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Two devices, the multi-quantum-barrier varactor (MQBV) and the Schottky-quantum-barrier varactor (SQBV), have been developed and applied in quasi-optical arrays for millimeter-wave harmonic generation. Monolithic arrays utilizing these devices have been successfully fabricated with nearly 100% yield. An output power of 5 W (1.25 W) at 99 GHz has been achieved with an SQBV (MQBV) tripler array, in excellent agreement with large-signal simulation predictions after correcting for diffraction losses in the matching system. These results represent the state of the art in solid-state millimeter-wave sources  相似文献   

High Electron Mobility (HEM) varactor structures have been studied for millimeter-wave monolithic diode-grid frequency tripler array applications. The improved HEM varactor diode structures provide a highly nonlinear C-V characteristic (i.e., a steep slope of the C-V curve and a large capacitance ratio) which produces high harmonic generation efficiency and reduce the power requirement for efficiently pumping each device. The effects of the light illumination on the C-V characteristics of the Barrier-Intrinsic-N+ (BIN) varactor diode have also been studied and the results will be discussed in this paper. In the development of a monolithic diode-grid frequency multiplier array, the low-loss quasioptical configuration is used for the construction of the multiplier circuit. The study of the effects of the light illumination on the C-V characteristics of varactor diode is important in understanding the potential applications of the quasi-optical varactor diode-grid frequency multiplier array circuit.  相似文献   

Monolithic diode grid were fabricated on 2-cm2 gallium-arsenide wafers in a proof-of-principle test of a quasi-optical varactor millimeter-wave frequency multiplier array concept. An equivalent circuit model based on a transmission-line analysis of plane wave illumination was applied to predict the array performance. The doubler experiments were performed under far-field illumination conditions. A second-harmonic conversion efficiency of 9.5% and output powers of 0.5 W were achieved at 66 GHz when the diode grid was pumped with a pulsed source at 33 GHz. This grid had 760 Schottky-barrier varactor diodes. The average series resistance was 27 Ω, the minimum capacitance was 18 fF at a reverse breakdown voltage of -3 V. The measurements indicate that the diode grid is a feasible device for generating watt-level powers at millimeter frequencies and that substantial improvement is possible by improving the diode breakdown voltage  相似文献   

The high-frequency performance along with the optimum designs and operating conditions of near-millimeter wave quasi-optical monolithic diode-grid frequency multiplier arrays have been studied and will be presented in this paper. The limitations of the development of nearmillimeter wave quasi-optical monolithic diode-grid frequency multiplier arrays will be discussed in detail. The optimum operating conditions and performance of different device structures are presented along with the associated device physics. The optimum designs, operating conditions and performance of the monolithic diode-grid frequency multiplier array will also be discussed based upon the temperature distribution study on the diode-grid.  相似文献   

Lin  T.Y. Payne  A.J. 《Electronics letters》2002,38(10):441-442
By direct synthesis of a trigonometric identity, this circuit generates an output signal frequency that is three times the input signal frequency. Frequency-doubling with free 90° phase shifter is embedded in the same circuitry. Simulation results demonstrate the functionality and the performance of the circuit  相似文献   

文章提出了一种宽带注入锁定三倍频器。在传统注入方式基础上,倍频器采用了推-推差分对输入信号进行二倍频,并将产生的二次谐波通过变压器耦合至注入管的源极共模点,增强了注入管源极共模点二次谐波。由于注入电流是由注入信号与源极共模点二次谐波进行混频而产生,因此注入电流也被增强,从而增大了锁定范围。除此之外,三倍频采用了四阶谐振器,谐振阻抗的相位在过零点被平坦化,锁定范围进一步被增大。采用标准CMOS 65 nm工艺设计三倍频,芯片面积为720×670 μm2,1.2-V供电时的功耗为15.2 mW。0 dBm注入功率下三倍频的锁定范围为19.2~27.6 GHz,对应的基波抑制比大于25 dB,二次谐波抑制大于35 dB。注入锁定三倍频器可满足5G收发机中本振源的要求。  相似文献   

