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揭新 《水力发电》2003,29(5):54-56,73
2002年,对三峡工程永久船闸北线一二级船闸地面工程结构缝渗漏情况进行了普查和处理。根据具体情况,主要采取了以下处理措施:闸底板非过流面采取缝口切槽 嵌填SR—2塑性止水 SR防渗盖片 混凝土防护扳的处理方案,过流面采取止水检查槽分段堵塞 灌注LW材料的处理方案;闸边墙缝面渗水采取缝口切槽 嵌填聚硫密封胶,并与底板I型表止水连接的处理方案,对于渗漏量大的采取缝口切槽 嵌填聚硫密封胶 止水检查槽分段灌注LW材料的方案。2002年9月,永久船闸进行有水调试,经检验,渗漏处理效果良好。  相似文献   

针对大坝运行期水下横缝止水渗漏处理问题,研究提出了利用置换式灌浆法对止水检查槽进行封堵的处理方法,并系统地介绍了该方法的工作原理、施工条件和工艺过程,以及在三峡大坝中的实际应用情况,对这一方法的特点和适用范围进行了说明,为大坝横缝止水渗漏问题的解决提供了新的途径和手段。  相似文献   

三峡双线五级船闸闸室及闸首均为分离式的不透水结构,结构缝内止水系统的防渗效果是决定船闸安全运行的重要方面,竣工验收前对止水系统进行了全面检查处理。主要对压水检查、渗漏处理方案决策及实施情况作全面闸述。  相似文献   

水工混凝土迎水面渗漏主要有止水结构渗漏,抗渗标号低于设计标准,冷缝渗漏,外漏蜂窝,麻面渗漏。文章提出可用补灌沥青、钻孔灌浆、补做止水设施采取补做坝面止水结构和加镶铜片以及建筑物顶上做截水墙等项措施防止渗漏。  相似文献   

面板坝接缝不锈钢波纹状止水片试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1的自混凝土面板堆石坝(简称面板坝)具有工期短、投资省、施工方便、安全可靠等诸多优点,因而被世界各国广泛采用,目前的发展趋势是建200~300m高坝.面板坝在水库蓄水过程中,周边缝的止水结构要承受趾板和面板间相对较大的三向变位,容易遭到破坏,形成面板坝防渗体结构中的主渗漏通道.面板坝周边缝一般采用三道止水结构,即由底部钢片止水,中间塑料或橡胶止水及顶部加盖保护的柔性填料组成,这种止水结构已在国内外一些面板坝工程中得到应用.面板坝三道止水结构所存在的不足之处,文献【1]做了详细的分析.铜片作为最基本的止水…  相似文献   

禹门黄河提水工程二干渠从1991年开始施工至今已完成渡槽13座。渡槽均为12.5m3/s~14m3/s的大流量U型薄壳结构,跨度10m,槽体宽3.6m、深2.8m,槽身厚度13cm。两跨接头处外面为梯形,内面为弧形。两跨之间的伸缩缝为3cm。渡槽两跨之间的止水缝采用纤维布聚氯乙烯胶泥进行施工,止水达到了设计标准,几年来渡槽多次上水均无漏水现象。槽身止水缝结构见图1。1止水缝施工的准备工作为了适应复杂的建筑形式,加强涂料止水的整体性,特别是考虑到悬空的槽体两跨之间止水缝因伸缩量较大,按设计要求选用…  相似文献   

为了防止闸门渗漏水,就应有一套有效的闸门止水系统,保证各部位止水装置与止水座面接触的连续性和严密性,防止水从止水橡皮与闸门门叶之间的接触面渗漏或从止水橡皮与闸门门槽埋件之间的接触面渗漏。为此,应控制闸门门叶的制造质量、闸门止水系统的制造安装质量和闸门门槽埋件的制造安装质量。  相似文献   

面板坝靠薄层混凝土面板作为主要防渗体,其接缝的止水就显得尤为重要,如果这些接缝发生大量渗漏,将会对工程的安全性和经济性产生严重影响。为提高面板坝周边缝的止水性能,分别从结构设计、止水原理及结构和材料不足等方面对面板坝周边缝几种典型止水结构型式进行对比分析,结果表明:高面板坝周边缝新型止水结构设计型式,既保留了各自结构的长处,又弥补了各自的不足,同时具有创新的特点。  相似文献   

