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A procedure of deriving nonlinear wave equations that describe the propagation and interaction of hyperelastic cylindrical waves in composite materials modeled by a mixture with two elastic constituents is outlined. Nonlinearity is introduced by metric coefficients, Cauchy-Green strain tensor, and Murnaghan potential. It is the quadratic nonlinearity of all governing relations. For a configuration (state) dependent on the radial coordinate and independent of the angular and axial coordinates, quadratically nonlinear wave equations for stresses are derived and a relationship between the components of the stress tensor and partial strain gradient is established. Four combinations of physical and geometrical nonlinearities in systems of wave equations are examined. Nonlinear wave equations are explicitly written for three of the combinations __________ Translated from Prikladnaya Mekhanika, Vol. 43, No. 6, pp. 63–72, June 2007.  相似文献   

Summary  The morphological stability of epitaxial thin elastic films on a substrate by van der Waals force is discussed. It is found that only van der Waals force with negative Hamaker constant tends to stabilize the film, and the lower bound for the Hamaker constant is also obtained for the stability of thin film. The critical value of the undulation wavelength is found to be a function of both film thickness and external stress. The charateristic time-scale for surface mass diffusion scales to the fourth power to the wavelength of the perturbation. Received 4 December 2000; accepted for publication 31 July 2001  相似文献   

Stress-induced surface instability and evolution of epitaxial thin films leads to formation of a variety of self-assembled surface patterns with feature sizes at micro- and nanoscales. The anisotropy in both the surface and bulk properties of the film and substrate has profound effects on the nonlinear dynamics of surface evolution and pattern formation. Experimentally it has been demonstrated that the effect of anisotropy strongly depends on the crystal orientation of the substrate surface on which the film grows epitaxially. In this paper we develop a nonlinear model for surface evolution of epitaxial thin films on generally anisotropic crystal substrates. Specifically, the effect of bulk elastic anisotropy of the substrate on epitaxial surface pattern evolution is investigated for cubic germanium (Ge) and SiGe films on silicon (Si) substrates with four different surface orientations: Si(0 0 1), Si(1 1 1), Si(1 1 0), and Si(1 1 3). Both linear analysis and nonlinear numerical simulations suggest that, with surface anisotropy neglected, ordered surface patterns form under the influence of the elastic anisotropy, and these surface patterns clearly reflect the symmetry of the underlying crystal structures of the substrate. It is concluded that consideration of anisotropic elasticity reveals a much richer dynamics of surface pattern evolution as compared to isotropic models.  相似文献   

In this work we study the onset of inhomogeneous deformations in thin electroactive polymers (EAPs) under voltage control. In order to account for the regularizing effects due to both the constitutive nature of the film and to its mechanical interaction with the compliant electrodes, we introduce a non-local energy term depending on the second gradient of deformation. We prove that very small non-local effects are sufficient to find realistic inhomogeneous deformations at the onset of the bifurcation, which are characterized by periodic thickness undulations with finite wavelength. Finally we prove that strong regularizing effects can suppress the onset of inhomogeneous deformations.  相似文献   

We propose an algorithm that reduces the process of numerical solution to successive calculation of elementary one-dimensional problems of the type of a system of acoustic equations. Translated from Prikladnaya Mekhanika i Tekhnicheskaya Fizika, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 199–206, January–February, 1999.  相似文献   

Particularly attention is here given to crack growth in opening mode in fiber networks. Low- and high-density cellulose fiber materials are used in synchrotron X-ray microtomography tensile experiments to illustrate phenomena arising during crack growth. To capture the observed fundamental mechanisms, significantly different from classical continua, a mechanical model based on a strong nonlocal theory is applied in which an intrinsic length reflects a characteristic length of the microstructure. Nonlocal stress and strain tensor fields are estimated by analytical solutions on closed form to a modified inhomogeneous Helmholtz equation using LEFM crack-tip fields as source terms. Justified by experimental observations, physical requirements of finite stresses and strains at infinity and at the tip are applied to remove singularities. The near-tip nonlocal hoop stress field is used to estimate crack growth directions and sizes of fracture process zones. Experimental observations are shown to be qualitatively well in accordance with numerical predictions, which justifies the adopted approach.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the microstructural size effect on the strength of a bar under axial loading, and on the toughness and crack growth of a beam under three-point bending within the framework of strain gradient elasticity. The gradient responses have been found considerably tougher as compared to the classical theory predictions and the observed deviation increases with increasing values of the non-dimensional parameter g/L (microstructural length over structural length). Based on the analytical solution of the strain energy release rate for the three-point bending case, a new, simple and universal, strain gradient elasticity, brittle fracture criterion and a new, size adjusted fatigue crack growth law have been established. Finally, the analytical predictions of the current modeling compare well with previous experimental data, based on three-point bending tests on single-edge notched concrete beams.  相似文献   

