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Hydrothermal clay minerals present in the Broadlands–Ohaaki geothermal field were characterised by field portable short-wave infrared spectroscopy. Three major alteration zones, an upper smectite, a middle illite and a lower illite–chlorite, are spectrally separable. The zoning pattern is generally consistent with the thermal structure of the geothermal field, although occasionally zone boundaries cut present-day isotherms. The data indicate that temperature is the major control on clay zoning and permeability plays a subordinate role.Both beidellite and montmorillonite are common in the upper, low-temperature smectite zone. Kaolinite, mainly of low crystallinity, marks the margin of the field where cool acidic ground waters inflow. In the middle alteration zone, illite, dominantly K-rich, shows a narrow compositional variability. Some highly permeable zones are characterised by illite with low octahedral Al contents. Ammonium-bearing illite and buddingtonite are present locally in permeable horizons within the illite zone, where temperatures are above 200°C. Chlorite is most abundant in the lower alteration zone (temperature >250°C), although it also occurs unevenly in the upper and middle alteration zones. Chlorite varies from Mg- to Fe-rich varieties (but mostly with Mg# values <0.5), but no compositional trends with respect to depth are spectrally detectable.  相似文献   

The Kızılcahamam geothermal field is emplaced in Tertiary-aged volcanic units 70 km NW of Ankara (Turkey). Data for this low-temperature (74–86°C) geothermal field regarding the fracture zone system were obtained from surface manifestations (hot springs, alteration zones), five exploration wells (MTA-2, -3, -4, -5, -6) and two production wells (KHD-1, MTA-1). The Kızılcahamam reservoir developed along the Kızılcahamam fault zone and so the production wells (180–1556 m) effect each other due to their limited separation. Meteoric water enters from a recharge area NE of Kızılcahamam, circulates and gains heat through the fault zone, and discharges to the surface.Detailed petrographical studies have been carried out with samples taken from surface rocks, cores, and cuttings from three wells (KHD-1, MTA-2, -3). X-ray diffraction techniques were also used in the present study. Kaolinite and montmorillonite zones were identified at outcrop samples. Chloritization, clay mineralization, sericitization and carbonization were determined in the ground mass of samples from wells. The observed alteration mineral assemblages indicate that Kızılcahamam geothermal system has been cooling since the alteration minerals formed.The exploration well MTA-3 seems to be more suitable for a reinjection well than the other wells (MTA-2, -6), even if the cost of surface piping to transport the waste water to MTA-3 is higher than to another well (MTA-6).  相似文献   

