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Based on the numerical modeling results, the authors have revealed the features of stress state in the vicinity of development and stope workings in the course of the upward slice chamber-and-pillar mining under the open pit bottom in terms of the mine “Aikhal”. The optimal layout of access entries and their mining sequence in a layer are substantiated. __________ Translated from Fiziko-Tekhnicheskie Problemy Razrabotki Poleznykh Iskopaemykh, No. 2, pp. 47–55, March–April, 2008.  相似文献   

The problem on possible creation of monitoring system ensuring reliable prediction of catastrophic manifestations of rock pressure is considered. The mathematical model of hierarchical block mass is presented for describing the development of nonlinear consolidation and deconsolidation processes. The analytical methods are proposed for the model investigation to reveal possible origination of catastrophes.  相似文献   

Using the mathematical modeling, the features of mechanical state of ore block are established with due regard for the action of explosive charges in the prestressed medium. The recommendations on the effective pattern of boreholes and optimal decrease in mass of charges are made.  相似文献   

Based on the mathematical modeling, it has been shown that forces of gravity generated by overlying deposits in the course of sedimentation create prerequisites for the formation of subvertical fissuring areas in saliferous measures. Prognostic estimates of distribution of these areas over the deposit are made. __________ Translated from Fiziko-Tekhnicheskie Problemy Razrabotki Poleznykh Iskopaemykh, No. 5, pp. 11–21, September–October, 2007.  相似文献   

The procedure for determining the slope angles of the pit edges and new approaches to their stability control with regard for the initial tectonic and secondary stresses in the rock mass are considered. Using satellite geodesy, the instrumental investigations into strains of pit edges and adjacent territories are realized.  相似文献   

Using the mathematical modeling approach, the rock mass stress state is analyzed in the case of the open pit and underground mining of ore reserves of the “Udachnaya” pipe, the stability of the open pit walls and possible failure of the host rocks in the area of second working are estimated. __________ Translated from Fiziko-Tekhnicheskie Problemy Razrabotki Poleznykh Iskopaemykh, No. 4, pp. 25–35, July–August, 2007.  相似文献   

The authors offer the optional versions of mining methods and technological schemes for mining at Udachnaya pipe reserves under the opencast bottom. The rational chamber-and-pillar method has been substantiated, considering the complicated mining-geological and geomechanical condition at the deposit. The economical feasibility of the proposed underground mining variants has been evaluated. __________ Translated from Fiziko-Tekhnicheskie Problemy Razrabotki Poleznykh Iskopaemykh, No. 3, pp. 55–67, May–June, 2008.  相似文献   

为研究多因素影响下重力热管的提热性能,采用正交实验方法研究工质种类、充液率,以及长径比等内在因素的综合效应,并对实验结果采用多指标权重与极差分析法进行分析,得出重力热管最佳提热性能的组合因素。结果表明:重力热管的使用能有效降低煤堆内部温度,抑制煤堆温度上升;重力热管的产冷量、有效影响半径与煤堆温度成正比;当煤堆温度为70℃左右时,各因素的较优水平组合:工质为Al_(2)O_(3),充液率为15%,长径比为25.0;当煤堆温度升至210℃时,各因素的较优水平组合:工质为Al_(2)O_(3),充液率为25%,长径比为25.0。  相似文献   

大台井深部水平岩爆的地质力学机理分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
赵同彬  谭云亮  张泽 《煤炭学报》2010,35(12):2039-2044
针对木城涧煤矿大台井在-510 m水平掘进过程中所揭露出的两类不同性状的玄武岩,采用实验室内试验和现场测试相结合的方法,从岩石力学性质、细观结构、地应力等方面分析了井下产生岩爆的地质力学机理。宏观力学性能测试表明,具有岩爆性的B类玄武岩强度大、抗变形能力强,峰前容易积聚大量的变形能,峰后能量释放更为迅速强烈;B类试件在单轴压缩过程中,从30%极限强度开始便出现声响,最终试件破坏崩解成碎块。SEM扫描显示,与A类玄武岩相比,B类岩石结构排列整齐致密,不存在裂隙;B类岩样中的硅、氧含量明显偏高,地质硅化作用明显。井下现场地应力测试表明,该区域的最大主应力为近水平方向,实测值达到45.69 MPa,方位基本与巷道北帮垂直。大台井B类玄武岩的特殊细观结构和元素组分决定了其宏观岩爆倾向性,岩石本身的物理力学性质是岩爆发生的内因;地应力是岩爆发生的主要力源条件,其控制着岩爆发生的区域和能量大小。  相似文献   

针对当前矿山数据资源信息化及生产管理合理化的需求,在对矿山数据和管理信息等进行深入分析的基础上,根据矿山生产系统的特点,提出了面向矿山管理的生产数据挖掘的体系结构并加以应用,解决了多采一选采、选协调模型的建模难题.  相似文献   

Mine stability with application of sublevel caving schemes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper expounds results gained in mathematical modeling of stress state of a rock mass under mining by sublevel caving with areal-frontal and frontal ore drawing schemes. Stability of underground excavations in the course of applying the compared methods is evaluated in terms of the Sheregesh deposit. The authors recommend on supporting the openings at the ore drawing-off level. __________ Translated from Fiziko-Tekhnicheskie Problemy Razrabotki Poleznykh Iskopaemykh, No. 1, pp. 90–100, January–February, 2008.  相似文献   

