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C Miller  E Moczydlowski  R Latorre  M Phillips 《Nature》1985,313(6000):316-318
The recent development of techniques for recording currents through single ionic channels has led to the identification of a K+-specific channel that is activated by cytoplasmic Ca2+. The channel has complex properties, being activated by depolarizing voltages and having a voltage-sensitivity that is modulated by cytoplasmic Ca2+ levels. The conduction behaviour of the channel is also unusual, its high ionic selectivity being displayed simultaneously with a very high unitary conductance. Very little is known about the biochemistry of this channel, largely due to the lack of a suitable ligand for use as a biochemical probe for the channel. We describe here a protein inhibitor of single Ca2+-activated K+ channels of mammalian skeletal muscle. This inhibitor, a minor component of the venom of the Israeli scorpion, Leiurus quinquestriatus, reversibly blocks the large Ca2+-activated K+ channel in a simple biomolecular reaction. We have partially purified the active component, a basic protein of relative molecular mass (Mr) approximately 7,000.  相似文献   

D Vestweber  J Brunner  A Baker  G Schatz 《Nature》1989,341(6239):205-209
An engineered precursor protein that sticks in the import site of isolated yeast mitochondria can be specifically photo-crosslinked to a mitochondrial outer-membrane protein of relative molecular mass 42,000 (42K). This protein (termed import-site protein 42 or ISP 42) is exposed on the mitochondrial surface; antibodies against it block protein import into mitochondria. ISP 42 is the first identified component of the putative transmembrane machinery that imports proteins into mitochondria.  相似文献   

Possible role for fatty acyl-coenzyme A in intracellular protein transport   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
B S Glick  J E Rothman 《Nature》1987,326(6110):309-312
The transport of proteins between subcellular compartments is a vectorial, energy-requiring process mediated by the budding and fusion of a series of vesicular carriers. As yet, nothing is known of the chemical reactions that underlie these events, or how or in exactly what forms energy is used to sustain such movements. Here we report that fatty acyl-CoA acts as cofactor to a Golgi-associated protein factor (termed NSF) that is required for transport between cisternae of the Golgi stack in a cell-free system. This previously unsuspected connection may offer a link between the complex process of protein transport and a single, well-defined type of chemical reaction. We suggest that an ATP-dependent cycle of fatty acylation and deacylation may play an important role in driving rounds of vectorial protein transport.  相似文献   

An essential role for a phospholipid transfer protein in yeast Golgi function   总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51  
V A Bankaitis  J R Aitken  A E Cleves  W Dowhan 《Nature》1990,347(6293):561-562
Progression of proteins through the secretory pathway of eukaryotic cells involves a continuous rearrangement of macromolecular structures made up of proteins and phospholipids. The protein SEC14p is essential for transport of proteins from the yeast Golgi complex. Independent characterization of the SEC14 gene and the PIT1 gene, which encodes a phosphatidylinositol/phosphatidylcholine transfer protein in yeast, indicated that these two genes are identical. Phospholipid transfer proteins are a class of cytosolic proteins that are ubiquitous among eukaryotic cells and are distinguished by their ability to catalyse the exchange of phospholipids between membranes in vitro. We show here that the SEC14 and PIT1 genes are indeed identical and that the growth phenotype of a sec14-1ts mutant extends to the inability of its transfer protein to effect phospholipid transfer in vitro. These results therefore establish for the first time an in vivo function for a phospholipid transfer protein, namely a role in the compartment-specific stimulation of protein secretion.  相似文献   

A role for Saccharomyces cerevisiae histone H2A in DNA repair   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Downs JA  Lowndes NF  Jackson SP 《Nature》2000,408(6815):1001-1004

A role for the two-helix finger of the SecA ATPase in protein translocation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Erlandson KJ  Miller SB  Nam Y  Osborne AR  Zimmer J  Rapoport TA 《Nature》2008,455(7215):984-987
An important step in the biosynthesis of many proteins is their partial or complete translocation across the plasma membrane in prokaryotes or the endoplasmic reticulum membrane in eukaryotes. In bacteria, secretory proteins are generally translocated after completion of their synthesis by the interaction of the cytoplasmic ATPase SecA and a protein-conducting channel formed by the SecY complex. How SecA moves substrates through the SecY channel is unclear. However, a recent structure of a SecA-SecY complex raises the possibility that the polypeptide chain is moved by a two-helix finger domain of SecA that is inserted into the cytoplasmic opening of the SecY channel. Here we have used disulphide-bridge crosslinking to show that the loop at the tip of the two-helix finger of Escherichia coli SecA interacts with a polypeptide chain right at the entrance into the SecY pore. Mutagenesis demonstrates that a tyrosine in the loop is particularly important for translocation, but can be replaced by some other bulky, hydrophobic residues. We propose that the two-helix finger of SecA moves a polypeptide chain into the SecY channel with the tyrosine providing the major contact with the substrate, a mechanism analogous to that suggested for hexameric, protein-translocating ATPases.  相似文献   