张新军  南海霞 《人民长江》1999,30(10):28-28,31
葛洲坝3号船闸自1981年投入运行以来,尚未进行过大的修补,直至1996年经检查发现;基础排水廊道淤积严重渗漏量大,部分结构有明显的挤压破坏,特别是闸室底板两条纵缝及分流口支廊道部位的渗漏量为最大。对渗漏的处理,采用骑缝凿槽后铺填GS胶进行表面止水是十分有效的。CS胶为改良聚基甲酸酯,是双组份反应型流状或膏状密封材料使用寿命长。该材料固化后生成不溶于水的网状构造高分子橡胶胶体,具有良好的弹性、粘结  相似文献   

为研究混凝土面板堆石坝垂直缝接缝止水劣化引起的渗漏量和渗透坡降的变化规律,以某面板堆石坝为例,采用有限元计算方法,模拟了面板左岸垂直缝、面板中间垂直缝、面板中间垂直缝不同高程分别发生止水劣化过程中的渗流,计算了不同工况下通过面板渗漏量、量水堰渗漏量测值、浸润面分布,分析渗透坡降和量水堰测值的关系。计算结果表明,量水堰测值能够反映出面板垂直缝止水劣化程度及垫层区渗透坡降是否超出允许值;随面板止水劣化,面板中间垂直缝较面板左岸垂直缝引起的渗漏量更大、浸润线上升更为明显;面板中间垂直缝随高程降低,引起的渗漏量增加、浸润线上升更为明显。  相似文献   

根据冗各电站地下厂房开挖支护的施工顺序,以隐式杆单元模拟锚杆,以壳单元模拟混凝土喷层,采用三维非线性有限元技术,对洞室群的开挖支护动态过程进行了模拟计算。通过三维非线性有限元计算分析得到:洞室群动态开挖过程中围岩应力变形的分布规律,围岩塑性区的发展规律,锚杆受力变化情况。计算结果表明:整个开挖过程中,洞周围岩位移变化规律正常,量值较小,塑性区主要分布在洞室周边,围岩稳定性较好;但在洞室交叉口处围岩的变形较大,出现较大范围的塑性区,在此基础上提出了支护措施优化方案,并对优化方案的效果进行了评价。  相似文献   

The relocation of unionacean mussels is commonly used as a conservation and management tool in large rivers and streams. Relocation has been used to recolonize areas where mussel populations have been eliminated by prior pollution events, to remove mussels from construction zones and to re-establish populations of endangered species. More recently, relocation has been used to protect native freshwater mussels from colonization by the exotic zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha. We conducted a literature review of mussel relocations and evaluated their relative success as a conservation and management strategy. We found that 43% of all relocations were conducted because of construction projects that were forced to comply with the Endangered Species Act 1973 and that only 16% were monitored for five or more consecutive years. Most (43%) relocation projects were conducted from July to September, presumably a period when reproductive stress is relatively low for most species and the metabolic rate is sufficient for reburrowing in the substrate. The mortality of relocated mussels was unreported in 27% of projects; reported mortality varied widely among projects and species and was difficult to assess. The mean mortality of relocated mussels was 49% based on an average recovery rate of 43%. There is little guidance on the methods for relocation or for monitoring the subsequent long-term status of relocated mussels. Based on this evaluation, research is needed to develop criteria for selecting a suitable relocation site and to establish appropriate methods and guidelines for conducting relocation projects.  相似文献   

为了经济可靠地确定深厚覆盖层的基本特性参数,以大渡河双江口水电站坝基河床砂砾石层基本特性研究为工程背景,进行大尺寸模型试验,研究河床砂砾石层的旁压模量和动探击数随密度、级配以及上覆压力的变化规律。根据室内模型试验结果,结合现场旁压试验及钻孔试验成果,推断出坝址区河床砂砾石相关层位的密度,并依此进行砂砾石室内力学试验,获得设计所需力学参数。研究成果可为深厚覆盖层基本特性测试提供新的方法。  相似文献   

