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1IntroductionTherisingatmosphericgreenhousegaseswerebelievedtobetheprimarycauseofglobalclimatechange(Tettetal.,1999;Crowley,2000).Amongthegreenhousegases,theconcentrationofatmosphericcarbondioxidehasincreasedfrom280ppmsincepre-industrialtimestocurrent355ppm,whichaccountedfor50%ofthetotalgreenhouseeffect(Nefteletal.,1985;Friedlietal.,1986;Rodhe,1990;Fanetal.,1998).ElevatedCO2hasamarkedeffectonterrestrialecosystemprocesses(Melilloetal.,1996).TheQinghai-TibetPlateau,thelargestgeomorphologica…  相似文献   

Potentilla fruticosa scrub, Kobresia humilis meadow and Kobresia tibetica meadow are widely distributed on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. During the grass exuberance period from 3 July to 4 September, based on close chamber-GC method, a study on CO2 emissions from different treatments was conducted in these meadows at Haibei research station, CAS. Results indicated that mean CO2 emission rates from various treatments were 672.09±152.37 mgm^-2h^-1 for FC (grass treatment); 425.41±191.99 mgm^-2h^-1 for FJ (grass exclusion treatment); 280.36±174.83 mgm^-2h^-1 for FL (grass and roots exclusion treatment); 838.95±237.02 mgm^-2h^-1 for GG (scrub+grass treatment); 528.48±205.67 mgm^-2h^-1 for GC (grass treatment); 268.97±99.72 mgm^-2h^-1 for GL (grass and roots exclusion treatment); and 659.20±94.83 mgm^-2h^-1 for LC (grass treatment), respectively (FC, FJ, FL, GG, GC, GL, LC were the Chinese abbreviation for various treatments). Furthermore, Kobresia humilis meadow, Potentilla fruticosa scrub meadow and Kobresia tibetica meadow differed greatly in average CO2 emission rate of soil-plant system, in the order of GG>FC>LC>GC. Moreover, in Kobresia hurnilis meadow,heterotrophic and autotrophic respiration accounted for 42% and 58% of the total respiration of soil-plant system respectively, whereas, in Potentilla fruticosa scrub meadow, heterotrophic and autotrophic respiration accounted for 32% and 68% of total system respiration from GG; 49% and 51% from GC. In addition, root respiration from Kobresia humilis meadow approximated 145 mgCO2m^-2h^-1,contributed 34% to soil respiration. During the experiment period, Kobresia humilis meadow and Potentilla fruticosa scrub meadow had a net carbon fixation of 111.11 gm^-2 and 243.89 gm^-2 respectively. Results also showed that soil temperature was the main factor which influenced CO2 emission from alpine meadow ecosystem, significant correlations were found between soil temperature at 5 cm depth and CO2 emission from GG, GC, FC and FJ treatments. In addition, soil moisture maybe the inhibitory factor of CO2 emission from Kobresia tibetica meadow, and more detailed analyses should be done in further research  相似文献   

Potentilla fruticosa scrub, Kobresia humilis meadow and Kobresia tibetica meadow are widely distributed on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. During the grass exuberance period from 3 July to 4 September, based on close chamber-GC method, a study on CO2 emissions from different treatments was conducted in these meadows at Haibei research station, CAS. Results indicated that mean CO2 emission rates from various treatments were 672.09±152.37 mgm-2h-1 for FC (grass treatment); 425.41±191.99 mgm-2h-1 for FJ (grass exclusion treatment); 280.36±174.83 mgm-2h-1 for FL (grass and roots exclusion treatment); 838.95±237.02 mgm-2h-1 for GG (scrub+grass treatment); 528.48±205.67 mgm-2h-1 for GC (grass treatment); 268.97±99.72 mgm-2h-1 for GL (grass and roots exclusion treatment); and 659.20±94.83 mgm-2h-1 for LC (grass treatment), respectively (FC, FJ, FL, GG, GC, GL, LC were the Chinese abbreviation for various treatments). Furthermore, Kobresia humilis meadow, Potentilla fruticosa scrub meadow and Kobresia tibetica meadow differed greatly in average CO2 emission rate of soil-plant system, in the order of GG>FC>LC>GC. Moreover, in Kobresia humilis meadow, heterotrophic and autotrophic respiration accounted for 42% and 58% of the total respiration of soil-plant system respectively, whereas, in Potentilla fruticosa scrub meadow, heterotrophic and autotrophic respiration accounted for 32% and 68% of total system respiration from GG; 49% and 51% from GC. In addition, root respiration from Kobresia humilis meadow approximated 145 mgCO2m-2h-1, contributed 34% to soil respiration. During the experiment period, Kobresia humilis meadow and Potentilla fruticosa scrub meadow had a net carbon fixation of 111.11 gm-2 and 243.89 gm-2, respectively. Results also showed that soil temperature was the main factor which influenced CO2 emission from alpine meadow ecosystem, significant correlations were found between soil temperature at 5 cm depth and CO2 emission from GG, GC, FC and FJ treatments. In addition, soil moisture may be the inhibitory factor of CO2 emission from Kobresia tibetica meadow, and more detailed analyses should be done in further research.  相似文献   