Summary Theoretical consideration is given to two unsteady pipe flows. In the first, a combined steady and oscillatory shear flow is generated by a pulsatile pressure gradient in a stationary pipe. In the second, the pressure gradient is constant, but the pipe wall executes axial vibrations.The theoretical analysis is carried out for an upper convected Maxwell model characterized by a viscosity function and one relaxation time. A conventional perturbation method of solution is concluded to be inadequate to describe some of the interesting experimental observations and most of the work employs a finite-difference formulation based onTownsend's work. In the vibrating-pipe analysis, it is concluded that the flow must be considered to be dominated by the axial movement of the pipe if the interesting experiments ofManero andMena are to be properly interpreted.We have still not reached the stage where existing experimental results on pulsatile flow and the vibratingpipe situation can bequantitatively predicted.
Zusammenfassung Es werden zwei Typen instationärer Rohrströmungen theoretisch betrachtet. Bei dem ersten wird eine kombinierte stationäre und oszillierende Scherströmung dadurch erzeugt, daß bei ruhendem Rohr der Strömung ein pulsierender Druckgradient aufgeprägt wird. Bei dem zweiten ist der Druckgradient konstant, dagegen führt das Rohr axiale Schwingungen aus.Die theoretische Analyse wird für das Modell einer verallgemeinerten Maxwell-Oldroyd-FlüssigkeitB (d. h. mit kontravarianter konvektiver Zeitableitung) durchgeführt, welches durch eine Viskositätsfunktion, aber nur eine einzige Relaxationszeit gekennzeichnet ist. Es wird gezeigt, daß die üblichen Störungsmethoden nicht geeignet sind, einige der interessantesten experimentellen Beobachtungen zu beschreiben. Daher wird in den meisten Fällen eine auf den Arbeiten vonTownsend basierenden Finite-Differenzen-Methode angewendet. Bei der Analyse des vibrierenden Rohrs wird geschlossen, daß die Strömung maßgeblich durch die Axialbewegung des Rohrs bestimmt sein muß, wenn die interessanten Experimente vonManero undMena angemessen interpretiert werden sollen.Zur Zeit ist noch nicht eine solche Stufe des theoretischen Verständnisses erreicht, von wo aus einequantitative Voraussage der bekannten experimentellen Ergebnisse bei pulsierenden Strömungen bzw. einem vibrierenden Rohr geleistet werden könnte.

With 14 figures  相似文献   

The methods of the mechanics of nonequilibrium processes are used to construct a continuum model of plant root tissue which takes into account the transport processes in the root. The distinguishing features of the model include the fact that the plastic properties of the cell wall are not postulated and the fact that various means of water transport and the existence of mass transfer in the root are taken into account. The model is used to solve the problem of the differentiation of the root tip of a plant grown in an aqueous medium.Translated from Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk, Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza, No.1, pp. 94–102, January–February, 1993.  相似文献   

The growth of martensitic plates under conditions of anti-plane shear is considered for a particular isotropic hyperelastic material. An asymptotic solution is presented for the displacement field near the tip of a plate growing at an arbitrary velocity up to the shear wave speed of the austenite. An energy balance shows that the rate of energy dissipation is essentially the same as for the quasi-static motion of a normal equilibrium shock. Numerical solutions illustrate how the martensitic plates develop in an initial boundary value problem.This work was supported by the National Science Foundation through grant MSM-8658107 and through a grant of supercomputer resources at the John von Neumann Center.  相似文献   

A new approach to sensitize turbulence closures based on the linear eddy-viscosity hypothesis to rotational effects is proposed. The principal idea is to ‘mimic' the behavior of a second moment closure (SMC) in rotating homogeneous shear flow; depending on the ratio of the mean flow to the imposed rotational time scales, the model should be able to bifurcate between two stable equilibrium solutions. These solutions correspond to exponential or algebraic time dependent growth or decay of turbulent kinetic energy. This fundamental behavior of SMCs is believed to be of importance also in the prediction of non-equilibrium turbulence. A near-wall turbulence model which is based on the linear eddy-viscosity hypothesis is modified in the present study. Wall proximity effects are modeled by the elliptic relaxation approach. This closure has been successfully applied in the computation of complex, non-equilibrium flows in inertial frames of reference. The objective of the present study is to extend the predictive capability of the model to include flows dominated by rotational effects. The new model is calibrated in rotating homogeneous turbulent shear flow and subsequently tested in three different cases characterized by profound effects of system rotation or streamline curvature. It is able to capture many of the effects due to imposed body forces that the original closure is incapable of. Good agreement is obtained between the present predictions and available experimental and DNS data.  相似文献   

