84(1):274-276
Modern particle accelerators require UHV conditions during their operation. In the accelerating cavities, breakdowns can occur, releasing large amount of gas into the vacuum chamber. To determine the pressure profile along the cavity as a function of time, the time-dependent behaviour of the gas has to be simulated. To do that, it is useful to apply accurate three-dimensional method, such as Test Particles Monte Carlo. In this paper, a time-dependent Test Particles Monte Carlo is used. It has been implemented in a Finite Element code, CASTEM. The principle is to track a sample of molecules during time. The complex geometry of the cavities can be created either in the FE code or in a CAD software (CATIA in our case). The interface between the two softwares to export the geometry from CATIA to CASTEM is given. The algorithm of particle tracking for collisionless flow in the FE code is shown. Thermal outgassing, pumping surfaces and electron and/or ion stimulated desorption can all be generated as well as different surface properties. The method is used to determine the pressure profile after breakdown in the Compact Linear Collider accelerating structures. Preliminary results are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

The dynamic response of the inversion in a two-level atom to single-mode squeezed states of the radiation field is examined. Depending on the direction of squeezing, an increase or decrease in the collapse time is demonstrated. A number of additional departures from the response of the atom to a coherent field are noted. In particular, for certain squeezed states the response of the atom is similar to that expected for chaotic radiation.  相似文献   


We investigate the spectrum of light emitted by a two-level atom interacting with another two-level atom inside an ideal cavity within the frame of generalized Jaynes-Cummings model. The influence of various ratios of the coupling constants of the atoms to the field on the spectrum of the emitted light is studied in detail for the case when the atoms are supposed to be initially in the excited state and the field in a Fock state as well as their superposition.  相似文献   


We investigate atomic motion in the standing-wave field of a cavity driven by coherent light plus broad-band-squeezed vacuum. We assume the bad-cavity limit and adiabatically eliminate the cavity mode, deriving a master equation for the atomic variables alone. From this master equation we study the (one-dimensional) atomic motion both in the semiclassical approximation and using quantum Monte Carlo wavefunction simulations. The light force and momentum diffusion are shown to be strongly dependent on the relative phase between the coherent and squeezed fields and, using a dressedstate analysis, we identify observable effects unique to the reduced quantum noise that characterizes squeezed-vacuum light.  相似文献   

原子光刻用超高真空蒸发设备的设计和建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
原子光刻是原子光学在微细加工技术领域的新应用。在对各种材料和真空泵性能综合考虑的基础上,设计并建立了一台用于原子光刻的超高真空蒸发设备。主要设计参数为:极限真空度和工作真空度分别为2.0?0-6 Pa 和1.0?0-5 Pa,原子源温度在300~1850范围内连续可调。初步运行结果表明极限真空度优于设计参数,温度连续可调。  相似文献   

Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 7, p. 26, July, 1991.  相似文献   


We have investigated the spectrum of light emitted by a single atom interacting with a single mode of the radiation field in an ideal cavity filled with a Kerr-like medium. It is shown that owing to the Kerr-like nonlinearity in the system the spectrum of the emitted light exhibits a single-peaked structure for sufficiently high intensities of the initial coherent field instead of the triplet structure in the case of the standard Jaynes-Cummings model.  相似文献   

The frequency dependence of the electron-paramagnon spectrumP() in Pd is calculated within the finite bandwidth model. It is found that for an almost full band, the magnitude, the range, and the position of the peak frequency inP() are dramatically reduced compared to their values in the usual paramagnon theory. Also, we find that the frequency dependence of the spin-fluctuation contribution to the electron self-energy is strongly affected by a close proximity of the Fermi level to the top of the band. We speculate that an unusually large value of the Coulomb pseudopotential is probably partially responsible for the absence of superconductivity in Pd.  相似文献   

We discuss the generation and evolution of a macroscopic entanglement light with a subthreshold non-degenerate parametric oscillator, coupled to a vacuum reservoir. The four-level atoms driven by two classical fields interact with the parametric oscillator. The master equation for the cavity modes of the scheme is derived and analyzed, the entanglement properties of the two-mode light generated by this scheme inside and outside the cavity is studied. We show that the light produced by this system is strongly entangled with time evolution inside and outside a cavity.  相似文献   

Néel N  Kröger J  Berndt R 《Nano letters》2011,11(9):3593-3596
The conductance of a single-molecule junction in a low-temperature scanning tunneling microscope has been measured at nanosecond time resolution. In a transition region between tunneling and contact the conductance exhibits rapid two-level fluctuations which are attributed to different geometries of the junction. The voltage dependence of the fluctuations indicates that electrons injected into the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital may efficiently couple to molecular vibrations.  相似文献   


Some non-classical properties such as squeezing, sub-Poissonian photon statistics or oscillations in photon-number distributions may survive longer in a phase-sensitive environment than in a phase-insensitive environment. We examine if entanglement, which is an inter-mode non-classical feature, can also survive longer in a phase-sensitive environment. Differently from the single-mode case, we find that making the environment phase-sensitive does not aid in prolonging the inter-mode non-classical nature, i.e. entanglement.  相似文献   

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