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目的 针对传统局部特征提取方法在表情识别上的局限性,提出一种精确局部特征描述的表情识别方法。方法 首先将人的眉毛、眼睛和嘴巴3个对表情识别起关键作用的器官分割出来,使得特征描述更具有针对性。然后,构造充分矢量三角形以统计图像的轮廓特征与细节特征。最后,对于不同的表情器官采用不同尺度的充分矢量三角形描述,对于同种表情器官采用多种尺度的充分矢量三角形联合描述,从而充分描述关键器官的图像信息。结果 该算法在日本女性表情人脸库(JAFFE)、cohn-kanade库(CK)以及Pain expressions库上进行实验,分别取得了95.67%、97.83%、84.0%的平均识别率以及11.70 ms、30.23 ms、11.73 ms的平均特征提取时间,实验结果表明,精确局部特征描述的表情识别方法可以较快、较准确的进行人脸表情识别。结论 精确局部特征描述的表情识别方法通过器官的分割以及充分矢量三角形模式的构造与灵活运用,良好地表达了图像的局部特征且具有较低的时间复杂度,本文算法与目前典型的表情识别算法的实验对比结果也表明了本文算法的有效性。  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - Facial expression is a powerful way for human emotional communications. According to various applications, automatic facial expression recognition becomes an...  相似文献   

郑剑  郑炽  刘豪  于祥春 《计算机应用研究》2022,39(3):889-894+918
面部的局部细节信息在面部表情识别中扮演重要角色,然而现有的方法大多只关注面部表情的高层语义信息而忽略了局部面部区域的细粒度信息。针对这一问题,提出一种融合局部特征与两阶段注意力权重学习的深度卷积神经网络FLF-TAWL(deep convolutional neural network fusing local feature and two-stage attention weight learning),它能自适应地捕捉重要的面部区域从而提升面部表情识别的有效性。该FLF-TAWL由双分支框架构成,一个分支从图像块中提取局部特征,另一个分支从整个表情图像中提取全局特征。首先提出了两阶段注意力权重学习策略,第一阶段粗略学习全局和局部特征的重要性权重,第二阶段进一步细化注意力权重,并将局部和全局特征进行融合;其次,采用一种区域偏向损失函数鼓励最重要的区域以获得较高的注意力权重。在FERPlus、Cohn-Kanada(CK+)以及JAFFE三个数据集上进行了广泛实验,分别获得90.92%、98.90%、97.39%的准确率,实验结果验证了FLF-TAWL模型的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

随着人脸表情识别任务逐渐从实验室受控环境转移至具有挑战性的真实世界环境,在深度学习技术的迅猛发展下,深度神经网络能够学习出具有判别能力的特征,逐渐应用于自动人脸表情识别任务。目前的深度人脸表情识别系统致力于解决以下两个问题:1)由于缺乏足量训练数据导致的过拟合问题;2)真实世界环境下其他与表情无关因素变量(例如光照、头部姿态和身份特征)带来的干扰问题。本文首先对近十年深度人脸表情识别方法的研究现状以及相关人脸表情数据库的发展进行概括。然后,将目前基于深度学习的人脸表情识别方法分为两类:静态人脸表情识别和动态人脸表情识别,并对这两类方法分别进行介绍和综述。针对目前领域内先进的深度表情识别算法,对其在常见表情数据库上的性能进行了对比并详细分析了各类算法的优缺点。最后本文对该领域的未来研究方向和机遇挑战进行了总结和展望:考虑到表情本质上是面部肌肉运动的动态活动,基于动态序列的深度表情识别网络往往能够取得比静态表情识别网络更好的识别效果。此外,结合其他表情模型如面部动作单元模型以及其他多媒体模态,如音频模态和人体生理信息能够将表情识别拓展到更具有实际应用价值的场景。  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel method for facial expression recognition that employs the combination of two different feature sets in an ensemble approach. A pool of base support vector machine classifiers is created using Gabor filters and Local Binary Patterns. Then a multi-objective genetic algorithm is used to search for the best ensemble using as objective functions the minimization of both the error rate and the size of the ensemble. Experimental results on JAFFE and Cohn-Kanade databases have shown the efficiency of the proposed strategy in finding powerful ensembles, which improves the recognition rates between 5% and 10% over conventional approaches that employ single feature sets and single classifiers.  相似文献   