Samples from Kawah Ijen crater lake, spring and fumarole discharges were collected between 1990 and 1996 for chemical and isotopic analysis. An extremely low pH (<0.3) lake contains SO4–Cl waters produced during absorption of magmatic volatiles into shallow ground water. The acidic waters dissolve the rock isochemically to produce “immature” solutions. The strong D and 18O enrichment of the lake is mainly due to enhanced evaporation at elevated temperature, but involvement of a magmatic component with heavy isotopic ratios also modifies the lake D and 18O content. The large ΔSO4–S0 (23.8–26.4‰) measured in the lake suggest that dissolved SO4 forms during disproportionation of magmatic SO2 in the hydrothermal conduit at temperatures of 250280°C. The lake δ18OSO4 and δ18OH2O values may reflect equilibration during subsurface circulation of the water at temperatures near 150°C. Significant variations in the lake's bulk composition from 1990 to 1996 were not detected. However, we interpret a change in the distribution and concentration of polythionate species in 1996 as a result of increased SO2-rich gas input to the lake system.Thermal springs at Kawah Ijen consist of acidic SO4–Cl waters on the lakeshore and neutral pH HCO3–SO4–Cl–Na waters in Blawan village, 17 km from the crater. The cation contents of these discharges are diluted compared to the crater lake but still do not represent equilibrium with the rock. The SO4/Cl ratios and water and sulfur isotopic compositions support the idea that these springs are mixtures of summit acidic SO4–Cl water and ground water.The lakeshore fumarole discharges (T=170245°C) have both a magmatic and a hydrothermal component and are supersaturated with respect to elemental sulfur. The apparent equilibrium temperature of the gas is 260°C. The proportions of the oxidized, SO2-dominated magmatic vapor and of the reduced, H2S-dominated hydrothermal vapor in the fumaroles varied between 1979 and 1996. This may be the result of interaction of SO2-bearing magmatic vapors with the summit acidic hydrothermal reservoir. This idea is supported by the lower H2S/SO2 ratio deduced for the gas producing the SO4–Cl reservoir feeding the lake compared with that observed in the subaerial gas discharges. The condensing gas may have equilibrated in a liquid–vapor zone at about 350°C.Elemental sulfur occurs in the crater lake environment as banded sediments exposed on the lakeshore and as a subaqueous molten body on the crater floor. The sediments were precipitated in the past during inorganic oxidation of H2S in the lake water. This process was not continuous, but was interrupted by periods of massive silica (poorly crystallized) precipitation, similar to the present-day lake conditions. We suggest that the factor controlling the type of deposition is related to whether H2S- or silica-rich volcanic discharges enter the lake. This could depend on the efficiency with which the lake water circulates in the hydrothermal cell beneath the crater. Quenched liquid sulfur products show δ34S values similar to those found in the banded deposits, suggesting that the subaqueous molten body simply consists of melted sediments previously accumulated at the lake bottom.  相似文献   

High-sulfidation (HS) epithermal systems have elements in common with passively degassing volcanoes associated with high T, acid fumarole fields or acid crater lakes. They are considered to form in two stages, the first of which involves advanced argillic alteration resulting from intense, strongly acidic fluid–rock interaction. The La Fossa hydrothermal system (Vulcano Island) represents a classic example of such an active HS system and can be considered as a modern analogue of this early stage of alteration, resulting in a core of intense silicic (90–95% pure SiO2) alteration surrounded by alunitic alteration zones.  相似文献   

Grains of native gold and tellurium were found in siliceous hydrothermally altered rocks in the high-temperature (170–540°C) fumarolic field of the La Fossa volcano (Island of Vulcano). In addition to Au and Te, Pb–Bi sulfides (cannizzarite) and Tl-bromide chloride were found as sublimates in the hottest fumarolic vents of the crater rim. The chemical composition of altered rocks associated with sublimate deposition indicate the presence of a significant concentration of Te (up to 75 ppm), while gold concentrations are very low (<9 ppb). Pb, Bi and Tl are strongly enriched in the hottest and less oxidized fumarolic vents, reaching concentrations of 2186, 146 and 282 ppm, respectively. These elements are transported (generally as chloride complexes) to the surface by volcanic gases, and several of these (Bi, Te, Tl) are originated from magma degassing. The silicic alteration is produced by the flow of fluids with pH<2. High acidity results from introduction of magmatic gases such as SO2, HCl and HF released by the shallow magmatic reservoir of La Fossa volcano. The silicic alteration found at Vulcano may represent an early stage of the `vuggy silica' facies which characterizes the high-sulfidation epithermal ore deposits, confirming the analogies existing between this type of ore deposit and magmatic-hydrothermal systems associated with island-arc volcanoes.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal alteration at Mount Rainier waxed and waned over the 500,000-year episodic growth of the edifice. Hydrothermal minerals and their stable-isotope compositions in samples collected from outcrop and as clasts from Holocene debris-flow deposits identify three distinct hypogene argillic/advanced argillic hydrothermal environments: magmatic-hydrothermal, steam-heated, and magmatic steam (fumarolic), with minor superimposed supergene alteration. The 3.8 km3 Osceola Mudflow (5600 y BP) and coeval phreatomagmatic F tephra contain the highest temperature and most deeply formed hydrothermal minerals. Relatively deeply formed magmatic-hydrothermal alteration minerals and associations in clasts include quartz (residual silica), quartz–alunite, quartz–topaz, quartz–pyrophyllite, quartz–dickite/kaolinite, and quartz–illite (all with pyrite). Clasts of smectite–pyrite and steam-heated opal–alunite–kaolinite are also common in the Osceola Mudflow. In contrast, the Paradise lahar, formed by collapse of the summit or near-summit of the edifice at about the same time, contains only smectite–pyrite and near-surface steam-heated and fumarolic alteration minerals. Younger debris-flow deposits on the west side of the volcano (Round Pass and distal Electron Mudflows) contain only low-temperature smectite–pyrite assemblages, whereas the proximal Electron Mudflow and a < 100 y BP rock avalanche on Tahoma Glacier also contain magmatic-hydrothermal alteration minerals that are exposed in the avalanche headwall of Sunset Amphitheater, reflecting progressive incision into deeper near-conduit alteration products that formed at higher temperatures.  相似文献   

