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Xanthosoma sagittifolium, belonging to the araceas family, represents an attractive alternative as a starch source. Nevertheless, as a rhizome plant two differentiated parts could be distinguished named corms and cormels." by "However, the rhizome of Xanthosoma sagittifolium has two differentiate parts named corms and cormels of Xanthosoma. Granules morphology, composition, hydration properties, pasting/thermal behaviour, as well as gelling performance were assessed. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) revealed different morphology, granules were organised as aggregates in starch isolated from corms. Corms starch displayed lower hydration properties, lower apparent viscosity during heating and cooling and higher gelatinisation temperatures than cormels starch. Gels from corms starch showed less syneresis than cormels starch, but no significant differences were observed regarding their hardness. Therefore, the part of the araceas plant from which the starch is extracted must be always defined, because significant differences in their functionality are ascribed to their morphological origin.  相似文献   

变性淀粉干法制备工艺研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文综述国内外变性淀粉干法制备工艺路线、主要品种及相关设备研究进展,指出干法生产变性淀粉是一种很有价值工艺方法,并对其发展前景进行展望。  相似文献   

Starch is a predominant component of wheat grain. It plays an important role in appearance, structure and quality of food products. Starch consists of two kinds of glucose polymers (amylose and amylopectin) with the ratio of amylose/amylopectin ranging between 25–28 and 72–75%, respectively. The isoforms of granule-bound starch synthase (GBSS) are responsible for the biosynthesis of amylose fraction, whereas amylopectin synthesis is more complicated with concerted activities of the soluble starch synthase together with branching and de-branching enzymes. Recently, waxy (amylose-free) and high-amylose wheats produced through the development of new physicochemical and biological techniques provide the unique starch functional properties. The starches of these wheats have the specific structures and unique characteristics that are believed to enhance the quality of food products. In this review, we will focus on recent advances in the studies of the characteristics of waxy and high-amylose wheat flours and starches and their application for food processing. In addition, we also propose further research ideas for clearer understanding of their characteristics and for their effective utilization.  相似文献   

Morphologies of modified starches prepared using different methods were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). These SEM micrographs provide the following results. To begin with, starch granules underwent a series of changes which resulted in the morphology of modified starch quite different from the native starch with different the methods during the process of modification. For example, hollows emerge on the granules of maltodextrin with low value of dextrose equivalent (DE) prepared by means of spray-drying, but they fell to pieces with the increasing value of DE. The granules of pregelatinized starches manufactured with extrusion technology also showed irregular stone shapes and holes within them while those produced by means of drum-drying presented irregular laminar structure. Furthermore, the granules of granulated cold water soluble (GCWS) starch obtained from alcoholic-alkaline treatment had indented appearance and larger volume than those of the original native granules. The conclusion can be safely drawn that the granule structure of slight modified starches did not change but the surface of the granule was porous.  相似文献   

The effect of mild heat treatment (below gelatinization temperature) towards the susceptibility of granular starch to enzymatic hydrolysis was investigated. Tapioca and sweet potato starches were subjected to enzymatic hydrolysis with a mixture of fungal α-amylase and glucoamylase at 35 °C for 24 h. Starches were hydrolyzed in native (granular) state and after heat treatment below gelatinization temperature (60 °C for 30 min). The dextrose equivalent (DE) value of heat-treated starch increased significantly compared to native starch, i.e., 36–50% and 27–34% for tapioca and sweet potato starch, respectively. Scanning electron microscopy examination showed that enzymatic erosion occurred mainly at the surface of starch granules. Hydrolyzed heat-treated starch exhibited rougher surface and porous granules compared to native starch. X-ray analysis suggested that enzymatic erosion preferentially occurred in amorphous areas of the granules. The amylose content, swelling power and solubility showed insignificant increase for both starches. Evidently, heating treatment below gelatinization temperature was effective in enhancing the degree of hydrolysis of granular starch.  相似文献   

Nonfat dry milk is a valuable food and ingredient because it contains proteins, fat, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins. When manufactured, this product is classified into high heat (HH) or low heat (LH) depending on the pre-heat treatment used in pasteurization. Radio frequency dielectric heating, if used alone or as part of a dry heat technology, may induce component interactions in milk powders, which could alter or improve functionality. To pursue this objective, LH was subjected to radio frequency dielectric heating to 80, 85, and 90°C with a subsequent hold period of 60 or 90 min in an oven, set at the designated temperature, 80, 85, or 90°C, assessed for functionality in liquid and gel systems, cooled, and subsequently compared with LH and HH. The functionality assessment included heat stability and foaming, emulsion, and gelling properties. For foaming, LH presented a statistically lower overrun and foam stability compared with all dry-heated LH. The LH dry-heated at ≥85°C exhibited significantly greater foaming capacity than did the LH. Emulsification properties were not significantly different as a function of dry heating compared with LH. As gels, water-holding capacity was greater and syneresis was significantly less for all gels made with the dry-heated LH at <85°C. Gel firmness and cohesiveness were not affected by dry heating. The heat coagulation time at native pH was significantly greater for LH that were dry-heated for 90 min compared with LH. At adjusted pH (6.4 to 7.2), the heat stability was improved if the LH was dry-heated. The dry-heated LH had significantly less foaming properties, but greater emulsion activity compared with the HH. Overall, the dry heat treatment conditions of this study did not result in acid-induced gels with equivalent properties as gels made with HH. Syneresis was similar for all gels except for those made from the dry-heated LH to 90°C and held for 60 min, as this gel had significantly more syneresis than did the gels made from HH. However, the heat stability of dry-heated LH at native, 6.8, 7.0, and 7.2 pH was greater compared with the heat stability of HH. The application of a dry heat treatment enhanced the functional properties of LH, opening the opportunity to develop food products that can use this modified nonfat dry milk such as ice cream, bakery, and meat products.  相似文献   