Facial expression recognition generally requires that faces be described in terms of a set of measurable features. The selection and quality of the features representing each face have a considerable bearing on the success of subsequent facial expression classification. Feature selection is the process of choosing a subset of features in order to increase classifier efficiency and allow higher classification accuracy. Many current dimensionality reduction techniques, used for facial expression recognition, involve linear transformations of the original pattern vectors to new vectors of lower dimensionality. In this paper, we present a methodology for the selection of features that uses nondominated sorting genetic algorithm-II (NSGA-II), which is one of the latest genetic algorithms developed for resolving problems with multiobjective approach with high accuracy. In the proposed feature selection process, NSGA-II optimizes a vector of feature weights, which increases the discrimination, by means of class separation. The proposed methodology is evaluated using 3D facial expression database BU-3DFE. Classification results validates the effectiveness and the flexibility of the proposed approach when compared with results reported in the literature using the same experimental settings.  相似文献   

针对人脸表情呈现方式多样化以及人脸表情识别易受光照、姿势、遮挡等非线性因素影响的问题,提出了一种深度多尺度融合注意力残差网络(deep multi-scale fusion attention residual network, DMFA-ResNet)。该模型基于ResNet-50残差网络,设计了新的注意力残差模块,由7个具有三条支路的注意残差学习单元构成,能够对输入图像进行并行多卷积操作,以获得多尺度特征,同时引入注意力机制,突出重点局部区域,有利于遮挡图像的特征学习。通过在注意力残差模块之间增加过渡层以去除冗余信息,简化网络复杂度,在保证感受野的情况下减少计算量,实现网络抗过拟合效果。在3组数据集上的实验结果表明,本文提出的算法均优于对比的其他先进方法。  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - Facial expression is the most common technique is used to convey the expressions of human beings. Due to different ethnicity and age, faces differ from one...  相似文献   

面向表情识别的AVR和增强LBP特征选择方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
由于对局部纹理特征具有很强的描述能力,LBP(Local Binary Patterns)已经被广泛应用于模式识别、计算机视觉等相关领域,但传统的LBP在表情识别中的正确率并不高,提出了一种结合小波分解的改进LBP特征提取方法,首先使用Adaboost人脸检测算法和2D模型提取人脸图像并归一化,并使用小波分解的方法增强LBP特征,然后通过AVR(Augmented Variance Ratio)特征选取方法降维,最后使用SVM进行分类。JAFFE库上的实验证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the dynamic recognition of basic facial expressions in videos using feature subset selection. Feature selection has been already used by some static classifiers where the facial expression is recognized from one single image. Past work on dynamic facial expression recognition has emphasized the issues of feature extraction and classification, however, less attention has been given to the critical issue of feature selection in the dynamic scenario. The main contributions of the paper are as follows. First, we show that dynamic facial expression recognition can be casted into a classical classification problem. Second, we combine a facial dynamics extractor algorithm with a feature selection scheme for generic classifiers.We show that the paradigm of feature subset selection with a wrapper technique can improve the dynamic recognition of facial expressions. We provide evaluations of performance on real video sequences using five standard machine learning approaches: Support Vector Machines, K Nearest Neighbor, Naive Bayes, Bayesian Networks, and Classification Trees.  相似文献   

基于静态灰度图特征识别表情的方法简单、快捷,在进行特定人表情识别时可以取得很好的识别结果,但在进行非特定人表情识别时却容易受到肤色、光照等因素的影响,识别效果较差。通过动态序列提取的运动特征能有效地反映表情运动的形变过程,用于非特定人表情识别时可以取得较好的识别结果。研究了通过光流和帧间灰度差两类方法提取表情序列动态特征,再与支持向量机(SVM)和隐马尔柯夫模型(HMM)两种分类器组合,进行非特定人表情识别,并分析比较了两类方法的特点与优劣,说明了利用运动特征识别人脸表情的有效性。  相似文献   

Liao  Haibin  Wang  Dianhua  Fan  Ping  Ding  Ling 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2021,80(19):28627-28645

Automated Facial Expression Recognition (FER) has remained challenging because of the high inter-subject (e.g. the variations of age, gender and ethnic backgrounds) and intra-subject variations (e.g. the variations of low image resolution, occlusion and illumination). To reduce the variations of age, gender and ethnic backgrounds, we have introduced a conditional random forest architecture. Moreover, a deep multi-instance learning model has been proposed for reducing the variations of low image resolution, occlusion and illumination. Unlike most existing models are trained with facial expression labels only, other attributes related to facial expressions such as age and gender are also considered in our proposed model. A large number of experiments were conducted on the public CK+, ExpW, RAF-DB and AffectNet datasets, and the recognition rates reached 99% and 69.72% on the normalized CK+ face database and the challenging natural scene database respectively. The experimental results shows that our proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods and it is robust to occlusion, noise and resolution variation in the wild.