在隧道工程施工中,围岩位移预测起着很重要的作用。将BP神经网络-马尔科夫链模型引入到隧道围岩位移预测中来,通过对训练样本的学习,利用BP神经网络实现了对位移时间序列的滚动预测,同时得到了实测值与预测值的相对误差;在此基础上利用马尔科夫链对相对误差进行修正,有效地提高了预测结果的精度。并将该模型应用于某公路隧道拱顶下沉位移时序预测中,结果表明该模型具有精度高、科学可靠的特点,为隧道围岩变形的预测提供了新的途径。  相似文献   

In the lower River Murray, Australia, populations of gastropods have declined markedly over the past 40 years. Of the native fauna of about 18 species, only the ancylid Ferrissia petterdi remains common (but in patches), and another five species feature in sporadic local resurgences. Until recently the viviparid Notopala was thought to be extinct. The introduced physid Physa acuta is widespread, but in low numbers. The decline probably is associated with flow regulation, high turbidity and the introduction of common carp. Snail populations have persisted, however, in irrigation pipelines fed from the river, where they periodically cause blockages. This paper reports the discovery of the only known populaion of Notopala hanleyi in a pipeline where the inner wall accumulates microbial and other organic matter, providing high quality food for snails. In the Murray before regulation most of the periphytic biomass was probably microbial, as fluctuating water levels would have maintained littoral communities in a highly productive, early state of succession his postulated that, by stabilizing seasonal water levels, regulation has promoted the production of filamentous green algae, an inferior food source, and so displaced snail populations from the open aquatic environment.  相似文献   

浙江省水域调查录入系统将调查数据与电子地图相整合,对分类水域数据进行统计计算,并对输入数据进行合理性和完整性检查,得到调查范围内现有水域的详细数据,实现了水域调查数据输入、计算、统计和查询的数字化管理,提高了工作效率和工作质量,为各地下阶段水域保护规划编制和水域管理工作提供了数据支持。对该系统的设计原则、功能和技术设计等作了介绍。  相似文献   

利用CT技术对水泥乳化沥青混凝土的细观损伤过程进行实时扫描观测,获得了混凝土试件在连续加荷下的CT图像。通过采用直观分析法、CT数分析法、CT数与损伤变量关系3种方法分析表明,水泥乳化沥青混凝土的破坏过程可分为压密、扩容、裂纹扩展、破坏4个阶段,同时混凝土在受压过程中具有韧性,在极限荷载之前各断面处于压密和微扩容的强化阶段,极限荷载之后混凝土从损伤到破坏发展比较平稳。  相似文献   

简述天湖水电站投运以来各种故障的表现形式,分析其原因,提出了相应的处理方法及措施,并对合理利用国内外设备提出建议。  相似文献   

Various designs of low‐head dams are used to rehabilitate streams or forestall upstream channel incision after channelization. We report on the efficacy of using notched sills and grade control structures (GCS) to restore the fish assemblage in Luxapallila Creek, Mississippi. We tested the null hypotheses that habitat variables and species richness, evenness, and assemblage structure would not differ among: (1) a channelized segment with no modifications; (2) a channelized segment mitigated by the installation of sills and GCS; (3) a segment upstream of the installations and undergoing channel incision; and (4) an unaltered segment. Although habitat variables changed, neither species richness, evenness, nor fish assemblage structure differed between mitigated and channelized segments with both exhibiting less richness and different assemblage structures than the unaltered segment. Lack of differences in species richness between the incised and unaltered segments suggest that the GCS may have halted the negative effects of upstream channel incision before species were extirpated. Conspicuous habitat differences between the altered (channelized and mitigated) and unaltered segments were lack of backwaters and canopy coverage and finer substrates in the altered segments. Our results suggest a more comprehensive rehabilitation strategy is required in Luxapallila Creek. Published in 2003 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

1. INTRODUCTION Coastal and continental shelf regions are characterized by intensive interaction between wave and current. These regions are of great economic significance to mankind. Therefore, the modeling of wave and current as well as their mutual int…  相似文献   

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