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钢铁企业作业成本管理系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济环境的变化,传统成本管理方法在强化钢铁制造业成本管理方面显得乏力.针对钢铁企业多品种、小批量生产模式下的成本管理问题,提出了以炉号、生产批次为依据且面向作业资源管理的作业成本集成管理模型.在对用户需求分析的基础上,采用IDEF0方法建立系统功能模型和信息模型,运用面向对象方法建立了系统UML模型.最后开发了集成化的作业成本管理系统,并在某钢铁企业得到成功实施和应用,论证了其可操作性和先进性.  相似文献   

基于RFID的在制品追踪与管理系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文针对制造业的现状,介绍了一种基于RFID的车间在制品追踪与管理系统,并对系统总体构架、终端设计方法、通信方式、实施效果等进行了全面的介绍。  相似文献   

钢铁企业集成化生产调度模型的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决钢铁企业生产因缺乏整体生产调度计划造成的宏观调控和实时监控等方面次序混乱的问题,提出了分阶段、以关键生产阶段调度为核心、基于规则的分型生产调度模型,并对如何运用该模型实现集成调度进行了分析,最后对该模型在企业实际项目中的应用进行了概要介绍。应用结果表明,该调度模型对协调分厂间的生产、平衡生产物流、缩短生产周期起到了重要作用,实现了钢铁企业生产调度的整体优化。  相似文献   

文章在分析钢铁企业生产流程的特点和存在的主要问题的基础上,讨论了CIMS环境下以成本信息为中心的信息集成模式、并提出了CIMS环境下成本控制模型和方法,成本控制支持软件的结构和功能。  相似文献   

从钢铁企业集团成本管理的特点和需求出发,将信息技术和现代管理技术相结合提出了一种多级成本管理系统的体系架构,它把企业集团看成各股份公司的各分厂或设备的集合体。在分厂或设备层次,分别对各分厂或设备实施作业成本管理,侧重于战术决策。在股份层次,对本公司各分厂的实施情况进行信息综合,支持股份的战略决策。在集团层次对各股份的信息进行综合分析决策,支持集团的战略决策。使用的基于多重资源分配的作业成本核算模型,从分配路径、统一的动因管理、统一的分配管理和与其他系统的集成进行了扩展,从而增加了模型的适用性。结合体系结构  相似文献   

LGCIMS成本信息集成技术的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在分析链钢生产特点,存在主要问题的基础上,讨论了成本信息的范畴,提出CIMS环境下以成本信息为中心信息集成模式,阐述了成本信息成技术路线,成本控制模型,作业成本制作及计算方法。  相似文献   

随着市场经济的发展,产品的生命周期越来越短,生产企业为了生产与发展必须不断降低成本,为了有效控制成本,消除不必要的浪费,将成本管理落实到车间每道工序上,并能动态地结转在制品成本,成为必要。下面先介绍在制品成本结转的原理,然后介绍一种落实到工序的优化方法。1在制品成本结转的原理计算机集成制造系统(CIMS)的工序成本结转方法是在每道工序成本完工的基础上,将同一零部件上一道工序成本结转入下一级工序中,零部件成本向上级零部件结转,逐级汇总,通过本道工序成本和累计成本从而达到控制成本的目的。在具体处理成…  相似文献   

该文在研究RFID的工作原理与射频识别的基础上,进行了追溯系统的设计。在对食品的完整供应链的研究基础上,优化追溯的环节,提高模型的性能。希望通过本模型的设计,能有效提高食品安全追溯的效果。  相似文献   

钢铁企业物流研究概述   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
引出了物流的概念,指出了钢铁企业物流研究的重要意义。从供应链的角度介绍了钢铁企业物流研究的现状,预测了未来物流研究的方向及热点应是:面向企业内、外供应链环境的整体最优化以及与之相关的建模方法。  相似文献   

Workflow management is a key technique for coordinating various business processes. Traditional workflow systems are often built with the client/server architecture, in which, a single workflow server takes the responsibility of the entire operation. This paper discusses a model-driven process enactment environment, which can support an enterprise businesses collaboration. Some key technologies regarding models and the system are discussed in the paper, including the mappings between activities in process models and the service function of applications, how to use XML in the process model, and other workflow engine techniques. A software architecture supporting role-oriented services within the process-driven enterprise enactment environment has been proposed and implemented. The proposed framework has been validated with a case study in the 4PL business system.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the traceability management in the context of Accord|UML, a MARTE-based methodology for designing distributed real-time embedded systems. Our contribution is two fold: on the one hand, we propose to include directly requirements in the modeling process; on the other hand, we identify potential traceability links that we model by using the SysML requirement profile. We also present the toolbox that supports our contribution. This work is partly funded by the French Research Agency (ANR) in the context of the “Réseau National des Technologies Logicielles” support within both MeMVaTEx and Domino Projects.  相似文献   

