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核孔膜测定液体粘滞系数的各种方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭士伦 Ganz  M 《核技术》1991,14(7):436-438

Shear viscosity (η) is a basic transport coefficient of the medium.In this work,we calculate shear viscosity to entropy density ratio (η/S) of an equilibrated system in intermediate energy heavy ion collisions within the framework of the Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck model (BUU) model.After the equilibration of Au + Au system at central collision in a fixed volume is reached,temperature,pressure and energy density are extracted by the phase space information and then η/S is calculated using the Green-Kubo for...  相似文献   

Apparent softening of the symmetry energy with the inclusion of hyperon and quark degrees of freedom is demonstrated by the fact that the phase transition causes the change of the interaction and the suppression of nucleon fractions. The demonstration is fulfilled in the relativistic mean-field model.  相似文献   

Alternative versions of the ZM model are xtended to asymmetric nuclear matter by including ρ meson degree of freedom in the Lagrangian ,The extended models are then used to study the thermodynamical properties of asymmetric nuclear matter at finite temperature.The critical temperature for a liquid-gas phase transition in nuclear matter and its dependence on asymmetry parameter are calculated,The liniting temperature Tlim,which reflects Coulomb instability of hot nuclei,is studied.The calculated results are compared with that given by the original ZM model.  相似文献   

The equation of state of symmetric nuclear matter is studied with an equivalent mass model. The equivalent mass of a nucleon has been expanded to order 4 in density. We first determine the first-order expansion coefficient in the quantum hadron dynamics, then calculate the coefficients of the second to fourth order for the given binding energy and incompressibility at the normal nuclear saturation density. It is found that there appears a density isomeric state if the incompressibility is smaller than a critical value. The model dependence of the conclusion has also been checked by varying the first-order coefficient.  相似文献   

Assessing the retention of aerosol particles in the human lung, one of the most important pathways of absorption, is a demanding issue. At present, there is no direct biomarker of exposure for the respiratory system. The collection of exhaled breath condensate (EBC) constitutes a new non-invasive method for sampling from the lung. However, the heterogeneity of the sample due to particulate matter suspended in the condensed phase may influence the quality of analytical results in occupational assessments.The main objective of the study was to confirm the presence of particulate matter in the condensate, to investigate how large the particles in suspension could be and to determine their elemental contents relative to those of EBC matrix.This paper reports on preliminary nuclear microprobe data of particulate matter in EBC. The sizes and the elemental contents of particles suspended in EBC of workers of a lead processing industry and in EBC of non-exposed individuals were inspected. Results demonstrated that EBC of workers contain large aerosol particles, isolated and in agglomerates, contrasting with non-exposed individuals. The particles contained high concentrations of Cl, Ca, Zn and Pb that are elements associated to the production process. These elements were also present in the EBC matrix although in much lower levels, suggesting that a fraction of the inhaled particulate matter was solubilised or their size-ranges were below the nuclear microprobe resolution. Therefore, the morphological characterization of individual particles achieved with nuclear microprobe techniques helped describing EBC constituents in detail, to comprehend their origin and enabled to delineate methodological procedures that can be recommended in occupational assessments. These aspects are critical to the validation of EBC as a biomarker of exposure to metals for the respiratory system.  相似文献   

吴和宇  戴光曦 《核技术》1995,18(9):538-542
建立了用出射运动学测量级联事件时间差的“核时钟”方法。不同级联出射道的粒子之间的互相作用,使出射粒子在出射的过程中改变出射方向。以质量对称三分裂为例,给出角关联函数谱的形状随出射粒子的发射时间差变化而变化。  相似文献   

核分析相关技术用于上海市大气污染特征研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文研究了近年来上海市区和郊区大气气溶胶颗粒物的污染状况,采用的多种核分析方法及相关技术有质子激发X荧光分析(PIXE)、激光粒径谱仪(LPS)、同步辐射X射线吸收精细结构(XAFS)和扩展X射线吸收谱精细结构(EXAFS)分析等先进技术.充分发挥核分析技术高灵敏度、快速无损、多元素微量微区同时分析的优势,从大气颗粒物的形貌特征、粒径分布、质量浓度、元素浓度、化学价态等入手,对上海大气可吸入颗粒物PM23和PM1o展开多方位的综合研究.  相似文献   

