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In Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) system, one of the most important issues that affect the data integrity is the collision resolution between the tags when these tags transmit their data to reader. In majority of tag anti-collision algorithm, Dynamic Framed Slotted Aloha (DFSA) has been employed as a popular collision resolution algorithm to share the medium when multiple tags respond to the reader’s signal command. According to previous works, the performance of DFSA algorithm is optimal when the frame size equals to the number of un-identified tags inside the interrogation zone. However, based on our research results, when the frame size equals to number of tags, collision occurs frequently, and this severely affects the system performance because it causes power consumption and longer tag reading time. Since the proper choice of the frame size has a great influence on overall system performance, in this paper we develop an analytical model to study the system throughput of DFSA based RFID systems, and then we use this model to search for an optimal frame size that maximizes the system throughput based on current number of un-identified tags. In addition to theoretical analysis, simulations are conducted to evaluate its performance. Comparing with the traditional DFSA anti-collision algorithm, the simulation results show that the proposed scheme reaches better performance with respect to the tag collision probability and tag reading time.  相似文献   

Slotted ALOHA is proposed as a multiple access scheme for high capacity voice cellular communications in mobile radio environment. The performance of such a system, in the presence of fading and shadowing, is evaluated for both mobile-to-base and base-to-mobile links, in terms of number of supported conversations per cell, under some constraints on maximum tolerable delay. The numerical results show that a system of this sort can compete with other multiaccess schemes currently considered, such as TDMA, FDMA, and even CDMA. A heuristic stability analysis is also presented, showing that the proposed system does not suffer from instability problems  相似文献   

The most popular and representative classic waveform codes are referred to as orthogonal, bi-orthogonal, simplex, and etc, but the choice of waveform codes is essentially identical in error performance and cross correlation characteristic. Though bi-orthogonal coding requires half the bandwidth of the others, such coding scheme is attractive only when large bandwidth is available. In this paper, a novel finite projective plane (FPP) based waveform coding scheme is proposed, which is with similar error performance and cross correlation. Nevertheless, the bandwidth requirement will grow in a quadratic way, but not in an exponential way with the values of message bit numbers (k). The proposed scheme takes obvious advantages over the bi-orthogonal scheme when k 6.  相似文献   


Unmanned aerial vehicles have been widely used in many areas of life. They communicate with each other or infrastructure to provide ubiquitous coverage or assist cellular and sensor networks. They construct flying ad hoc networks. One of the most significant problems in such networks is communication among them over a shared medium. Using random channel access techniques is a useful solution. Another important problem is that the variations in the density of these networks impact the quality of service and introduce many challenges. This paper presents a novel density-aware technique for flying ad hoc networks. We propose Density-aware Slotted ALOHA Protocol that utilizes slotted ALOHA with a dynamic random access probability determined using network density in a distributed fashion. Compared to the literature, this paper concentrates on proposing a three-dimensional, easily traceable model and stabilize the channel utilization performance of slotted ALOHA with an optimized channel access probability to its maximum theoretical level, 1/e, where e is the Euler’s number. Monte-Carlo simulation results validate the proposed approach leveraging aggregate interference density estimator under the simple path-loss model. We compare our protocol with two existing protocols, which are Slotted ALOHA and Stabilized Slotted ALOHA. Comparison results show that the proposed protocol has 36.78% channel utilization performance; on the other hand, the other protocols have 24.74% and 30.32% channel utilization performances, respectively. Considering the stable results and accuracy, this model is practicable in highly dynamic networks even if the network is sparse or dense under higher mobility and reasonable non-uniform deployments.


