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Although it has been argued that current configurations of extractive industries provide opportunities for developing production linkages, in other words, that “one thing leads to another”, these opportunities are not necessarily realised directly in the resource‐holding countries. This article aims to explain why the greater opportunities for creating increased production linkages may remain unrealised. While existing research on production linkages is characterised by a national scale mode of analysis, this article examines production linkages in the resource‐poor gateway city of Singapore that are intended to serve oil and gas operations at the macro‐regional level in Indonesia and Vietnam. The results reveal that a significant depth and breadth of production linkages have unfolded in Singapore, highlighting that in particular sophisticated production linkages tend to have a broader geographic scope. Moreover, the analysis identifies factors that have shifted the territorial scale of labour‐intensive and low‐technology production linkages from a macro‐regional towards a national or subnational level, to the advantage of the resource‐holding countries. These insights add some complexity to the study of production‐linkage development and emphasise the need for a multi‐scalar perspective that does not stop at national borders.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the determinants of Internet adoption in poor countries, focusing on the role of macro‐geographic location (neighborhood). It is argued that neighboring countries are interconnected by various kinds of spillovers, including knowledge spillovers as well as spillovers of norms and attitudes that affect individual adoption behavior. The empirical findings support the view that Internet adoption is affected by adoption rates in neighboring countries, even when controlling for a wide range of covariates. Addressing potential endogeneity concerns using an instrumental variable approach moreover suggests these relationships to be causal. The findings imply that international policies to support Internet adoption in poor countries might be more effective if they target groups of neighboring countries rather than single countries in order to better exploit spillovers between neighboring countries.  相似文献   

对“十五”以来我国杂交小麦审定品种的产量构成和品质特性等进行了汇总和分析。结果表明,“十五”以来,我国共审定杂交小麦品种22个,“十二五”以来审定速度明显加快,北方冬麦区是我国杂交小麦品种审定主要区域;审定品种产量水平总体呈上升趋势,北方冬麦区杂交小麦品种生产试验的产量平均每年增长76.0kg/hm2,增幅为1.25%,审定品种综合品质亦不断提升;杂交小麦审定品种产量与库容量呈正相关关系,穗粒数和千粒重潜力的挖掘与提升对产量增长的贡献最为明显,但是有效穗数并未明显提升,因此进一步提高成穗数,实现库容量扩充,对提高杂交小麦产量潜力和加快杂交小麦品种审定具有重要意义。  相似文献   

农业在中国经济发展中起着重要作用,是中国社会经济发展的基础。近年来,随着农业机械化以及科技现代化不断推进,多种现代科学技术逐渐在农业产业中得到应用,其中光伏发电技术在农业上的应用对于农业产业转型有着重要意义,是中国农业产业发展的强有力推手。光伏农业是将光伏发电与农业生产相结合的一种绿色、环保的全新产业模式,是集太阳能光伏发电、智能温控系统、现代高科技种植、养殖为一体的农业产业,有着非常广阔的应用前景。本研究综述了光伏农业中主要的几种结合形式:“光伏+种植业”、“光伏+畜禽业”以及“光伏+渔业”的业态,分析了各结合形式的研究现状和面临的问题,并对光伏农业发展趋势进行了合理展望,以期为未来光伏农业的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

为了提高贵德梨果的栽培经济效益,本研究选取贵德名优农产品中取得地理标志的产品贵德软梨,开展了“气候好”农产品气候品质认定,确定了评价指标。采取综合认证方法,考虑影响农产品生长的生态适应性、当年的气候条件、管理水平和当年水果品质情况所占的比重,赋予不同的权重。并对各项分析打分,得到综合分数来确定。选取2020年贵德县园艺场的软梨进行了认定指标评价,结果表明2020年贵德县园艺场光热资源丰富、水分条件适宜、光热水匹配良好、气候优势明显,有利于优质软梨生产,2020年出产的贵德软梨气候品质等级为“特优”。  相似文献   

Day‐labor hiring sites are found in more than 120 municipalities across the U.S., there is limited research examining the specific drivers that generate direct interventions into the day‐labor market, nor is there any research examining the effectiveness of day‐labor management policies. In what follows, I draw on examples from the San Diego Metropolitan Area (SDMA) to address this gap in policy‐research. The findings demonstrate the pervasiveness of neoliberal ideology in day‐labor management, from policing strategies to social service provision. In each case examined, local governments only took direct action when they believed day‐labor activity threatened local commercial activity or when residents' fear of “illegal immigrant” day‐laborers made them question the state's ability to control space effectively. In each case, I also evaluate the effectiveness and cost of the management strategy. The results of this analysis clearly demonstrate that attempts to eliminate day‐labor activity are costly and expensive while efforts to formalize day‐labor cost less and have a higher success rate.  相似文献   