Field, hand specimen, and microscopic investigations alongside X-ray diffraction analyses revealed four types of hydrothermal alteration (Type-A, -B, -C, and -D) based on the mode of occurrence of altered rocks and alteration mineral assemblage at Hakusui-kyo and Horai-kyo along the Arima-Takatsuki Tectonic Line (ATTL) in western Japan. Type-A alteration locally occurred as gray alteration halos with sulfide minerals. Type-B and -C alterations were confined to fault gouge veins and occurred as greenish-gray veins and brown veins, respectively. Type-C alteration crosscut Type-B alteration. These alterations were associated with a number of granitic fragments including cohesive breccia and micrographic facies. Type-D alteration occurred locally in brown sediments. Different mineralogical features in the four alterations are summarized as (Type-A) illite; (Type-B) chlorite; (Type-C) limonite (Fe3+ hydroxides and goethite) and calcite; and (Type-D) limonite. We propose that the alterations can be broadly divided into Paleocene hydrothermal alteration (Type-A) and post-Late Miocene hydrothermal alteration (Type-B, -C, and -D): Type-A alteration occurred at approximately 200 °C during hydrothermal activity after a granitic intrusion in Late Cretaceous; Type-B, -C and -D alterations occurred under hydrothermal activity accompanying deep fluids with repeated ascents invoked by the seismicity of the ATTL after the Late Miocene. The fluids may have been the “Arima-type thermal waters” (i.e., mixtures of convective groundwater and Na-Ca-Cl-HCO3-type fluids). Type-B alteration occurred in fractures at depths where the temperature was ≥150 °C. Type-C alteration overprinted Type-B alteration as a result of mixing of new deep fluids and descending oxidized meteoric water near the surface. Fe3+ hydroxides and calcite precipitated from the fluids due to the oxidation of Fe2+ and the degassing of CO2, respectively, at ambient to near-boiling temperatures. When the ascending fluids gushed out from the fractures, they generated Type-D alteration at the surface under similar temperature conditions due to the oxidation of Fe2+.  相似文献   

Papandayan is a stratovolcano situated in West Java, Indonesia. Since the last magmatic eruption in 1772, only few hydrothermal explosions have occurred. An explosive eruption occurred in November 2002 and ejected ash and altered rocks. The altered rocks show that an advanced argillic alteration took place in the hydrothermal system by interaction between acid fluids and rocks. Four zones of alteration have been defined and are limited in extension and shape along faults or across permeable structures at different levels beneath the active crater of the volcano.  相似文献   

High frequency magnetotelluric (MT) measurements made on the summit plateau of Mount Ruapehu, some 1 km to the north of the presently active vent beneath Crater Lake, have been used to derive the electrical resistivity structure associated with the volcanic hydrothermal vent system. The entire summit plateau area is underlain at shallow depth by low resistivity which is inferred to be the result of hydrothermal alteration caused by rising volcanic gases mixing with local groundwater. Two areas of localised higher resistivity, one between 200 and 500 m depth beneath the central part of the plateau, and one at a depth of 1000 m below the northern part of the plateau, are interpreted as being the result of hydrothermal alteration at higher temperature forming chlorite dominated alteration products. These regions are believed to represent the locations of further heat pipes within the volcanic system. Both correlate with the locations of eruption centres on Ruapehu active within the last 10 ka.  相似文献   