On the Tibetan Plateau, the alpine meadow is the most widespread vegetation type. The alpine meadow has a low biological productivity and low vegetation coverage in the growing season. The daytime NEE between the atmosphere and the alpine meadow ecosystem was influenced by solar radiation. To analyze the characteristics of change in NEE and to calculate the parameters related to photosynthesis and respiration in different solar radiation environments, the NEE measurements were taken in Damxung from July to August in 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 using the eddy covariance technique. Solar radiation was grouped into three levels according to the net radiation, which was more than 155 W m-2 d-1 on clear days, 144±5 W m-2 d-1 on partly cloudy days and less than 134 W m-2 d-1 on cloudy days. The diurnal relationships between NEE and PAR varied with differences in solar radiation, which was a rectangular hyperbola form on clear days, two different concave curves on partly cloudy days and an irregular triangle form on cloudy days. The mean CO2 absorption rate showed a decreasing trend with increasing solar radiation. The daytime absorption maximum occurred around 10:00 on clear days with an average of slightly less –0.2 mg m-2 d-1, around 11:00 on partly cloudy days with an average of about –0.2 mg m-2 d-1, and around 12:00 on cloudy days with an average of about –0.25 mg m-2 d-1. As solar radiation increased, the Amax and the Q10 decreased. However, the R10 increased and the maximum of the α occurred on partly cloudy days. The optimum net solar radiation was about 134–155 W m-2 d-1, which induced a PAR of about 1800-2000 μmol m-2 s-1 and soil temperature at a depth of 5 cm of about 14℃. Therefore, on the Tibetan Plateau, the alpine meadow ecosystem will have a higher carbon absorption potential while solar radiation decreases in the future.  相似文献   

In this paper, the CO2 concentrations profile from 1.5 m depth in soil to 32 m height in atmosphere were measured from July 2000 to July 2001 in an alpine grassland ecosystem located in the permafrost area on the Tibetan Plateau, which revealed that CO2 concentrations varied greatly during this study period. Mean concentrations during the whole experiment in the atmosphere were absolutely lower than the CO2 concentrations in soil, which resulted in CO2 emissions from the alpine steppe soil to the atmosphere. The highest CO2 concentration was found at a depth of 1.5 m in soil while the lowest CO2 concentration occurred in the atmosphere. Mean CO2 concentrations in soil generally increased with depth. This was the compositive influence of the increasing soil moistures and decreasing soil pH, which induced the increasing biological activities with depth. Temporally, the CO2 concentrations at different layers in air remained a more steady state because of the atmospheric turbulent milking. During the seasonal variations, CO2 concentrations at surface soil interface showed symmetrical patterns, with the lowest accumulation of CO2 occurring in the late winter and the highest CO2 concentration in the growine seasons.  相似文献   

Using static chamber technique,fluxes of CO2,CH4 and N2O were measured in the alpine grassland area from July 2000 to July 2001,determinations of mean fluxes showed that CO2 and N2O were generally released from the soil,while the alpine grassland accounted for a weak CH4 sink.Fluxes of CO2,CH4 and N2O ranged widely.The highest CO2 emission occurred in August,whereas almost 90?of the whole year emission occurred in the growing season.But the variations of CH4 and N2O fluxes did not show any clear patterns over the one-year-experiment.During a daily variation,the maximum CO2 emission occurred at 16:00,and then decreased to the minimum emission in the early morning.Daily pattern analyses indicated that the variation in CO2 fluxes was positively related to air temperatures(R^2=0.73)and soil temperatures at a depth of 5 cm(R^2=0.86),whereas daily variations in CH4 and N2O fluxes were poorly explained by soil temperatures and climatic variables.CO2 emissions in this area were much lower than other grasslands in plain areas.  相似文献   

