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对12例经手术证实的前十字韧带损伤患者,术前应用B超检查,并将其与前十字韧带损伤常用的诊查方法进行了比较,以探讨B超在前十字韧带损伤中的诊断价值。  相似文献   

目的 提高十二指肠损伤诊治水平,降低误漏诊率。方法 总结报道9例十二指肠损伤改良憩室化术的治疗经验。结果 旱期诊断,及时剖腹控查是重要的抢救措施。结论 改良憩室化术是治疗十二指肠损伤简单而有效的无并发症的手术方式。  相似文献   

回顾性分析1997--2007年收治的20例胰腺损伤的临床资料,探讨胰腺损伤的诊断和治疗方法。认为,胰腺损伤早期诊断困难,应高度警惕;对怀疑或诊断为胰腺损伤者,应尽早手术探查,并根据损伤的部位及严重程度,选择合理的手术方式。  相似文献   

目的探讨超声检查在腹部闭性内脏损伤的价值。方法对永登县人民医院2001年1月~2007年12月的61例经超声检查的腹部闭合性内脏损伤患者进行回顾性分析。结果超声诊断脾损伤34例,诊断肝损伤8例,诊断肾损伤6例,复合型内脏损伤4例,腹膜后血肿6例,空肠脏器损伤3例。结论结合临床及掌握超声共同特征,诊断性腹腔穿刺等结果进行共同分析,对腹腔闭合性脏器损伤快速诊断具有较高的临床价值。  相似文献   

经对5例髌骨纵向骨折患者的临床诊断与治疗结果的分析,探讨了其损伤机理和诊断,治疗技术。  相似文献   

冯锡强  宁平 《甘肃科技》1998,14(2):24-24,7
图为正在做学术报告的冯锡强大夫1临床资料本组病例均为伴有颅脑损伤的多发伤病人。按颅脑损伤分类:脑震荡8例,脑挫伤9例,颅骨折6例,颅内血肿5例,上矢状窦损伤2例。按其它损伤分类:胸腰椎骨折、肋骨折、血气胸者11例,四肢骨折及碾轧伤者8例,脾破裂1例,...  相似文献   

党建中  刘明  孟庆鑫  包海军 《甘肃科技》2009,25(12):153-154
总结分析手术创伤导致乳糜胸的发病原因、诊断及治疗;5例病例均行剖胸探查胸导管结扎术;4例食管癌术后乳糜胸病例均经一次开胸结扎胸导管手术后治愈,1例贲门癌术后乳糜胸病例经第一次开胸结扎胸导管手术后仍复发行第二次开胸再次结扎后治愈。随访6-12个月,手术效果良好;手术创伤导致乳糜胸,首先明确诊断,同时考虑及早消除乳糜胸液,以减少身体的脂肪、蛋白质、电解质和血浆等消耗。若经反复穿刺或胸腔引流,辅以低脂肪、高蛋白、高碳水化合物饮食或完全性静脉营养方法3—4周仍然无效;或引流量大,24h超过1500ml连续5d以上者。应早日争取手术治疗。由于及时进行开胸结扎胸导管的手术治疗,乳糜胸的死亡率显著下降。  相似文献   

张晓芬 《甘肃科技》1999,15(5):37-37
现将我院3年来经CT确诊的31例外伤性气颅报告如下,并结合文献重点讨论了外伤性张力性气颅的发病机制及CT特点.  相似文献   

胫腓骨下端骨骺损伤是发生在16岁以下青少年及幼儿时期的一种较为特殊的损伤,占全身骨折的0.16%,踝关节损伤的0.94%,骨骺损伤的16%,因其误诊率高,有些类型缺乏客观的X线依据.现将我们收集到的102例X线资料并对其中75例进行追踪观察,结合临床资料分析的结果总结如下:  相似文献   

Nurse plants are those that facilitate the growth and development of other plant species (target species) beneath their canopy because they offer benign microhabitats that are more favorable for seed germination and/or seedling recruitment than their surrounding environment. Nurse plants have been mainly used to restore vegetation in arid and sub-arid zones in recent years. Based on summarizing the definition of nurse plant and target plant, we review the nursing effect mechanisms, ecological factors that influence nursing effect, relationships between nurse plant and ecological restoration. This review also brings forward possible pairs of nurse and target species at lower subtropical areas. Furthermore, we provide the potential tendency in nurse plant research and application.  相似文献   

urse plants are those that facilitate the growth and development of other plant species (target species) beneath their canopy because they offer benign microhabitats that are more favorable for seed germination and/or seedling recruitment than their surrounding environment. Nurse plants have been mainly used to restore vegetation in arid and sub-arid zones in recent years. Based on summarizing the definition of nurse plant and target plant, we review the nursing effect mechanisms, ecological factors that influence nursing effect, relationships between nurse plant and ecological restoration. This review also brings forward possible pairs of nurse and target species at lower subtropical areas. Furthermore, we provide the potential tendency in nurse plant research and application.  相似文献   

