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Fluxes of angular momentum produced by turbulence in rotating fluids are derived with the effects of a magnetic field included. It is assumed that the rotation is slow but that the magnetic field is of arbitrary strength. A mean magnetic field is shown to produce qualitative changes of the sources of the differential rotation rather than the quenching of differential rotation usually expected. A new equatorward flux of angular momentum arises through the influence of the toroidal magnetic field. The possibility of interpreting the torsional oscillations of the Sun as a consequence of the magnetic perturbations of the turbulent angular momentum fluxes is discussed.  相似文献   

The variation of intensity in spectral line wings, which was obtained from observations of the patrol telescope at the Kislovodsk Mountain Astronomical Station of the Pulkovo Observatory, Russian Academy of Science (KMAS) and the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) space observatory, are considered. A series of observations lasting a few hours near the solar active regions, in which both short- and longperiod oscillations were observed simultaneously during 2014–2015, are analyzed. It is found out that oscillations with a period of 3–5 min can exist at one time and in one place with oscillations with a period of about 100 min. The amplitude of long-period oscillations can be comparable with that for short-period oscillations. The conditions for excitation of the wave processes are considered. Oscillations with a period of 100 min have a weak dependence on the area of the active region.  相似文献   

We present a detailed study of a 1B/M6.9 impulsive flare combining high time resolution (1 ms) and instantaneous emission source localization observations at submillimeter frequencies (212 GHz), obtained with the solar submillimeter telescope (SST), and Hα data from the Hα solar telescope for argentina (HASTA). The flare, starting at 16:34 UT, occurred in active region (AR) 9715 (NOAA number) on November 28, 2001, and was followed by an Hα surge. We complement our data with magnetograms from the Michelson Doppler Imager (SOHO/MDI). SST observed a short impulsive burst at 212 GHz, presenting a weak bulk emission (of about 90 sfu) composed of a few shorter duration structures. The integrated Hα and the 212 GHz light curves present a remarkable agreement during the impulsive phase of the event. The delay between both curves stays below 12 s (the time resolution of the Hα telescope). The flare as well as the surge are linked to new flux emergence very close to the main AR bipole. Taking into account the AR magnetic field evolution, we infer that magnetic field reconnection, occurring at low coronal levels, could have been at the origin of the flare; while in the case of surge this would happen at the chromospheric level.  相似文献   

The relations between sunspot numbers and earthquakes (M≧6), solar 10.7 cm radio flux and earthquakes, solar proton events and earthquakes have been analyzed in this paper. It has been found that: (1) Earthquakes occur frequently around the minimum years of solar activity. Generally, the earthquake activities are relatively less during the peak value years of solar activity, some say, around the period when magnetic polarity in the solar polar regions is reversed. (2) the earthquake frequency in the minimum period of solar activity is closely related to the maximum annual means of sunspot numbers, the maximum annual means of solar 10.7 cm radio flux and solar proton events of a whole solar cycle, and the relation between earthquake and solar proton events is closer than others. (3) As judged by above interrelationship, the period from 1995 to 1997 will be the years while earthquake activities are frequent. In the paper, the simple physical discussion has been carried out. These results supported the exploration and studies of some researchers to a certain extent. This work is supported by Foundation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (major item).  相似文献   

Many climatic parameters (ground and ocean surface temperatures, pressure, atmospheric precipitation, etc.) have temporal variations with characteristic periods from several to several tens of years or more. The unknown cause of these oscillations, together with the similarity of some of them to known solar cycles, has stimulated attempts to relate these two phenomena. The basic arguments against the existence of such a relationship are that variations in climatic parameters do not always occur synchronously with the corresponding 11- and 22-year solar cycles: the phase shift between climatic and solar variations is inconstant and changes with time from 0° to 180°. In addition, the energy of terrestrial manifestations of solar activity seems insufficient to stimulate the considered weather-climatic processes, at least within the limits of the linear approach. In the present work, it is shown that in some cases, these contradictions can be removed for variations with a period more than 11 years under the assumption that climatic variations are forced oscillations driven by an external force (for example, a force related to solar activity), that implies the existence of intrinsic (natural) climatic oscillations. The result serves as an additional argument in favor of the reality of a sun-climate connection and probably points to its probable nonlinear mechanism.  相似文献   

大地震等诸多激励均能激发全球自由振荡现象,通常表现为驻波形式的全球整体振荡.现有的地震波数值模拟方法多为非保结构方法,无法压制长时程计算中的积累误差.本文采用优化的三阶辛格式谱元法,对地球自由振荡及全球尺度的地震波传播进行了长时程模拟.通过与传统的基于Newmark算法的谱元方法结果对比分析,明确验证了本文所得优化的三阶辛格式谱元法在模拟地球自由振荡等大规模长时程问题上的优越性和准确性.上述进展在方法论层面为今后探测、刻画全球尺度地球非均匀结构的驻波数值方法奠定了部分基础,并为相关研究领域提供了新的选择.  相似文献   