Cho US  Xu W 《Nature》2007,445(7123):53-57
Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is a principal Ser/Thr phosphatase, the deregulation of which is associated with multiple human cancers, Alzheimer's disease and increased susceptibility to pathogen infections. How PP2A is structurally organized and functionally regulated remains unclear. Here we report the crystal structure of an AB'C heterotrimeric PP2A holoenzyme. The structure reveals that the HEAT repeats of the scaffold A subunit form a horseshoe-shaped fold, holding the catalytic C and regulatory B' subunits together on the same side. The regulatory B' subunit forms pseudo-HEAT repeats and interacts with the C subunit near the active site, thereby defining substrate specificity. The methylated carboxy-terminal tail of the C subunit interacts with a highly negatively charged region at the interface between A and B' subunits, suggesting that the C-terminal carboxyl methylation of the C subunit promotes B' subunit recruitment by neutralizing charge repulsion. Together, our structural results establish a crucial foundation for understanding PP2A assembly, substrate recruitment and regulation.  相似文献   

2K-H正号机构突出的优点是获得大传动比。特别在设计大传动比闭式行星传动时,其传动比计算公式更是重要的理论基础。为确定各轮最佳齿数运动方案,简化设计步骤,根据|iH1|值的大小,推出相应的计算公式。设计者使用很方便,有较高的实用价值。  相似文献   

S Huang  W H Lee  E Y Lee 《Nature》1991,350(6314):160-162
Tumour-suppressor genes, such as the human retinoblastoma susceptibility gene (Rb), are widely recognized as being vital in the control of cell growth and tumour formation. This role is indicated, in part, by the suppression of tumorigenicity of human tumour cells after retrovirus-mediated Rb replacement. How Rb acts to bring about this suppression is not clear but one clue is that the Rb protein forms complexes with the transforming oncoproteins of several DNA tumour viruses, and that two regions of Rb essential for such binding frequently contain mutations in tumour cells. These observations suggest that endogenous cellular proteins might exist that bind to the same regions of Rb and thereby mediate its function. We report here the identification of one such human cellular Rb-associated protein of relative molecular mass 46,000 (46K) (RbAP46). Two lines of evidence support the notion that RbAP46 and simian virus 40 T antigen have homologous Rb-binding properties: first, several mutated Rb proteins that failed to bind to T also did not associate with RbAP46; and second, both T antigen and T peptide (amino acids 101-118) were able to compete with RbAP46 for binding to Rb. The apparent targeting of the RbAP46-Rb interaction by oncoproteins of DNA tumour viruses strongly suggests that formation of this complex is functionally important.  相似文献   

针对北京大学超导加速器实验装置(PKU-SCAF)中两个9壳超导加速腔的冷却问题进行了研究.以抽真空与节流相结合为基础,给出了几种超流氦冷却循环方式;分析了这几种方式的流程机理和冷却特性.结果表明,采用带有低温换热器和低压换热器的冷却循环方式,整个超流氦冷却循环具有制冷效率高、系统功耗小等优点.给出了该冷却循环方式的低温冷却系统的温熵图.  相似文献   

主要探讨了施喻者在隐喻构建中的主体作用,强调人是隐喻的使用者,也是意义的构建者。探究隐喻及其意义的形成以及异隐喻性的客观存在,并对古希腊中各种哲学传统的隐喻研究进行了总结归纳。  相似文献   

A naturally immunogenic virion-associated protein specific for HIV-2 and SIV   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
X F Yu  S Ito  M Essex  T H Lee 《Nature》1988,335(6187):262-265
The genomic organization of HIV-1 and the family of HIV-2 and SIV viruses is similar. However, there is an open reading frame, orf-x, that is present in HIV-2 and SIV, but not in HIV-1. The extent of protein sequence conservation in orf-x between HIV-2ROD and SIVMAC suggests that this open reading frame encodes a gene that may be important for infectivity or replication. Here, we show that the orf-x products of SIVMAC and HIV-2SBL-6669 are virion-associated and that the introduction of a premature stop codon into orf-x, did not abrogate virus infectivity and replication in vitro. Antibody reactivity to the orf-x product was detected in 35 of 42 HIV-2 positive serum samples and 11 of 52 SIV seropositive monkeys. No such antibodies were detected in HIV-1 positive donors, blood donors seronegative for both HIV-2 and HIV-1, or SIV seronegative monkeys. This suggests that orf-x is dispensable for in vitro replication of SIVMAC and that the orf-x gene product of HIV-2 or its antibody can be used to distinguish HIV-2 from HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

A role for casein kinase 2alpha in the Drosophila circadian clock   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Lin JM  Kilman VL  Keegan K  Paddock B  Emery-Le M  Rosbash M  Allada R 《Nature》2002,420(6917):816-820