A numerical procedure is proposed to calculate the change in the stress-strain state of a rock mass with allowance for rheological behavior of massif and pillars.  相似文献   

深部围岩稳定性影响因素研究   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
深井巷道围岩随着开采深度的增加其稳定性也发生了变化。通过对深井巷道围岩稳定性的分析,认为影响深井巷道围岩稳定性的3个主要因素是围岩性质、采深和支承压力,得到了根据围岩性质、采深和支撑压力来控制巷道稳定性的结论。  相似文献   

李斌  王大国  刘艳章  何治良  朱强 《煤炭学报》2017,42(5):1173-1181
改进的Hoek-Brown准则可以降低高围压下HB准则过高预测岩石三轴强度的偏差值。然而,该准则在实际应用中仍然存在局限:通过应用大量岩石三轴试验数据验证了该准则中岩石临界状态围压等于单轴抗压强度这个观点并不具有普适性,并得出该准则在围压高于岩石单轴抗压强度时对其预测的三轴强度与试验强度存在较大的偏差,而且该偏差随着围压的增大而增加。为克服改进的HB准则这个应用局限,通过应用岩石临界状态及岩石临界状态系数对该准则进行修正,提出了I-HB准则。应用大量岩石三轴试验数据对I-HB准则的适用性进行验证,结果显示该准则有效地解决了改进的HB准则的应用局限,并且该准则预测的岩石三轴强度与岩石试验强度更一致,证明I-HB准则优越于改进的HB准则。另外,通过与目前岩石力学界认为较好的指数型准则的比较,验证了I-HB准则对岩石三轴强度的预测具有更高的精度。  相似文献   

深井复杂条件下回采巷道高强度锚杆支护技术   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
针对长广七矿埋深近千米、地质条件极其复杂的回采巷道支护问题,在数值模拟研究巷道围岩变形机理的基础上,设计了斜顶鼓梯形巷道断面,确定了高强度锚杆支护参数。现场观测表明,锚杆支护使巷道围岩得到有效控制,巷道表面变形下降。  相似文献   

陈强  张雪萍 《中州煤炭》2023,(5):137-143
为确保露天矿区施工安全,以提升岩土边坡稳定性为目的,提出采动作用下露天矿区岩土边坡稳定性研究。以某矿区现场岩土边坡为研究对象,基于有限元强度折减理论折减露天矿区岩土边坡的抗剪参数,得到抵达边坡极限平衡的折减数为稳定性系数,实现露天矿区岩土边坡稳定性分析。试验结果表明,该技术可有效分析露天矿区岩土边坡的稳定性,岩土边坡单元在6 s之后的剪切应变量显著提升,坡脚砂岩的剪切应变量增速最高、在6~10 s的强采动阶段位移变化增速较快,边坡在滑面上与起点的水平距离为96 m之后的正、剪应力在滑面上急剧增大,安全系数也随之提升,坡脚倾斜度、降雨以及降雨强度均会影响露天矿区岩土边坡的稳定性。  相似文献   

An analysis is performed for the distribution of stresses in the elements of slicing system in mining the Internatsionalnaya kimberlite pipe. The parameters and conditions of carrying out the stoping operations in experimental-industrial block by ascending slices are substantiated.  相似文献   

深井巷道围岩随着开采深度的增加其稳定性也发生了变化。文中进行了深井巷道围岩稳定性的分析,认为影响深井巷道围岩稳定性的3个主要因素是围岩性质、采深和支承压力,得到了根据围岩性质、采深和支撑压力来控制巷道稳定性的结论。  相似文献   

管内盐水流动状态对单管冻结温度场影响规律分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
张涛  杨维好  黄家会  韩涛  张驰  宋雷 《煤炭学报》2015,40(9):2057-2064
为获得冻结工程中冻结管内盐水流动状态对温度场的影响规律,分析了冻结管内盐水流动特点与流动状态;基于相似理论,导出了考虑管内盐水流动时单管冻结温度场无量纲数学模型及相应的准则表达式,将众多影响因素简化为5个无量纲准则,大大降低了研究的难度;利用综合数值计算与模拟试验,研究并获得了无量纲盐水温度Ty、雷诺准则Re、傅里叶准则Fo、普朗特准则Pr和格拉晓夫准则Gr对温度场的影响规律,分析获得了冻结壁形成厚度b和冻结管热流密度q与以上5个准则的对应关系;得出管内盐水的流动状态变化对冻结壁的厚度b及热流密度q的影响范围可达30%以上。根据不同冻结阶段温度场的发展特点,提出冻结工程中雷诺准则数Re的推荐值。  相似文献   

不对称油缸电液伺服系统分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用自动控制理论,对多关节凿岩台车的不对称油缸电液伺服系统进行了分析。通过计算油缸的液压弹簧,推导出不对称液压油缸的固有频率。同时给出了电液伺服系统的传递函数、控制数学模型的简化计算方法以及该系统的稳定性判据。对系统控制精度进行了必要的讨论,提出了提高不对称油缸电液伺服系统性能的方法和途径。  相似文献   

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