江西柘林水库是长江中游的大型峡谷型旅游性水库,库容79.2×10~8m~3,长115 km.2015年4月在56 km的中心库区走航和定点测量了水库表层水体浮游藻类、叶绿素a(Chl.a)浓度与溶解无机氮(DIN)浓度、溶解无机磷(DIP)浓度、溶解硅(DSi)浓度、水温、浊度和溶解氧浓度等环境因子的分布特征.结果表明:1)水库属于中营养水体,表层主要浮游藻类(细胞丰度1000 cells/L)有34种,平均生物量为0.41 mg/L.主要优势藻类(优势度≥0.02)为硅藻和蓝藻,藻类组成与DIN浓度、DIP浓度、DSi浓度和水温等环境因子关系密切,4种因子对藻类结构的解释水平达60%以上.2)水库水体Chl.a浓度具有显著的次表层叶绿素最大值(SCM)现象,SCM层深度为3~8 m,厚度为2~7 m,SCM层占整个水体的25.2%~74.1%.SCM层的藻类对营养盐吸收消耗致使DIN、DIP和DSi浓度下降,同时藻类的产氧使溶解氧浓度增加.3)水库对DSi具有显著的生物过滤器效应,中、上层约有11%~12%的DSi被生物吸收利用,从上游至下游,累积约有21%的DSi被藻类吸收沉降于库底.4)人类氮、磷排放对水库生态和水质有严重影响,毗邻县城区域水体的Chl.a和DIP浓度分别是自然河段的2.9倍和3倍左右.  相似文献   

Stream–subsurface exchange plays a significant role in the fate and transport of contaminants in streams. It has been modelled explicitly by considering fundamental processes such as hydraulic exchange, colloid filtration, and contaminant interactions with streambed sediments and colloids. The models have been successfully applied to simulate the transport of inorganic metals and nutrients. In this study, laboratory experiments were conducted in a recirculating flume to investigate the exchange of a hydrophobic organic contaminant, p,p′‐dichloro‐diphenyl‐dichloroethane (DDE), between a stream and a quartz sand bed. A previously developed process‐based multiphase exchange model was modified by accounting for the p,p′‐DDE kinetic adsorption to and desorption from the bed sediments/colloids and was applied to interpret the experimental results. Model input parameters were obtained by conducting independent small‐scale batch experiments. Results indicate that the immobilization of p,p′‐DDE in the quartz sand bed can occur under representative natural stream conditions. The observed p,p′‐DDE exchange was successfully simulated by the process‐based model. The model sensitivity analysis results show that the exchange of p,p′‐DDE can be sensitive to either the sediment sorption/desorption parameters or colloidal parameters depending on the experimental conditions tested. For the experimental conditions employed here, the effect of colloids on contaminant transport is expected to be minimal, and the stream–subsurface exchange of p,p′‐DDE is dominated by the interaction of p,p′‐DDE with bed sediment. The work presented here contributes to a better mechanistic understanding of the complex transport process that hydrophobic organic contaminants undergo in natural streams and to the development of reliable, predictive models for the assessment of impacted streams. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mesozoic volcanic rocks are widespread throughout the Great Xing'an Range of northeastern China. However, there has been limited investigation into the age and petrogenesis of the Mesozoic volcanics in the eastern Great Xing'an Range. According to our research, the volcanic rocks of the Dayangshu Basin, eastern Great Xing'an Range are composed mainly of trachybasalt, basaltic andesite, and basaltic trachyandesite, with minor intermediate–basic pyroclastic rocks. In this study, the geochemistry and geochronology of the Mesozoic volcanic rocks are presented in order to discuss the petrogenesis and tectonic setting of the Ganhe Formation in the Dayangshu Basin. Zircon U–Pb dating by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry indicates that the Mesozoic lavas formed during the late Early Cretaceous (114.3–108.8 Ma). This suite of rocks exhibits a range of geochemical signatures indicating subduction‐related genesis, including: (i) calc‐alkaline to high‐K calc‐alkaline major element compositions; (ii) enrichment of large ion lithophile elements (e.g. Rb, Ba, K) and light rare earth elements (LREEs/HREEs =7.33–9.85); and (iii) weak depletion in high field strength elements (e.g. Nb, Ta, Ti). Furthermore, Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic data yield initial 87Sr/86Sr values of 0.70450–0.70463, positive εNd(t) values of +1.8 to +3.3, and a mantle‐derived lead isotope composition. Combined with the regional tectonic evolution, the results of this study suggest that the Ganhe Group lavas are derived from decompression melting of a metasomatized (enriched) lithospheric mantle, related to asthenospheric upwelling, which resulted from lithospheric mantle delamination and produced extension of the continental margin following the subduction of the Paleo‐Pacific Plate.  相似文献   

