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In this paper it will be shown that an atom interferometer, based on the coherent splitting of the atomic wavefunction by four travelling waves (Ramsey interferometer), may be explained by a purely mechanical interpretation. As our first application of this Ramsey interferometer we have measured the phase shifts respectively optical length changes in a magnesium atomic beam caused by the acceleration of the partial atomic wave in one arm of the interferometer. This acceleration was achieved by the dipole force exerted by an off-resonant crossing laser beam which interacted with the ground state part of the wavefunction only. Further applications of this interferometer and improvements due to laser cooling will be discussed.  相似文献   

A very simple and stable interferometer using a single optical element - a beam-splitter cube - is presented. The device resembles a two-arm interferometer in which the arms are together in one collimated beam, and the two beam halves interfere with the help of the beam-splitter cube. The proposed device produces simultaneously two interferograms with a relative phase-shift of π (rad). Since the period of straight interference fringes can be stably controlled, the device has potential application in spatial-carrier interferometry and for flexible writing of fiber Bragg gratings.  相似文献   

A loss-compensated recirculating delayed self-heterodyne interferometer (LC-RDSHI) for laser linewidth measurement is theoretically analyzed. An analytical result for the output spectrum of the LC-RDSHI is obtained. It is found that the spectrum from a LC-RDSHI is equivalent to a spectrum from a conventional delayed self-heterodyne interferometer with equivalent time delay and frequency shift, but modified by a periodical function, which could significantly influence the laser linewidth measurement. The parameters of a LC-RDSHI must be optimized to permit an accurate and direct measurement of laser linewidth from the output spectrum.  相似文献   

Velocity sensitive stimulated Raman transitions have been used to measure the gravitational acceleration, g, of laser cooled sodium atoms in an atomic fountain geometry. By using an improved scheme to drive the Raman transitions, we have demonstrated a resolution of 3×10–8 g after 2×103 seconds of integration time. In addition to presenting recent experimental results, we review the theory of stimulated Raman transitions as it applies to atom interferometers and discuss the prospects of an atom interferometer-based gravimeter with better than 10–10 g absolute accuracy.  相似文献   

We describe preliminary experimental results concerning the operation of a 3 m arm-length Michelson interferometer with two Fabry-Perot cavities whose mirrors and beam splitter are suspended independently by wires. The reflected light beams from the two Fabry-Perot cavities are recombined to obtain interference at a photo-detector; this scheme is necessary for future power-recycled laser interferometers used to detect gravitational waves. The fundamental properties of the interferometer are presented, including the power spectral density of the displacement noise.  相似文献   

We report on the possibility to measure the wave-lengths of pulsed single-mode lasers by means of a two-beam Michelson interferometer in motion [1,2]. The corner reflector moves with a nearly constant speed creating a path differenceL so thatL/C 1/, being the spectral width of the laser to be measured. The reference laser is a stabilized He-Ne (Spectra-Physics, model 117 A) to a precision of the order of two parts in 109. The fringe pattern of the two beams (reference beam and measured beam) is sampled simultaneously with a repetition rate of 40 ms. With this new method, the frequency doubled injection-seeded Nd: YAG laser wavelength has been measured with an accuracy of the order of 1.5 in 1083 × 10–4 cm–1 at 532nm.  相似文献   

We propose using the Ti XXI He- emission line to resonantly photo-pump Li-like Mo (Z=42) and produce lasing on several n=5 n=4 transitions near 24 Å. The continuum emission from Ti photoionizes the Mo to the Li-like isoelectronic sequence. Gains of 1–2 cm–1 are calculated on these lines before the inclusion of Stark broadening which lowers the gain by as much as a factor of two.  相似文献   

We present a novel scheme for reducing the AC Stark effect in optical-microwave double-resonance spectroscopy and its application for efficient suppression of the light-shift-related instabilities in laser-pumped gas-cell atomic clocks. The method uses a multi-frequency pump light field that can be easily produced by frequency modulation of the single-frequency pump laser. We show theoretically that variations of the light shift with both laser frequency and light intensity can be strongly suppressed with properly chosen pump light spectra. Suitable modulation parameters can be found for both the case of pure frequency modulation as well as for pump light spectra showing amplitude-modulation contributions, as usually found for current modulation of diode lasers. We experimentally demonstrate the method for a Rb atomic clock using a frequency-modulated distributed Bragg-reflector laser diode as pump light source.  相似文献   

Superradiant transitions were observed between high lying levels in Sr. The transitions react very sensitively to an external electric field. Superradiant cascades or one transition in a superradiant branching can be suppressed. The square root of the high of a superradiant pulse decreases with the second power of the electric field strength. This behaviour can be explained by calculations.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Herbert Welling on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