We consider inviscid rotating flow driven by a horizontally quadratic density variation in a horizontally unbounded slab. This configuration permits a similarity solution, removing the dependence on the horizontal coordinate from the vorticity and temperature equations, which are then solved by numerical integration along characteristics. At large values of Rossby number, the flow proceeds to a singularity in a similar manner to the non-rotating flow with the same initial conditions. At small values of Rossby number there are inertial oscillations of growing amplitude, which have been analysed using the method of multiple scales. The oscillations become desynchronised between the upper and lower parts of the domain, and static instability appears for a small fraction of each oscillation period. Eventually the oscillations give way to the rapid formation of a singularity, in contrast to geostrophic adjustment theory which predicts that a singularity will form only if the Rossby number is sufficiently large.  相似文献   

This paper describes a finite element technique using the method of weighted residuals for the solution of mass oscillations in surge tanks. Three weighting functions, uniform, linear and Galerkin, are applied and the results are compared with those from alternative techniques. The relatively simple case of surge analysis with flow rate change in the penstock, but neglecting tunnel friction, is first considered as a direct analytical solution is available. Finally friction is included for comparison with a graphical and analogue solution.  相似文献   

Summary The monthly means of the geomagnetic index aa and of the relative sunspot numbers were used to analyse the quasi-biennial oscillations (QBO) in geomagnetic activity related to an analogous variation in solar activity. Statistical methods of time series analysis were applied: autocorrelation and power spectrum, cross-correlation, complex demodulation, and the digital filter technique. The aim of this investigation was not only the detection of QBO in geomagnetic activity, which has been done by various authors, but also the determination of the time variation of the period, phase and amplitude of these oscillations in the given time interval with reference to the results of Apostolov [2] and Apostolov and Letfus [4]. The following main results have been obtained: The characteristic period of QBO in geomagnetic activity is shorter and varies in a narrower interval than that in sunspot activity; the lifetime of the oscillations is about 22 years and roughly coincides with Hale's cycle; the amplitude of QBO in geomagnetic activity has its maximum on the decreasing branch of the sunspot cycle; the QBO in geomagnetic activity follows the analogous variation in sunspot activity with a delay of 2 to 6 months for various solar cycles, as compared with the 3 to 22 moths for the raw, unfiltered data. The causes of the differences in the characteristics of QBO in geomagnetic and sunspot activity are considered and it is shown that these differences do not contradict the solar control of this phenomenon.
¶rt;uaum u¶rt;a aa u mum ua nm unau ¶rt; aaua au¶rt;mu uu () aumo amumu, a mmmuu auauu amumu. nau ¶rt;u mamumuu m¶rt; aaua ¶rt;: nm mu, amau u u aau, na ¶rt;¶rt;u, ua umau. m u¶rt;au m ¶rt;u uaum amumu, m ¶rt;a au amau, m m n¶rt;u auau nu¶rt;a, a u anum¶rt; mu uu ¶rt; ¶rt;a umaa u, uma mam nma [2] u nma u ma [4]. u n ¶rt;u mam: aamumuu nu¶rt; aum amumu u um uma amumu nm; uu uu nuuum a 22¶rt;a u a u a; anum¶rt;a aum amumu ¶rt;muam aua uu a na¶rt;a mu ua nm; aum amumu ¶rt;m aau auau amumu nm n¶rt;au 2 n 6 a ¶rt; a u n au n¶rt;au 3 n 22 a ¶rt; umua naa ¶rt;a. ¶rt;am nuu auu aamumu aum u amum u naa, m mu auu nmum m m u.

Ocean Dynamics - Near-inertial oscillations (NIO) are intermittent motions with a frequency close to the inertial frequency and represent an important fraction of the energy to the currents in the...  相似文献   

Resonant transformation of fast magnetosonic (FMS) wave flux into Alfven and slow magnetosonic (SMS) oscillations is investigated in the one-dimensionally inhomogeneous magnetosphere. Spatial distribution of energy absorption rate of FMS oscillations penetrating into the magnetosphere from the solar wind is studied. The FMS wave energy absorption rate caused by magnetosonic resonance excitation is shown to be several orders of magnitude greater than that caused by Alfven resonance excitation at the same surface. It is connected with the spectrum of incident FMS waves. The Kolmogorov spectrum is used in numerical calculations. Magnitude of the Fourier harmonics exciting resonant Alfven oscillations is much smaller than that of the harmonics driving lower-frequency magnetosonic resonance. It is shown that resonant transformation of FMS waves into SMS oscillations can be an effective mechanism of energy transfer from the solar wind to the magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Records of superconducting gravimeters (SGs) at Canberra (Australia), Esashi (Japan), Metsähovi (Finland) and Syowa Stations (Antarctica) were analyzed to search for further evidence of background free oscillations of the Earth. Spectrograms for 1-year period and averaged power spectra for seismically quiet periods were obtained for each of the stations. Anomalous features of the oscillations observed at Syowa Station, such as an apparent seasonal variation and a high intensity at frequencies between 3 and 4 mHz, were absent at the other SG stations. Among the SG stations used in this study, the background free oscillations were detected most consistently and distinctly at Canberra, where the noise level was comparable to that at the IDA quietest station, while that at Syowa Station was close to the critical limit for detecting the oscillations. The background free oscillations provide a good reference to evaluate the noise level in the milliHertz band.  相似文献   