Household CO2 emissions were increasing due to rapid economic growth and different household lifestyle. We assessed per capita household CO2 emissions (PHCEs) based on different household consuming demands (including clothing, food, residence, transportation and service) by using provincial capital city level survey data in China. The results showed that: (1) there was a declining trend moving from eastward to westward as well as moving from northward to southward in the distribution of PHCEs. (2) PHCEs from residence demand were the largest which accounted for 44% of the total. (3) Correlation analysis and spatial analysis (Spatial Lag Model (SLM) and Spatial Error Model (SEM)) were used to evaluate the complex determinants of PHCEs. Per capita income (PI) and household size (HS) were analyzed as the key influencing factors. We concluded that PHCEs would increase by 0.2951% and decrease by 0.5114% for every 1% increase in PI and HS, respectively. According to the results, policy-makers should consider household consuming demand, income disparity and household size on the variations of PHCEs. The urgency was to improve technology and change household consuming lifestyle to reduce PHCEs.  相似文献   

巴丹吉林最高沙山区CO2浓度与昼夜变化规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为查明沙漠区CO2浓度和对大气CO2的影响以及在全球碳循环中的作用,利用红外CO2监测仪,在2009年5月对全球最高大的巴丹吉林诺尔图东大沙山等进行了17个钻孔CO2浓度的昼夜观测。结果表明,巴丹吉林大沙山不同观测点CO2浓度差异较大,各观测点CO2浓度变化在0.01%~0.075%之间;夜间沙层CO2浓度低,白天CO2浓度高;CO2浓度昼夜变化明显,从早7时到次日7时1~5m各深度CO2浓度均呈现由低到高再到低的变化规律;在24h内,沙层CO2浓度变化存在4个转折点,分别出现在凌晨5时、11时、18时和21时左右。在沙层水分一定的条件下,昼夜温度变化是造成沙层CO2浓度昼夜规律变化的主要原因,两者呈正相关关系;含水量较高的沙层CO2浓度明显高于含水量较低的沙层;5m深度以上沙层CO2浓度均高于地表空气CO2浓度,表明极端干旱的高大沙山区是CO2的来源区,也指示环境恶劣的裸露高大沙山区微生物活动产生的沙层CO2浓度仍然超过了大气CO2浓度。  相似文献   

针对耕地非农转化过程中产生的一系列社会问题,采用参与性农户调查方法,对西部欠发达地区西宁市郊区5个样本村190户农户进行了随机入户调查。根据城市开发进程、到市区距离和种植类型等条件,将调查样本村分为近郊城区化农村、近郊农村和远郊农村,就农户对耕地非农转换的基本认知及耕地非农转换的经济、社会和环境价值感知进行分析。结果表明:耕地征用后农户能理性感知和判别耕地非农转换价值,并普遍认为失去耕地后生活费用增加、生活保障降低、收入来源和就业机会少;感知主要受耕地数量、区位条件、耕地开发阶段等因素的影响;处于不同区位条件的农户对耕地非农转换的价值感知存在差异性,城区化农户已逐渐适应城市生活,近郊农户的非农转换经济和社会感知压力最大,远郊农民也感知经济和生活保障压力,但更希望能通过打工增加收入。  相似文献   

Spatial variation in soil surface CO2 efflux was measured in a stand of Populus euphratica in the Ejina Oasis of desert riparian forest in the extreme arid region in northwestern China from April 2007 through October 2007.Measurements were taken with a gas-exchange analyzer linked to a soil-respiration chamber.The mean soil CO2 efflux in the stand was 2.71 μmol/(m2·s) during the growing season and 1.38 μmol/(m2·s) in the nongrowing season.The seasonal maximum (end of May through early June) andminimum (October) CO2 efflux were 3.38 and 0.69 μmol/(m2·s),respectively.The diurnal fluctuation of CO2 efflux was relatively small (< 20 percent),with theminimum appearing around 05:00 and the maximum around 15:00.Linear regression analysis showed soil-surface CO2 efflux to be most highly correlated with soil temperature (R2=0.435) and soil moisture (R2=0.213).When all variables were considered simultaneously,only soil temperature (R2=0.378),soil moisture (R2=0.147),and root volume density (R2=0.021) explained a significant amount of variance in soil surface CO2 efflux.Stand volumes were not correlated with soil CO2 efflux on our sites.  相似文献   

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