针对人耳具有惟一性、稳定性、可接受性等特点,介绍一种由图像捕捉、边缘检测、特征提取、模式识别等环节构成识别系统的生物个体识别技术,采用域值分割与非线性变换的方法进行人耳图像处理,建立训练样本以进行识别,达到100%识别分类。  相似文献   

恢复生态学研究进展及在中国热带亚热带的实践   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
进行生态恢复是保证经济可持续发展的需要,更是人类生态的需要,作者从恢复生态学的产生及学科发展,退化生态系统的类型,退化生态系统植被恢复与重建技术,热带亚热带恢复生态学研究实践4个方面阐述了恢复生态学的研究进展及其在中国热带亚热带的实践问题。  相似文献   

Based on the model of grassland climate ecological productivity, the process of grassland degradation and its restoration mechanism in northern Tibetan Plateau were discussed by the model of food-chain in which the environmental and human factors were corrected. The results of case study in Nierong County showed that: ① the climate trend of becoming warmer, more droughts and gales were conflicted with the restoration of grassland degradation, even under level of perfect management the climate ecological productivity was declined from 89. 3 kg/m^2 of 1983 to 71.8 kg/m^2 of 2003; ② from 1983 to 2003, the population increased fast, while the variation of livestock on hand was little, and the cost of its maintaining is rapid grassland degradation; ③ on the present condition of overgrazing, the livestock on hand can be maintained on the level of theoretical carrying capacity in 2033 by applying the mechanism of food-chain in grassland ecological system controlled with expected coefficients, so that to realize the policy of determining the quantity of livestock according to grass growth.  相似文献   

贵州石漠化退化土地及植被恢复模式   总被引:38,自引:1,他引:38  
本文对贵州石漠化的形成、地质背景以及出现的地貌类型进行了分析,并对贵州的石漠化划分为喀斯特洼地石漠化区,纯质石灰岩、白云岩组成的峰林、峰丛石漠化区, 纯质石灰岩、白云岩缓坡山地、坟丘石漠化区,白云 岩组成的砂质丘陵石漠化区与碳酸盐类岩层与非碳酸盐岩类岩层互层、间层石漠化5种类型,对这5种类型的特点进行了分析,并提出了相应的植被恢复模式。  相似文献   

This paper concluded the vegetation restoration technique system in the arid-hot valleys and studied the anti-erosion function, environmental function and biological diversity effects of vegetation restoration on the ecosystem in the arid-hot valleys. The results showed that the soil erodibility decreased significantly after the vegetation restoration. The climate environment of the small watershed had a great improvement after the vegetation restoration, of which the temperature decreased, the humidity increased, the harsh environment of dry and hot in this region changed. The studies of the ecosystem biodiversity were mainly on the analysis of the relations between biodiversity and ecological function of the artificial ecological forest pattern and the natural enclosed treatment mode on the severely of degraded land. It could conclude that the natural enclosed treatment mode is helpful to the biodiversity of the ecosystem and the improvement and stability of the ecosystem, and Leucaena artificial forest restoration pattern reduced the species diversity but optimized the ecological function. Therefore, as to the severely and extremely severely degraded ecosystem in the arid-hot valleys, Leucaena pattern of gully control and natural enclosed treatment mode are the relatively optimal choices.  相似文献   

通过对不同身体素质人群采用台阶实验与定量负荷法来控制运动强度,并经过数据统计和科学分析,阐明了合理有效的恢复手段。这对加快运动锻炼后的体能恢复消除疲劳、预防过度训练、创造最佳锻炼效果起重要作用。  相似文献   

论述了运用标准化、数字化的方法,对彩色印刷品原稿进行分色处理与标准化还原,即建立四项标准:灰平衡、阶调层次曲线、颜色校正、锐化参数,提高印前制作水平,制作出高质量的彩色印刷品。  相似文献   

丽娃河受损退化生态系统的近自然恢复工程及效果分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以丽娃河为例,针对其富营养化现状及河道特征,在传统环境工程治理基础上,构建立体植物群落和动物群落,实施近自然恢复工程,通过比较丽娃河在工程前后的水质和动植物群落的变化来验证近自然恢复工程的效果.研究表明,近自然恢复工程实施一年后,总氮和总磷分别降至0.41mg/L和0.03mg/L;叶绿素a降至7.86μg/L,水质从原来的Ⅴ类降至Ⅱ类标准(GB3838-2002),水质在很大程度上得以改善.除此之外,近自然恢复工程通过直接引入滤食藻类的底栖动物和鲢鱼鳙鱼,在调控藻类生物量的同时也在一定程度上增加了动物群落的生物多样性.实践证明,近自然恢复工程在丽娃河案例中是行之有效的,且耗资少,可以在城市生态系统近自然恢复实践中推广.  相似文献   

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