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Bounds of Hashin-Shtrikman type and self-consistent estimates for the overall properties of composites, which may be anisotropic, are developed. Bodies containing aligned ellipsoidal inclusions are considered particularly, generalizing previously known results. The overall thermal conductivity of a body containing aligned spheroidal inclusions is discussed as an example including, as limiting cases, bodies containing highly-conducting aligned needles and bodies containing aligned pennyshaped cracks.  相似文献   

A meshfree multiscale method is presented for efficient analysis of elastoplastic solids. In the analysis of softening elastoplastic solids, standard finite element methods or meshfree methods typically yield mesh-dependent results. The reason for this well-known effect is the loss of ellipticity of the boundary value problem. In this work, the scale decomposition is carried out based on a variational form of the problem. A coarse scale is designed to represent global behavior and a fine scale to represent local behavior. A fine scale region is detected from the local failure analysis of an acoustic tensor to indicate a region where deformation changes abruptly. Each scale variable is approximated using a meshfree method. Meshfree approximation is well-suited for adaptivity. As a method of increasing the resolution, a partition of unity based extrinsic enrichment is used. In particular, fine scale approximations are designed to appropriately represent local behavior by using a localization angle. Moreover, the regularization effect through the convexification of non-convex potential is embedded to represent fine scale behavior. Each scale problem is solved iteratively. The proposed method is applied to shear band problems. In the results of analysis about pure shear and compression problems, straight shear bands can be captured and mesh-insensitive results are obtained. Curved shear bands can also be captured without mesh dependency in the analysis of indentation problem.  相似文献   

Exact closed-form solutions are derived that completely characterize the effective behavior of a composite material made of elastic-perfectly plastic parallel plane layers perfectly bonded together. The derivation is framed within a rigorous theory of homogenization for elastoplastic composites, and based on the fundamental fact that the in-plane part of the strain tensor and the out-of-plane part of the stress tensor are uniform throughout the composite provided no free-edge effects occur. The obtained expressions are coordinate-free and valid in the general anisotropic case. As an example, a layered composite material with isotropic constituents is examined in detail.  相似文献   

This paper describes a methodology for evaluation of influence of microscopic uncertainty in material properties and geometry of a microstructure on a homogenized macroscopic elastic property of an inhomogeneous material. For the analysis of the stochastic characteristics of a homogenized elastic property, the first-order perturbation method is used. In order to analyze the influence of microscopic geometrical uncertainty, the perturbation-based equivalent inclusion method is formulated. In this paper, an analytical form of the perturbation term using the equivalent inclusion method is provided.As a numerical example, macroscopic stochastic characteristics such as an expected value or variance of the homogenized elastic tensor of a unidirectional fiber reinforced plastic, which is caused by microscopic uncertainty in material properties or geometry of a microstructure, are estimated with computing the first order perturbation term of the homogenized elastic tensor. Compared the results of the proposed method with the results of the Monte-Carlo simulation, validity, effectiveness and a limitation of the perturbation-based homogenization method is investigated.  相似文献   

空心玻璃微珠(hollow glass microballon,简称HGM)填充复合材料称为复合泡沫材料,近来已被广泛应用在工业中。利用RSA(Random Sequential Adsorption)方法生成了含不同体积比的HGMs填充代表体元模型,然后用有限元方法计算得出了材料的应力-应变关系,将材料属性简化为双线性随动强化模型,分析了HGM填充比、壁厚对材料的有效弹性常数、屈服极限的影响,并分析了材料内部细观应力场和塑性应变分布情况。结果发现,HGM壁厚比对材料有效弹性模量和屈服极限的增减起着决定性作用,而对于任意填充模式来说,其比模量和比强度总是大于纯树脂,这一点体现了该材料轻质的优良特性。材料基体的应力集中部位分布以及塑性应变区域的分布也取决于HGM的壁厚比。  相似文献   