The magnetic energy stored in the corona is the only plausible source for the energy released during large solar flares. During the last 20 years most theoretical work has concentrated on models which store magnetic energy in the corona in the form of electrical currents, and a major goal of present day research is to understand how these currents are created, and then later dissipated during a flare. Another important goal is to find a flare model which can eject magnetic flux into interplanetary space. Although many flares do not eject magnetic flux, those which do are of special importance for solar-terrestrial relations since the ejected flux can have dramatic effects if it hits the Earth's magnetosphere. Three flare models which have been extensively investigated are the emerging-flux model, the sheared-arcade model, and the magnetic-flux-rope model. All of these models can store and release magnetic energy efficiently provided that rapid magnetic reconnection occurs. However, only the magnetic-flux-rope model appears to provide a plausible mechanism for ejecting magnetic flux into interplanetary space.  相似文献   

A 54.95-MHz coherent backscatter radar, an ionosonde and the magnetometer located at Trivandrum in India (8.5○N, 77○E, 0.5○N dip angle) recorded large-amplitude ionospheric fluctuations and magnetic field fluctuations associated with a Pc5 micropulsation event, which occurred during an intense magnetic storm on 24 March 1991 (Ap=161). Simultaneous 100-nT-level fluctuations are also observed in the H-component at Brorfelde, Denmark (55.6○N gm) and at Narsarsuaq, Greenland (70.6○N gm). Our study of the above observations shows that the E-W electric field fluctuations in the E- and F-regions and the magnetic field fluctuations at Thumba are dominated by a near-sinusoidal oscillation of 10 min during 1730–1900 IST (1200-1330 UT), the amplitude of the electric field oscillation in the equatorial electrojet (EEJ) is 0.1-0.25 mV m−1 and it increases with height, while it is about 1.0 mV m−1 in the F-region, the ground-level H-component oscillation can be accounted for by the ionospheric current oscillation generated by the observed electric field oscillation in the EEJ and the H-component oscillations at Trivandrum and Brorfelde are in phase with each other. The observations are interpreted in terms of a compressional cavity mode resonance in the inner magnetosphere and the associated ionospheric electric field penetrating from high latitudes to the magnetic equator.  相似文献   

分析了1988~2006年中62个典型的太阳质子事件,发现其归一化后峰值流量变化具有很好的统计规律,根据该规律提出了一种对太阳质子事件峰值流量进行预报的方法.试验预报结果表明,太阳质子事件峰值流量的预报值和实测值都在同一个量级以内,平均相对误差为32%,预报误差在可接受范围内.本文方法对于日常预报业务而言是实用和可行的.  相似文献   

使用时间序列分析和相关分析方法,分析华北北部地区1970~2006年地震与太阳黑子、耀斑的相关性,得到的结论是,太阳活动与以中小地震为主的地震样本不存在统计关系。这个结论与以往的研究不同,本文对此做了初步分析。  相似文献   

介绍了康定地震中心站大容量逆变电源和太阳能电源的技术思路和技术性能,以及相应的维护经验。  相似文献   

Interplanetary scintillation (IPS) can be used to identify changes in solar wind parameters over a wide range in heliographic latitude and elongation and constrain models of its large-scale structure, velocity and density. This paper reviews the scintillation density mapping method specifically, and presents over three years of data taken between March 1990 and September 1993 with the 3.6 hectare array in Cambridge. A novel form of synoptic plot that is particularly sensitive to corotating structures is introduced, and low-density streams are identified by their unequivocal signatures within it. Stable corotating structures are evident throughout - even during the active phase of the solar cycle - and specific periods are examined. Density measurements inferred from scintillation are compared with IMP-8 data for the same period and are shown to be in good agreement, giving further support to the scintillation/density relationship determined by Tappin (1986).  相似文献   

In the framework of the program for setting the Callisto spectrometer network into operation, the spectral measurements were carried out at the sites of spectrometer locations in India and Russia in winter 2006. The results achieved at Badary, the site where the Siberian Solar Radio Telescope (SSRT) is located, are presented. The measurements were performed using a broadband log-periodic antenna connected to the Callisto spectrometer developed at the Institute of Astronomy (Zurich). The results of these measurements should explain whether spectral studies at frequencies below 1 GHz can be performed using such antennas or new antennas should be developed. The presented results are compared with the similar results obtained in Switzerland in the frequency intervals of interest for radio astronomy. Concerning electromagnetic noise, Badary is a better site for observing the Sun in the 50–800 MHz frequency range as compared to observatories in Switzerland.  相似文献   

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