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The story of the one-hundredth monkey has generated new ways of thinking about cultural transformation. Different experiences and new understandings of justice have emerged in a variety of cultural contexts and led to a rather sudden multi-national shift in thinking about the collective response to crime, harm and conflict that raises broader theoretical questions about restorative justice as a social movement or innovation. This article will describe the restorative justice movement in an historical context and its emergence into a worldwide phenomenon. The authors also examine the role of communities, or “instrumental communities” in public organizations.  相似文献   

The premise of this article is that organizations need to be “organized” differently if we want to re-invigorate the power of community in contemporary life. A central theme within the current reform movement toward restorative justice is the devolution of authority from formal governmental systems to community. In order to effectively socialize young people, communities and families must perform certain functions well. As more and more societal activities take place within organizations, we face the dilemma that the weakened communities create a demand for increasing involvement of public organizations in the life of the community. Yet modern organizations do not effectively perform functions unique to families and communities. Drawing on insights from a unique community-system partnership in restorative peacemaking circles, this paper argues we may need to reinvent our organizations so that they learn to behave as members of the community. 1This apt phrase and fundamental insight about the meaning of community came from the seminal article by Paul McCold and Benjamin Wachtel (1998).  相似文献   

Restorative justice, in treating organizations as communities, and viewing them as both cause and solution to problems of crime, harm and conflict, provides its revolutionary insights and groundbreaking efforts to transform and localize intervention in response to these problems. The contributions to this special issue focus on restorative justice as a way of addressing crime and crime-related concerns to the greatest extent possible within such community organizational contexts (i.e., workplaces, schools, universities, and residential programs for delinquents). The authors demonstrate how restorative practices have implications for community building and organizational reform based generally on a learning theory of cultural change.  相似文献   

反映人们对组织内部沟通质量感知的互动公平,将引领组织公平研究的第三次浪潮。互动公平的测量均采用间接测量方式,并以Colquitt的量表最为广泛应用。互动公平受上下级人格特征、行为以及上下级相似性影响,并在个体层次和群体层次产生影响。互动公平未来研究应着重本土化研究、前因变量的探索和纵向研究。  相似文献   

Intergenerational justice is implicit in international commitments to sustainability. If ecological, economic, and social components of sustainability are to be achieved, there is a necessity for intergenerational justice considerations to be included in decision making. The present generation's risk judgments should include consideration of the possible outcomes for their children. But intergenerational issues cannot be considered in isolation from other current risk and fairness concerns. This article reports on a community-based integrative model that describes justice and other attitudes and motivations that determine community and individual proenvironmental behavior in two nations: Germany and Australia. This model can account for a considerable amount of the variance in political compliance as well as various proenvironmental behaviors. Group or individual self-interests have nearly no effects on global protective behavior. It is shown that universal as well as contextual principles, including distributive (within or between generations), procedural, and interactive justice, play a crucial role in fairness judgments. Other principles are also taken into account, such as efficiency, environmental rights, and rights to economic welfare. The results are discussed in relation to the importance of complex community fairness judgments in predicting and evaluating acceptance of political decisions, and for promoting proenvironmental behavior.  相似文献   

Floods continue to inflict the most damage upon human communities among all natural hazards in the United States. Because localized flooding tends to be spatially repetitive over time, local decisionmakers often have an opportunity to learn from previous events and make proactive policy adjustments to reduce the adverse effects of a subsequent storm. Despite the importance of understanding the degree to which local jurisdictions learn from flood risks and under what circumstances, little if any empirical, longitudinal research has been conducted along these lines. This article addresses the research gap by examining the change in local flood mitigation policies in Florida from 1999 to 2005. We track 18 different mitigation activities organized into four series of activities under the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Community Rating System (CRS) for every local jurisdiction in Florida participating in the FEMA program on a yearly time step. We then identify the major factors contributing to policy changes based on CRS scores over the seven-year study period. Using multivariate statistical models to analyze both natural and social science data, we isolate the effects of several variables categorized into the following groups: hydrologic conditions, flood disaster history, socioeconomic and human capital controls. Results indicate that local jurisdictions do in fact learn from histories of flood risk and this process is expedited under specific conditions.  相似文献   