This study presents new major and trace element, mineral, and Sr, Nd, and noble gas isotope geochemical analyses of basalts, gabbro, and clinopyroxenite from the Mariana Arc (Central Islands and Southern Seamount provinces) including the forearc, and the Mariana Trough (Central Graben and Spreading Ridge). Mantle source compositions beneath the Mariana Arc and the Mariana Trough indicate a mantle source that is depleted in high field strength elements relative to MORB (mid‐oceanic ridge basalt). Samples from the Mariana Arc, characterized by high ratios of Ba/Th, U/Th, 84Kr/4He and 132Xe/4He, are explained by addition of fluid from the subducted slab to the mantle wedge. Correlations of noble gas data, as well as large ion lithophile elements, indicate that heavy noble gases (Ar, Kr, and Xe) provide evidence for fluid fluxing into the mantle wedge. On the other hand, major elements and Sr, Nd, He, and Ne isotopic data of basalts from the Mariana Trough are geochemically indistinguishable from MORB. Correlations of 3He/4He and 40Ar/36Ar in the Mariana Trough samples are explained by mixing between MORB and atmosphere. One sample from the Central Graben indicates extreme enrichment in 20Ne/22Ne and 21Ne/22Ne, suggesting incorporation of solar‐type Ne in the magma source. Excess 129Xe is also observed in this sample suggesting primordial noble gases in the mantle source. The Mariana Trough basalts indicate that both fluid and sediment components contributed to the basalts, with slab‐derived fluids dominating beneath the Spreading Ridge, and that sediment melts, characterized by high La/Sm and relatively low U/Th and Zr/Nb, dominate in the source region of basalts from the Central Graben.  相似文献   

Gang Liu  Fuguo Tong  Bin Tian 《水文研究》2019,33(26):3378-3390
This work introduces water–air two‐phase flow into integrated surface–subsurface flow by simulating rainfall infiltration and run‐off production on a soil slope with the finite element method. The numerical model is formulated by partial differential equations for hydrostatic shallow flow and water–air two‐phase flow in the shallow subsurface. Finite element computing formats and solution strategies are presented to obtain a numerical solution for the coupled model. An unsaturated seepage flow process is first simulated by water–air two‐phase flow under the atmospheric pressure boundary condition to obtain the rainfall infiltration rate. Then, the rainfall infiltration rate is used as an input parameter to solve the surface run‐off equations and determine the value of the surface run‐off depth. In the next iteration, the pressure boundary condition of unsaturated seepage flow is adjusted by the surface run‐off depth. The coupling process is achieved by updating the rainfall infiltration rate and surface run‐off depth sequentially until the convergence criteria are reached in a time step. A well‐conducted surface run‐off experiment and traditional surface–subsurface model are used to validate the new model. Comparisons with the traditional surface–subsurface model show that the initiation time of surface run‐off calculated by the proposed model is earlier and that the water depth is larger, thus providing values that are closer to the experimental results.  相似文献   

