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本文主要研究了无人机编队的抗扰跟踪控制设计. 针对各无人机只能获取邻机方位信息的情况, 文章设计了一种新的非线性控制器以完成多无人机系统的编队形成与跟踪任务. 考虑到无人机系统易受外界扰动影响的特性, 采用Leader-Follower式编队方法, 通过引入Leader位置信息来矫正基于方位信息的无人机编队系统的位置漂移.将反步法设计结合自适应设计与鲁棒控制设计, 来补偿未知参数与未知外界扰动对多无人机编队系统造成的影响,提高了多无人机方位编队系统的鲁棒性. 然后, 基于Lyapunov分析方法证明了系统的稳定性. 最后, 搭建了四旋翼无人机编队实验平台, 进行了基于方位信息的编队形成与跟踪飞行实验, 并与PD控制器进行了对比实验. 飞行实验结果验证了算法的有效性与实用性.  相似文献   

在固定翼无人机编队飞行的过程中,通常需要根据任务需求或环境的变化构建并保持一种队形,或者变换为另一种队形.目前,无人机编队构建、保持和变换采用了不同的定义与关键技术,产生了无人机编队控制技术的发展瓶颈.本文提出了一种基于状态一致性模型的编队控制机制来解决这一问题.首先,建立固定翼无人机编队的六元状态一致性模型,并基于该模型统一了编队构建、保持和变换的定义.其次,提出了一种基于六元状态一致性模型的集中式与分布式相结合的混合式编队控制机制,主节点集中式地确定无人机在编队中的位置的分配方案,从节点分布式地计算自身的Dubins路径并调整偏航角,然后自主调整节点的航速以实现编队的状态一致性.第三,基于OMNeT++设计了相应的仿真试验,试验结果表明六元状态一致性模型能够将无人机编队飞行的各个阶段有机关联起来,同时验证了混合式编队控制机制的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

随着微电子技术、数字通信技术的飞速发展,无人机编队已应用到许多领域。针对无人机编队保持和编队中能耗问题,提出了一种基于动态角色分配的一致性协同无人机编队控制方法。根据无人机运动学模型设计了一种反馈线性化姿态控制器。在此基础上,基于长机僚机模式设计了一种一致性编队控制算法,提升了编队系统的鲁棒性。同时,设计了一种基于匈牙利算法动态角色分配方法,使多无人机在执行任务过程中可依据具体的周围环境情况来重新制定编队方案确定各无人机位置以此来缩小执行任务周期,同时减小整体能量消耗,并以5架无人机构成编队为例开展了编队飞行仿真分析。仿真结果表明,基于动态角色分配的一致性协同无人机编队控制算法保证了编队控制系统的控制精度和鲁棒性,有效地减小了整体的能量消耗。  相似文献   

对旋翼无人机编队控制进行了研究,分析并简化了无人机模型。采用信息传递策略,提出了结合前馈与反馈的控制策略,前馈信息为长机实时速度。仿真测试显示,该策略在响应速度、稳定性和超调量上优于传统P控制器和PID控制器。通过构建两架四旋翼无人机系统,进行了编队飞行实验,实验结果证实了策略的有效性。该策略在工程应用中显示出价值和潜力,为旋翼类多无人机编队控制提供了解决方案。  相似文献   

针对多无人机在空间机动过程中的编队形成与保持控制问题,提出一种基于非线性动态逆的无人机编队控制方法.将编队控制过程分解为两步:首先给出分布式长机状态估计算法,各编队无人机根据"相邻"无人机状态解算自身的期望运动指令;其次是设计接于非线性动态逆的编队控制器,使各无人机快速跟踪其期望指令并形成和保持稳定队形.仿真实验表明,编队长机进行空间机动过程中,各僚机能够准确估计其状态,快速形成并维持队形稳定.  相似文献   

针对无人机编队保持和动态障碍物规避控制问题,本文提出了一种新的基于群集行为的分布式多无人机编队控制和避障控制算法.首先考虑了由机间气流等因素带来的干扰,基于吸引/排斥势场和一致性方法,设计了分布式无人机编队的队形保持控制算法,对编队内无人机之间的距离进行控制.进一步考虑外部移动障碍对无人机编队的影响,引入了排斥势场产生...  相似文献   

针对多四旋翼无人机编队在巡航飞行过程中队形形成和保持问题,采用分布式模型预测控制方法将该问题转化为在线滚动优化问题.建立线性时不变的编队运动模型,进而在考虑状态和输入约束,不考虑时延、外界干扰、噪声的情况下,利用领航跟随策略设计一种分布式模型预测控制器,通过引入自身和邻居的假设状态轨迹设计代价函数.其中邻居信息的交互是在有向、时不变通信拓扑结构下进行的.基于该控制器,无人机能够在跟踪目标轨迹的同时,快速形成预先设定的队形并保持队形飞行.通过引入终端等式约束保证系统稳定,进而将目标函数作为Lyapunov函数,给出编队系统渐近稳定的充分条件.最后,利用6架无人机仿真验证控制算法的有效性和优越性.  相似文献   