Over the past 5 years, the UK Coalition and subsequent Conservative governments have sought to develop an agenda of localism. Recent research has evaluated how this has played out in practice. This article takes a different approach, interpreting how the language of community and place in English politics has been mobilized in reforms of the country’s planning system. We do this by tracing how conservative traditions of political thought and imagery of place were used to advance localism. This reveals a range of contradictions within the English localism agenda and highlights the wider political challenges raised by attempts to mobilize the affective and morally charged language of the local.  相似文献   

自我效能感研究综述——组织行为学发展的新趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
姚凯 《管理学报》2008,5(3):463-468
近年来,自我效能感在组织行为学领域的地位日益凸显。首先,回顾和剖析了国内外关于自我效能感本质、内涵认识、形成机制和组织行为影响机制的研究成果。然后,在此基础上,对自我效能感在组织行为学前沿领域的应用和发展进行了前瞻性的分析和展望。  相似文献   

The practice of restorative justice in schools has the capacity to build social and human capital through challenging students in the context of social and emotional learning. While restorative justice was originally introduced to schools to address serious incidents of misconduct and harmful behavior, the potential this philosophy offers is much greater. The conviction is that the key challenge for schools is addressing the culture change required to make the shift from traditional discipline, driven by punitive (or rewards based) external motivators, to restorative discipline, driven by relational motivators that seeks to empower individuals and their communities.  相似文献   

Operations Management (OM) research on organizational culture has to change to be able to inform practice. Currently, organizational culture research in OM is largely confined to narrow topical and methodological niches and culture is most frequently used as an explanatory variable in quantitative, survey‐based research. We argue that the relegation of culture to this niche is due to self‐imposed methodological blinders that hobble the OM field. We then present four research imperatives to reinvigorate organizational culture research within our field. We urge OM scholars to view culture as a dynamic concept that can be influenced, to adopt alternative methods, to use non‐traditional data sources, and to rethink assumptions about dependent variables. We also identify gaps in the current knowledge and new research questions for the OM domain. We conclude that the field of OM could greatly expand its understanding of organizational culture and in so doing greatly improve business practice, but that to do so will require a change in the culture of the operations management research community.  相似文献   

This paper examines the continuing reform of the public sector in European countries. While reform fatigue might be expected after the major efforts at reforming that were undertaken during the 1980s and into the 1990s, there is apparently little loss of fervor about reform. The reasons for the continued reform efforts are discussed in administrative and political terms. Likewise, the logic of the continuation of reform in the contemporary era, as contrasted to earlier periods of reform, is discussed.  相似文献   

芦青  宋继文  夏长虹 《管理学报》2011,8(12):1802-1812
通过问卷调查北京地区的280名员工,运用社会交换理论框架,从领导-员工二元关系的角度研究道德领导的影响过程。研究结果表明,道德领导对员工的工作态度与工作结果有显著的正向影响;LMX在道德领导与员工工作态度之间起到了部分中介作用;组织公平在道德领导与员工工作态度和组织公民行为之间起到正向调节作用。  相似文献   

From an international perspective, Australia has been one of the leading jurisdictions for corporate governance reform. Its first corporate governance code predates the Cadbury Report, and Australia is also one of the few countries internationally to have been only marginally affected by the recession that ensued after the Global Financial Crisis. Considerable governance reform has occurred since 2007–8 in Australia, however; much of it occasioned by pressure brought to bear by institutional investors as a reaction to both traditional governance failings and also social and environmental concerns such as a growing awareness of climate change. Institutional influence is primarily associated with the compulsory retirement income system that emerged in the 1980s in light of an economy‐wide union campaign. While governance structures are becoming more homogenous, institutional logics reflecting trustees’ concerns are driving and shaping this ongoing process. A new approach to corporate engagement has emerged under the influence of investor representative bodies such as the Australian Council of Superannuation Investors that is driving corporate governance change.  相似文献   

The New Public Management (NPM) has often been favorably contrasted with European Public Administration (EPA). This paper attempts to balance this Anglo-American perspective with a relatively new European critique of NPM which its authors call the Neo-Weberian State (NWS). Despite their differences in some key respects, however, it is argued that the NPM and NWS are similar in their sweeping paradigmatic character, their ambiguities and internal inconsistencies, their inability to go beyond instrumental rationality and incorporate forms of hermeneutic and critical reason, and in their advocacy of bureaucracy via participation under certain historical conditions, hence consistent with Weber’s characterization of modern organization and management. The paper, based on the authors’ rendering of critical social theory, provides a fresh means for bridging the two perspectives.
David Y. Miller (Corresponding author)Email:

刘纪鹏  刘彪  胡历芳 《管理世界》2020,(1):60-68,234
2020年是实现国企与国资改革"三年行动方案"的开局之年,关键是要解决当前国资改革中的困惑,走出误区并探索创新模式。传统中国国有资产管理主要是为了解决国有资产保值、增值的微观问题。进入中国特色社会主义新时代,国资改革应从中国道路、中国模式的角度,全面、系统地进行管理方案设计,这既是构建竞争中性营商环境的客观需要,也是"三年行动方案"目标指引下国资改革引向深入的必然选择。总结国资改革30年来的困惑和误区,中国国资改革关键在于把宏观运行机制和微观运行载体实现创新性结合,构建三层次国资管理体系,让国资委作为营利性国资的统一监管者,让国有资本投资运营公司作为企业的直接出资人,将国家战略运用于国有企业中,实现做强、做优、做大国有资本的重大变革。  相似文献   

Elliott  Susan J.  Cole  Donald C.  Krueger  Paul  Voorberg  Nancy  Wakefield  Sarah 《Risk analysis》1999,19(4):621-634
This paper describes a multi-stakeholder process designed to assess the potential health risks associated with adverse air quality in an urban industrial neighborhood. The paper briefly describes the quantitative health risk assessment conducted by scientific experts, with input by a grassroots community group concerned about the impacts of adverse air quality on their health and quality of life. In this case, rather than accept the views of the scientific experts, the community used their powers of perception to advantage by successfully advocating for a professionally conducted community health survey. This survey was designed to document, systematically and rigorously, the health risk perceptions community members associated with exposure to adverse air quality in their neighborhood. This paper describes the institutional and community contexts within which the research is situated as well as the design, administration, analysis, and results of the community health survey administered to 402 households living in an urban industrial neighborhood in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. These survey results served to legitimate the community's concerns about air quality and to help broaden operational definitions of health. In addition, the results of both health risk assessment exercises served to keep issues of air quality on the local political agenda. Implications of these findings for our understanding of the environmental justice process as well as the ability of communities to influence environmental health policy are discussed.  相似文献   

Public leaders face increasing pressure to build effective organizational communities. However, the purposive-rational foundation of knowledge in existing theory fails to inform the reflective practice necessary for this level of change. This article contrasts the prevailing viewpoint with the notion of changing organizations, an approach rooted in critical theory in which large group intervention methods are employed to foster participation and emancipatory change across organizational communities. The article features a case study involving a local government grant-making agency to show how participants engaged in reflective practice as a way of patterning community-wide change.  相似文献   

Public sector reform in Denmark has not been studied extensively, despite the country's tireless reorganization efforts and track record of trying new ideas. This article thus seeks to fill a gap in the literature. It does this by examining the reorganization of the public sector in terms of the transformation of organizations, and by assessing how successive governments have evaluated the initiatives taken with the aim of knowing whether or not reorganization has worked. The discussion shows that reorganization has been incremental and pragmatic, and that governments have rarely evaluated their reorganization efforts in any systematic way. One of the primary reasons for this has been the desire of politicians and top civil servants to have political and administrative flexibility and freedom to seize on strategic opportunities, unconstrained by the findings of detailed evaluations.  相似文献   

供应商早期参与制造企业新产品的开发作为一种新型的合作模式,可以使合作双方获益。本文从供应商的角度,分析了供应商早期参与制造企业新产品开发的关键因素,并用实证研究的方法验证了这些因素对供应商早期参与新产品开发的影响路径。  相似文献   

The movement of activities earlier in the product development process requires a re-examination of the total supply network. The objective of this paper is to determine the degree of early supplier involvement (ESI) that exists between a multinational electronics company and its key suppliers, in terms of depth of integration, information exchange and buyer–supplier relationships. The paper provides insights into the strategic factors that affect the dynamics of the ESI process. The research indicates that there are considerable impediments for those participants responsible for establishing and managing the implementation of ESI. A number of strategic insights are identified that explain the existence of the impediments to the ESI process. Finally, based upon the findings a number of lessons are highlighted for organisations considering the adoption of the ESI process.  相似文献   

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