A monolithic two-dimensional horn imaging array has been fabricated for millimeter wavelengths. In this configuration, a dipole is suspended in an etched pyramidal cavity on a 1-μm silicon-oxynitride membrane. This approach leaves room for low-frequency connections and processing electronics. The theoretical pattern is calculated by approximating the horn structure by a cascade of rectangular-waveguide sections. The boundary conditions are matched at each of the waveguide sections and at the aperture of the horn. Patterns at 93 and 242 GHz agree well with theory. Horn aperture efficiencies of 44±4%, including mismatch and resistive losses, have been measured. A detailed breakdown of the losses is presented. The coupling efficiency to various f-number imaging systems is investigated, and a coupling efficiency of 24% for an f0.7 imaging system (including spillover, taper, mismatch and resistive losses) has been measured. Possible application areas include imaging arrays for remote sensing, plasma diagnostics, radiometry and superconducting tunnel-junction receivers for radio astronomy  相似文献   

A single-chip millimeter-wave transmitter module in which GaAs IMPATT diodes are monolithically integrated with a microstrip resonator and a loop antenna is discussed. Devices operating at 43.3 GHz produce 27-mW CW output power with 7.2% conversion efficiency. Radiation patterns of linear arrays of such radiating elements were determined as a function of interelement spacing and number of elements. The oscillator chip was also directly coupled to and power combined in waveguides, producing an inexpensive millimeter-wave source  相似文献   

基于混合集成的方式,采用对称锥形渐变线匹配结构设计了335 GHz非平衡式三倍频器。在保证单模传输的条件下,该匹配结构不仅能够固定二极管位置,而且可以增大匹配效果,解决了高频段倍频器3 dB带宽较窄的问题。实测结果表明,该倍频器在330~356 GHz频率范围内输出功率均大于5 mW。驱动功率为220 mW时,有最高输出功率11.2 mW,由它作为核心器件组成的固态太赫兹本振源,能够驱动超外差接收机中670 GHz二次谐波混频器。  相似文献   

A monolithically integrated frequency tripler on semi-insulating GaAs substrate with a 210 GHz output frequency is presented. The measured conversion efficiency using a GaAs-GaAlAs single-barrier varactor is 13.5%, with an output power of >10 mW  相似文献   

本文介绍了将双栅GaAs MESFET应用在三倍频器上的工作原理,设计思想,实验研制及在C波段的实验结果.这种三倍频器具有一定的倍频增益.目前国内还未见到同类产品.  相似文献   

This letter presents a novel design for a small-size coplanar waveguide frequency tripler. In this study, a new BPF has been replaced the conventional stub lines in the output termination of the multiplier. Not only enhance the performance of the tripler, but also reduce the whole circuit size. to 2.125/spl times/2.275 cm/sup 2/ in the frequency 0.8/2.4 GHz, The spurious suppressions are 37.48, 33.38, and 32.08 dBc for the 1st, 2nd, and 4th harmonics, respectively. It reveals the best output power of -1.92 dBm for a 0 dBm input signal and maximum conversion gain of -1.92 dB. It is very useful for applications in the wireless communication and radar systems.  相似文献   

The growth of epitaxial narrow-gap PbS-on-Si substrates using a stacked CaF2-BaF2 intermediate buffer layer and the fabrication of linear arrays of photovoltaic infrared (IR) sensors in the PbS layer are discussed. The sensors of the array exhibit resistance-area products at zero bias of 3 Ω-cm2 at 200 K (3.4-μm cutoff wavelength) and 2×105 Ω-cm 2 at 84 K (4-μm cutoff), with corresponding detectivities of 2×1010 and 1×1013 cm-√Hz/W, respectively  相似文献   

