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相位梯度自聚焦算法(Phase Gradient Autofocus, PGA)可有效补偿高次相位误差, 对实时成像系统获取高分辨图像有重要意义。但是该算法一般需要迭代多次, 运算耗时, 且在不同场景的应用中算法的聚焦性能不够稳定, 这些严重限制了PGA算法在实时处理中的应用。选点和加窗是PGA算法的两个关键步骤, 该文提出一种基于数据均值的选点方法和一种基于脉冲包络的窗宽估计方法, 这两种方法对数据的自适应能力较强, 可使算法获得稳定的聚焦性能, 并有效减少迭代次数。实测数据处理结果证实改进的PGA算法可用于实时成像。   相似文献   

随着合成孔径雷达(SAR)分辨率的提高,方位向相位误差的影响逐渐增大,传统的相位梯度自聚焦(PGA)方法虽然可以估计出高次误差,但是通常都需要迭代,给实时成像造成了很大困难。该文结合条带式RD算法和PGA自聚焦算法的特点,提出了一种组合的实时PGA方法。这种方法将频移相关距离门算法(SACGS)算法与PGA算法结合,不仅大大降低了计算量,可以不用迭代而达到良好的效果,而且降低了对运动初始参数的精度要求。仿真和实际数据均验证了这种方法的有效性。  相似文献   

一种基于钟摆模型的舰船目标成像方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
舰船目标受海浪的影响而呈现多倍周期和随机性的摆动。针对这种情况,提出了一种基于钟摆模型的成像方法。该方法利用每个距离单元的相位历程中所含大幅度的线性调频分量进行成像。为了补偿实际目标转动过程中因不完全符合钟摆转动模型而引起的三阶及更高阶的相位误差,在一阶相位误差估计算法的基础上得出了二阶相位误差估计方法,并结合Radon-Wigner算法以及CLEAN法得出了比较稳健的相位自聚焦方法。实测数据处理结果证实了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

基于SHARC处理器的PGA算法实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合成孔径雷达(SAR)实时处理技术的发展对相位梯度自聚焦(PGA)算法的工程实现提出了要求。基于以多片主流SHARC处理器为核心构成的硬件平台,针对PGA算法数据处理量大、计算复杂度高的特点,设计开发了并行处理的系统拓扑和程序流水结构及其软件程序。机载SAR实测数据的处理结果验证了该方案的有效性。  相似文献   

实际的双基地合成孔径雷达(BiSAR)系统中,载体平台不可避免地存在运动误差。运动误差的存在将严重影响最终的成像结果,因此高效准确的运动误差估计和补偿方法是实现高精度成像的前提。针对双基地合成孔径雷达中存在的运动误差问题,提出了一种改进的相位梯度自聚焦(PGA)算法实现高精度的运动补偿。不同于传统的PGA算法,所提改进的PGA算法同时考虑了运动误差引入的空变相位误差和其导致的包络偏移,可以实现更高精度的运动误差估计。同时,将局部似然估计的思想扩展到所提的改进PGA算法中,有效地提升了算法的效率。实测的双基SAR数据验证了所提算法的有效性。  相似文献   

本文提出了改进的秩-相位误差(IROPE)估计自聚焦算法,与ROPE算法相比,IROPE有两个优点:(1)它基于的模型更符合实际,所以具有更好的鲁棒性。(2)它对迭代过程初值的设定是近似准确的。本文通过近似分析证明。IROPE对相位误差差分的估计最最大似然(ML)估计,而相位梯度自聚焦(PGA)算法是IROPE的一个子集,即在满足一定条件时,IROPE和PGA对相位误差的估计都是线笥无偏最小方差估  相似文献   

安道祥  黄晓涛  王亮 《现代雷达》2007,29(12):44-47
相位梯度自聚焦(PGA)算法是一种高效的自聚焦算法,其优良的聚焦性能是建立在合理的统计模型和高信杂比的基础上。对于信杂比较低的P波段超宽带合成孔径雷达(UWBSAR)图像来说,传统PGA算法的聚焦效果并不理想。对此,文中提出了将对比度准则和传统PGA算法相结合的改进PGA算法,有效地削弱了图像信杂比对PGA聚焦性能的影响。文中还提出了“参考点对齐”法来校正PGA算法聚焦所产生的图像平移(沿方位向)失真问题。文中所提算法已经成功运用于某P波段UWBSAR实测图像数据的聚焦处理,并得到了比传统PGA算法更好的聚焦处理结果。  相似文献   