Some specified chips in traditional Manchester-Ⅱencoding/decoding designs are used to guarantee strictly the stability of the input wave,otherwise the capacity of anti-interference and resilience are degraded seriously.In this paper,a new Manchester-Ⅱencoding/ decoding system is used for nuclear logging by a 7 000 m armoring cable.A thorough hardware wave tracking decoding algorithm is proposed and realized in a FPGA hardware chip.An on-site measurements show that this transmission system can decode correctly in real time,with a bit error rate of better than 10-10.  相似文献   

Some years ago Professor Guillermo Velarde visited his good friend Academician Nicolai G. Basov, Nobel Prize in Physics and Director of the Lebedev Institute, and discussed the possibility of publishing a book on the History of the Inertial Confinement Nuclear fusion to be written by its Pioneers. They thought that only the own Pioneers could focus the book on a realistic and truthful manner.The years passed and unfortunately on July 1, 2001, Nicolai G. Basov passed away. In June 2002 Professor Velarde was invited to Moscow to give a Memorial lecture on Academician Basov in the Academy of Sciences. There in Moscow, Professors Vladislav Rozanov, Sergey Guskov, Natividad Carpintero-Santamaría and Guillermo Velarde decided to carry on with the project.Unfortunately, it was time to close the deadlines and the chapter of Academician Robert Dautray, former Haut-Commissaire of the CEA was not received. We regretted very much that the contribution of this very relevant Pioneer to the ICF is not included in the book. We did not receive also any material from Professor Edouard Fabre from the Ecole Polytechnique.The absence of the contributions of Nicolai G. Basov and Edward Teller was very significant. All of us would like that this ICENES 2013, hosted by the Institute of Nuclear Fusion, could be a posthumous tribute to these two outstanding Pioneers as well as a tribute to all of them.  相似文献   

电离辐射对超支化不饱和聚酯酰胺特性粘数的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用马来酸酐和二乙醇胺采用“两步法”合成了超支化聚酯酰胺,研究了电离辐射对超支化聚合物特性粘数的影响。研究表明,电离辐射对超支化聚合物的特性粘数有影响。不同分子量的聚合物溶液辐照时,有的特性粘数上升,有的下降。而本体辐照时超支化聚合物的特性粘数随吸收剂量增加而下降,并分析了造成特性粘数下降的原因。  相似文献   

The potential market for desalination industry is forecasted in China for a long term. A co-generation policy is proposed in power production and desalination. It has been predicted that the desalination would become a huge industry in China provided that the technology of desalination is improved and fresh water cost reduced to a certain Ievel accepted by Chinese residents.  相似文献   

It is not simple to solve the problem of competitiveness of nuclear power technologies in evolutionary upgrading the conventional nuclear power plants (NPP) such as light water reactors (LWR), which requires high expenditure for safety. Moreover, the existing LWRs cannot provide nuclear power (NP) for a long time (hundreds of years) because the efficiency of use of natural uranium is low and closing the nuclear fuel cycle (NFC) for those reactors is not expedient.The highlighted problem can be solved in the way of use of innovative nuclear power technology in which natural uranium power potential is used effectively and the intrinsic conflict between economic and safety requirements has been essentially mitigated.The technology that is most available and practically demonstrated is the use of reactors SVBR-100 — small power multi-purpose modular fast reactors (100 MWe) cooled by lead-bismuth coolant (LBC). This technology has been mastered for nuclear submarines’ reactors in Russia.High technical and economical parameters of the NPP based on RF SVBR-100 are determined from the fact that the potential energy stored in LBC per a volume unit is the lowest.The compactness of the reactor facility SVBR-100 that results from integral arrangement of the primary circuit equipment allows realizing renovation of power-units LWRs, the vessels’ lifetime of which has been expired. So due to this fact, high economical efficiency can be obtained.The paper also validates the economical advantage of launching the uranium-fueled fast reactors with further changeover to the closed NFC with use of plutonium extracted from the own spent nuclear fuel in comparison with launching fast reactors directly with on uranium-plutonium fuel on the basis of plutonium extraction from spent nuclear fuel of LWRs.  相似文献   