研究旨在探索乡村振兴战略实施背景下农民科普信息化服务工作新模式、新路径、新方法,为全国各地各级农业信息化服务体系建设及助力乡村振兴方面提供借鉴。在文献研究农业科学普及工作新模式、新方法的基础上,深入剖析辽宁12316“三农”综合信息服务平台的建设经验以及在助力乡村振兴方面所取得的实际效果。辽宁12316“三农”综合信息服务平台开创了“五位一体”农民科普信息化服务新模式,构建了国家、省、市、县、乡五级“三农”综合信息服务体系。2019—2021年间,平台累计向全省提供科学普及服务1130.71万例,现已成为辽宁“互联网+农业”的典型案例,是辽宁农业信息化建设的重点品牌。各地农业管理部门有必要借鉴辽宁12316平台的建设经验,完善信息化服务体系建设;各级地方农业主管部门应重视农业信息网络基础设施建设,打造高素质农民队伍;各省农业信息服务平台有必要建立“星系式”科普服务体系,跨区域开展科普活动;各级农业信息服务平台要积极探索多元化信息服务模式,助力乡村全面振兴。  相似文献   

曹姣 《中国农学通报》2021,37(19):158-164
宅基地作为农村集体经济组织成员所赖以生存和发展的重要物质生活资料,是农村村民的基础,是立身之本,它关系到广大农民的根本利益。宅基地“三权分置”中的集体所有权是指农村集体经济组织依法对宅基地所拥有的管理权、收益权、处分权、监督权等权能。目前中国宅基地所有权实现过程中存在着管理权不规范、收益权难实现、处分权未落实、监督权不健全的问题。宅基地所有权实现的完善应从强化管理权能、探索收益权能、落实处分权能、健全监督权能等方面进行,使宅基地所有权的内容及其实现更加丰富,趋于完整化。  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that having more self-employed or entrepreneurs can contribute to higher levels of economic growth in distressed areas. Additionally, self-employment in certain industries may be more beneficial to growth. Other research has linked industrial diversity to entrepreneurship and regional growth, especially in urban areas. However, the relationship between industrial diversity, self-employment, and growth in lagging or distressed regions is less clear. To examine these linkages in distressed areas, we first identify a group of distressed counties based on historic data. Then, using detailed industry-level self-employment data, we appraise whether having more self-employed from certain industries is associated with regional growth. We also analyze the relationship between industrial diversity and overall growth and the propensity to be self-employed. The results suggest that having more self-employment overall and in some key industries is associated with more employment growth in distressed counties. We also find that the relationship between economic diversity and self-employment varies by industry and region.  相似文献   

There is a consensus among small Pacific islands that the extent to which they benefit from international tourism largely depends on how much of the value created by tourism remains in the local economy. This study examines how the value created in the hotel industry is distributed among the key stakeholders in a small Pacific island context. We used aggregated income statements of full-service and limited-service hotels from the STR Inc., a hotel industry data company, to calculate the value distribution among the key stakeholders in the hotel industry of a small Pacific island. We found that labour and owners captured most of the value created, whereas hotel management companies and franchisors captured a small share of the value. Our results suggest that tourism workers' ability to take united action and hence to negotiate higher wages will result in higher value capture by local labour and less value leaking out of the local economy. Our results also reveal that foreign ownership in the hotel industry is the single largest cause of economic leakages. The study has several implications for the tourism-based growth policies in small Pacific islands.  相似文献   

探讨在成都地区气候条件下不同熟期甘蓝型油菜产量的主要影响因素,以期为油菜抗性育种提供理论基础。采用相关分析、通径分析和主成分分析等方法,分析不同熟期甘蓝型油菜主要农艺性状、茎秆抗折力和菌核病发病率等与产量的关系。相关分析结果表明,早熟品种产量与单株有效角果数、每果粒数和茎秆中上部抗折力均呈显著或极显著正相关,中熟品种产量与株高、一次分枝高度、单株有效角果数、茎秆下部和茎秆中下部抗折力均呈极显著正相关。通径分析结果表明,早熟和中熟品种主要性状中,单株有效角果数对产量的直接作用最大。主要性状中,每果粒数对早熟品种产量的间接综合效应最大,中熟品种间接综合效应最大的是茎秆下部抗折力。主成分分析结果表明,早熟品种主要性状分为抗倒性状、株型性状、产量构成性状和抗病性状等4类性状。中熟品种为产量构成性状、株型性状和抗倒性性状等3类性状。研究表明,在四川省自然气候条件下,无论是早熟品种还是中熟品种选育,应在保证产量性状的同时,加强植株株型、抗倒性和抗病性的选择。  相似文献   