Basement rocks that occur along the northern margin of the South Kitakami Terrane in Japan consist of Ordovician ultramafic rocks (Hayachine ultramafic complex), gneissose amphibolite (Kuromoriyama amphibolite), and mafic rocks (Kagura igneous rocks, KIR). The KIR are composed of metagabbro, metadolerite, metabasalt, and minor felsic–intermediate dikes. Although the KIR contain green hornblende due to metamorphism of greenschist to epidote–amphibolite facies, they rarely retain primary brown hornblende. Approximately 30% of the metabasalt shows porphyritic textures, with phenocrysts of saussuritized plagioclase and/or altered mafic minerals. The geochemistry of the common metadolerite and metabasalt of the KIR shows a tholeiite trend, a low TiO2 content, and high Th/Nb and Ti/V ratios. The KIR are therefore indicative of a supra‐subduction zone tectonic setting, which implies a backarc origin (as also indicated by discrimination diagrams). Trace element patterns of the KIR resemble those of the backarc‐basin basalt of the Japan and Yamato basins in the Japan Sea. We propose that the KIR formed during backarc spreading from the Ordovician to Early Silurian. This view is supported by the geochemical data, the tectonic setting of the Hayachine ultramafic rocks, and the provenance of clastics within Silurian sedimentary rocks.  相似文献   

The Permian–Triassic high pressure metamorphism and potassic magmatism in central Korea attest to the extension of the Dabie‐Sulu collision belt in central‐eastern China towards the Korean Peninsula and possibly the Japanese Islands. We present major and trace element and Sr–Nd isotope data for a ca. 230 Ma monzodiorite pluton emplaced in the Goesan area, central Okcheon belt, Korea. This pluton shows geochemical features comparable with those of the coeval monzonite–syenite–gabbro–mangerite suite documented recently in the Gyeonggi massif. The metaluminous and alkali–calcic signatures of the Goesan intrusives correspond to the Caledonian‐type post‐orogenic granitoids. The K2O/Na2O ratios of all analyzed samples are greater than 1, and are not correlative with their SiO2 contents. The enrichment of both large‐ion‐lithophile elements and highly compatible elements in the Goesan pluton is probably indicative of metasomatized mantle origin. The elemental fractionation in the source region must have occurred in the distant past, possibly the Paleoproterozoic, to generate significantly negative εNd(t) values (< –16). Chondrite‐normalized rare earth element patterns as well as Rb/Sr and Ba/Rb ranges suggest that the source consists of amphibole‐bearing rocks. Progressive decreases in negative Eu anomaly and Ba, Sr, Ni, Cr and V contents with increasing SiO2 contents reflect an important role of plagioclase, biotite and hornblende for the fractionation process. Zr is undersaturated in the potassic, metaluminous melt. The initial Sr–Nd isotopic compositions of the samples are correlated with their SiO2 contents, substantiating a role of crustal assimilation during the magmatic differentiation. The Sr–Nd elemental and isotopic modeling suggests that the Goesan pluton was initially slightly heterogeneous in its isotopic composition, and underwent concurrent assimilation and fractional crystallization. The occurrence of the Goesan pluton provides further evidence corroborating the amalgamation of allochthonous terranes within the Okcheon belt during the Permian–Triassic collisional orogeny.  相似文献   