与图像对比度准则相结合的PGA自聚焦算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶少华  周荫清  夏义华 《现代雷达》2004,26(6):26-28,32
根据图像对比度准则对标准的PGA算法。作了改进,分析和实测数据试验表明:改进后的PGA算法在计算量得以下降的同时,仍保持了PGA算法对高分辨率合成孔径雷达图像中未知相位误差的补偿能力,并且对场景的适用性优于标准PGA算法。  相似文献   

相位梯度自聚焦(PGA)算法被广泛应用于SAR成像过程中,具有很好的聚焦性和稳健性。文中在对聚束SAR中的标准PGA算法进行分析的基础上,根据聚束SAR与条带SAR回波信号的不同特点,提出了适用于条带SAR的PGA算法。该算法通过选取更为合适的特显点目标及以特显点位置作为分段的依据,在条带SAR的仿真和实际成像过程中取得了良好的聚焦效果,并且具有较快的收敛速度。  相似文献   

This paper first studies the phase errors for fine-resolution spotlight mode SAR imaging and decomposes the phase errors into two kinds, one is caused by translation and the other by rotation.Mathematical analysis and computer simulations show the sbove mentioned motion kinds and their corresponding damages on spotlight mode SAR imaging.Based on this analysis, a single PPP is introduced for spotlight mode SAR imaging with the PFA on the assumption that relative rotation between APC and imaged sceme is uniform.The selected single point is used first to correct the quadratic and higher order phase errors and then to adjust the linear errors.After this compensation, the space-invariant phase errors caused by translation are almost corrected.Finally results are presented with the simulated data.  相似文献   

Inaccuracies in the observation model of the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) due to inaccuracies of the velocity and position of the platform or atmospheric turbulence cause degradations in reconstructed images which necessitate the use of autofocus algorithms. In this paper we propose a novel signal processing algorithm for joint SAR image formation and autofocus in a synthesis dictionary based sparse representation framework. Proposed algorithm can be applied broadly to scenes that exhibit sparsity with respect to any dictionary. This is done by extending our previously developed sparse representation-based SAR imaging framework to joint SAR image formation and autofocus. To this end, the phase error vector is separated from the unknown phase of the complex-valued back-scattered field. Phase error vector is estimated using a MAP estimator and compensated through an iterative algorithm to produce focused images. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach on synthetic and real imagery.  相似文献   

A time-domain raw signal Simulator for interferometric SAR   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In this paper, we present a time-domain (TD) raw signal simulator for an interferometric synthetic aperture radar (SAR). We consider the case of a spaceborne SAR operating in stripmap, spotlight, and hybrid modes, but the case of an airborne SAR can be considered as well. The spaceborne platform is considered as traveling on its nominal (Keplerian) orbit, and the targets are located on an ellipsoidal earth. We describe an accurate TD simulator, highlighting its usefulness in studying the effects on the SAR impulse response and on images from targets with limited extension due to operational conditions different from the nominal one.  相似文献   

This paper presents an efficient time-domain method for computing the propagation of electromagnetic waves in microwave structures. The procedure uses high-order vector bases to achieve high-order accuracy in space, Newmark's method to provide unconditional stability in time, and the transfinite-element method to truncate the waveguide ports. The resulting system matrix is real, symmetric, positive-definite, and can be solved by using the highly efficient multilevel preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm. Since the method allows large time steps and nonuniform grids, the computational complexity for problems with irregular geometries is superior to that of the finite-difference time-domain method.  相似文献   