To recognize expressions accurately, facial expression systems require robust feature extraction and feature selection methods. In this paper, a normalized mutual information based feature selection technique is proposed for FER systems. The technique is derived from an existing method, that is, the max-relevance and min-redundancy (mRMR) method. We, however, propose to normalize the mutual information used in this method so that the domination of the relevance or of the redundancy can be eliminated. For feature extraction, curvelet transform is used. After the feature extraction and selection the feature space is reduced by employing linear discriminant analysis (LDA). Finally, hidden Markov model (HMM) is used to recognize the expressions. The proposed FER system (CNF-FER) is validated using four publicly available standard datasets. For each dataset, 10-fold cross validation scheme is utilized. CNF-FER outperformed the existing well-known statistical and state-of-the-art methods by achieving a weighted average recognition rate of 99 % across all the datasets.  相似文献   

We introduce a novel approach to recognizing facial expressions over a large range of head poses. Like previous approaches, we map the features extracted from the input image to the corresponding features of the face with the same facial expression but seen in a frontal view. This allows us to collect all training data into a common referential and therefore benefit from more data to learn to recognize the expressions. However, by contrast with such previous work, our mapping depends on the pose of the input image: We first estimate the pose of the head in the input image, and then apply the mapping specifically learned for this pose. The features after mapping are therefore much more reliable for recognition purposes. In addition, we introduce a non-linear form for the mapping of the features, and we show that it is robust to occasional mistakes made by the pose estimation stage. We evaluate our approach with extensive experiments on two protocols of the BU3DFE and Multi-PIE datasets, and show that it outperforms the state-of-the-art on both datasets.  相似文献   

The Journal of Supercomputing - Facial expression recognition (FER) serves as an essential tool for understanding human emotional behaviors. Facial expressions provide a wealth of information about...  相似文献   

Human facial feature extraction for face interpretation and recognition   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Facial features' extraction algorithms which can be used for automated visual interpretation and recognition of human faces are presented. Here, we can capture the contours of the eye and mouth by a deformable template model because of their analytically describable shapes. However, the shapes of the eyebrow, nostril and face are difficult to model using a deformable template. We extract them by using an active contour model (snake). In the experiments, 12 models are photographed, and the feature contours are extracted for each portrait.  相似文献   

Bayesian shape model for facial feature extraction and recognition   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Zhong  Stan Z.  Eam Khwang   《Pattern recognition》2003,36(12):2819-2833
A facial feature extraction algorithm using the Bayesian shape model (BSM) is proposed in this paper. A full-face model consisting of the contour points and the control points is designed to describe the face patch, using which the warping/normalization of the extracted face patch can be performed efficiently. First, the BSM is utilized to match and extract the contour points of a face. In BSM, the prototype of the face contour can be adjusted adaptively according to its prior distribution. Moreover, an affine invariant internal energy term is introduced to describe the local shape deformations between the prototype contour in the shape domain and the deformable contour in the image domain. Thus, both global and local shape deformations can be tolerated. Then, the control points are estimated from the matching result of the contour points based on the statistics of the full-face model. Finally, the face patch is extracted and normalized using the piece-wise affine triangle warping algorithm. Experimental results based on real facial feature extraction demonstrate that the proposed BSM facial feature extraction algorithm is more accurate and effective as compared to that of the active shape model (ASM).  相似文献   

This article proposes a novel framework for the recognition of six universal facial expressions. The framework is based on three sets of features extracted from a face image: entropy, brightness, and local binary pattern. First, saliency maps are obtained using the state-of-the-art saliency detection algorithm “frequency-tuned salient region detection”. The idea is to use saliency maps to determine appropriate weights or values for the extracted features (i.e., brightness and entropy).We have performed a visual experiment to validate the performance of the saliency detection algorithm against the human visual system. Eye movements of 15 subjects were recorded using an eye-tracker in free-viewing conditions while they watched a collection of 54 videos selected from the Cohn-Kanade facial expression database. The results of the visual experiment demonstrated that the obtained saliency maps are consistent with the data on human fixations. Finally, the performance of the proposed framework is demonstrated via satisfactory classification results achieved with the Cohn-Kanade database, FG-NET FEED database, and Dartmouth database of children’s faces.  相似文献   

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