The Mekong River system provides a crucial source of natural resources for riparian nations. However, the increasingly rapid pace of hydro‐development in the Mekong Basin is threatening the integrity of the river system, posing a real concern for Lower Basin states, which are particularly dependent on the basin. This scenario has led to warnings of armed conflict, or even ‘water war’, between riparian states. Certainly, the expanding scale of hydro‐development can be expected to continue increasing interstate tensions in the Mekong region; but are these tensions really likely to escalate to armed conflict? This paper explores this question by drawing on the water and conflict theory of Aaron Wolf. Ultimately, this paper concludes that interstate tensions over Mekong hydro‐development are unlikely to generate armed conflict. This is in part due to the strategic impracticality of such a conflict as well as the presence of a river basin management institution. Most compellingly, though, armed conflict is unlikely because the economic imperative shared by Mekong states is better served by cooperation – or at least non‐interference – than conflict, over regional hydro‐development. In closing, the paper urges that the study of water and conflict in the Mekong Basin be refocused at the intrastate level.  相似文献   

研究大田机械化条件下不同玉米-大豆间作模式下的群体产量及大豆的光合特性,为筛选适合河南省玉米-大豆的行距配置和减肥施用提供理论基础。设置行比和减肥2个因素,玉米单作、大豆单作为对照,其中行比设置玉米大豆行比2:4间作(2/4J)、玉米大豆行比4:4间作(4/4J)2个处理,减肥处理在上面行比处理上减量20%(2/4N、4/4N),研究了不同行距配置及减肥条件下的作物产量及大豆LAI、干质量、SPAD值及叶片光合速率的影响。2年试验结果表明,玉米处理2/4J、4/4J、2/4N、4/4N比单作减产,LAI、干物质、SPAD值和叶片光合速率均显著低于单作,但减氮前后比较,除LAI指标外,干质量、叶片光合速率(Pn)和SPAD值没有显著差异。建议河南玉米-大豆间作模式行距配置和施肥管理中,玉米大豆间作行比2:4(2/4J)减氮20%处理2/4N更增加光合产物积累,从而提高大豆产量,提高间作效益。  相似文献   

Cyberjaya is one of a long line of aspiring science and technology parks in the Asia‐Pacific region that have attempted to create a successful technopole, and in doing so become the ‘Silicon Valley of Asia’. The paper attends to the place‐making strategies through which Cyberjaya was positioned as a new ‘global hub’ for information communication technology and multimedia industries, framed as an extremely ‘sticky place’ (Markusen, 1996). That is, a place within a global economic system where local skills, infrastructure and capital attracts and makes research and development and corporate headquarters reluctant to leave. The paper considers that despite considerable infrastructural investment and state‐led urban boosterism to ‘sell’ Cyberjaya to prospective investors, more than 10 years after its completion in 1999 the development has become little more than a zone of disconnected business process outsourcing industries comprising low value‐added outsourcing activities.  相似文献   

In reaction to public dismay over the technological inadequacy of electoral equipment in the 2000 presidential elections, Congress quickly enacted the Help America Vote Act, legislation to fund the acquisition of advanced vote‐counting technology. The intention was to enable, rather than mandate, choices of new equipment. This paper utilizes a unique historical opportunity to test whether electoral equipment follows the pattern predicted by well‐established models of innovation diffusion, merging electoral data with census data on socio‐economic characteristics. We infer that fiscal constraints to acquisition are strong but not the only limitations to technology adoption, particularly within certain easily identifiable populations.  相似文献   

This paper draws on extensive island examples with a view to offer ‘creative’ solutions to the ongoing dispute over the Diaoyu/Diaoyutai/ Senkaku Islands between China (and Taiwan) and Japan in the East China Sea. In spite of the rhetoric and apparent intractability of island conflicts, there are various examples from the past (and the present) that suggest how island disputes may be decided, and in ‘win–win’ ways, to the satisfaction of the different parties involved. The resolution of island territorial problems can benefit greatly from a critical appreciation of how other small islands, also contested, have had their situation resolved in non‐zero‐sum ways. In such cases, sovereignty has been shared, split/divided or expunged; in other cases, sovereignty disputes have been put aside in order to co‐develop and co‐exploit natural resources. There is also one example of a UNESCO World Heritage Site consisting of a string of small islands and surrounding waters whose management is shared between three countries.  相似文献   

Elevated CO2 stimulates crop yields but leads to lower tissue and grain nitrogen concentrations [N], raising concerns about grain quality in cereals. To test whether N fertiliser application above optimum growth requirements can alleviate the decline in tissue [N], wheat was grown in a Free Air CO2 Enrichment facility in a low‐rainfall cropping system on high soil N. Crops were grown with and without addition of 50–60 kg N/ha in 12 growing environments created by supplemental irrigation and two sowing dates over 3 years. Elevated CO2 increased yield and biomass (on average by 25%) and decreased biomass [N] (3%–9%) and grain [N] (5%). Nitrogen uptake was greater (20%) in crops grown under elevated CO2. Additional N supply had no effect on yield and biomass, confirming high soil N. Small increases in [N] with N addition were insufficient to offset declines in grain [N] under elevated CO2. Instead, N application increased the [N] in straw and decreased N harvest index. The results suggest that conventional addition of N does not mitigate grain [N] depression under elevated CO2, and lend support to hypotheses that link decreases in crop [N] with biochemical limitations rather than N supply.  相似文献   

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