研究玉米淀粉、M202,Cocodrie,CM101和土豆淀粉与1%CMC、2%CMC的混合物在130℃下干热反应4 h后,干热变性淀粉的糊化特性和粒径的变化.除土豆淀粉外,其它4种淀粉在1%低黏度CMC存在的条件下,130℃处理4 h后,淀粉糊化的起始温度都有所降低,糊化的峰值黏度和终黏度都升高了;用2%低黏度的CMC或1%中黏度的CMC干热处理,淀粉的糊化黏度反而降低了;如果使用2%中黏度的CMC,淀粉几乎不糊化.在干热过程中,离子胶可以作为交联剂与两个或多个淀粉分子连接,生成交联淀粉.  相似文献   

开发马铃薯淀粉及变性淀粉市场前景广阔   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正> 我国是马铃薯生产大国,年产量达6,000万吨。改革开放以后,我国研究出马铃薯淀粉和变性淀粉的生产设备,同时从国外引进一些先进的技术与设备,大批量生产马铃薯变性淀粉,用于食品生产和纺织等工业领域中。一些专业经营马铃薯淀粉和变性淀粉的跨国公司,也已进入我国市场,为马铃薯的利用掀开新的一页。  相似文献   

以臭氧为氧化剂,采用干法工艺对玉米淀粉进行氧化处理,选择反应温度、反应时间、臭氧溶度3个影响因子进行正交试验,对氧化处理前后玉米淀粉的糊化性能、羧基含量进行了测试与分析。试验结果表明,氧化时间是影响淀粉氧化程度的最主要因素,反应时间越长,反应温度越高,臭氧浓度越大,氧化淀粉羧基含量增加,稳定黏度、崩解值、回升值降低。臭氧干法工艺氧化淀粉所需氧化时间较传统制备工艺极大缩短,且无化学残留。  相似文献   

Wood specimens of Beech (Fagus silvatica L.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) modified by a hydrothermal treatment process were analysed by means of Fourier transform infra red spectroscopy (FTIR). The chemical transformation of the cell-wall material was studied and associated with improved wood qualities. For this purpose, FTIR spectroscopy was used as since this technique has been found appropriate to determine the intensity of specific bonds and functional groups within the polymeric structure. Cleavage of acetyl groups of the hemicellulose has been found to occur in the first treatment step under moist conditions and elevated temperature. This results in the formation of carbonic acids, mainly acetic acid. Most of the acetyl groups were found to be cleaved during the treatment of wood at high temperature, whereas only partial deacetylation was found to occur at moderate treatment temperature. The concentration of accessible hydroxyl groups was measured by acetylation and found reduced after treating at high temperature. Esterification reactions were found to occur under dry conditions at elevated temperature in the curing step, indicated by the increase of the specific ester carbonyl peak at 1740 cm–1 in the FTIR spectrum. The esters that were formed turned out to be mainly linked to the lignin complex, considering that the newly formed carbonyl groups were found present in heat-treated wood, yet were found to be absent in the isolated holocellulose. Esterification contributes to a decrease of hygroscopicity of wood and consequently improvements of its dimensional stability and durability. However, the role of esterification in the decrease of hygroscopicity in the hydrothermal treatment process examined is believed to be minor compared to the influence of cross-linking reactions known to occur during thermal treatment of wood.
Veränderungen der Zellwandchemie hydrothermisch behandelten Holzes
Zusammenfassung Das Holz hydrothermisch modifizierten Buchen- und Kiefernholzes wurde mit FTIR Spektroskopie untersucht. Die chemischen Veränderungen wurden mit dem Hintergrund veränderter Holzeigenschaften diskutiert. Abspaltungen von Acetylgruppen der Hemicellulosen finden vor allem bereits im ersten Prozessschritt unter feuchten Bedingungen und bei erhöhten Temperaturen statt. Dieses führt zur Bildung von Essigsäure und anderen Carbonsäuren. Bei niedrigeren Temperaturen werden weniger Carbonsäuren freigesetzt. Durch Acetylierung wurde der Gehalt an freien Hydroxylgruppen bestimmt. Durch die Hitzebehandlung reduziert sich der Gehalt freier Hydroyxlgruppen. Die Zunahme des Carbonylesterpeaks bei 1740 cm–1 im FTIR Spektrum lässt sich durch Veresterungsreaktionen im heißen aber trocknen Curingschritt erklären. Diese Ester sind vor allem an den Ligninkomplex gebunden und weniger an die Holocellulose. Durch Veresterungen wird ein hygroskopisches, dimensionsstabiles und dauerhaftes Material geschaffen. Die Veränderung der Materialeigenschaften beruht jedoch vor allem auch auf cross-linking Reaktionen die während des Prozesses ablaufen.