The retransmission cut-off is not needed for a stable operation of slottedALOHA if the new packet generation rate is below a critical limit. Thethroughput never reaches its maximum value if the new packet generation rateis less than this critical limit irrespective of the number of transmissions.The maximum throughput is attained by adjusting the number of transmissions,pertaining to the new packet generation rate exceeding the critical limit.A complete analysis for the new packet generation rate with the properadjustment of the number of transmissions that maximize the channel throughputin a Rayleigh fading channel is executed. A stable operating region in termsof the packet rejection probability and the corresponding number oftransmissions is devised.  相似文献   

本文在分析传统 ALOHA 算法的基础上,提出了一种基于碰撞预检测的分组动态帧时隙 ALOHA 防碰撞算法。该算法通过分组限制响应的标签数量,并且在组内预先发送一个短暂的碰撞检测帧去检测帧内的情况,达到在阅读器与标签之间建立一个完全无碰撞信道的目的。仿真结果表明,当标签数量较大时,该算法能有效减少总数据传输量,提高识别效率。  相似文献   

In this paper, we study radio frequency identification tag identification problems using framed slotted ALOHA protocol. Each tag will be assumed to participate in the contention with a certain probability. Then, the frame size and the probability will be dynamically controlled by the reader in every reading round so that all the tags can be detected in a short period of time. Moreover, we propose a practical way of controlling the probability in terms of transmit power control, assuming Additive White Gaussian Noise channel or flat Rayleigh fading channel. Computer simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

为降低TD-SCDMA系统同频组网时同频邻区对终端信道估计造成的同频干扰,提出了一种时域的平行干扰消除算法,相对于串行干扰消除算法,在有多个强同频邻区干扰的条件下,表现出了更好的性能。  相似文献   

该文针对现有动态帧时隙ALOHA标签防碰撞算法的系统吞吐率低、算法效率低等问题,提出一种可并行识别的分组动态帧时隙ALOHA(PIGDFSA)标签防碰撞算法。该文以实验为基础,探索了待识别标签数、标签分组数、帧长对系统吞吐率与标签碰撞率的影响,研究了提升系统吞吐率与降低标签碰撞率的策略与方法。结合射频识别(RFID)的多天线系统,引入FastICA技术,从而实现碰撞时隙重新定义,并以此为基础,利用未识别标签数目自适应确定分组数与帧长。仿真结果表明:PIGDFSA算法在标签数达到2000时,算法吞吐率仍能稳定在92%以上,与FSA-256, GDFSA, BSDBG等算法相比具有更高的算法吞吐率,更少的空隙时隙,更高的算法效率。  相似文献   

基于串行干扰消除的V—BLAST检测   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
丁子哲  张贤达 《电子学报》2007,35(B06):19-24
贝尔实验室分层空时结构(BLAST)是实现多输入多输出(MIMO)无线通信系统空时复用并获得容量增益的一种重要技术.本文将以垂直BLAST(V-BLAST)为主要对象,综述基于串行干扰消除的V-BLAST检测算法及相应的复杂度和误码性能,并对其发展作了有关展望。  相似文献   

A new analytic framework based on a linear algebra approach is proposed for examining the performance of a direct sequence spread spectrum (DS/SS) slotted ALOHA wireless communication network systems with delay capture. The discrete-time Markov chain model has been introduced to account for the effect of randomized time of arrival (TOA) at the central receiver and determine the evolution of the finite population network performance in a single-hop environment. The proposed linear algebra approach applied to the given Markov problem requires only computing the eigenvector II of the state transition matrix and then normalizing it to have the sum of its entries equal to 1. MATLAB computation results show that systems employing discrete TOA randomization and delay capture significantly improves throughput-delay performance and the employed analysis approach is quite easily and staightforwardly applicable to the current analysis problem.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new structure of decision feedback equalizer that exploits the cyclostationary properties of digitally modulated signals to mitigate interference. In the proposed structure, the forward filter of the conventional DFE is replaced by a cyclic filter. It is assumed that the desired and the interference signals use some mutually different signaling attributes, for example symbol rates, centre frequency etc. The resulting structure is evaluated in the presence of up to six strong interfering signals, a scenario that is typically found in wireless cellular systems. The proposed structure provides performance gains for some modulation formats but it reduces to the conventional DFE for other signal formats.  相似文献   