基于纳什议价的无人机编队自主重构控制方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对任务环境下携带不同载荷的无人机(Unmanned aerial vehicles, UAVs)组成的编队, 为实现无人机间的相互支援和补充而进行编队重构控制, 运用多目标多人博弈理论, 将其转化为纳什谈判过程. 结合分布式模型预测控制(Distributed model predictive control, DMPC)方法, 设计一种基于纳什谈判的分布式预测控制(Nash bargaining solution-DMPC, NBS-DMPC)算法求解该问题, 并对算法收敛性进行了证明. 仿真实验表明, 该算法能够有效控制编队自主重构, 实现编队无人机间的威胁规避和协同保护, 同时能够有效降低无人机编队自主重构控制问题的求解规模.  相似文献   

王明华  胡士强 《计算机仿真》2021,38(4):302-305,360
对多无人机的编队飞行控制问题进行了研究,解决了多无人机编队构成并稳定飞行和编队内某无人机失事情况下其它无人机仍保持队形稳定飞行的问题.首先,基于图论设计编队通讯网络.其次,基于三阶一致性理论设计编队控制器,通过积分得到每架无人机的目标位置和速度.在编队内无人机失事情况下,设计变结构通讯网络,并给出编队通讯结构变化规则....  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new distributed formation flight protocol for unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs)to perform coordinated circular tracking around a set of circles on a target sphere.Different from the previous results limited in bidirectional networks and disturbance-free motions,this paper handles the circular formation flight control problem with both directed network and spatiotemporal disturbance with the knowledge of its upper bound.Distinguishing from the design of a common Lyapunov fiunction for bidirectional cases,we separately design the control for the circular tracking subsystem and the formation keeping subsystem with the circular tracking error as input.Then the whole control system is regarded as a cascade connection of these two subsystems,which is proved to be stable by input-tostate stability(ISS)theory.For the purpose of encountering the external disturbance,the backstepping technology is introduced to design the control inputs of each UAV pointing to North and Down along the special sphere(say,the circular tracking control algorithm)with the help of the switching function.Meanwhile,the distributed linear consensus protocol integrated with anther switching anti-interference item is developed to construct the control input of each UAV pointing to east along the special sphere(say,the formation keeping control law)for formation keeping.The validity of the proposed control law is proved both in the rigorous theory and through numerical simulations.  相似文献   

In order to counteract actuator faults in formation flight of multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), this paper presents a fault‐tolerant formation control (FTFC) design methodology, in which the reference generator and the finite‐time convergence of FTFC gains are explicitly considered. Feasible references in response to actuator faults can be generated by considering the health and mission conditions of an overall team of UAVs. Moreover, by applying an auxiliary integrated regressor matrix and vector method, FTFC gains can converge within a finite amount of time to facilitate the fault accommodation process. Thus, the negative effects resulting from failed actuators can be compensated by the healthy/redundant actuators in UAVs. Simulation studies of UAV formation flight are carried out to exemplify the effectiveness of this design approach. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

无人机航迹预见控制及其仿真研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了最大限度地发挥无人机的性能,机动快速地配合其它兵种作战,需要无人机在其有效使用范围内发挥其应有的潜力,在这方面飞行控制系统的性能起着决定性的作用。本文在对目前无人机航迹控制技术存在问题进行分析的基础上,利用数字预见控制的理论和方法设计控制算法作为航迹优化措施,优化无人机的飞行控制性能,提高其机动性和快速反应能力。仿真结果表明了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

A distributed formation control algorithm is proposed for multiple vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in this paper. The neighboring information is obtained by active measurements rather than by nonactive communications as done in the current literatures. By properly expanding the distance‐based network topology structure between each pair of UAVs, a distributed algorithm is proposed such that the switching topology remains connected along the time. Since a VTOL UAV system is typically underactuated, a hierarchical idea is introduced to derive the control design procedure. More specifically, the studied formation control problem of multiple VTOL UAVs is first transformed into the consensus problem of their corresponding error systems. Then, a command force and an applied torque are synthesized for each VTOL UAV such that the error systems reach a consensus. It is demonstrated in terms of Lyapunov theory that the proposed distributed hierarchical control algorithm guarantees the formation realization of multiple VTOL UAVs while maintaining the network connectivity. Finally, simulations are performed to validate the theoretical results.  相似文献   