The effect of sodium hypochlorite on the physicochemical and functional properties of normal and waxy corn starches was investigated in this study. It was found that both carboxyl and carbonyl contents of oxidized starches from normal corn were higher than those of waxy corn. The introduction of carboxyl and carbonyl groups resulted in lower amylose content and swelling power. Both amylose and amylopectin were oxidized and degraded during oxidation but amylose was more susceptible to oxidation. Studies conducted on paste clarity revealed that the percentage transmittance increased after oxidation. The morphology of the starches was not altered after oxidation. Thermal properties measured by differential scanning calorimeter, showed that oxidation reduced transition temperatures (onset temperature, To; peak temperature, Tp; and conclusion temperature, Tc), gelatinization and retrogradation enthalpies of both normal and waxy corn starches. The retrogradation tendency was reduced after oxidation both in normal and waxy corn starches. Oxidation produced waxy starch with significantly higher peak (PV), trough (TV), breakdown (BV), final (FV), and setback viscosity (SV) as demonstrated by using a rapid visco analyzer. Oxidation reduced the pasting temperature of both normal and waxy corn starches. Also, the principal component analysis (PCA) study was conducted to find the overall variations among the oxidized starches studied. Together, the first two components represent 88.7 g/100 g of the total variability.  相似文献   

机械活化木薯淀粉干法制备氧化淀粉的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用搅拌球磨机对木薯淀粉进行机械活化,以不同活化时间的木薯淀粉为原料、CuSO4为催化剂、H2O2为氧化剂干法制备氧化淀粉,并以羧基含量为评价指标,分别考察了活化时间、反应时间、反应温度、氧化剂用量、催化剂用量、pH值、体系含水量等因素对木薯淀粉氧化反应的影响.实验结果表明,机械活化对木薯淀粉的氧化反应有显著的强化作用,活化时间越长,木薯淀粉被氧化的程度越深,羧基含量越高.活化1 h的样品在制备条件为反应时间120 min、H2O2与淀粉的摩尔比0.586、催化剂CuSO4在淀粉中的质量分数0.03%、反应温度50℃、体系含水量27.37%、体系pH值等于5时制得的氧化淀粉羧基含量为0.81%,而在相同条件下,由原木薯淀粉制得的氧化淀粉羧基含量仅为0.26%.  相似文献   

Seeds of the Andean seed crop quinoa usually contain saponins in the seed coat. Saponins give a bitter taste sensation and are a serious antinutritional factor. Therefore selection of sweet genotypes with a very low saponin content in the seeds is a main breeding goal. However, selection for sweet genotypes is retarded by cross‐pollination. Early identification of sweet and bitter quinoa genotypes before anthesis would speed up breeding considerably. The ability to distinguish sweet and bitter genotypes was investigated in a glasshouse and in a field experiment. In the glasshouse experiment the content of sapogenins was determined in leaves of sweet and bitter quinoa genotypes at successive stages of plant development and finally in the seeds. Detectable amounts of sapogenins were found earliest 82 days after sowing in leaves of both sweet and bitter quinoa genotypes. The total sapogenin content in leaves of sweet and bitter genotypes increased during plant development but remained lower than the content found in the seeds. The sapogenin content in seeds of sweet genotypes varied from 0.2 to 0.4 g kg−1 dry matter and in seeds of bitter genotypes from 4.7 to 11.3 g kg−1 dry matter. The difference in sapogenin content between leaves and seeds was much higher in bitter genotypes than in sweet genotypes. Hederagenin was the major sapogenin found in leaves, and oleanolic acid in seeds. In the field experiment it was found that the content of sapogenins in the leaves of F2 plants of crosses between both quinoa types did not differ between sweet and bitter genotypes. The obtained results demonstrated that sweet genotypes could not be selected before anthesis on the basis of the sapogenin content in the leaves. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

藜麦(Chenopodium quinoa Willd.)是南美洲特有的一种植物,其叶片、花、果实、籽实和种皮中富含皂苷,藜麦皂苷是一种苦味物质和抗营养因子。目前常用的皂苷提取方法主要有溶剂提取法、酸碱水解法、沉淀法、超临界CO_2法及超声波萃取法等。近年来的研究表明,藜麦皂苷具有抗氧化、抗肿瘤、抑菌、免疫调节等药理活性,这些特性都使藜麦皂苷成为医学、保健品、食品等行业的重点研究对象。本文主要对藜麦皂苷的研究现状、结构组成、提取方法、分离纯化、分析测定、生物活性、以及环境对藜麦皂苷的影响进行了概述,以期为藜麦的进一步研究开发提供参考。  相似文献   

藜麦的营养物质及生物活性成分研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了藜麦的营养成分以及功能性成分,以期为深入的研究和推广提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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