Interfacial dislocation may have a spreading core corresponding to a weak shear resistance of interfaces. In this paper, a conic model is proposed to mimic the spreading core of interfacial dislocation in anisotropic bimaterials. By the Stroh formalism and Green's function, the analytical expressions of the elastic fields are deduced for such a dislocation. Taking Cu/Nb bimaterial as an example, it is demonstrated that the accuracy and efficiency of the method are well validated by the interface conditions, a spreading core can greatly reduce the stress intensity near the interfacial dislocation compared with the compact core, and the elastic fields near the spreading core region are significantly different from the condensed core, while they are less sensitive to a field point that is 1.5times the core width away from the center of the spreading core.  相似文献   

An energy argument is used to predict the penetration of an elastic membrane by a rigid cylindrical indenter. We study a sequence of axisymmetric equilibrium deformations beginning with the indentation of a solid disc, followed by penetration of the membrane at a critical value of the indenter displacement, and ending in a state of cavitation in which the membrane is detached from the indenter and a central traction-free hole is maintained by boundary data alone.  相似文献   

A nonlocal formulation is proposed for the hypothesis of the constancy of rock pressure for nonstationary percolation under pressure in a deep-lying elastic rockshelf. According to the formulation proposed, stress variations in the skeleton of the rockshelf are caused by changes in the interstitial pressure in the proximity of the area studied.Translated from Zhurnal Prikladnoi Mekhaniki i Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 35–38, July–August, 1968.The author is indebted to É. A. Avakyan and N. A. Efremova for performing the computations.  相似文献   

The harmonics of plane longitudinal and trans-verse waves in nonlinear elastic solids with up to cubic nonlinearity in a one-dimensional setting are investigated in this paper. It is shown that due to quadratic nonlinearity, a transverse wave generates a second longitudinal harmonic. This propagates with the velocity of transverse waves, as well as resonant transverse first and third harmonics due to the cubic and quadratic nonlinearities. A longitudinal wave generates a resonant longitudinal second harmonic, as well as first and third harmonics with amplitudes that increase linearly and quadratically with distance propagated. In a second investigation, incidence from the linear side of a pri-mary wave on an interface between a linear and a nonlinear elastic solid is considered. The incident wave crosses the interface and generates a harmonic with interface conditions that are equilibrated by compensatory waves propagating in two directions away from the interface. The back-propagated compensatory wave provides information on the nonlinear elastic constants of the material behind the interface. It is shown that the amplitudes of the compensatory waves can be increased by mixing two incident longitudinal waves of appropriate frequencies.  相似文献   

The effects of a remote applied stress on double contacts of similar elastic materials are examined using a numerical method based on Cauchy singular integral equations (SIE). In contrast to single contacts, the space of possible shear configurations is very rich. In many cases, the partial slip problem does not have a contact equivalent. An equation based on displacement continuity is derived to relate the stick-zone extents for any shear configuration; this equation is essential for the solution of general partial slip problems involving two stick-zones. A shear configuration map that shows the types of partial slip solution that occur for various shear load-remote bulk-stress combinations is obtained for biquadratic indenters. Lastly, it is shown that it is possible to predict the shear configuration in some cases for double cylindrical indenters.  相似文献   

Numerical solutions are given which reveal the effects of viscous dissipation, shear-thinning, and elasticity on the extrudate swell of Nylon-6. Results for a cold isothermal free surface are compared with previous solutions for an adiabatic free surface.  相似文献   

A micromechanics-based constitutive relation for void growth in a nonlinear viscous solid is proposed to study rate effects on fracture toughness. This relation is incorporated into a microporous strip of cell elements embedded in a computational model for crack growth. The microporous strip is surrounded by an elastic nonlinear viscous solid referred to as the background material. Under steady-state crack growth, two dissipative processes contribute to the macroscopic fracture toughness—the work of separation in the strip of cell elements and energy dissipation by inelastic deformation in the background material. As the crack velocity increases, voids grow in the strain-rate strengthened microporous strip, thereby elevating the work of separation. In contrast, the energy dissipation in the background material decreases as the crack velocity increases. In the regime where the work of separation dominates energy dissipation, toughness increases with crack velocity. In the regime where energy dissipation is dominant, toughness decreases with crack velocity. Computational simulations show that the two regimes can exist in certain range of crack velocities for a given material. The existence of these regimes is greatly influenced by the rate dependence of the void growth mechanism (and the initial void size) as well as that of the bulk material. This competition between the two dissipative processes produces a U-shaped toughness-crack velocity curve. Our computational simulations predict trends that agree with fracture toughness vs. crack velocity data reported in several experimental studies for glassy polymers and rubber-modified epoxies.  相似文献   

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