无人机等小型平台上的雷达干扰机的收发隔离问题会严重影响其侦察与接收同时工作。假设真实耦合路径稀疏的环境下,基础的系统辨识最小方差无偏估计量算法在解决收发隔离问题时,对系统传递函数的辨识精度不够,隔离效果不够理想。针对此问题提出了一种基于系统辨识理论与稀疏理论相结合的追踪算法。该算法利用了干扰机接收天线与发射天线之间干扰耦合路径的稀疏性,可以对耦合路径实现精确辨识,并且算法的鲁棒性较好。理论分析和仿真结果表明:稀疏时不变的耦合环境下,该方法能够取得较理想的隔离度,可以很好地解决小型平台上雷达干扰机的收发隔离问题。  相似文献   

The design of packet radio systems involves a large number of design variables that interact in a very complex fashion. As this design problem in its general form is quite complex, a viable approach is to analyze some simple but typical configurations in an attempt to understand the behavior of these systems. In this paper, a two-hop centralized configuration is considered in which traffic originates at terminals, is destined to a central station, and requires for its transport the relaying of packets by store-and-forward repeaters. The through-put-delay performance is derived, and its dependence on such key system variables as the network topology, the transmission protocol, and the repeaters' storage capacities, is given. In this part, devices are assumed to be utilizing the slotted ALOHA access mode. Carrier sense multiple access is treated in Part II of this series [1].  相似文献   

吴梓颖 《移动通信》2014,(12):59-65
针对LTE系统小区间干扰不可避免的问题,重点介绍基于交织多址接入(IDMA)的干扰消除,阐述了小区间干扰消除系统模型结构与原理,并给出了LTE系统基于IDMA的干扰消除仿真以及数据分析。  相似文献   

CDMA由于其独特的性能成为第三代移动通信中标准多址方式,传统的CDMA信号解调方法是求信号与本用户PN码的相关运算,而此时其它用户的CDMA信号就成为干扰信号.本文提出了一种串行干扰相减式抵消器法,实验表明,这种方法在对功率不相等的多用户进行信号检测时性能优于传统方法.  相似文献   

空间同频干扰在无线直放站工程现场普遍存在,传统的射频滤波器技术无法在频域上解决此问题,因而容易引起直放站自激.文章运用了一种数字化干扰自适应消除技术,其效果相当于将直放站的空间隔离度提高了30 dB以上,从而可以有效解决以上问题.  相似文献   

本文分析了非理想信道环境下递归部分并行干扰抵消(PPIC)接收机的性能及收敛特性,推导了其接收机结构,给出了计算机仿真结果。  相似文献   

本文介绍在多步检测结构中把干扰对消和利用天线阵的自适应MMSE检测器[1]结合起来,并介绍一种新的基于信号子空间估计的检测器。使用这种新的检测器可以使当子空间的维数减少时,干扰就从接收到的信号中抵消,并用正交投影子空间跟踪估计(OPAST)[2]来自适应的估计检测器和空间特征。与MMSE检测器相比,这种检测器在性能上更优。  相似文献   

在大规模机器类通信(mMTC)系统中,以用户活跃性为先验信息,接收机可以基于稀疏感知最大后验概率(S-MAP)准则来检测多用户信号。为了降低S-MAP检测的计算复杂度,基于干扰消除的思想,该文提出一种改进的活跃性感知有序正交三角分解(IA-SQRD)算法,以适用于mMTC系统上行链路多用户信号检测。IA-SQRD算法将传统的活跃性感知有序正交三角分解(A-SQRD)算法的最终解作为初始解,并额外增加迭代干扰消除操作,以进一步提高检测性能。此外,利用与改进A-SQRD算法相似的思路,该文对稀疏感知串行干扰消除(SA-SIC)、有序正交三角分解(SQRD)及数据相关的排序和正则化(DDS)算法亦进行了改进设计,分别获得了相应的改进型算法,即ISA-SIC、I-SQRD及I-DDS算法。仿真结果表明:相对于A-SQRD算法,在未显著增加计算复杂度的情况下,在系统误比特率(BER)为\begin{document}$2.5 \times {10^{ - 2}}$\end{document}时,该文所提IA-SQRD算法可取得3 dB性能增益;并且,对于不同的活跃概率或扩频序列长度等参数配置下的mMTC系统,IA-SQRD算法相对于其它算法均表现出更优良的多用户检测性能。  相似文献   

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