The article devoted to assessment of present-day demand to nuclear data for transmutation problem, including the discussion of required accuracies, status and perspectives of nuclear data evaluation and development of nuclear models. The effect of nuclear data uncertainties on radiation damage of structural materials is discussed. An analysis of ISTC projects related to nuclear data measurement and evaluation is presented. The recommendations for differential, integral experiments and recommendations on the evaluated data preparation are presented.  相似文献   

BaTiO3中存在极化团簇已经被大量实验所证明,并且极化团簇的空间、时间信息以及随温度的演化信息对介电性质有着重要影响。因此探测BaTiO3中极化团簇的相关信息对于理解其功能和揭示相变机理具有重要意义。本实验利用光子相关谱方法,在精确温控的条件下,观测到BaTiO3中300nm周期长程极化团簇微秒量级的特征弛豫时间τc,并揭示了该时间在TC附近4K温度范围内变化的细节特征。实验表明光子关联谱是研究铁电动力学的有效方法。  相似文献   

Identification of nuclear pulse signal is of importance in radioactive measurements,especially in recognizing adjacent overlapping nuclear pulses.In this article,we propose an estimation method for parameters of typical overlapping nuclear pulse signals.First,the nuclear pulses are regarded as individual genes and the norm is set as the fitness function.Second,the global optimal solution is found by searching the population of genetic algorithm,so as to estimate the parameters of nuclear pulse.With high precision,this method can identify parameters of overlapping nuclear pulses in the Sallen-Key Gaussian signal decomposition experiments.This pulse recognition method is of great significance to improve the precision of radioactive measurement and is suitable for serious overlap of nuclear pluses.  相似文献   

李文罡  陈绍亮 《核技术》2002,25(5):388-392
双核素技术在核心脏病学中的应用使其可以同时进行负荷和静息状态显像。或在同种生理状态下获得灌注和代谢显像图像等不同临床意义的资料。本文就双核素在心脏病诊断中的临床应用及其散谢校正进行了阐述。  相似文献   

许国基  郝秀红 《核技术》1995,18(6):352-357
介绍了核靶厚度的在线控制和离线控制技术,在线控制包括石英晶体膜厚计法,时间法和计算法,离线控制有天平称重法,α测厚仪和分光光度计法。  相似文献   

All the civil nuclear energy systems could contribute to the proliferation risk that weapons-usable material might be diverted or misused for the weapons purpose by terrorists or states. Proliferation-resistant nuclear energy systems are of great importance for the peaceful use of nuclear energy by impeding the diversion or undeclared production of weapons-usable material by states. Since the National Alternative Systems Assessment Program (NASAP) carried out the assessment of proliferation resistance of the civil nuclear energy systems in late 1970s, several comprehensive studies have been performed, including the International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation (INFCE) by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the Spent Fuel Standard by the United States National Academy of Science, the Technical Opportunities for Increasing the Proliferation Resistance of Global Civilian Nuclear Power Systems (TOPS) by the United States Department of Energy, the International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO) Methodology by the IAEA, and the Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems (Gen IV) by the Gen IV International Forum. However, all these studies appear lack in the interpretation of country-specific proliferation risk that is arbitrary imposed to the specific countries by major nuclear weapons states, even though the countries are members of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). This paper outlines the assessments of proliferation resistance of the above studies, points out the country-specific proliferation risk, and suggests further studies to increase the proliferation resistance of the civil nuclear energy systems in the specific NPT member countries such as South Korea.  相似文献   

With many advantages, hydrogen is considered as the fuel of the future. But there is no natural resource of hydrogen and it must be produced by other kinds of energy. As for the primary energy, nuclear energy is a promising alternative. Using heat from nuclear reactor to produce hydrogen is receiving more and more concerns in recent years. This paper mainly emphasizes the study of the direct contact pyrolysis (DCP) of methane using heat from nuclear reactor. A facility was designed to investigate the efficiency of DCP process in certain conditions. The experimental results show that this process produces only hydrogen and carbon. The conversion efficiency increases with temperature and residence time, but decreases as flow rate increases. The highest efficiency of DCP obtained in this exoedment is about 22%.  相似文献   

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