Standardisation in ISO for enterprise engineering and integration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The new paradigm of enterprise organisation—extended and virtual enterprises—calls for easy collaboration between partners to exploit market opportunities with varying opportunity windows. Such collaborations can only be achieved if the partner contributions can be easily evaluated by means of process models which represent the relevant parts of the partner operations. However, these models have to be linked to represent the total enterprise of the new partnership and to allow performance evaluation by simulation. To provide the required model inter-operability, the models have to adhere to a common representation for both model enactment and human understandability. International standardisation is a means to provide the necessary model commonality. The paper presents the state of the art in the relevant standardisation and identifies future work in research, development and standardisation.  相似文献   

王博  张莉 《计算机应用研究》2008,25(11):3221-3224
通过分析企业过程模型参数对过程性能的影响,将其分为对象属性参数和调度策略两类。其中将对象属性参数又分为产品属性参数、资源属性参数和活动属性参数。针对基于仿真的企业过程模型优化方法,确定了优化参数及优化解空间,探讨了各种优化参数的优化方法以及实际应用时需要注意的问题。最后对各类优化参数进行了比较,分析了对其进行优化的重要性差异,指出了采用复杂系统全局优化算法的必要性。  相似文献   

软件生产支持结构的研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
首先说明软件、软件生产及其复杂性,指出需要过程设计和知识管理来进行软件过程改进;接着提出了研究方法和概念框架,并给出了研究内容;最后,讨论了研究结果,包括软件过程复杂性命题、软件过程改进复杂性工作程序、软件企业模型和软件生产支持结构。  相似文献   

企业应用集成中流程集成模型的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出企业应用集成的三个层次,分析流程集成层次的重要性和难点;通过对流程集成的业务分析,参考交通模型,将独立应用内部流程视同市内交通,流程集成视同城际、洲际交通,给出流程集成的业务模型。在此基础上,提出流程集成平台的设计模型,该设计模型由集成流程管理平台和集成流程接口管理平台两部分组成。最后,给出流程平台的体系结构设计示例,并针对该模型中几个较复杂、有特点的模块给出设计示例。  相似文献   

余本功  汪柳  郭凤艺 《计算机应用》2014,(Z2):91-94,112
从企业实施云服务项目角度,总结得出影响云服务安全的四大因素,即平台设施、运行安全、运营管理以及法律法规因素。在此基础上构建企业云服务安全评价模型,并利用灰色模糊层次分析法( GFAHP)对模型进行综合评价。最后通过一个实例进行具体阐明与评价。  相似文献   

The complexity of the data warehouse (DW) development process requires to follow a methodological approach in order to be successful. A widely accepted approach for this development is the hybrid one, in which requirements and data sources must be accommodated to a new DW model. The main problem is that we lose the relationships between requirements, elements in the multidimensional (MD) conceptual models and data sources in the process, since no traceability is explicitly specified. Therefore, this hurts requirements validation capability and increases the complexity of Extraction, Transformation and Loading processes. In this paper, we propose a novel trace metamodel for DWs and focus on the relationships between requirements and MD conceptual models. We propose a set of Query/View/Transformation rules to include traceability in DWs in an automatic way, allowing us to obtain a MD conceptual model of the DW, as well as a trace model. Therefore, we are able to trace every requirement to the MD elements, further increasing user satisfaction. Finally, we show the implementation in our Lucentia BI tool.  相似文献   

Driven by industrial needs and enabled by the latest information technology, enterprise integration has rapidly shifted from information integration to process integration for performance excellence in the entire business process. This paper reports on the modeling of a business information model which enables mold making companies to achieve business process integration. The needs of process integration in mold making companies are first highlighted. Typical mold making business processes are analyzed and four critical business processes to be integrated are identified. Further, a process-oriented business information model is proposed, which associates business information entities to meet the needs of all business processes. Based on the model, the integration of four critical business processes is investigated, which enables seamless information flows to streamline the business processes, maximize information sharing across the business processes and achieve the automation and concurrency of the business processes. Finally, the implementation and benefits to industry of the system derived from the developed information model is presented.  相似文献   

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