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全国妇联的一项调查表明,在全国2.7亿个家庭中,有0.81亿个家庭存在不同程度的家庭暴力,约占全国家庭总数的30%,且施暴者有90%是男性。国务院《中国妇女状况的白皮书》亦显示,我国每年解体的40万个家庭中,1/4缘于家庭暴力。而家庭暴力问题90%左右又发生在夫妻之间,其中妇女被施暴的占大多数,是家庭暴力的主要受害者。可见,妇女遭受家庭暴力的问题相当严重,已经成为和谐社会建设中必须予以高度关注的一个问题。  相似文献   

今年是中比建交40周年。本刊记者近日采访了比利时驻华大使夫人,一位生于中国江苏省,有着东方血统的女子顾菁。在顾菁眼里,中国和比利时是她的两个温暖、甜蜜的“家”。  相似文献   

在辽宁省辽阳市宏伟区的仙鹤湖西社区,有一个由一群退休仍心系辖区小学生们安全的志愿者自发组建的校外交通疏导站.自2005年以来,这个校外交通疏导站的志愿者们无论严寒酷暑,一直坚守在辖区内的小学校门外.他们针对道路狭窄、每到学校放学时间过往车辆和接送学生的私家车较多,以及小商贩占道经营、交通状况十分混乱,给学生安全带来威胁的实际,长年风雨无阻地自愿疏导交通,为孩子们拉起了一道安全屏障,被孩子和家长们誉为安全爷爷、安全奶奶.日前,这支由最初的4人发展到如今12人的志愿者服务队伍发起的为孩子们送去平安服务项目,被民政部评选为全国优秀志愿服务项目一等奖,是辽宁省唯一获奖的项目.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a model of retirement wealth choice. Reservation wealth is defined as the level of wealth at which an individual is indifferent between retiring and not retiring. Economic theory is used to generate hypotheses concerning how an individual's characteristics determine his or her reservation wealth. An econometric strategy is outlined for estimating these determinants, given that reservation wealth is not directly observed. This strategy is then employed using the 1992 Survey of Consumer Finances. The findings imply that individuals respond fairly conservatively, with respect to their retirement planning, to changes in their income. It is also found that married men and women choose their reservation wealth in very different ways.  相似文献   

This study investigated the impact of union history and marital transitions on wealth inequality between older Black and White women (N = 7,026). Cohort data from the Health and Retirement Study show large and increasing Black – White differences in wealth. Marital and relationship histories are associated with the wealth accumulation process among older women. Women who married and stay married accumulated levels of wealth that exceeded those of other women with disrupted family lives. The marriage – wealth nexus is sensitive to a woman's position in the wealth distribution. Quantile regression results revealed that racial differences in total wealth holdings between Black and White women exist throughout the wealth distribution, whereas the relationship between current union history and wealth differentials is significant at the lower tail and middle of the distribution. Decomposition analyses highlighted the nontrivial role of racial disparities in marital histories in accounting for the racial wealth gap. As members of the baby boom generation enter their retirement years, it will be more important than ever to monitor the wealth accumulation process among older single and racial/ethnic minority women.  相似文献   

“小时候家里穷,没什么吃的,我和弟弟妹妹们嘴馋的时候,就从妈妈的腌菜缸里捞腌菜吃,那是记忆中妈妈的味道。”“华嬷嬷”没想到,这一份童年味道多年后竟然为她和村民们带来了欣欣向荣的幸福生活。她将腌菜改良,打造出了“华嬷嬷”泡菜品牌,从小小泡菜罐里念出了致富经。  相似文献   

Personal wealth has grown since the 1970s twice as fast in real terms as national income. Has this rise in the wealth-income ratio led to a corresponding increase in the wealth being passed on from one generation to the next? Are we returning to the levels of inheritance found in the 19th century? The aim of this paper is to construct UK evidence on the extent of the transmission of wealth in the form of estates and gifts inter vivos. It takes a long-run view of inheritance, starting from 1896, when the modern Estate Duty was introduced, and exploits the extensive estate data published over the years. Construction of a long-run time series for more than a century is challenging, and there are important limitations. The resulting time-series demonstrates the major importance of inheritance in the UK before the First World War, when the total transmitted wealth represented some 20 per cent of net national income. In the inter-war period, the total was around 15 per cent, falling to some 10 per cent after the Second World War, and then falling further to below 5 per cent in the late 1970s. Since then, there has indeed been an upturn: a rise from 4.8 per cent in 1977 to 8.2 per cent in 2006. This increase was more or less in line with the increase in personal wealth, and has to be interpreted in the light of the changing net worth of the corporate and public sectors of the economy.  相似文献   

One vision of a post Brexit Britain is of a political economy sustained by highly flexible labour markets, light touch regulation, and a hyper competitive low-tax regime. This article focuses on the tax element, evaluating the prospects of this vision’s realization on the basis of the attributes of the British political economy, the substance of the Britain’s new found freedoms and the forces at play in the European and international regulatory environment. Britain is seeking a smooth transition via a strategy of upgrading and expanding national position in global wealth chains (GWCs). Occupying space in GWCs requires a series of careful balancing acts between making a tax offer attractive to mobile capital and maintaining revenue, designing a low-tax regime and staying within the boundaries of accepted practice established by multilateral rules and norms, and between multiple, often conflicting, goals that Britain must simultaneously pursue as it leaves the European Union. With hard Brexit, Britain will pursue this vision, but these balances are likely to prove illusive.  相似文献   

Marriage patterns differ dramatically in the United States by race and education. The author identifies a novel explanation for these marital divides, namely, the important role of personal wealth in marriage entry. Using event-history models and data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 cohort, the author shows that wealth is an important predictor of first marriage and that differences in asset ownership by race and education help to explain a significant portion of the race and education gaps in first marriage. The article also tests possible explanations for why wealth plays an important role in first marriage entry.  相似文献   

Yi Modern Art     
Edeshizhuo, a Yi painter, uses abstract techniques in her paintings, but expresses her inner feelings and her life experience with her color sense. Looking at her artwork, viewers can get a sense of Yi beliefs and the essence of ancient culture.  相似文献   

As more than 5,000 national lawmakers and political advisors gathered in Beijing in early March for thetwo sessions,the world watched closely to learn how China's annual political event would guide and influence the country's development for the years ahead.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the marital adjustment of wives of transvestites. Of particular interest are the attitudes of these women toward their husbands' behavior, the stresses under which they are placed, and their fears and concerns. A questionnaire was distributed to a sample of 70 women, obtained through the cooperation of 4 groups (a transvestite organization, a transvestite wives' support group, an outreach organization, and a group whose members wcrc undergoing counseling). The women generally learned about their husbands transvestism early in the relationship. While they most often tended to be supportive and understanding at first, many of the wives had negative feelings of hostility and resentment. Their immediate fear was that others would find out, followed by concern for their children. Most women did not support their spouses' transvestism, and few of them would recommend a transvestite for a husband. Yet, the women overwhelmingly felt that their marriages were very happy. The women appear to have adjusted to their husbands' transvestism by developing a rationale that emphasizes positive aspects of their husbands' behavior.  相似文献   

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