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云计算服务系统的可靠性问题是目前制约其大规模应用的关键因素之一。如何形成一整套有效的云计算可靠性建模、分析、评估和优化方法理论是云计算领域的研究热点。在研究云计算服务系统运行过程的基础上,给出了云计算服务系统可靠性的定义,并采取分阶段解析建模方法,探讨了建立云计算服务系统的可靠性数学模型。  相似文献   

李宏肖  王巍  姚午伟 《现代导航》2021,12(6):410-415
目前以全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)为主要定位、导航和授时源的基于性能的导航 (PBN)、广播式自动相关监视(ADS-B)等技术应用在国际民航领域大规模展开,GNSS 空间信号的性能对于民航安全运行的作用十分关键。按照国际民航组织(ICAO)的有关规定,对 GNSS 信号的服务性能进行监测与评估是使用 GNSS 要素的必要条件。通过分析国内外 GNSS 服务性能监测与评估工作的现状,对系统未来的发展趋势进行了阐述,重点对国内有关领域的研究和实践提出了建议。  相似文献   

康一梅  胡江  王冠 《电信科学》2012,28(1):37-41
SaaS在云端为不同用户提供完整的软件应用服务,它不仅要求云数据库支持海量数据的存储与检索,还要求能够为不同用户方便地定制数据结构。针对SaaS模式的云服务,本文提出一种树型云数据库,该数据库以树的形式组织、检索数据,树中节点的类型不仅可以是数值、字符、文本,也可以是二维表、文件等,其最差情况下的搜索时间复杂度为O[log2N]。其可以将现有的数据存储方式以树的形式重新组织,不仅可以满足SaaS对数据存储和检索的要求,还可以方便地将现有数据迁移过来。  相似文献   

In recent years,an increasing number of application services are deployed in the cloud.However,the cloud platform faces unknown security threats brought by its unknown vulnerabilities and backdoors.Many researchers have studied the Cyber Mimic Defense(CMD)technologies of the cloud services.However,there is a shortage of tools that enable researchers to evaluate their newly proposed cloud service CMD mechanisms,such as scheduling and decision mechanisms.To fill this gap,we propose MimicCloudSim as a mimic cloud service simulation system based on the basic functionalities of CloudSim.MimicCloudSim supports the simulation of dynamic heterogeneous redundancy(DHR)structure which is the core architecture of CMD technology,and provides an extensible interface to help researchers implement new scheduling and decision mechanisms.In this paper,we firstly describes the architecture and implementation of MimicCloudSim,and then discusses the simulation process.Finally,we demonstrate the capabilities of MimicCloudSim by using a decision mechanism.In addition,we tested the performance of MimicCloudSim,the conclusion shows that MimicCloudSim is highly scalable.  相似文献   

在数据去重的同时确保数据安全性是当前云存储系统亟待解决的挑战性问题,设计安全数据去重方案的目标是在确保存储空间利用率和数据安全性的前提下有效抵御内部和外部恶意攻击。文章对基于PoW(所有权证明)的安全云存储数据去重方案进行简要介绍,从PoW安全性、数据隐私性、攻击抵抗性和前后向安全等方面验证方案的安全性,并分析方案的密钥生成效率、数据上传效率和所有权管理能力。结果表明,在计算开销和通信开销方面,该方案具有比传统方案较为明显的优势。  相似文献   

李卫  张云勇  郭志斌  刘露 《电信科学》2012,28(1):132-136
聚焦电信运营商的SaaS业务发展,研究SaaS业务特征,分析电信运营商发展SaaS业务的优劣势,通过分析电信运营商目前开展SaaS业务的成功经验,提出电信运营商发展SaaS业务的建议。  相似文献   

This paper concerns channel modeling for High Altitude Platform Systems (HAPS) and the performance evaluation of Hybrid_ARQ in the WiMAX network provided by HAPS. The stratospheric platform or HAPS is currently a new proposal for WiMAX technology. Firstly we study the HAPS channel behavior as a Finite State Markov Channel (FSMC). In this way, the range of magnitude of the fading channel gain is partitioned into a finite number of states; then based on level crossing rates, the state transition probabilities are derived. The validity of the proposed model is evaluated by theoretical and link level simulation results. Next, we use the derived state transition probabilities as channel model parameters in OPNET simulator for HAPS-WiMAX to calculate HARQ system level measures. The paper compares the performance obtained using two different models in fading effects, i.e. AWGN and our HAPS channel model. In addition, the influence of parameters is analyzed through comparison between our model and the Stanford University Interim (SUI) channel models, in terms of the Bit Error Rate (BER).  相似文献   

In this paper,we present a cloud service model of multilingual home-school communications(MHSC)with the Drupal framework to provide a friendly learning environment for the students from transnational marriages.The transnational marriage is a phenomenon with ever-increasing in Taiwan and around the world.For a student who has a transnational foreign mother,home-school communication is often an obstacle because the foreign mother has language difficulty understanding the delivered messages in the communication book from teachers.In order to improve parent-teacher communications for the transnational families,we designed and constructed the cloud service platform with online multilingual communications and translation service functions,such that teachers can prepare different sheets of multilingual messages for home-school communication books and foreign mothers can read the messages from the teachers in their native languages through the web interface.  相似文献   