We describe the detailed sedimentary characteristics of a tsunami deposit associated with the 2011 Tohoku‐oki tsunami in Hasunuma, a site on the Kujukuri coastal plain, Japan. The thick tsunami deposit was limited to within 350 m from the coastline whereas the inundation area extended about 1 km from the coastline. The tsunami deposit was sampled by excavation at 29 locations along three transects and studied using peels, soft‐X imaging and grain‐size analysis. The deposit covers the pre‐existing soil and reached a maximum measured thickness of 35 cm. It consists mainly of well‐sorted medium to fine sand. On the basis of sedimentary structures and changes in grain size, we divided the tsunami deposit into several sedimentary units, which may correspond to multiple inundation flows. The numbers of units and their sedimentary features vary among the three transects, despite the similar topography. This variation implies a considerable influence of local effects such as elevation, vegetation, microtopography, and distance from footpaths, on the tsunami‐related sedimentation.  相似文献   

The chemical composition and temperature of lake water within Yugama Crater, Kusatsu-Shirane Volcano, Japan, have fluctuated markedly over the period 1966 to 2005. From 1966 to 1981, water temperature was relatively low, and Cl and SO42− concentrations gradually decreased. These trends are explained by the growth of a sealing zone that formed between the region of hot rock surrounding the degassing magma and cool crust saturated with groundwater. The sealing zone acted to restrict the emission of magmatic volatiles.  相似文献   

Models for water transfer in the crop–soil system are key components of agro-hydrological models for irrigation, fertilizer and pesticide practices. Many of the hydrological models for water transfer in the crop–soil system are either too approximate due to oversimplified algorithms or employ complex numerical schemes. In this paper we developed a simple and sufficiently accurate algorithm which can be easily adopted in agro-hydrological models for the simulation of water dynamics. We used a dual crop coefficient approach proposed by the FAO for estimating potential evaporation and transpiration, and a dynamic model for calculating relative root length distribution on a daily basis. In a small time step of 0.001 d, we implemented algorithms separately for actual evaporation, root water uptake and soil water content redistribution by decoupling these processes. The Richards equation describing soil water movement was solved using an integration strategy over the soil layers instead of complex numerical schemes. This drastically simplified the procedures of modeling soil water and led to much shorter computer codes. The validity of the proposed model was tested against data from field experiments on two contrasting soils cropped with wheat. Good agreement was achieved between measurement and simulation of soil water content in various depths collected at intervals during crop growth. This indicates that the model is satisfactory in simulating water transfer in the crop–soil system, and therefore can reliably be adopted in agro-hydrological models. Finally we demonstrated how the developed model could be used to study the effect of changes in the environment such as lowering the groundwater table caused by the construction of a motorway on crop transpiration.  相似文献   

Detailed field mapping in the Güvem area in the Galatia province of NW Central Anatolia, Turkey, combined with K–Ar dating, has established the existence of two discrete Miocene volcanic phases, separated by a major unconformity. The magmas were erupted in a post-collisional tectonic setting and it is possible that the younger phase could be geodynamically linked to the onset of transtensional tectonics along the North Anatolian Fault zone. The Early Miocene phase (18–20 Ma; Burdigalian) is the most voluminous, comprising of over 1500 m of potassium-rich intermediate-acid magmas. In contrast, the Late Miocene volcanic phase (ca. 10 Ma; Tortonian) comprises a single 70-m-thick flow unit of alkali basalt. The major and trace element and Sr–Nd isotope compositions of the volcanics suggest that the Late Miocene basalts and the parental mafic magmas to the Early Miocene series were derived from different mantle sources. Despite showing some similarities to high-K calc-alkaline magma series from active continental margins, the Early Miocene volcanics are clearly alkaline with higher abundances of high field strength elements (Zr, Nb, Ti, Y). Crustal contamination appears to have enhanced the effects of crystal fractionation in the petrogensis of this series and some of the most silica-rich magmas may be crustal melts. The mantle source of the most primitive mafic magmas is considered to have been an asthenospheric mantle wedge modified by crustally-derived fluids rising from a Late Cretaceous–Early Tertiary Tethyan subduction zone dipping northwards beneath the Galatia province. The Late Miocene basalts, whilst still alkaline, have a Sr–Nd isotope composition indicating partial melting of a more depleted mantle source component, which most likely represents the average composition of the asthenosphere beneath the region.  相似文献   

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