Based on a modified Hellinger/Reissner variational principle which includes the equivalent stress, equivalent plastic strain and non-conforming displacement increments as independent variables, a quadrilateral isoparametric hybrid stress element for the analysis of elastoplastic problem is proposed. By this formulation, the yield criterion and flow rule are satisfied in an average sense and greater accuracy can be obtained by using non-conforming displacement. A numerical example is presented to show that the present model has high accuracy and computational effectiveness.This project is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of the State Education Commission.  相似文献   

A new method of determining elastoplastic properties of a beam from an experimentally given value T?T(φ) of torque (or torsional rigidity), during the quasistatic process of torsion, given by the angle of twist φ∈[φ*,φ*], is proposed. The mathematical model leads to the inverse problem of determining the unknown coefficient g=g(ξ2), ξ?|∇u|, of the non-linear differential equation −∇(g(|∇u|2)∇u)=2φ, xΩR2. The inversion method is based on the parametrization of the unknown coefficient, according to the discrete values of the gradient ξ?|∇u|. Within the range of J2-deformation theory, it is shown that the considered inverse coefficient problem is an ill-conditioned one. A numerical reconstruction algorithm based on parametrization of the unknown coefficient g=g(ξ2), with optimal selection of the experimentally given data Tm?T(φm), is proposed as a new regularization scheme for the considered inverse problem. Numerical results with noise free and noisy data illustrate applicability and high accuracy of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper describes the details of a novel procedure called the cure-referencing method (CRM) to measure the strains associated with residual stresses on the surface of composite panels. The CRM involves the replication of diffraction gratings onto the surface of composite specimens during the autoclave during cycle. Residual strains associated with the curing process are measured using moiré interferometry at room temperature after the specimens have been taken out of the autoclave. The procedures for both the grating replication and the moiré interferometry experiment are described in detail. A method of high-temperature moiré interferometry was developed to resolve the residual strains due to thermal expansion from those due to chemical matrix shrinkage and stress relaxation. These procedures are demonstrated on unidirectional and multidirectional laminates and on woven textile composites.  相似文献   

Many composites consist of a fabric structure embedded in a matrix material. As an example, in the present paper, the case of pneumatic membranes is considered. Fibres are often made of material which shows noticeable plastic deformation. The stiffness of the fibres determines the overall stiffness of the material such that the correct modelling of the orthotropy of the composite is very important. In addition, the structure experiences large deformations which must be accounted for. Suitable models for this type of materials are therefore derived in the framework of finite anisotropic plasticity. A main problem is, however, the lack of experimental data in the literature. For this reason, a computer model of the composite is set up for numerical experiments. In this way, sufficient data can be generated. The present continuum mechanical model based on these “artificial” test data can be efficiently implemented into a finite element formulation. Using a special integration algorithm, the non-linear equation system consisting initially of 10 equations reduces to two non-linear scalar equations.  相似文献   

In this paper, elastoplastic stress-strain behavior during tensile deformation of an aluminum alloy matrix composite containing alumina circular and non-circular particles is analyzed. In terms of cell models in conjunction with continuum plasticity theory, various periodic arrays of particles are assumed in a three-dimensional finite element simulation. The geometrical effects of particle volume fraction, shape, aspect ratio, array and distribution, as well as non-circular particle orientation on the overall elastoplastic stress-strain behavior are examined in view to design optimum microstructures of the composites. The project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the State Education Commission of China  相似文献   

This study deals with three-scale composite materials comprised of nonlinear constituents. At the meso scale the composite can be considered as locally homogeneous with a macroscopic spatial variation of the constituents volume fraction. When these variations about a mean value are small, a Taylor expansion to second-order of the effective properties of the composite with respect to the fluctuations is given. This expansion can be used to discuss the beneficial or deleterious effects of clusters of inhomogeneities. It can also be used to derive new upper and lower bounds for the effective properties of nonlinear composites from dilute results. To cite this article: P. Suquet, C. R. Mecanique 333 (2005).  相似文献   

