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研究了利用低价含硫化合物的强配位能力和还原性及它作为助剂催化引发氯化钴的羰化反应的工艺条件,以便在较低的CO压力下合成四羰基钴盐。对几种常见含硫化合物的引发反应效果进行了对比。结果表明少量的含硫化合物可以引发钴盐的羰化反应,过多的添加则会阻断氯苄羰化反应的催化作用。  相似文献   

由氯化钴制备四羰基钴盐的反应动力学   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
由氯化钴与CO制备四羰基钴盐是一个多相羰化反应,本文研究了影响反应速度的主要因素,测定了323~343K温度范围的动力学数据,根据实验数据得出反应速度方程式为:-d(CoCl2)/dt=k(CoCl2)(Red)反应活化能为74.03kJ.mol^-1。  相似文献   

四羰基钴钠的制备研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋伟红 《工业催化》2004,12(6):48-50
用红外光谱和碘量法定性、定量测定了四羰基钴钠均相络合催化剂的物化性能。讨论了用氯化钴和一氧化碳在常温常压下合成四羰基钴钠的反应中,温度、还原剂和溶剂的选择以及溶剂含水量对产率的影响。  相似文献   

我们以保险粉及锌粉为还原剂、用Co(Ac)2.6H2O在一定条件下制备了Na[Co(CO)4]催化剂,此催化剂用于环氧乙烷羰基化合成了3-羟基丙酸甲酯,并考察了不同配体、温度、压力和时间对合成3-羟基丙酸甲酯的影响,得出最佳工艺条件为:3-羟基吡啶为配体,压力5 MPa,温度65℃,时间7 h。在此条件下3-羟基丙酸甲酯的选择性为95.6%,收率为86.3%。  相似文献   

羰基合成技术在精细化学品中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、前言羰基合成是在有机化合物分子内引入羰基和其它基团而成为含氧化合物的一类反应,也可称为羰基化反应穴C arbonylation雪;是以合成气与烯烃、或炔烃、或醇、或卤代烃等有机化合物反应,生产醇、醛、酸、酯和酰胺等内容广泛的精细化学品的最有效的途径之一。由于羰基合成中  相似文献   

本文考察了反应起始原料、催化剂及其加入量、溶剂和压力对八羰基二钴合成的影响,得出了最佳的合成条件.  相似文献   

本发明涉及一种合成有机钴盐的方法,是由硫酸钴等无机钴盐与纯碱和水反应生成碱式碳酸钴中间体,本发明特点是:将湿碱式碳酸钴直接与溶剂油和有机酸反应合成有机钴盐,反应温度为40~230℃,反应时间为16~24小时;为了加快反应速度,将化学计算量的有机酸分2~4次投入,使含水中间体在溶剂油中乳化分散成小颗粒块;在升温反应过程中回流脱除其中的水和溶剂,脱水回流温度为90~160℃,脱溶剂油回流温度160~230℃。  相似文献   

苯甲酸、苯甲醛是甲苯催化、氧化的重要产物。在医药、香精和食品防腐剂等行业中,均有较为广泛的应用。甲苯在烃类化合物催化氧化反应中,占据较高的地位。目前钴盐催化甲苯液相选择氧化反应仍是化学催化领域中,具有挑战性的课题。基于此,本文主要从前人学者的相关研究角度,对钴盐催化剂研究成果加以总结。  相似文献   

应用氯化钴和低价含硫化合物低压合成四羰基钴盐的技术于氯苄羰化合成苯乙酸的生产工艺中。结果表明甲醇水溶剂系统有利于低压合成四羰基钴盐;氢氧化钙作中和剂使用,要求羰化产物后处理的温度提高,以保证苯乙酸的产率;碱的用量和浓度是影响苯乙酸产率的重要因素。  相似文献   

羰化法制醋酸乙烯   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文着重对羰化法制醋酸乙烯的催化技术进行了评述。此法不需要乙烯(或乙炔)及醋酸,而只使用甲醇和合成气即可同时制取醋酸乙烯和醋酐。本文还对醋酸乙烯传统生产方法的生产过程和催化技术进行了简要的评述。  相似文献   

气相直接法甲醇氧化羰化合成碳酸二甲酯催化剂的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用气相直接法甲醇氧化羰化工艺路线合成碳酸二甲酯,以CuCl2为活性组分,用浸渍法制备催化剂。比较了活性炭等数种载体,并对载体进行表面改性,考察了催化剂制备过程中溶剂、助剂、同液比、浸渍浓度与次数、浸渍时间等因素对催化剂性能的影响  相似文献   

利用工业废气常压氯苄羰化制备苯乙酸   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了含有一氧化碳的工业废气(化肥厂铜氨再生气及黄磷尾气)经过简单处理,用八羰基二钴为催化剂羰化法制备苯乙酸,苯乙酸产率达90%,产品不需要精制,纯度可达99.9%,其应用于青霉素发酵中效果良好。溶剂可以反复使用,催化剂的回收率在90%以上。  相似文献   