A new role for cryptochrome in a Drosophila circadian oscillator   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Krishnan B  Levine JD  Lynch MK  Dowse HB  Funes P  Hall JC  Hardin PE  Dryer SE 《Nature》2001,411(6835):313-317
Cryptochromes are flavin/pterin-containing proteins that are involved in circadian clock function in Drosophila and mice. In mice, the cryptochromes Cry1 and Cry2 are integral components of the circadian oscillator within the brain and contribute to circadian photoreception in the retina. In Drosophila, cryptochrome (CRY) acts as a photoreceptor that mediates light input to circadian oscillators in both brain and peripheral tissue. A Drosophila cry mutant, cryb, leaves circadian oscillator function intact in central circadian pacemaker neurons but renders peripheral circadian oscillators largely arrhythmic. Although this arrhythmicity could be caused by a loss of light entrainment, it is also consistent with a role for CRY in the oscillator. A peripheral oscillator drives circadian olfactory responses in Drosophila antennae. Here we show that CRY contributes to oscillator function and physiological output rhythms in the antenna during and after entrainment to light-dark cycles and after photic input is eliminated by entraining flies to temperature cycles. These results demonstrate a photoreceptor-independent role for CRY in the periphery and imply fundamental differences between central and peripheral oscillator mechanisms in Drosophila.  相似文献   

H2株甲肝减毒活疫苗K7的核苷酸全序列分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
应用RT-PCR获取H2株甲肝减毒活疫苗(K7)的cDNA片段,经末端终止测序PCR试剂盒和全自动测序仪(ABI377)作序列测定,用Maxtrigene软件进行计算机分析,K7疫苗病毒的核苷酸全长含7443个碱基.K7对比其亲代H2株,减毒的HM175株以及HM175野毒株,同源性分别为99.75%,99.95%和99.61%;彼此间在P1和P2连接区168个碱基的同源性为99.4%~100%,均为ⅠB基因亚型.前三者在5’非编码区均有131~134位和203位5个碱基缺失,且结构蛋白基因区序列完全一致.本文用分子病毒学方法证实了K7疫苗的优异纯毒水平,也为开展甲型肝炎分子流行病学工作提供了基础资料  相似文献   

Lilley BN  Ploegh HL 《Nature》2004,429(6994):834-840
After insertion into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), proteins that fail to fold there are destroyed. Through a process termed dislocation such misfolded proteins arrive in the cytosol, where ubiquitination, deglycosylation and finally proteasomal proteolysis dispense with the unwanted polypeptides. The machinery involved in the extraction of misfolded proteins from the ER is poorly defined. The human cytomegalovirus-encoded glycoproteins US2 and US11 catalyse the dislocation of class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) products, resulting in their rapid degradation. Here we show that US11 uses its transmembrane domain to recruit class I MHC products to a human homologue of yeast Der1p, a protein essential for the degradation of a subset of misfolded ER proteins. We show that this protein, Derlin-1, is essential for the degradation of class I MHC molecules catalysed by US11, but not by US2. We conclude that Derlin-1 is an important factor for the extraction of certain aberrantly folded proteins from the mammalian ER.  相似文献   

Although activated human T and B lymphocytes express both high-affinity and low-affinity membrane receptors for interleukin-2 (IL-2), the structural features that distinguish these receptors have remained unresolved. The high-affinity receptors appear to mediate IL-2 induced T cell growth and internalization of IL-2, whereas no function has yet been ascribed to the low-affinity receptors. The Tac antigen is an IL-2 binding protein of relative molecular mass 55,000 (Mr 55K) that participates in the formation of both high- and low-affinity receptors. But Tac complementary DNA transfection and membrane fusion studies have suggested that additional T-cell components are required to produce high-affinity IL-2 receptors. In this study, we report the identification of a second human IL-2 binding protein that (1) has an Mr of approximately 70K, (2) lacks reactivity with the anti-Tac antibody, (3) binds IL-2 with intermediate affinity and (4) is present on the surface of resting T cells, large granular lymphocytes (natural killer cells), and certain T and B cell lines in the absence of the Tac antigen. Chemical crosslinking of 125I-labelled IL-2 bound to high-affinity IL-2 receptors produces labelling of both the p70 protein and the Tac antigen and the anti-Tac antibody blocks the crosslink detection of both of these proteins. Expression of Tac cDNA in a T cell line expressing the p70 protein, but lacking both Tac and high-affinity receptors, results in the reconstitution of high-affinity IL-2 receptors in these cells. Together, these findings suggest that the high-affinity human IL-2 receptor may be a membrane complex composed of at least the p70 protein and Tac antigen.  相似文献   

Synapsin I is a synaptic vesicle-associated phosphoprotein that is involved in the modulation of neurotransmitter release. Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II, which phosphorylates two sites in the carboxy-terminal region of synapsin I, causes synapsin I to dissociate from synaptic vesicles and increases neurotransmitter release. Conversely, the dephosphorylated form of synapsin I, but not the form phosphorylated by Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II, inhibits neurotransmitter release. The amino-terminal region of synapsin I interacts with membrane phospholipids, whereas the C-terminal region binds to a protein component of synaptic vesicles. Here we demonstrate that the binding of the C-terminal region of synapsin I involves the regulatory domain of a synaptic vesicle-associated form of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II. Our results indicate that this form of the kinase functions both as a binding protein for synapsin I, and as an enzyme that phosphorylates synapsin I and promotes its dissociation from the vesicles.  相似文献   

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