Counter flows of a viscoelastic fluid described by the rheological Oldroyd model in crossshaped channels are investigated. The modeling is based on the pressure correction method in a convenient-in-use form and with a simple topology of the computation grid and formally proved convergence. It is shown that, starting from certain threshold values of the Weissenberg numbers, the flow pattern in the stabilization stage exhibits considerable changes following two different mechanisms, depending on the Reynolds number. In particular, at low Reynolds numbers (less than 0.1) the flows involve vortex-like structures near the central point, where at the same time anomalies in normal stress distributions are observable. The similarity of these structures with the elastic instability phenomena, which were previously observed in the experimental realizations of the counter flows of this type and in other processes, is shown. To demonstrate the numerical procedure convergence, the results of calculations with different computation grid steps varied on a wide range are presented. In the context of the problem considered the general features of elastic instability are discussed.  相似文献   

A finite element method is proposed for the analysis of density flow which is induced by a difference of density. The method employs the idea that density variation can be pursued by using markers distributed in the flow field. For the numerical integration scheme, the velocity correction method is successfully used, introducing a potential for the correction of velocity. This method is useful because one can use linear interpolation functions for velocity, pressure and potential based on the triangular finite element. The final equations can be formulated using the quasi-explicit finite element method. A flume in a tank with sloping bottom has been analysed by the present method. The computed results show extremely good agreement with the experimental observations.  相似文献   

The problem of recovering the plasticity function of non-linear Lame equation from the knowledge of penetration diagram is considered. Mathematical modelling of the identification problem leads to an inverse Signorini problem for a non-linear operator with a non-local additional condition (measured data). Using a variational method coefficient stability in H1 is proved. Then based on this result, the existence of a quasisolution is obtained in a physically admissible class of coefficients. The numerical method and examples are also presented.  相似文献   

Torsion rods are a primary component of many power transmission and other mechanical systems. The behavior of these rods under elastoplastic torsion is of major concern for designers. Different methods have so far been proposed which deal with the elastoplastic torsion of rods, most of which assume constant yield stress. This assumption produces rough and inaccurate results when the rods are heat treated, since in the process of heat treatment the form of yield stress distribution across the rod cross section changes. We propose a new method for calculating elastoplastic torsion of rods of simply connected cross section which is based on heat treatment observations. In our method the full plastic stress function is obtained by using the semi-inverse method. Elastoplastic stress function is obtained by generalizing the idea of the membrane analogy and using a piecewise continuous stress function. Since the proposed form of yield stress distribution can not be handled by the current Finite Element packages, we produce a computer package with a 3D graphical interface capable of calculating and displaying the 3D elastoplastic stress function, shear stress contours, and torque-angle of rotation per unit length. We show that our method produces excellent agreement for several known cross sections in comparison to methods which assume constant yield stress.  相似文献   

In this paper, a series of effective formulae of the boundary element method is presented. In these formulae, by using a new variable two kernels are only of the weaker singularity of Lnr (where r is the distance between a source point and a field point). Hence, the singularities in the conventional displacement formulation and stress formulation at internal points are reduced respectively so that the "boundary-layer" effect which strongly degenerates the accuracy of stress calculation by using original formulae is eliminated. Also the direct evaluation of coefficients C (boundary tensor), which are difficult to calculate, is avoided. This method is used in elastoplastic analysis. The results of the numerical investigation demonstrate the potential advantages of this method.  相似文献   

Digital image correlation is finding wider use in the field of mechanics. One area of weakness in the current technique is the lack of available displacement gradient terms. This technique, based on a coarse-fine search method, is capable of calculating the gradients. However the speed at which it does so has prevented widespread use. Presented in this paper is the development and limited experimental verification of a method which can determine displacements and gradients using the Newton-Raphson method of partial corrections. It will be shown that this method is accurate in determining displacements and certain gradients, while using significantly less CPU time than the current coarse-fine search method. Paper was presented at the 1988 SEM Spring Conference on Experimental Mechanics held in Portland, OR on June 5–10.  相似文献   

The process of deformation in a medium of the kind of rock-soil is a dynamic process, because there is osmosis-solidification resulting in elastic-plastic deformation. In this paper, the parametric variational method and corresponding FEM are established for dealing with this problem. The problem is reduced to solving a quadratic programming problem with restrictive conditions (constitutive state equations). The choice of element form and the specific process of implementation are discussed. Two examples are given.  相似文献   

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