目前以云端形式服务平台的日趋成熟,为新媒体业务提供了完整的视频采样、编码、推流、转码、分发、拉流、解码和播出等解决方案,为直播提供了各种场景的接口服务,极大程度上有效解决了直播中的技术难点及网络细节问题。传统广播电视系统结合新媒体互动技术实现多端、多地实时互动的创新应用,给新媒体和传统媒体带来了新的直播形式和效果,大大提升了直播的多样性和互动性,也必将成为今后互联网化直播的重要技术手段。  相似文献   

本文对中国网通北京市分公司的IBS合一帐务系统进行了网络特性的测试与评估,运用网络仿真技术建立了相应的仿真模型.文中提出的测试和建模方法克服了传统测试评估方法忽视其网络特性和网络应用之间相互影响的缺陷,为构建一个科学的网络及应用系统测试评估体系进行了一次有益的尝试.  相似文献   

With the fast growing of cloud computing infrastructure, learning from cloud services has become more and more convenient for people worldwide. In order to integrate the cloud computing technology and different e-learning platforms including variant mobile apps, Windows and web-based applications, we develop our Chinese learning system "analytic Chinese helper" with a service-oriented architecture(SOA). Based on the new architecture we designed and developed a cloud service for the e-learning of Chinese language on the Internet as a convenient resource for foreign students, especially in the reading of Chinese texts. There are two Chinese phonetic systems: Pinyin and Zhuyin. Pinyin is the official Romanization of Chinese characters, and Zhuyin incorporates additional Bopomofo symbols which transcribe precise sounds of Chinese characters. The proposed analytic Chinese helper provides real-time annotations with Pinyin or Zhuyin symbols, and thereby the annotated articles can be used as e-learning objects in learning Chinese.  相似文献   

网络基础设施的建设是电信业务扩展的关键,但其基建项目在计划、实施、评估、管理过程中缺乏统一标准和对环境的有效保护,导致项目在实施过程中存在资源浪费、效率低下、环境污染等问题.因此,针对电信行业项目管理中所遇到的问题,引入绿色项目监管思想,结合云计算理念、智能移动终端,对构建分布式架构的云服务项目监管服务系统进行深入研究,旨在实现项目的平台统一化、技术标准化、监管实时化、管理流程一体化、绿色化等效果.  相似文献   

With the fast growing of cloud computing infrastructure, learning from cloud services has become more and more convenient for people worldwide. In order to integrate the cloud computing technology and different e-learning platforms including variant mobile apps, Windows and web-based applications, we develop our Chinese learning system "analytic Chinese helper" with a service-oriented architecture (SOA). Based on the new architecture we designed and developed a cloud service for the e-learning of Chinese language on the Internet as a convenient resource for foreign students, especially in the reading of Chinese texts.There are two Chinese phonetic systems: Pinyin and Zhuyin. Pinyin is the official Romanization of Chinese characters, and Zhuyin incorporates additional Bopomofo symbols which transcribe precise sounds of Chinese characters. The proposed analytic Chinese helper provides real-time annotations with Pinyin or Zhuyin symbols, and thereby the annotated articles can be used as e-learning objects in learning Chinese.  相似文献   

Performance modeling of network architectures has been an integral part of network systems design for decades. As signal processing system architectures become more and more complex, models of computational performance are becoming an important part of the architectural design process. This paper will describe performance modeling, both in general, and within the context of the RASSP system design process.  相似文献   

针对用户、服务提供商(SP)和基础设施提供商三者之间的市场行为所带来的收益问题,该文面向服务提供商提出了一种两阶段多虚拟机资源分配机制。首先,建立能力规划模型并引入粒子群算法,决策出服务提供商收益最大化的资源购买方案。然后,提出一种优化用户满意度的服务提供策略,优化了服务提供商的长期收益。最后仿真实验结果表明,该方法有效提高了服务提供商的收益,并取得了较好的用户满意度。  相似文献   

客服系统目前面临着成本高、维护难的问题。文章采用桌面虚拟化(Virtual Desktop Infrastructure,VDI)技术,提出了客服系统虚拟化的技术方案及实施策略,该方案将不同桌面用户的计算机硬件、操作系统、用户配置文件和应用分离,使最终用户可以通过网络随时随地访问各自的桌面工作环境。实践表明,虚拟化客服可大幅降低能耗,改善坐席环境。  相似文献   

本文比较了服务管理的能力成熟度集成模型CMMI—SVC与能力成熟度开发模型CMMI-DEV模型的区别和联系,关注了CMMI-SVC模型的变迁。同时还比较了CMMI-SVC模型和ITIL、IS020000模型的区别。通过比较和分析,我们得知CMMI—SVC模型是强调质量管理过程体系的过程改进,关注于资源的量化管理,重视各种流程的闭环控制,借此来引导服务型企业提升质量管理体系和服务质量。最近三年来通过CMMI-SVC的评估的企业的统计数据表明CMMI-SVC已经受到越来越多的关注。  相似文献   

文章提出了一种智能公交云服务系统的框架及其应用场景,为乘客提供公交卡便捷支付管理与无线Wi-Fi上网、个性化社交媒体等服务,使乘客在搭乘公交车的时间里能享受更优质的网络及相关地图、媒体、娱乐、社交与电子商务服务,为乘客打造廉价乘车,轻松享用全程便捷服务的智能公交信息化服务体验。  相似文献   

本文分析了电信运营商IT支撑系统的发展情况,给出了云计算运营商视角的定义,介绍了电信IT支撑系统运用云计算技术的策略和步骤,并引出电信IT支撑系统的云计算总体框架,最后分析了电信IT支撑系统应用云技术对运营商的风险。  相似文献   

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