A technique is presented for determining the frequency modulation transfer function of a laser. The method is based on a Mach–Zehnder interferometer, with a significant difference in the optical path lengths of the two arms. A frequency-modulated laser beam incident on the interferometer produces a phase-modulated photocurrent signal with an effective modulation index that is related to the amplitude of the optical frequency modulation. Techniques for determining both the amplitude and the phase of the optical frequency modulation from the photocurrent signal are described.  相似文献   

By using a Q-switched YAG Laser and a optical path delay set-up, we study the process in whith a laser induces breakdown to produce plasma in air, and obtain time-resolved Mach-Zehnder interferograms and optical shadowgrams of the initial stage of the plasma and the expansion wave produced in the process for the first time  相似文献   

We have measured the modifications of frequency-modulated selective reflection spectra of the CsD 2 line recorded with circularly polarized light by a longitudinal magnetic field in the range 120–280 G. The spectra recorded with + and polarizations were found to be qualitatively different, but are well described by a theoretical model based on the diagonalization of the hyperfine-Zeeman Hamiltonian. The technique presented here is a simple way for investigating fully resolved complex Zeeman spectra in moderate magnetic fields and may find applications in the investigation of anisotropies in long-range atom-surface interactions.  相似文献   

With time-of-flight and electric field ionization detection technique, we investigate the motional Stark effect for highly excited Rydberg barium in high magnetic field and its active cancellation experimentally. In the experiment, the atom beam is aligned at a small angle of 15° with respect to the magnetic field. The motional Stark effect cancellation is demonstrated on two sets of. circularly polarized spectra in static magnetic field B = 1.00000 Tesla and B = 1.70000 Tesla, respectively, although the effect is very small (- 3.5 Vcm^-1) in our apparatus configuration.  相似文献   

We report the long time dynamical behaviour of ac Stark effect in a simple quantum model in which two level atoms interact with quantized coherent radiation field. A new phenomenon of periodic quantum collapse and revival of the ac Stark shift of energy level due to ac Stark effect is expressed accurately by analysing the phase of transition probability amplitude. The analytic prediction is confirmed by the numerical results.  相似文献   

The scaling properties of various composite information-theoretic measures (Shannon and Rényi entropy sums, Fisher and Onicescu information products, Tsallis entropy ratio, Fisher-Shannon product and shape complexity) are studied in position and momentum spaces for the non-relativistic hydrogenic atoms in the presence of parallel magnetic and electric fields. Such measures are found to be invariant at the fixed values of the scaling parameters given by and . Numerical results which support the validity of the scaling properties are shown by choosing the representative example of the position space shape complexity. Physical significance of the resulting scaling behavior is discussed.  相似文献   

S. Djeni?e 《Physics letters. A》2008,372(44):6658-6660
The shapes of nine doubly ionized antimony (Sb III) spectral lines have been obtained in the laboratory helium plasma at 17 500 K electron temperature and electron density of . Measured line profiles are of a Voigt type. At the mentioned plasma conditions the Stark broadening has been found as the dominant mechanism in the Sb III line shapes formation. Using a deconvolution procedure the Lorentz (Stark) FWHM (Full-Width at Half of the Maximal intensity, W) have been obtained. Our measured Sb III Stark widths are the first data in the literature. The modified version of the linear, low-pressure, pulsed arc was used as a plasma source operated in helium with antimony atoms, as impurities. They were evaporated from the thin antimony layer, deposited on the silver cylindrical plates, located in the homogenous part of the discharge. This plasma source ensures good conditions for the generation of the doubly ionized antimony atoms in the helium plasma due to atomic processes concerning helium metastables.  相似文献   

We exploited the wavelength tunability of the laser diode of a phase-shifting Sagnac interferometer to realize disturbance-free measurements. The Sagnac interferometer is robust against mechanical disturbances because it has a common path configuration and requires no special references. An unbalanced optical path was introduced between p- and s-polarized beams to enable easy phase shifting by direct current modulation. The experimental results indicate that the proposed system is effective for performing precise disturbance-free measurements.  相似文献   

A simple method to realize both stabilization and shift of the frequency in an external cavity diode laser (ECDL) is reported. Due to the Zeeman effect, the saturated absorption spectrum of Rb atoms in a magnetic field is shifted. This shift can be used to detune the frequency of the ECDL, which is locked to the saturated absorption spectrum. The frequency shift amount can be controlled by changing the magnetic field for a specific polarization state of the laser beam. The advantages of this tunable frequency lock include low laser power requirement, without additional power loss, cheapness, and so on.  相似文献   

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