This investigation involves the chemical modification of gelatin, a biomaterial which has been widely studied because of its environmental friendliness, its ready availability from waste products, and its biodegradability. The focus was on cross-linking because it has been shown that the mechanical properties of gelatin can be improved by a sequence of processing steps involving cross-linking, swelling, orientation, and, finally, drying in the oriented state. Because cross-linking is required in this technique, the present study characterizes its possible effects on gelatin biodegradability, as gauged by the time required to solubilize the material. A series of cross-linking agents having various alkylene sequence lengths was used. The resulting cross-linked gelatins were relatively insoluble in phosphate buffer (pH = 8.2) at room temperature, but at higher temperatures, they became partially soluble. Full solubilization of cross-linked gelatins was successfully obtained, however, by the action of an alkaline proteinase, specifically subtilisin. Both the rate of the partial solubilization in buffer and the full solubilization with alkaline proteinase showed dependences on the type, concentration, and chain lengths of the cross-linking agent.  相似文献   

The present work deals with the determination of the optimal operating conditions of lactic acid synthesis by the alkaline degradation of fructose. It is a complex transformation for which detailed knowledge is not available. It is carried out in a batch or semi-batch reactor. The “Tendency Modeling” approach, which consists of the development of an approximate stoichiometric and kinetic model, has been used. An experimental planning method has been utilized as the database for model development. The application of the experimental planning methodology allows comparison between the experimental and model response. The model is then used in an optimization procedure to compute the optimal process. The optimal control problem is converted into a nonlinear programming problem solved using the sequencial quadratic programming procedure coupled with the golden search method. The strategy developed allows simultaneously optimizing the different variables, which may be constrained. The validity of the methodology is illustrated by the determination of the optimal operating conditions of lactic acid production.  相似文献   

The present work deals with the determination of the optimal operating conditions of lactic acid synthesis by the alkaline degradation of fructose. It is a complex transformation for which detailed knowledge is not available. It is carried out in a batch or semi-batch reactor. The “Tendency Modeling” approach, which consists of the development of an approximate stoichiometric and kinetic model, has been used. An experimental planning method has been utilized as the database for model development. The application of the experimental planning methodology allows comparison between the experimental and model response. The model is then used in an optimization procedure to compute the optimal process. The optimal control problem is converted into a nonlinear programming problem solved using the sequencial quadratic programming procedure coupled with the golden search method. The strategy developed allows simultaneously optimizing the different variables, which may be constrained. The validity of the methodology is illustrated by the determination of the optimal operating conditions of lactic acid production.  相似文献   

本文用717~#强碱性阴离子交换树脂对盐酸介质中的镓进行了富集和纯化,对717~#树脂富集镓、分离杂质铝的特性,对实际料液在交换柱中的操作特性和条件做了实验研完,并对镓的交换动力学做了初步探讨,得到了浓度较高、含杂质铝很少的三氯化镓溶液,对降低电解制金属镓的生产成本有一定实际意义。  相似文献   

通过Ni(diphos)Cl2在CO气氛下被Na(Hg)还原,合成了4种新型Ni(diphos)(CO)2配合物,其中diphos:dCypPe,dCyhPe,Ph(t-Bu)Pe,PP。这4种配合物均通过红外光谱和元素分析等方法确认。利用上述合成的新型Ni的双羰基双膦配合物在室温和常压下,成功地进行了苯的光羰化反应性能研究,反应产物苯甲醛和苯甲醇均经色-质分析鉴定确认。结果表明,光反应与Rh(diphos)(CO)Cl配合物一样都具有较高的选择性。此外,对光羰化反应的机理作了探索。  相似文献   

赤泥碱液的电渗析浓缩与工业用水回收   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
提出了用国产异相离子交换膜处理赤泥碱液的几个重要性能参数和经济数据。给出了OH^-,CO3^2,SO4^-2t和Al2^-通过阴膜的迁移规律。对Al(OH)3和NaAl(CO3)2等沉积物的产生与控制进行了讨论。  相似文献   

针对高含量甲醛废水难以生化处理达标的问题,考察了采用强碱还原预处理高含量甲醛废水的影响因素.结果表明,甲醛的强碱还原转化主要取决于碱投加量和反应温度,在同样投加量下,氢氧化钠比氢氧化钙对甲醛还原能力稍强.强碱预处理能够明显降低甲醛的生物毒性,生物流化床工艺对强碱还原后的废水试验表明,甲醛的质量浓度在150 mg·L-1以下的废水对微生物抑制作用不明显;200~300 mg·L-1时会对微生物活性产生一定的抑制;增加到~400 mg·L-1时,会对微生物产生明显毒性,微生物活性处于完全抑制状态.  相似文献   

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