自主能力强且低成本的无人机集群协同对抗,是无人机集群对抗中打击敌方攻击防御体系和拦截敌方入侵机群的一个重要手段.哈里斯鹰是一种集群狩猎的猛禽,集群狩猎对于哈里斯鹰获取维持生命活动所需的能量具有重要意义.从无人机集群协同对抗任务与哈里斯鹰协同狩猎行为相似性出发,本文提出一种仿鹰群智能的无人机集群协同对抗方法.首先通过分析鹰群的集群狩猎行为,建立鹰群智能行为机制,并将其映射到无人机集群协同对抗行为中;在该模型的基础上,利用李雅普诺夫导航向量场控制无人机的运动状态,使得我方无人机能够以恒定的速度收敛到预定的轨迹上,完成对敌方无人机的对抗打击;最后,搭建无人机集群验证平台,对所设计的仿鹰群无人机集群协同对抗模型进行外场飞行验证,试验结果验证了本文所设计的模型在无人机对抗环境中的可行性与有效性.  相似文献   

基于三维程控飞行策略,对多无人机(UAV)协同编队飞行控制进行研究,提出一种多机同方位任务需求的编队控制方法.采用“长机-僚机”编队结构模式控制编队飞行,以编队中的长机航迹坐标为基准坐标系实现了僚机与长机相对位置一致的控制;实现了编队中所有无人机同时到达指定位置并保持速度相对稳定的控制.通过航路规划和编队遥调,实现了人工干预与自动控制结合的编队飞行策略.仿真结果表明,该方法具有较好的可实施性、管理性、应用性和安全性.  相似文献   

针对固定通信拓扑下的具有时变通信延迟的多无人机(multi-UAVs)系统,在一致性协议的基础上提出了分布式的编队控制算法.利用Lyapunov-Krasovskii函数分析了时延多无人机系统的稳定性,并以线性不等式(LMI)的形式给出了系统稳定的条件.当满足稳定性条件时,编队控制算法将使系统中无人机的速度和编队队形分别渐近地收敛至期望速度和期望队形.仿真实例验证了控制算法的有效性.  相似文献   

This paper presents a solution for the formation flight problem for multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) cooperating to execute a required mission. Learning Based Model Predictive Control (LBMPC) is implemented on the team of UAVs in order to accomplish the required formation. All flight simulations respect Reynold's rules of flocking to avoid UAV collisions with nearby flockmates, match the team members velocity and stay close to each other during the formation. The main contribution of this paper lies in the application of LBMPC to solve the problem of formation for an autonomous team of UAVs. The proposed solution is theoretically, by the application of analysis to the problem, demonstrated to be stable. Moreover, simulations support the findings of the paper. The main contributions of this paper are the proposed LBMPC formulation for formation of vehicles with uncertainty in their models, and the theoretical analysis of the solution.  相似文献   

随着无人机软硬件技术的发展,多无人机集群自组织形成的无人机自组网(Flying Ad-Hoc networks, FANETs)受到了越来越多的来自学术界和工业界的关注,其灵活的部署和快速的反应能力使其能高效地完成多种多样的任务。而无人机自组网路由协议是提高服务质量(Quality of service, QoS)最重要的方法之一,但无人机自组网的移动性和动态性给路由协议的设计带来了严峻的挑战。传统的移动路由协议不能很好地满足无人机自组网的路由需求,因此研究者们从基于拓扑、地理和分层的角度提出了各式各样的无人机自组网路由协议,旨在克服移动性和提高网络的服务质量,并指出未来无人机自组网的路由协议可以考虑机会路由、软件定义网络(Software defined network,SDN)决策和预测驱动决策等综合提高QoS。本文主要针对无人机自组网网络特征,从不同的路由方法出发,SDN对路由协议进行总结和归纳,并对未来的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the design and software-in-the-loop implementation of adaptive formation controllers for fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with parametric uncertainty in their structure, namely uncertain mass and inertia. In fact, when aiming at autonomous flight, such parameters cannot assumed to be known as they might vary during the mission (e.g. depending on the payload). Modeling and autopilot design for such autonomous fixed-wing UAVs are presented. The modeling is implemented in Matlab, while the autopilot is based on ArduPilot, a popular open-source autopilot suite. Specifically, the ArduPilot functionalities are emulated in Matlab according to the Ardupilot documentation and code, which allows us to perform software-in-the-loop simulations of teams of UAVs embedded with actual autopilot protocols. An overview of realtime path planning, trajectory tracking and formation control resulting from the proposed platform is given. The software-inthe-loop simulations show the capability of achieving different UAV formations while handling uncertain mass and inertia.   相似文献   

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