Image formation algorithms in a variety of applications have explicit or implicit dependence on a mathematical model of the observation process. Inaccuracies in the observation model may cause various degradations and artifacts in the reconstructed images. The application of interest in this paper is synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging, which particularly suffers from motion-induced model errors. These types of errors result in phase errors in SAR data, which cause defocusing of the reconstructed images. Particularly focusing on imaging of fields that admit a sparse representation, we propose a sparsity-driven method for joint SAR imaging and phase error correction. Phase error correction is performed during the image formation process. The problem is set up as an optimization problem in a nonquadratic regularization-based framework. The method involves an iterative algorithm, where each iteration of which consists of consecutive steps of image formation and model error correction. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the approach for various types of phase errors, as well as the improvements that it provides over existing techniques for model error compensation in SAR.  相似文献   

In synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging, low scene contrast may degrade the performance of most of the existing autofocus methods. In this paper, by dividing a slow-time signal into three isolated components, namely target, clutter, and noise, in SAR imaging, a novel parametric statistical model is proposed during the coherent processing interval. Based on the model, Cramer-Rao bounds (CRBs) of the estimation of unknown parameters are derived. It is shown that the CRBs of the target parameter estimation strongly depend on the background, i.e., clutter and noise, and the CRBs of the background parameter estimation may be obtained regardless of the target component. Motivated from this result and using the estimated background parameters, a novel effective parametric autofocus method is developed, which is applicable to any scene contrast. In addition, a preprojection is also introduced to simplify the subsequent parameter estimation. Finally, the proposed model and the novel method are illustrated by some real SAR data.  相似文献   

This paper presents a general approach for the stability analysis of the time-domain finite-element method (TDFEM) for electromagnetic simulations. Derived from the discrete system analysis, the approach determines the stability by analyzing the root-locus map of a characteristic equation and evaluating the spectral radius of the finite element system matrix. The approach is applicable to the TDFEM simulation involving dispersive media and to various temporal discretization schemes such as the central difference, forward difference, backward difference, and Newmark methods. It is shown that the stability of the TDFEM is determined by the material property and by the temporal and spatial discretization schemes. The proposed approach is applied to a variety of TDFEM schemes, which include: (1) time-domain finite-element modeling of dispersive media; (2) time-domain finite element-boundary integral method; (3) higher order TDFEM; and (4) orthogonal TDFEM. Numerical results demonstrate the validity of the proposed approach for stability analysis.  相似文献   

多航迹圆迹SAR具备三维成像能力,但受多次航迹观测,在高度向采样不足以及目标多角度观测散射特性变化等因素影响,多航迹圆迹SAR三维成像性能还需进一步提高,以满足后端目标解译的需求。文中综合利用成像场景在距离、方位和高度三个维度的稀疏分布特性,建立联合稀疏重构模型,实现高分辨率三维成像。进一步,针对建筑物等人造目标后向散射特性随角度变化剧烈的问题,采用分子孔径稀疏约束成像后进行子孔径非相干叠加的方式,以提高最终三维成像结果的信噪比等性能,在进行联合稀疏重构时采用分子孔径处理提高了目标的可解译度。Gotcha实测停车场数据中圆台Top-hat和Toyota Camry轿车的三维成像实验验证了方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Finite-difference time-domain method for antenna radiation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method is used to model and predict the radiation patterns of wire and aperture antennas of three basic configurations. A critical step in each is the modeling of the feed. Alternate suggestions are made and some are implemented. The first antenna is a quarter-wavelength monopole and the second is a waveguide aperture antenna. In both bases the antenna is mounted on ground planes, either perfectly conducting or of composite material. The results obtained using the FDTD technique are compared with results obtained using the geometrical theory of diffraction (GTD) and measurements. The third configuration of interest is a pyramidal horn antenna. To model the flared parts of the horn, a staircase approximation was applied to the antenna surface. The computed radiation patterns compared well with measurements  相似文献   

A three-dimensional (3-D) multidomain pseudospectral time-domain (PSTD) method with a well-posed PML is developed as an accurate and efficient solver for Maxwell's equations in conductive and inhomogeneous media. The curved object is accurately treated by curvilinear coordinate transformation. Spatial derivatives are obtained by the Chebyshev collocation method to achieve a high-order accuracy. Numerical results show an excellent agreement with solutions obtained by the FDTD method under fine sampling.  相似文献   

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