A 540-640-GHz high-efficiency four-anode frequency tripler   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We report on the design and performance of a broad-band, high-power 540-640-GHz fix-tuned balanced frequency tripler chip that utilizes four planar Schottky anodes. The suspended strip-line circuit is fabricated with a 12-/spl mu/m-thick support frame and is mounted in a split waveguide block. The chip is supported by thick beam leads that are also used to provide precise RF grounding. At room temperature, the tripler delivers 0.9-1.8 mW across the band with an estimated efficiency of 4.5%-9%. When cooled to 120 K, the tripler provides 2.0-4.2 mW across the band with an estimated efficiency of 8%-12%.  相似文献   

Nonlinear transmission lines (NLTLs) loaded by InP-based heterostructure barrier varactors (HBVs) have been fabricated in a monolithic coplanar technology for the first time. The devices were designed for a tripler with a 60 GHz; output frequency. The single HBV diodes, fabricated in a dual barrier scheme, exhibit a capacitance ratio of 6:1, a normalized capacitance of 1.4 fF/μm2 and a voltage breakdown in excess of 10 V. Under moderate pumping (20 dBm), a tripling operation with 30% bandwidth was demonstrated with unsaturated conversion efficiency (1%) for a eight-HBV prototype  相似文献   

Amplitude control of transmitted millimeter-wave beams by monolithic Schottky diode arrays is demonstrated. An array containing 4800 diodes has demonstrated control over the range of 20-50% beam transmittance at 99 GHz and 20-70% beam transmittance at 165 GHz. Modulation testing on a second array (8640 diodes) with similar transmission characteristics has shown array control to 50 MHz with negligible loss of output response. An extensive evaluation performed for the 8640-diode array shows good agreement between array impedance parameters determined from quasi-optical measurements, theoretical calculations, and low-frequency C-V measurements. The results have extended the range of quasi-optical functions demonstrated by solid-state power-combining arrays for application to millimeter-wave systems  相似文献   

The response of monolithic arrays of GaAs photoconductors to optical intensity modulation signals and their feasibility of operating as crosspoint arrays in integrated broadband switch matrices are investigated. It is found that individual photoconductors can switch signals at frequencies of up to 1.3 GHz with isolation better than 70 dB and switching time less than 10 ns. In a 2/spl times/2 monolithic array, 65-dB switch isolation and 80-dB crosstalk isolation between channels are achieved in the frequency range 0-130 MHz. The responsivity is essentially uniform within this frequency range and has a value of 0.84 A/W at 820 nm. At higher frequencies electromagnetic coupling between output lines limits the performance with the layout used. This monolithic array thus demonstrates compact broadband matrix switching of signals in the frequency range up to 100 MHz using the optoelectronic switching principle.  相似文献   

A novel configuration of balanced frequency InGaAs pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor (PHEMT) monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) tripler is proposed. A resonant LC filter is used to eliminate the fundamental frequency and a phase delay line is employed to suppress the second harmonic. The separation of the independent phase shifters makes the tripler more compact and flexible. The conversion loss of the tripler operating from 12 to 36GHz is less than 9.4dB at 9-dBm input power. As compared to the third-harmonic frequency, the fundamental frequency is suppressed more than 21.4dB while for the second harmonic is more than 22.3dB at 36GHz.  相似文献   

胡南 《红外与激光工程》2019,48(2):225002-0225002(4)
基于四阳极结同向串联型GaAs平面肖特基二极管,设计并实现了无基片空间合成的220 GHz三次倍频电路。采用四支肖特基二极管协同工作,在脊波导小片上下两侧各倒装焊接两支肖特基二极管,构成上下反向结构。采用场路结合的方式,对倍频电路的倍频效率进行了仿真。仿真结果显示输入功率为300 mW,输出频率为213~229 GHz时,倍频效率大于3%;采用E波段功率放大器推动三次倍频电路,获得了倍频器输出功率。测试数据表明,驱动功率为300 mW时,输出频率为213~229 GHz时,输出功率大于5 dBm,倍频效率为1%~2%。  相似文献   

The design of an experimental inline harmonic generator using a D5047 varactor diode is described. Results are presented on the effects of reverse bias and fundamental input-power level on the third-harmonic output at 26.4GHz.  相似文献   

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